(Vandal Expertise, Research, and Scholarship Online)

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VERSO (Vandal Expertise, Research, and Scholarship Online) preserves and provides access to the research and creative output of the University of Idaho’s faculty, students and staff.

VERSO serves as both a research information management (RIM) system for the university and as an Institutional Repository (IR) for U of I research outputs.

  • As a RIM System, VERSO collects, publishes, and preserves data about research outputs and creative activity emanating from the University of Idaho.
  • As an IR, VERSO allows for the deposit and preservation of UI materials and publications.

Questions? Email or fill out our form.

Release Timeline

Fall 2023
  • Migrate data from VIVO
  • Establish single-sign-on and other system features
Spring 2024
  • Begin initial data harvests
  • Create policies and protocols
  • Gather feedback from various faculty and departments
  • Soft rollout to faculty in March/April 2024
Summer 2024
  • Data cleaning and further harvests
  • Establish IR deposit protocols and workflows
  • Further testing and feedback from faculty/campus
Fall 2024
  • Full campus/public rollout
  • VERSO becomes discoverable via Google and other indexes