Instruction by Topic
Library faculty teach class sessions on how to search efficiently and effectively for information. We provide general orientation to library research in freshman composition classes, but we also tailor class sessions for specific assignments in other courses. To request a librarian led session on a specific topic area, please click a topic below and follow the "Request Instruction" link to our form.
Agile Project Management
Learn how to use Agile Project Management techniques to efficiently complete projects with your team.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Devin Becker
Associate Dean Research and Instruction
Agriculture Research
Disciplinary instruction for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Hanwen Dong
Instructional Technology Librarian
Art, Arch, IntDes, LandArch Research
Disciplinary instruction for Art, Architecture, Interior Design, and Landscape Architecture students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rochelle Smith
Humanities Librarian
Academic Integrity / Avoiding Plagiarism
Avoid plagiarism by learning how to correctly utilize and cite your sources.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Tyler Rodrigues
Student Engagement Librarian
Business & Economics
Disciplinary instruction for business students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rami Attebury
Associate Dean Operations and Access
Citations & Style Guides
Learn how to easily and correctly cite sources and write papers using style guides.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Tyler Rodrigues
Student Engagement Librarian
Choosing a Content Management System
Learn which systems can help you to best manage your digital content and webspaces.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Marco Seiferle-Valencia
Open Education Librarian; Manager, Gary Strong Curriculum Center
Creating Scholarly Websites and Pages
Want to showcase your scholarship? Build a scholarly website and share your ideas with the world.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Devin Becker
Associate Dean Research and Instruction

Evan Peter Williamson
Unit Head for Digital Scholarship and Open Strategies; Digital Infrastructure Librarian
Research For Creative Writing & Poetry
Disciplinary instruction for creative writing and poetry students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rochelle Smith
Humanities Librarian
Developing a Research Topic / Thinking Like a Researcher
Struggling to come up with a topic for your research paper? Discuss your ideas with a librarian to learn strategies for developing a great research question.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rochelle Smith
Humanities Librarian

Diane Prorak
Reference, Instruction, and First Year Experience Librarian
Digital Collections
Digital Collections instruction will provide an overview of the digital collections at the Universtiy of Idaho and the primary sources from which they are made. A variety of topics can be covered: digital curation, digitization, visualizations, metadata, and many more.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Devin Becker
Associate Dean Research and Instruction

Evan Peter Williamson
Unit Head for Digital Scholarship and Open Strategies; Digital Infrastructure Librarian
Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities instruction will cover a variety of tools and techniques associated with the DH field. Instructors can address a variety of topics and data formats, as well as present the history of the field.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Devin Becker
Associate Dean Research and Instruction

Evan Peter Williamson
Unit Head for Digital Scholarship and Open Strategies; Digital Infrastructure Librarian
Digital Project Management
Digital project management instruction will help your students understand the planning, documentation, and design tasks that inform the production and preservation of digital projects at the Unviersity of Idaho and across the country.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Marco Seiferle-Valencia
Open Education Librarian; Manager, Gary Strong Curriculum Center

Devin Becker
Associate Dean Research and Instruction
Environmental Science Research
Disciplinary instruction for College of Natural Resources students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jeremy Kenyon
Unit Head for Research and Experiential Learning; Research Librarian
Instruction on this topic will provide an overview of Excel basics as well as time-saving tricks. Sessions can also focus on advanced features such as functions, charts and graphs, and Pivot tables.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jylisa Kenyon
Unit Head for Access and Engagement; Social Sciences Librarian
Finding OA and OERs
Open Access and Open Educational Resources make information more accessible. Learn how to easily locate and utilize them in classes and research.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Marco Seiferle-Valencia
Open Education Librarian; Manager, Gary Strong Curriculum Center
Special Collections: Finding Primary Sources
Special Collections hosts fascinating and unique primary sources. Learn how to find and access them by getting in touch with a librarian today!
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Dulce Kersting-Lark
Head, Special Collections and Archives
Geographic Iinformation Systems (GIS) / Web Mapping
GIS is a powerful tool for integrating, managing, and analyzing geographic information in order to solve spatial problems. GIS questions might include locating, collecting, managing, documenting, visualizing, or analyzing spatial data. Instruction can be provided for ArcGIS Online, a web-based collaborative mapping platform that is available to faculty and students for teaching and scholarly research, or open-source tools.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Bruce Godfrey
GIS Librarian
Version Control with Git and Github
Collaborate with colleagues using Git version control.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Evan Peter Williamson
Unit Head for Digital Scholarship and Open Strategies; Digital Infrastructure Librarian
Government Information
Government documents, including maps, census data, and reports, can be useful resources for your research project.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rami Attebury
Associate Dean Operations and Access
History Research
Disciplinary instruction for history students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rochelle Smith
Humanities Librarian
How To Publish OA
Want to publish in an Open Access journal but don't know where to start? We can help!
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Marco Seiferle-Valencia
Open Education Librarian; Manager, Gary Strong Curriculum Center
Information Evaluation -- Popular, Media, Undergraduate
With more information available than ever before, it is important to learn how to evaluate information sources. Undergraduate student instruction on information literacy includes learning about the information timeline, how to differentiate between popular and scholarly sources, and how to evaluate information sources, including websites.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Diane Prorak
Reference, Instruction, and First Year Experience Librarian
Instructional Design
Are you looking for teaching solutions to help your students learn new ideas and skills more efficiently and effectively? The instructional design approach is a systematic process that determines the needs of learners, defines the goal of instruction, and develops instructional solutions to achieve the desired outcome.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Hanwen Dong
Instructional Technology Librarian
Special Collections: Interpreting Primary Sources
Special Collections hosts fascinating and unique primary sources. Learn how to interpret them by getting in touch with a librarian today!
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Dulce Kersting-Lark
Head, Special Collections and Archives
Library Core Search Skills
Every library is different -- learn how to efficiently and easily use the University of Idaho's by getting in touch with a librarian today!
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rochelle Smith
Humanities Librarian

Diane Prorak
Reference, Instruction, and First Year Experience Librarian
Library Tour
What does the University of Idaho Library have to offer! Learn about the library and see all our spaces on a personal guided tour.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rochelle Smith
Humanities Librarian

Diane Prorak
Reference, Instruction, and First Year Experience Librarian
Medical Info Literacy
Disciplinary instruction for medical students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Diane Prorak
Reference, Instruction, and First Year Experience Librarian
Multimedia Production
Do you want to create and edit audiovisual projects like videos, podcasts, etc.? The Studio has the software and equipment to meet all your creative needs.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Hanwen Dong
Instructional Technology Librarian
Natural Resources Research
Disciplinary instruction for College of Natural Resources students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jeremy Kenyon
Unit Head for Research and Experiential Learning; Research Librarian
Online Newspaper Research
Instruction on this topic will provide an overview of the online newspaper resources available at the University of Idaho and useful research strategies. Sessions can include various topics, such as searching for regional and national coverage of a topic or comparing historic and current media reporting.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jylisa Kenyon
Unit Head for Access and Engagement; Social Sciences Librarian
Print Maps & Aerial Photos Research
Our library collection features hundreds of maps and aerial photos. Learn how to find and access them today!
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rami Attebury
Associate Dean Operations and Access
Publication Life Cycle
Instruction on this topic will offer an in-depth look at specific aspects of the publishing life cycle, including peer-review, publishing models, author's rights following publication, and measures of impact.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jylisa Kenyon
Unit Head for Access and Engagement; Social Sciences Librarian
Readers' Advisory: Fiction, Popular Nonfic, Biography, Memoir
Need a good book? We can help! Get in touch with a librarian today to discover your next great read.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Tyler Rodrigues
Student Engagement Librarian
Managing Research Data
Research data management (RDM) includes the planning, organization, curation, storage, archiving, and sharing of data produced during a research project. Instruction requests might include any one or more of these tasks, and/or discussions about tools and systems used to achieve RDM.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jeremy Kenyon
Unit Head for Research and Experiential Learning; Research Librarian
Managing Research Information (e.g. Citation Data, Bibliometrics, Data About Research Activities)
Research information management (RIM) involves data about research activities and their outputs, such as publications, presentations, and other products. RIM questions might involve identifying, extracting, re-using, organizing, or sharing data about research activities or the common systems and tools used in managing this information.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jeremy Kenyon
Unit Head for Research and Experiential Learning; Research Librarian
Science Info Literacy (for Non-science Majors)
Learn how to find, access, and evaluate scientific information.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jeremy Kenyon
Unit Head for Research and Experiential Learning; Research Librarian
Science Research (for Science Majors)
Disciplinary instruction for College of Science students and researchers is available. Learn what resources the library offers and how to easily access them.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jeremy Kenyon
Unit Head for Research and Experiential Learning; Research Librarian
Social Science Research
Disciplinary instruction for CLASS (Social Sciences). Instruction in this area will provide an overview of the strategies and resources for conducting library research in the social sciences. Sessions can also focus on finding data and statistics; conducting newspaper research; and identifying sources created by government agencies, NGOs, IGOs, and think tanks.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Jylisa Kenyon
Unit Head for Access and Engagement; Social Sciences Librarian
Web Archiving Citations
Learn how to archive website citations using
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Evan Peter Williamson
Unit Head for Digital Scholarship and Open Strategies; Digital Infrastructure Librarian
Intro to WordPress
Build a professional website using WordPress.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Evan Peter Williamson
Unit Head for Digital Scholarship and Open Strategies; Digital Infrastructure Librarian
Citation Management With Zotero
Learn how to keep your citations and notes organized with this free and easy to use platform.
The following individual(s) can instruct in this area:

Rami Attebury
Associate Dean Operations and Access