Q: As you find a need for more copiers (old ones break down, etc.), will you make a point of ordering more copiers with single-sided to double-sided capability?

A: All of our copiers have the capability to do double-sided copies, and initially we had them set up that way. Unfortunately, the concept seemed beyond the majority of our users, and we had a deluge of complaints and requests for refunds when the final copy of an odd number of pages got stranded in the machine. It was easier to make the copiers as simple as possible by disabling all the options and setting up one full-featured machine (outside the copy center) clearly labeled "no refunds".

Q: Need laptop stations here in the library! Including phone line hookups for internet access. Locate these independently around the library as research stations.

A: I made some inquiries on feasibility. Direct (roaming) connections to the campus network are not technically possible at this time. I had heard that a wireless network was planned for the Commons, but was told that it had been deleted from the budget and could not be reinstated for at least a year. That leaves a plain old telephone jack, through which you could connect to the UI modem pool or your local ISP. On campus, each department pays for telephone connections by the month, just like you do at home. While we couldn't afford a bunch, one or two might be doable in our tight budget next year. Any suggestions as to where in the library they should be located?

Q: The "Annual Reviews" publications should be considered periodicals or otherwise re-classified as reference material so they are available to researchers. There is no good reason for people to check them out when individual articles can be photocopied at little expense.

A: The annual Reviews series has always circulated, and this is the first complaint that I can remember. The good news is that we have Internet access to the full text of all the titles to which we subscribe, back to 1996. Just look up the one you want in the catalog, and go to the full record with the "Internet" prefix on the call number. Click on the URL, and you're connected to the full text.

Q: I would like it if you could put out a couple of more copies of the newspapers in the morning (ie., Spokesman). Quite often when I come to the library to read the paper around 9 a.m., I cannot find a current edition.

A: Our copy of the Spokesman-Review is delivered by the U.S. Mail, which arrives at the library around 9:30 a.m. The papers then are sorted, stapled, and some are put on rods. They're released to the public between 10 and 10:30 a.m. Come later, or visit: www.spokane.net/news.asp

Q: Oh Cube, It would be great if the CD case could be moved closer to the computers. This might promote more students to listen to them.

A: Great! Longer lines at the Lab while some jerk is tying up the $2,000 computer listening to tunes! Let 'em buy a $79.95 Discman.

Q: As a concerned student I was wondering why students are unable to access the library homepage from the University of Idaho homepage. Shouldn't there be a direct link since the library is such a vital part of our schooling? Also, I tried to search for it in a U of I search and also came up unsuccessful. Isn't there something wrong with this picture? I had to go ask a library assistant what the URL was. What if I had tried to access from home, after hours? If I am the only student to complain of this I am truly amazed. It would be a great help to all students to have some sort of link to the library that is easily accessible through the UI homepage.

A: There are currently several University of Idaho homepages. If you come in through an outside ISP, you get a page that's designed to "sell" the university, and caters to prospective students. If you sign on to Campus Pipeline (CP), the library is right there on the first page. The CP page is designed to be everyone's primary page for internal use. The abbreviated internal page that has the CP sign-on block is not supposed to be a substitute (BTW, the library is under "Academics"). I've heard that the new university webmaster is contemplating major design changes for all pages. I asked ITS about the search engine. They said, "It sucks." I assume there may be some changes there, as well.

Q: Diccionario Del Espanol Actual Manuel Seco. Olympia Andres, c.1999 Nuevo libro es un libro de referencia muy bueno This is a good reference book.

A: Yes, that's why we bought it. It's in the Reference Section: Ref PC 4625 S34 1999

Q: It is really helpful (especially in science) when the books have dates on the spine. Are books consistently labeled w/dates?

A: Dates as part of the call number is current practice. Unfortunately, we can't go back and re-label, but all new books will have them.

Q: My previous university had the call letters at each floor of the stairwell. For example a sign indicating Q-Z on the third floor was obvious. This would be very helpful in using this library.

A: Look in the door on each floor, and you'll see large hanging signs, visible from the stairwell, indicating what's on that floor. This is Idaho: we ain't gonna pay for duplicate signs!

Q: Are we supposed to reshelf books?

A: No, please don't re-shelve books (or journals). We keep a count on in-library use. Just leave them on a table, or on the empty shelving units provided for that purpose.
