Editing Your Profile

As a researcher I want to... Where do I go? Image Where can I get more information?
Add and edit personal and professional information on my profile (Overview tab) including images, ORCID id, password, etc.
1. From the login dropdown menu in the header select Settings.

2. Edit profile button
(above the profile picture)

Edit profile page.

The recommended dimensions for the profile image are
200 x 200 pixels. 

The recommended file size is less than 1MB.

More info

Add content to my profile:
  • Output
  • Projects
  • Activities
Select the Add Content button

ADD CONTENT button for profiles.

Export output from my profile
1. On the Output tab select the Actions menu (More options) and choose Export Asset
(for a specific asset)

2. On the Output tab select Export All (for all assets)


  Export asset option in the actions menu for profile. 

2. Export all option for assets.

Communicate with admins regarding my output
From the Actions menu (More options) select the Messages option.
NOTE: This is not available for drafts.

Message icon on asset

More info
Upload asset lists in bulk
Generate CV from my profile On the main profile page select
Create CV.
Create cv from profile. More info
Search for grants in my research field
Discover Funding button in the Profile header.
NOTE: This feature requires integration with Pivot-RP
Discover Funding button on profile. More info