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Unknown Oral History Interview Audio [03]

00;00;00;00 - Unknown Interviewee:: For or for that part of the gathered month? I don’t know what I don’t know. I don’t think.

00;00;17;21 - Unknown Interviewer:: And, but occupations di other than that, what I was going this was as far as went to school. Now, if you gone to school any further, what would you have gone back? Well, if I have went off to school, I’d have, to have had more education.

00;00;37;25 - Unknown Interviewee:: Then I would have got a certificate. Little. Oh. Yeah. But I stayed with mother the day I was the last girl. And that that we see Earth.

00;00;56;23 - Unknown Interviewer:: oh. looking out things a little older than I am. And my dad went off to building elevators.

00;01;04;24 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, really? And that that that my mother and I, Oh.

00;01;12;22 - Unknown Interviewer:: Well, we had Roy and Eric, but they were quite a bit younger. how far away did your your, dad go to Philadelphia?

00;01;23;11 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, we went to all Ohio. I don’t know the place where I built. Them around different places that.

00;01;41;24 - Unknown Interviewee:: I know all about on.

00;01;44;13 - Unknown Interviewer:: What was going on and all that. Because it’s going to get lost if somebody gets it down. But did, did you ever hold any jobs or anything? did you ever hold any jobs? No. Oh. yeah. W yeah, that kind of stuff. But I mean, as far as, clerking or anything like law, and in your school teaching.

00;02;12;16 - Unknown Interviewee:: I think there was a woman school job. Yeah. And her husband had.

00;02;18;17 - Unknown Interviewer:: A daughter there, I think. Well, there was was his helping was out, but the same had a job working had, you know. Yeah. What, what store was this? what store was this.

00;02;34;07 - Unknown Interviewee:: That was involved in in Iowa? Oh.

00;02;39;14 - Unknown Interviewee:: That’s where I lived.

00;02;46;05 - Unknown Interviewee:: Where I live.

00;02;54;13 - Unknown Interviewee:: And that’s where I was living. My former dad also,

00;03;04;24 - Unknown Interviewer:: Did you move around when you were in Iowa? A lot. You just always lived in Lavinia.

00;03;11;17 - Unknown Interviewee:: Well, well, on the farm and over on the farm every.

00;03;15;27 - Unknown Interviewer:: Year on that. Quite a few years that they sold it.

00;03;18;29 - Unknown Interviewee:: And then we did rent a car and we didn’t keep that very at all this year. Yes. When we moved to the.

00;03;25;26 - Unknown Interviewer:: And build a home.

00;03;27;18 - Unknown Interviewee:: And then they, when they would get nowhere he’d be available.

00;03;34;26 - Unknown Interviewer:: what hobbies and this, this sort of what are your hobbies and interests? Reading.

00;03;41;18 - Unknown Interviewee:: Reading. Oh, actually can if,

00;03;47;15 - Unknown Interviewer:: Well, then. And now two.

00;03;52;01 - Unknown Interviewee:: When we were in, it was a new place. We had it all. But back then it out.

00;03;59;06 - Unknown Interviewer:: You know, the part.

00;04;00;09 - Unknown Interviewee:: Where the girls in town and I and we’ve got, we’ve got go make an ice cream. And that was, you know, it, it was money selling stuff. Picked up the car and work hard to get the car that they you could get to go to third Street and get them cream at the hut. What? You’re back there. Is that everything we do for our retail store they put up and so I but most always.

00;04;37;02 - Unknown Interviewee:: But I got married. off, you know.

00;04;43;08 - Unknown Interviewer:: But you read a lot now.

00;04;44;24 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, yeah. I have all, all my life I read books.

00;04;49;24 - Unknown Interviewer:: And I loved to read. any other hobbies that you quilted?

00;04;55;03 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, you boys would at the end of the club for Stoke Harper Bragg. Well, do things like that.

00;05;07;18 - Unknown Interviewer:: Anything else?

00;05;11;03 - Unknown Interviewee:: No, no. All right. You are.

00;05;15;24 - Unknown Interviewer:: Oh, well, I mean, that’s worth mentioning.

00;05;17;17 - Unknown Interviewee:: Okay, is I work. Well. I paid for everything, you know.

00;05;30;18 - Unknown Interviewer:: And then, of course, Clubs and groups and societies. The missionary society.

00;05;42;01 - Unknown Interviewee:: Well, I play church in church, right? I don’t how.

00;05;55;19 - Unknown Interviewer:: Any other club?

00;06;00;17 - Unknown Interviewer:: Now, did you ever, win any honors or awards or ribbons for anything you ever did?

00;06;08;05 - Unknown Interviewee:: Know all. I never got any of. Our our greatest thing that we got back there. You know, I bought supper. Thanks a lot. Yeah, well, we get prizes for our beautiful lot. I got tell, but that that. No, it,

00;06;32;23 - Unknown Interviewer:: What kind of prizes are they?

00;06;35;26 - Unknown Interviewee:: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well. Right. Or, talk about the country and how the improve it all at one time. Got a rough ride. helped by, but but that being the park, you know, I kept our doors, and we always kept bringing those windows, but we never had a house. But I sort of had to get five that we had to you flier paper.

00;07;18;15 - Unknown Interviewee:: Yeah, that’s because they were,

00;07;23;27 - Unknown Interviewer:: How did you make these boxes for these box steppers?

00;07;27;13 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, boy. I kept two of you. Like you always keep that boy. People keep box. And then we get them to always to paper, that we ever put out of our. And, okay. Together. I wonder how they go. I never thought anyway. So I’ve had a box. So much for $5 as a box. Yeah. Boy, you really?

00;08;10;22 - Unknown Interviewee:: What is that about?

00;08;13;00 - Unknown Interviewer:: Well, that’s something that they don’t do anymore at all. In fact, how would you say that? That, we have a lot of. Our next letter show. We’ll have that many more, you know. What are those, What are those? Well, Uncle Tom’s cabin I remember being at. Okay.

00;08;39;08 - Unknown Interviewee:: I had one night where we went to one of those places where? And different like that.

00;08;46;01 - Unknown Interviewer:: Where did it get its name, Where did they get its name? Magic lantern. What? What connection is that or what? I don’t know, I have no idea where they fell in a theater. They made it maybe up on the platform.

00;09;02;14 - Unknown Interviewee:: You see, sitting back here. Yeah, all. Oh, and they put on a light and they found the light a row, and then they show up on the.

00;09;15;00 - Unknown Interviewer:: Oh, it was on a screen. Yeah. What was it on a, on a curtain rather than. This wasn’t actual, actors.

00;09;23;17 - Unknown Interviewee:: You know. Oh, no. Yeah. Oh, the I guess is go back there before you, ever went back. There’s some people like that. I find that a lot of a lot of people walk. It will walk a mile at, and soldiers come all over that, and they’re.

00;09;51;28 - Unknown Interviewer:: Sure. Well, what else do you do for entertainment? what else did you used to do for entertainment? There, there.

00;10;01;10 - Unknown Interviewee:: Well, that. And as.

00;10;07;15 - Unknown Interviewer:: Well, what kind of party.

00;10;09;09 - Unknown Interviewee:: Or birthday party?

00;10;14;25 - Unknown Interviewer:: I forgot to tell about picnic in the summertime.

00;10;19;00 - Unknown Interviewee:: 255 and 11 and July 15th.

00;10;26;13 - Unknown Interviewer:: Take our dinner.

00;10;28;06 - Unknown Interviewee:: Rather take the best game of golf club. Or take some credit on the ground. what’s the general? my neighbor told me at home. these weren’t community picnic. The people all were doing.

00;10;50;17 - Unknown Interviewer:: And,

00;10;55;17 - Unknown Interviewer:: These weren’t community picnic.

00;10;58;11 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, no. One, of course, live. And then the town.

00;11;02;10 - Unknown Interviewer:: Now where the restaurant burned that red. Yeah. I hope it’s not the burning. Right. Well. I guess they. get everybody. They used to celebrate the 4th of July. Different way than they do now. Yeah. Everybody went.

00;11;33;16 - Unknown Interviewee:: That was a great time for food. I. And they have left and I, you know, and I like to make speeches, you know. Oh. And they have they have corporations and corporations. In fact, I guess they don’t have any more, but they used to have,

00;12;05;09 - Unknown Interviewer:: Where they call it Park, you know. Oh, yeah. That they had a bar. Is that where they held the picnics with the.

00;12;14;08 - Unknown Interviewee:: Back of that for that? And, you know, they always had this beautiful grape.

00;12;22;12 - Unknown Interviewer:: Maple tree back here. Right around outside.

00;12;28;06 - Unknown Interviewee:: Of the bar green.

00;12;34;22 - Unknown Interviewer:: did they ever have county fairs? Oh, yes. And they’re all that well, but, what is that? Have you been a good girl? I don’t know, not, but I guess it is. The ice is probably.

00;12;49;27 - Unknown Interviewee:: I thought long since I went to all that.

00;12;56;12 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, Lord, I can’t remember.

00;12;59;27 - Unknown Interviewer:: What were they like?

00;13;01;05 - Unknown Interviewee:: Well, what they were killed and what they were, but, I can’t imagine.

00;13;09;27 - Unknown Interviewer:: What they done there. I forgot what, but were these in connection with the county fair and, Oh, that one at the fair, they asked. Yes, but, what people were in. If I could drop you on report or not. The big thought they’d ask.

00;13;30;07 - Unknown Interviewee:: What of, apples and.

00;13;37;12 - Unknown Interviewee:: For sure.

00;13;38;24 - Unknown Interviewer:: Different women maybe. Or as by somebody say, if you ever or anything. Me, I well I young know when you got old enough to be interested.

00;13;50;08 - Unknown Interviewee:: In oh oh.

00;13;55;27 - Unknown Interviewer:: How would you say that? Your childhood. How would you say that your childhood different from the childhood of your children. How would I say my childhood was different than now? They. Yeah. Why? Million.

00;14;10;23 - Unknown Interviewee:: And, you know, compare. We all went. School house, you know, every two. While when I was in school every two miles I thought about for it and that for a lot of the same point. We had a lot of what they call us now. That lot. Is an.

00;14;39;03 - Unknown Interviewer:: Evangelistic, evangelist meeting.

00;14;43;01 - Unknown Interviewee:: You know, it mean that’s what they you know, that’s the word. I don’t think you say, well, we have a lot that need, and.

00;14;52;22 - Unknown Interviewer:: They’d always be hard.

00;14;54;02 - Unknown Interviewee:: And ever who hung around and they movies.

00;15;00;03 - Unknown Interviewer:: Wherever that.

00;15;02;18 - Unknown Interviewee:: Or meeting was. And oh, I did talk to all the people from. In close way from my. And now I’m had at the school. And if you didn’t have that experience every school but every

00;15;27;25 - Unknown Interviewer:: They had church.

00;15;28;20 - Unknown Interviewee:: In Toronto and all. And they had lots of little towns back there. And I was very far. And I had all those lessons at the vineyard and all that little town was built on the road that they all had. And,

00;15;54;01 - Unknown Interviewer:: They all had railroads.

00;15;56;07 - Unknown Interviewee:: That, the Northern Pacific know what that does? It affected.

00;16;05;15 - Unknown Interviewer:: That put that railroad.

00;16;06;20 - Unknown Interviewee:: To their and their of course, they all go all the road every seven miles for a town. They let it out here. But yeah, they’re bigger.

00;16;25;19 - Unknown Interviewer:: Well, I call their teacher now.

00;16;27;24 - Unknown Interviewee:: If they want to destroy prohibition.

00;16;34;25 - Unknown Interviewer:: Do you remember any so. Well, I’m sure you do anything about your courtship. Courtship?

00;16;40;15 - Unknown Interviewee:: Yeah, well, I know we rode around the buggy up a lot, that we had a real nice driving.

00;16;51;25 - Unknown Interviewer:: And what else did you do for.

00;16;54;18 - Unknown Interviewee:: oh on Sunday? We just have to right around and go tower by from my March 1st. I got some.

00;17;05;04 - Unknown Interviewer:: Help. Right.

00;17;06;15 - Unknown Interviewee:: The two of us. I don’t know if you got some more, but bananas are over there. Why? Why? That’s true. Oh, we didn’t have them all right. Here.

00;17;23;13 - Unknown Interviewer:: Did you always wear a hat all tied down in this sort of thing? I’ll look at that. And, your dresses, where they. To the ground. Are they to the ankle? And,

00;17;41;13 - Unknown Interviewee:: Were a lot of white. Well, I had to do like that. A lot of didn’t like to get quite that touches the heart of what was the native Oriental. And they had there were people with, a cluster of green, a lot of hard work to iron.

00;18;03;24 - Unknown Interviewer:: Did you ever wear a skirt? No, I never did. Button shoes. Yeah, well. But isn’t that okay? when you were a girl.

00;18;22;16 - Unknown Interviewer:: Oh. Heard slippers.

00;18;25;14 - Unknown Interviewee:: Quite. And I quite.

00;18;29;03 - Unknown Interviewer:: You hear love? Yeah. I was so glad. And carried umbrellas. Did you carry umbrellas to.

00;18;41;13 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, oh, I was walking down morality and so forth. You know, at four, five, £0.05 up. And now all around the south, we’re pretty. Oh mother had back black the on.

00;18;57;02 - Unknown Interviewer:: This,

00;19;01;18 - Unknown Interviewer:: Fancy carriage. I said this fancy carriage. Did it have a cap on it. Oh, yeah. All right. what do they call a cap buggy.

00;19;13;11 - Unknown Interviewee:: To get that buggy? That. Damn it! Yeah. 2 or 3. And why that it’s so hard for you down the hill?

00;19;26;29 - Unknown Interviewer:: You know what?

00;19;27;13 - Unknown Interviewee:: That you know I never got an apartment. Oh, yeah. They all made their. You know, and and apple is free. It’s that flies off in. Motor style I think.

00;19;52;18 - Unknown Interviewer:: They just got you remember the first time the two met grandma.

00;19;58;21 - Unknown Interviewee:: And then dad and brother were there.

00;20;04;07 - Unknown Interviewer:: And this was in Iowa, And this was in Iowa. I have an Iowa. You happen to remember how come he was in Iowa?

00;20;12;21 - Unknown Interviewee:: Well, Iowa, we had, relatives that.

00;20;17;24 - Unknown Interviewer:: Lived up near Fonda.

00;20;20;24 - Unknown Interviewee:: And, they had been down to our place, and they didn’t want his wife having her name. She wanted that motherfucker got over that, know what he did? And he was kind of upstairs. He had their own, but.

00;20;38;11 - Unknown Interviewer:: They were little.

00;20;40;02 - Unknown Interviewee:: And mother said, yeah, I don’t feeling successful. So when they went home, I went home one time. And our other place for them, while it at the wrong place over there. So if that’s what they have right now, that’s the name of the town. And so I went with them to the back, and that’s where I met there, and you never know.

00;21;13;02 - Unknown Interviewee:: And so,

00;21;18;18 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, wonderful. It was that was I didn’t know any of the boys. I was out quite a bit of that after I got there. Yeah.

00;21;29;19 - Unknown Interviewer:: So,

00;21;30;05 - Unknown Interviewee:: That I met them first, you know, and so we. And I had a farm, one of them that pulled out.

00;21;45;00 - Unknown Interviewer:: It was in, I was better than ever before in a cave in the desert. Yeah, I stayed at home about them, and then I had to get real it.

00;21;57;18 - Unknown Interviewee:: And now I, you know, for me, for the valley and that sort that if you to do that, that. And so you had that and that often. Eloquently what.

00;22;17;18 - Unknown Interviewer:: You said about me bringing it up for somebody.

00;22;21;25 - Unknown Interviewee:: Who knew what I was you people I knew that, you know, I and so the next time I danced the game and if.

00;22;32;24 - Unknown Interviewer:: You want to help.

00;22;34;02 - Unknown Interviewee:: Up, up there, I can go, all right. And that’s all over. Feel bad about that? Oh, he wanted to be there. What do you know?

00;22;49;12 - Unknown Interviewee:: But I like dances there.

00;22;52;08 - Unknown Interviewer:: I thought that was great.

00;22;53;10 - Unknown Interviewee:: And that’s what I wanted to do. how.

00;22;58;06 - Unknown Interviewer:: Long was this before you married a whole. I think we went together about a year and a half when he came out. When? What about here? About a year ago. I think that. And, And then you were married, and then you came, right? Yeah. So can.

00;23;21;00 - Unknown Interviewer:: And how long were you in Spokane then, before you went to Christ?

00;23;25;00 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, I hope I hope you guys. Yeah. We been away. Any part will tell us a the what?

00;23;32;22 - Unknown Interviewer:: The public part for sale. You ever heard of that? No. Thank you. I think about two weeks.

00;23;41;22 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, the gift.

00;23;44;14 - Unknown Interviewer:: You remember any the reason that you got married, Do you remember any of the reasons particularly why you got married?

00;23;50;29 - Unknown Interviewee:: You know what it was? Yeah. Or.

00;23;56;11 - Unknown Interviewer:: Or married? Quite a fellow. I got married, yeah, because they were quite.

00;24;02;12 - Unknown Interviewee:: Prominent ranchers back there. They sold a lot of stuff and stuff like that. They damn the man that had taken one room in that and Chicago Hollywood apartment.

00;24;18;08 - Unknown Interviewer:: They fell apart. Well, they were horses. Yeah, they didn’t raise them, but they.

00;24;22;29 - Unknown Interviewee:: Went over and they sell lots of cattle and they sell.

00;24;30;16 - Unknown Interviewer:: Well, that they raise the cattle. Yeah, they raise the cattle. And so I was very quiet problem. Oh. And I very. Yeah. Well, now, what else did they raise or did they raise anything else. Oh yeah. Yeah. And they, they were far with him, I think. Yeah. Okay. Mother.

00;24;50;26 - Unknown Interviewee:: That boy was left in the lake, you know, he lived in England County. Would, but right a year ago. But she’s all right. I. Feel sure.

00;25;13;15 - Unknown Interviewer:: She was. I thought that, if an Asian, Irish name are as Bartholomew is hired. He was angry. And what nationality were you? Well, are are you.

00;25;31;14 - Unknown Interviewee:: Are are are.

00;25;37;00 - Unknown Interviewee:: mother. All right. we have.

00;25;46;20 - Unknown Interviewee:: Yeah, yeah. People. And they’re people more. I they were just a of. I guess I never had a black mother. Of course. Yeah. What an error. Okay. All their.

00;26;09;14 - Unknown Interviewer:: I don’t know just exactly for sure, but they’re pretty much.

00;26;13;25 - Unknown Interviewee:: I love all my. When?

00;26;19;07 - Unknown Interviewer:: Well, then, what were your expectations before your marriage? What were your expectations?

00;26;24;21 - Unknown Interviewee:: Oh, I could come out and be independent. They read or drama. I already have a sectional and, sectional, and that that it sounded like you had already recorded you at the blackboard work very much know. But when they come back there. Oh, no, but they do want us doing and working for us at that point. Right. And we did it for a week and a half.

00;26;55;19 - Unknown Interviewee:: I did get the dog and.

00;26;57;20 - Unknown Interviewer:: I didn’t pan out quite as easy as you thought. Well, you see, there was no well on place. But when we done that, well, we get well. We have about 6 or 8 months after we were there. This is that correct? Yeah. But can hold.

00;27;15;18 - Unknown Interviewee:: Out for us and we’ve got to find out what it was that

00;27;22;25 - Unknown Interviewer:: And, you know, it took.

00;27;23;27 - Unknown Interviewee:: Them a long time to see that this thing that, you know, Earth and the rest was solid from. And it was 116in. You look ahead and.

00;27;39;03 - Unknown Interviewer:: You know and you know, how did he go? Well, I don’t know. Well, I have.

00;27;44;14 - Unknown Interviewee:: A friend set up all that. Oh, no. They were.

00;27;49;16 - Unknown Interviewer:: 2 or 3 men.

00;27;50;15 - Unknown Interviewee:: Out there on that and, you know, and then and they have gray, what do they call say that. Oh, that’s what they call.

00;28;02;00 - Unknown Interviewer:: That great big block. And they’re up there fall and about that big around and and they, it’s, very, very worth it. Very put us down there.

Unknown Oral History Interview Audio [03]
Audio of interview with unknown person.
MG68, Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives
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"Unknown Oral History Interview Audio [03]", Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/rwhp/items/rwhp422.html
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