ORCID at U of I

ORCID is a non-profit organization, operating since 2010. An ORCID ID is a 16-digit numerical code issued by ORCID to assist authors with asserting ownership of their work and disambiguating themselves from others in the scholarly record.

ORCID Resources

  • Getting Started, Updating and Managing your Account - ORCID’s help center (linked below) provides extensive documentation on setting up, updating, and managing your ORCID ID.
  • Using ORCID to Generate a BioSketch - NSF and NIH have mechanisms for connecting your ORCID to their systems in order to facilitate SciENcv biosketch generation.
  • Connect Your ORCID ID with U of I Systems - The Library and Research Office, with the help of RCDS, have created a tool to connect your ORCID ID with Library Systems. This will allow those with access to update your research funding and affiliations data in university systems by pulling down information from ORCID and to update your ORCID iD with research funding and affiliations data from VERAS and other research data systems on campus.

ORCID Overview and Author Identifiers

Identifiers are an increasingly important component in online research information management. Identifiers are assigned to researchers to help distinguish between different people with similar names. This is made more difficult when researchers move between different institutions, different positions, and sometimes even different fields. The most commonly used identifier is ORCID.

An Overview of ORCID for Researchers

More Information

ORCID Membership

The University of Idaho is a member organization of ORCID. Our partnership provides several benefits:

  • U of I researchers can log in to the ORCID system using the U of I NetID and password.

  • U of I administrative units can create software integrations to connect U of I systems to ORCID

  • U of I researchers can connect their ORCID accounts with their U of I accounts to permit the sharing of scholarly information between the systems. To connect your U of I and ORCID accounts, visit https://orcid.uidaho.edu/ to enable the library and research office to push grants data to your ORCID account.

Having connected the systems, we will able to update your ORCID and institutional scholarly records (both internally and through our Research Information Management system) automatically, reducing the workload on you and on staff who manage these systems.

Connecting ORCID with the NIH and NSF

Starting in 2023, the federal government is requiring the use of researcher unique identifiers. This is intended to make research information management easier for agencies and for institutions. ORCID is the most likely tool to be used for this purpose. NSF and NIH have mechanisms for connecting your ORCID to their systems in order to facilitate SciENcv biosketch generation.

NIH/ORCID SciENcv BioSketch Instructions

For assistance, please contact Jeremy Kenyon (jkenyon@uidaho.edu) at the University of Idaho Library.


Thank you to Boise State University Albertsons Library and ORCID for information and ideas in setting up this page.