Q: Get
some more Vandal Card operated copy machines (I’ve only been asking for 5 years).
Four of our seven coin-ops have Vandal Card readers installed (two on first, two on
second). The copy center can also take Vandal cards for copies they make. There’s a
significant expense involved in installing the readers: in addition to the box, each need
a phone line, which incurs a monthly charge. In order to install more Vandal Card Readers,
we need to have more Vandal card business on the ones we already have. While we’re
non-profit, that doesn’t mean we have to lose money.
Q: Put
U.S. Mail drop box at library.
A: Did you know that the University Post Office
used to be in the library? Not only could you mail letters, you could send packages and
buy stamps. Alas, that changed in 1989 when the library was remodeled and University
Station moved to its present location.
The Postmaster decides where mailboxes are located. I suggest you contact him at:
MOSCOW ID 83843-9998
Phone : 800-275-8777
The box nearest the library is at 6th and Rayburn.
Q: We need a box that we can drive up to
and drop off books so we don't have to find a parking spot a mile away
just to drop off a book!!!
A: There is one, but unfortunately we can't figure out how to
make it obvious. Pull in behind the library off Rayburn Street where you
see the loading dock. There are three handicapped parking spaces, one
service space and one fifteen-minute space. There's a book drop in the
wall by the parking space.