Suggestions with Answers
More Phones
Swastika Cubicules
Copier People Thanks
Chewing Tobacco
Drinking Fountains
Tax Forms
The Wall
Shelvers and Walkman
Time and Clinton
Japanese Newspapers
Two Recommendations
Use of Lexis/Nexis
Is This Checked Out?
International Newspapers
Library Lighting and Conservation
Interlibrary Loan $1.00 Charge
Get Global Architecture
Poor Circulation (people movement)
11:30 vs 12:00
White Paper Recycling
Midterm Construction
3rd and 4th Floor Ida Terminals
North/Northern Idaho
Cassis Help
Beeper on Lexis/Nexis
Library not easy to use
Use a Loud Speaker
One Liners
Ida and Finding Freud
Sticky Tables
Shelving in Restrooms
Alarms - Great Way to get Attention
Copiers and Vandal Cards
Lots of Nibbling
Big Dog Outside the Building
Awful Smell on 3rd Floor
Hole Punches in Library
Slow Ida Browser
New Ida vs. Old Ida
Vandal Card Readers
More Clocks
Gay Newspapers
No Food, No Drinks
Journal Bryologist
Vacume the Building
Closing Times
Quiet 4th Floor
Microfilm Readers
Bikes are Rusting
Double-sided copiers
Need laptop stations
Annual Reviews
Move CD case
Difficult finding library's website
Diccionario del Espanol
Dates on spines
Floor call numbers
Reshelving books
Vandal Card Readers
U.S. Mail Drop Box
Book Drop Box