Historical photographs of Columbia Basin Project and other dams constructed in the Pacific Northwest, 1933-1965
Date: 1941-08-26dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-28farmers in Washington statefarm developmentWashington (State)
Date: 1940-06-20dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-05-26dams in Washington (state)riverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1940-10-07power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-09-13Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountySoap Lake
Date: 1934-06-29dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1961Army Corps of Engineers (U.S.)engineer recruitment programUnited States
Date: 1941-06-30dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-10-11Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyLittle Soap Lake
Date: 1950-05-12Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1940-09-09power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-06-02Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectequipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyWheeler
Date: 1942-05-22dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)
Date: 1936-11-01dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-10-11Columbia Basin Reclamation ProjectCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1962-05-09dams in Washington (state)engineer recruitment programWashington (State)Walla Walla CountyHumorist
Date: 1940-06-28dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)
Date: 1949-09-30Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyWheeler
Date: 1949-10-06canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1949-06-27canal construction workersfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin County
Date: 1937-05-07employee housingemployee housingWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-07-26dam constructionscale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-03-14Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyPasco
Date: 1940-12-07dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1965dams in Idahoengineer recruitment programIdahoClearwater CountyAhsahka
Date: 1949-10-05canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1943-06-08power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-09-17potato leafroll disease in Washington statefarm developmentWashington (State)Grant CountyMoses Lake
Date: 1949-05-16dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1942-11-28power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-06-26dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-11-30dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-11-09Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)
Date: 1933Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1964dams in Idahoengineer recruitment programIdahoClearwater CountyAhsahka
Date: 1950-07-17dam constructionconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1947-10-01Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1950-04-10Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyWinchester
Date: 1948-04-07Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1947-07-17canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1934-04-02dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-07Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1949-03-25power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1941-02-11dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)
Date: 1947-03-15Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyColumbia Point
Date: 1950-11-08canal construction workersfarm developmentWashington (State)
Date: 1950-09-25dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1962dams in U.S. Westengineer recruitment programWashington (State)Klickitat CountyRufus
Date: 1941-06-04power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-08-24dam constructionriverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1964dam constructionengineer recruitment programWashington (State)Whitman CountyColton
Date: 1949-04-26dams in Washington (state)riverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1938-07-26dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-05-22dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1938-02-01concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1950-07-17Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountySoap Lake
Date: 1949-10-11dams in Washington (state)construction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1938-07-26Columbia Basin Reclamation ProjectCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1942-07-15power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1943-08-30canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1950-05-16Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)
Date: 1950-10-31Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyBassett Junction
Date: 1938dams (design and construction)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-28Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyColumbia Point
Date: 1950-06-16Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1947-09-17potato industry in Washington statefarm developmentWashington (State)Grant CountyMoses Lake
Date: 1938-08-19concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1941-05-09dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-03-24dam constructionriverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1942-09-16seismology in Washington stateequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-01-28dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1964dam constructionengineer recruitment programWashington (State)Asotin CountyAsotin
Date: 1948-08-26Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyWheeler
Date: 1941-08-21dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1965aerial viewsengineer recruitment programOregonGilliam CountyArlington
Date: 1965Army Corps of Engineers (U.S.)engineer recruitment programUnited States
Date: 1965dams in U.S. Westengineer recruitment programWashington (State)Klickitat CountyRufus
Date: 1949-04-06dams in Washington (state)construction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyTumtum
Date: 1940-04-10power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-08-04canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1949-05-10drill bitsequipment failuresWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1940-06-21dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-10-28dams (core sampling)canal lining and constructionWashington (State)
Date: 1939-03-31concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1949-11-18concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1948-09-15canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1950-04-17farm equipmentfarm developmentWashington (State)
Date: 1950-05-17canal construction workerscanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1947-07-23Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1944-03-20dams (maintenance and repair)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-09-18Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountySoap Lake
Date: 1938-11-03dams (design and construction)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1941-01-22power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-12-03dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1964dams in Washington (state)engineer recruitment programWashington (State)Walla Walla CountyHumorist
Date: 1947-06-26Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-09-21Coulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-07-31dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-09-02canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Franklin CountyBasin City
Date: 1946-12-19dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyCoulee City
Date: 1948-07-19Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyEphrata
Date: 1949-10-17canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1949-10-16canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1941-02-17dams in Washington (state)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-11-09canals (Washington state)construction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1935-08-02dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-09-12dam constructionriverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-06-21canal construction workersequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)
Date: 1948-07-16dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyElectric City
Date: 1950-03-21Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1949-09-08dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-03-23dam constructionriverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1939-06-06dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-07-23Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1948-03-26dam constructionconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1949-05-25dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1949-12-14dams in Washington (state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1947-06-28power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1944-06-09dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1946-06-26dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1933-12-14dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-09-09dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-06-21canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1949-09-28dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1934-03-02dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-10-16dams (design and construction)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1938-01-04concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1949-09-21dams in Washington (state)Coulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1960Army Corps of Engineers (U.S.)engineer recruitment programUnited States
Date: 1941-09-10power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-08-07power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-05-09dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-06-21Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1946-12-05Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountySoap Lake
Date: 1950-07-14dams in Washington (state)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1965dams in Washington (state)engineer recruitment program
Date: 1942-02-23power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-03-02concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1950-05-09Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1945-01-02power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-09-09canal construction workersconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1948-09-01Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)
Date: 1949-06-27canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1946-07-23dams in Washington (state)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-06-16Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1940-01-10dam constructionpowerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-08-12Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Grant CountyMoses Lake
Date: 1938-02-01dams (design and construction)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1947-03-10power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1935-08-21dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-06-17power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-10-23dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-06-27power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-01-21dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-10-06dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-05-22dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-05-26canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1947-07-17Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1965aerial viewsengineer recruitment programOregonMorrow CountyBoardman
Date: 1941-10-15dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-05-22canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1965dam constructionengineer recruitment program
Date: 1937-04dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-03-18dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)
Date: 1950-09-20dams in Washington (state)employee housingWashington (State)Okanogan CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-07-14canal construction workerscanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyWinchester
Date: 1940-03-16weldingscale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1943-05-26power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-03-01power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1938concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1939dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-05-14dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1940-03-07concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1950-03-21Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1949-04-26canal construction workersriverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-09-08canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyStratford
Date: 1941-04-03dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1945-06-15dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1933dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-10-20Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1941-01-21power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1964rivers in Washington stateengineer recruitment programWashington (State)Walla Walla County
Date: 1964dams in Washington (state)engineer recruitment programWashington (State)Whitman CountyLaCrosse
Date: 1960John Day region (Oregon)engineer recruitment programOregonGilliam CountyArlington
Date: 1947-07-23Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyCoulee City
Date: 1939-09-02Columbia Basin Reclamation ProjectCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1934dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1960aerial viewsengineer recruitment programOregonGilliam County
Date: 1941-02-14power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1966dams in U.S. Westengineer recruitment programWashington (State)Benton CountyMcNary
Date: 1941-08-20dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-09-24canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1950-06-22Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Franklin CountyBasin City
Date: 1949-07-19Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyLittle Soap Lake
Date: 1941-01-25power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-07-23Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-11-28dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1950-09-22Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyBassett Junction
Date: 1941-08-05ship propulsion (U.S. history, 20th century)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1949-05-04canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyCoulee City
Date: 1947-10-21dams in Washington (state)Coulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1937-04-29dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-28Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1965rivers in Oregonengineer recruitment programOregonUnion CountyLa Grande
Date: 1944-06-03rock formations in U.S. Westscale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1950-09-27dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-05-03Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1950-05-31dams in Washington (state)construction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyO'Sullivan Dam
Date: 1960dams in U.S. Westengineer recruitment programWashington (State)Klickitat CountyRufus
Date: 1941-12-29dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-04-25dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-07-19Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyColumbia Point
Date: 1949-05-25canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-04canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1948-11-22canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1940-02-29dam constructionpowerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-03-24Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1940-12-05dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1946-10-10Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Grant CountyWheeler
Date: 1948-07-15dams in Washington (state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-09-14canal construction workersconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1949-06-28Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectequipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyEphrata
Date: 1948-11-09canal construction workersfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin County
Date: 1950-03-03Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1949-05-03dams in Washington (state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1949-09-15Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1950-04-11canal construction workersfarm developmentWashington (State)Grant CountyWheeler
Date: 1947-08-13Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)
Date: 1942-08-21power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-04Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1950-09-14canal construction workersconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyWheeler
Date: 1944-08-16dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-04-26canal construction workersriverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)
Date: 1950-09-03Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyEphrata
Date: 1941-03-06dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1942-04-28dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-01-02dam constructionpowerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-06-28dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-09-08dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyStratford
Date: 1938-09-27Columbia Basin Reclamation ProjectCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-10Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1950-03-31dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountySoap Lake
Date: 1950-05-08Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1940-07-26concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1936-11-09dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1938-03-08concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1941-08-21power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-28dams in Washington (state)employee housingWashington (State)Adams CountyOthello
Date: 1950-05-02dams in Washington (state)employee housingWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-06-25dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)
Date: 1947-04-02Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyColumbia Point
Date: 1947-10-21Columbia Basin Reclamation ProjectCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-10-05canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyTumtum
Date: 1940-08-01power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-06-01dams in Washington (state)Coulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1943-02-15power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-08-30Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyWheeler
Date: 1950-04-27Columbia Basin Reclamation ProjectCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1948-09-08canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyTumtum
Date: 1949-07-01canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1941-03-03dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-06-19canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1950-09-24dams in Washington (state)Coulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-08-16power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyElectric City
Date: 1940-12-31dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-11-09power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1938-11-02rock formations in U.S. Westscale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1934-04-03dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-09-28dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-01-05Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)
Date: 1949-10-26Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyWinchester
Date: 1941-07-15dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1942-02-02power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1938-09-04employee tennis courtsemployee tennis courtsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-05-20Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyTumtum
Date: 1941-01-29power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-10-05Pasco, Washingtonequipment failuresWashington (State)Franklin CountyColumbia Point
Date: 1946-10-16dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-06-15Columbia Basin Reclamation ProjectCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1949-06-08dams in Washington (state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1947-07-09dams in Washington (state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1936-07-30dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-04-21dams in Washington (state)employee housingWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-10-20canal construction workersfarm developmentWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1947-07-30dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-04-10dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1936-08dam constructionsite preparationWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-09-02dams in Washington (state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-09-26drill bitsequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)
Date: 1940-09-25power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-06-02dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)
Date: 1948-11-22Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1950-05-18Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyWinchester
Date: 1942-10-15power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-06-22Coulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-08-09Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1942-07-13dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-07-22dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1942-07-11power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1960dams in U.S. Westengineer recruitment programUnited States
Date: 1944-11-24power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-07-21dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-07-11dams in Washington (state)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-05-21Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)
Date: 1948-10-08canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1950-10-24dams in Washington (state)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-09-22canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyBassett Junction
Date: 1941-07-04dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-09-08Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)
Date: 1947-05-26canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1941-07-05power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1942-02-23power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1960reservoirs in Idahoengineer recruitment programIdahoAda CountyLucky Peak Dam
Date: 1940-10-07concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1950-08-28Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)
Date: 1948-05-04dams in Washington (state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-04-22canal construction workerscanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1948-08-17power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-05-31canals (Washington state)construction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyWheeler
Date: 1950-04-19government housingemployee housingWashington (State)
Date: 1940-10-24dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)
Date: 1960dam constructionengineer recruitment programWashington (State)
Date: 1950-03-05Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1965dam constructionengineer recruitment programWashington (State)Whitman CountyStarbuck
Date: 1942-09-05dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)
Date: 1943-05-22power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-06-15dam constructionCoulee Dam irrigation pumping plant and discharge pipesWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-12-29power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-06-21dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-04-04Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)
Date: 1940-06-03dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1948-05-24canal construction workersconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyTumtum
Date: 1950-10-02canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1949-03-17Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)
Date: 1949-11-18Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1948-05-04Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)
Date: 1943-03-23power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-08-04dam constructionequipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyO'Sullivan Dam
Date: 1943-02-24power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)equipment for construction, transportation, and maintenanceWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-06-28Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyPasco
Date: 1950-07-11canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1948-03-05canals (Washington state)riverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)
Date: 1941-02-05dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-03-13Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant CountyCoulee City
Date: 1948-07-01dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1941-05-05dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1942-11-25dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1940-06-12dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1947-06-09dam constructionconstruction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1939-01-20power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1944-11-29dam constructionriverbanks and slope protectionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-03-28dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Stevens CountyLong Lake
Date: 1941-05-22dams in Washington (state)employee housingWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1950-06-09canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1950-04-17Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1950-09-13Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1942-12-29power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)installation of turbines and generatorsWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1966John Day region (Oregon)engineer recruitment programOregonGilliam CountyNorth Shore
Date: 1950-03-24dam constructionconstruction methods and Long Lake damWashington (State)Grant CountyWinchester
Date: 1945-10-22dams in Washington (state)equipment failuresWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1949-06-27Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin County
Date: 1942-04-28power plants in Washington state (Grand Coulee Dam)powerhouse constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1942-09-28Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectequipment failuresWashington (State)Grant County
Date: 1950-05-08Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyWinchester
Date: 1950-06-02canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1950-04-28farm equipmentfarm developmentWashington (State)
Date: 1950-06-09canals (Washington state)construction of pipelines, syphons and tunnelsWashington (State)
Date: 1947-06-23Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyColumbia Point
Date: 1950-05-05Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectcanal lining and constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyQuincy
Date: 1947-09-06Columbia Basin Reclamation Projectfarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyColumbia Point
Date: 1949-08-24agriculturefarm developmentWashington (State)Franklin CountyColumbia Point
Date: 1941-03-31dam constructionspillway and drum gate constructionWashington (State)Grant CountyGrand Coulee Dam
Date: 1944concrete (evaluation)scale models, testing, and odditiesWashington (State)