How to Find Articles

This tutorial will show you how to find articles in the U of I Library. The database Academic Search Premier is used as an example.

1. Access Academic Search Premier

  • From the Library home page,, click Academic Search Premier under the catalog search bar and magnifying glass.
Navigate to Academic Search Premier
Navigate to Academic Search Premier
  • Sign in to your account using your U of I email and password.
The sign-in screen
The sign-in screen

2. Search for Articles

  • You can search by an article’s title, if you know what article you are looking for. If you don’t have a specific article in mind, you can search by keywords using a general keyword or two.

  • For example, when researching earworms, as in when you can’t get a song out of your head, you can use “earworms” as a keyword.

  • Type keywords earworms music brain in the search box. This is the same as using the Boolean phrase earworms AND music AND brain because the database automatically puts an AND in all capital letters between each word.

  • Click search after typing the keywords.

Academic Search Premier search screen
Academic Search Premier search screen
  • Here’s the results page:
Results page
Results page
  • Refine results by navigating to the “Refine Results” and “Limit To” sections to add filters to the search results. Check the box to narrow down the search to “Peer-Reviewed” journals and choose a specific date range if necessary.
Academic Search Premier search screen
Academic Search Premier search screen
  • The icons in the result list indicate what kind of publication the article is from.

    • Periodical In Academic Search Premier, periodical means popular magazine.

    • Academic journal Academic journal means a journal that publishes peer-reviewed scholarly articles.

    • News News means articles that have been published in a newspaper.

  • Find similar articles by clicking relevant subject terms to pull up all the other articles tagged with that term.

Article page
Article page

3. Find Full-Text Articles

  • Click the HTML, PDF or linked full text icon on the left to view the whole article.

  • A “check for full text availability” means the library may or may not have access to the full text online.

  • If the full-text is not available, it can be ordered for free from Interlibrary Loan. Once you are signed in to your library account, you can click “Request from Interlibrary Loan” to submit your request.

Request vie Interlibraryloan
Request vie Interlibraryloan
  • In this next example, the full article can be accessed under “View Online” when clicking “check for full text availability.”
View Online
View Online