Frequently asked questions on VERSO. Learn more by clicking the questions!

The data is maintained by librarians and staff at the University of Idaho Library.

Profile data are compiled from the University of Idaho website and Banner.. Publications come from Clarivate’s Central Discovery Index, which in turn, gathers from sources such as Web of Science, Pubmed, Crossref and other databases, and from individual CVs, used with consent of the faculty. Grant data comes from individual submissions. We do not currently use UI’s internal grant system, Veras, for data, although we hope to add that connection in the future.

You can edit your profile by signing into VERSO (using your Vandal NetID and password) and clicking the Edit Profile button that appears above your profile picture when you’re signed in. For more in depth instructions, see our profile guide.

You can also check out this in-depth guide on Managing your Profile.

Click the Add Content button at the top of the page. You’ll need to be signed in to do this/see the button. Please see this video guide for more information on adding research output to your profile.

To hide a publication:

  • sign in to your account
  • find the publication you’d like hidden
  • click on the option button for the publication (three vertical dots)
  • and select ‘Hide This Work’

Most edits of research outputs already in the system need to be done by the library system maintainers. To request an edit:

  • sign in to your account
  • find the publication you’d like edited
  • click on the option button for the publication (three vertical dots)
  • select ‘Messages’ and request an edit via the form that appears

    You may also submit a request via the VERSO request form.

Yes. If you’d like to add a U of I staff member as a proxy, please submit a request via the VERSO request form.

To add someone already in the system (i.e. an approved Staff member, or a U of I researcher with a profile) sign into your account and go to Settings by clicking on the dropdown at the top right. Select the ‘Researcher Proxies’ option from the menu on the left. You can make anyone in the system a proxy by clicking ‘add proxy’ and adding their email to the form.

Weekly, depending on the data available. New faculty and researchers are added annually or on request, and our overall list of personnel is checked irregularly.

We only collect professional data related to research, scholarship, and faculty status at the University of Idaho. Contact information and images are obtained from the University of Idaho website. Academic citation data is provided through faculty consent, often sought through department chairs/deans. Third-party authors who may be listed are only present due to their co-authorship or co-grantsmanship with University of Idaho faculty. Student data is not deliberately included unless a specific written request by the student is made.

We take individual privacy seriously. Any request to be removed from the public portal will be granted; contact Jeremy Kenyon ( to do so. However, your scholarship data will still be in the system for use in university research analytics; request for removal must be submitted in writing to the Dean of Libraries.