Psychiana No. 8 Item Info

Psychiana No. 8 [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:22:04 Unknown Speaker: A very wise philosopher once said. Give the people light and they will find their own way. And that is exactly what has been done by the man whose voice you are about to hear. On a subject blurred and fogged by the mists of superstition, obscured by meaningless dogma. He has turned the clear white light of sound thinking and common sense.

00:00:22:07 - 00:00:52:25 Unknown Speaker: He has revealed facts, often startling facts. He has shown people the truth, and that truth has swept around the world, has made thousands upon thousands of converts. He has replaced empty creed, born of pagan mythology with principles that can be proved. That man, if you have not already guessed, his name is doctor Frank Robinson of Moscow, Idaho. One of the outstanding figures of this modern scientific age in which we live, and his system of philosophy is called psyche.

00:00:52:26 - 00:01:03:21 Unknown Speaker: Anna. How would you like to visit Doctor Robinson in his own home? Hear him discuss his philosophy. Well, you can. Or here is your guide to take of it.

00:01:03:24 - 00:01:27:17 Unknown Speaker: As you approach Moscow, Idaho, on an airplane, you see first spread out beneath you a series of rugged hills stretching away into the misty distance hills whose slopes are covered with tall, straight pines and fir trees. Now, drawing near, you observe nestling snugly in a little valley, the town of Moscow. It is not a big city, but out of it.

00:01:27:17 - 00:01:28:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Has come a philosophy.

00:01:29:01 - 00:01:31:08 Unknown Speaker: Which has encompassed the earth.

00:01:31:10 - 00:01:32:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: It is the home of a man.

00:01:32:13 - 00:02:18:12 Unknown Speaker: Known the world over. Later you walk up the street leading to his house, and if you are fortunate, you will hear coming from that house the notes of an organ.

00:02:18:15 - 00:02:32:14 Unknown Speaker: That. You.

00:02:32:16 - 00:02:45:11 Unknown Speaker: And then after the last note has died away. You enter. You find yourself in Doctor Robinson’s study. Seated the evening is cool. In front of a snapping fire on the floor around two.

00:02:45:11 - 00:02:45:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: Rosy.

00:02:45:24 - 00:03:00:06 Unknown Speaker: Cheeked youngsters and seated on the organ bench, swung around where he faces you is Doctor Robinson himself. From the moment you entered, he had put you entirely at ease, and now you are engaged in a lively discussion.

00:03:00:08 - 00:03:02:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, what shall we talk about this time?

00:03:02:14 - 00:03:11:17 Unknown Speaker: If you will recall, Doctor Robinson on my last visit. You promised to tell me a few things about the Bible. Show me what it is and what it is not.

00:03:11:19 - 00:03:31:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: That’s right. I did promise you that, didn’t that? Well, we’re clear on these two kiddies out into the living room. And I will tell you a few facts that you’ve probably never known before. Here you are. That’s right. And close the door, Alfie, dear. By the way, are these little talks of mine interesting to you?

00:03:31:24 - 00:03:51:20 Unknown Speaker: Are they interesting? Well, I should say they are. And more than that, they are interesting to many thousands of others, too, within the range of the radio stations over which they are broadcast. And believe me, you are doing a service to the United States, which it has needed for a long time. But how about telling me something about the Bible?

00:03:51:23 - 00:04:01:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: All right. The first picture I want you to get is the fact that there is not one great religious system in the world, but there have been seven of them.

00:04:01:23 - 00:04:04:06 Unknown Speaker: What are those seven, doctor?

00:04:04:08 - 00:04:34:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: That was Brahman ism. Buddhism, Confucian ism, Zoroastrianism, Mohammed, religion, Judaism and Christianity. And they all were born in Asia. More than that, they all had their so-called sacred books, which they used to propagate their respective teachings. And these sacred books were nearly all written by Asiatic priests. As a matter of fact, the oldest Bibles in the world are the Vedas, and they have almost a dozen of them.

00:04:34:25 - 00:04:58:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: And the Chinese have a Bible which contains documents over 4000 years old. The followers of Zoroaster have a Bible call the Avesta far and relating the Christian Bible. Then again, the Mohammedans have their sacred Bible, which they call the Koran. We have another sacred Bible called the Torah, which is the book of the law and the Bible of the Jew.

00:04:58:08 - 00:05:12:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: By the way, the Jews have four different Bible. Then we come down to the text book of the Christian religion, and you will readily see that the Bible is only one of a number of Bibles for which divinity is claimed.

00:05:12:18 - 00:05:23:18 Unknown Speaker: Now, just a moment, doctor, do I understand you to say that these other religions all consider their Bible just as divinely inspired as the Christian religion considers its Bible?

00:05:23:21 - 00:05:41:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: That is exactly the fact. The only thing is, of course, that the Christians deny the divinity of these other Bible and affirm that they are only of human origin. And the rest of these religions also deny the divinity of the Bible and claim that it is of human origin, which happens to be a fact.

00:05:41:16 - 00:05:42:29 Unknown Speaker: Doctor, can you prove that?

00:05:43:04 - 00:06:06:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: Absolutely and positively. And my fight with the religious organizations of today lies in the fact that these organizations ask us to believe their story and don’t tell us Americans all the truth by any manner of meaning. As a matter of fact, this Christian Bible is not one book, nor was it written at one time, nor was it written by any one man.

00:06:06:28 - 00:06:09:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: Nor does anyone know who wrote most of it.

00:06:09:27 - 00:06:15:08 Unknown Speaker: Do I understand you correctly, doctor, that no one knows who wrote most of the Bible?

00:06:15:13 - 00:06:26:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: that is what I said. Four out of the 66 books in the Bible, at least 50 are absolutely anonymous. No one knows who wrote them, nor does anyone know where they came from.

00:06:26:29 - 00:06:54:16 Unknown Speaker: Well, that is an amazing statement, doctor Robinson, and certainly is contrary to what is being taught today by the different religious organizations. I would naturally think, doctor, that these four Gospels, which contain the story of God in the form of a man, should certainly be so concise and should certainly be capable of proof, especially when you and I are told that if we do not accept the story they tell, we are eternally damned.

00:06:54:18 - 00:07:17:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, I would think so too. But let me say to you, and to the hundreds of thousands of people who will listen to this message, that there does not exist now, there has never existed any direct evidence of any kind that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John had anything to do with writing these gospels. It positively cannot be proven.

00:07:17:11 - 00:07:34:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: And therefore every minister of every religious organization, therefore he tells you or anyone else that you are damned if you do not believe. This story should certainly also tell you that he is reading from an utterly anonymous writing.

00:07:34:16 - 00:07:42:21 Unknown Speaker: Well, darker than according to that, there is no authentic information as to whether the story of Jesus Christ is fact or fiction.

00:07:42:23 - 00:07:53:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, there is plenty of authentic information on that point, and the information tends to the belief that the entire story is fiction and not fact.

00:07:53:18 - 00:07:58:12 Unknown Speaker: Oh, doctor, I thought there had always been a New Testament, even in the time of Christ.

00:07:58:13 - 00:08:07:09 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, you are wrong. The first mention of the New Testament was in the third century, 300 years after the supposed time of Christ.

00:08:07:11 - 00:08:10:08 Unknown Speaker: Well, doctor, where did the record come from?

00:08:10:10 - 00:08:33:19 Frank Bruce Robinson: I’m glad you asked that question, for you should have the answer, and so should everyone else who wants to know the truth of this matter. Now, let me say to you that a Roman Catholic bishop called Irenaeus must have the credit for founding not only the Roman Catholic Church, but also the New Testament canon, which is strictly a Roman Catholic work.

00:08:33:22 - 00:08:46:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: The New Testament did not exist before the time of irony. He was the first man to make the collection of books, and was the first to claim inspiration and divine authority for that.

00:08:46:12 - 00:08:49:16 Unknown Speaker: About what date was that Doctor?

00:08:49:18 - 00:09:13:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: That was a good many years after the supposed time of Christ. I will go into that later on, but I would like to tell you why he gave us only four gospels. He says himself, and I quote, there are four quarters to the earth on which we live. For universal wins, animals have four legs, so we must have four gospels, unquote.

00:09:13:26 - 00:09:40:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now, to come back to this record, the oldest records in existence are three. Religious organizations like to call these the code. The oldest of these old Greek manuscript is the Semitic. And this old Bible is preserved in Saint Petersburg. And, believe it or not, was discovered in a convent near Mount Sinai. No one knows the date of the thing, and no definite statement regarding its age can be made.

00:09:40:27 - 00:10:00:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: There are those who believe it dates back to the fourth century, but I don’t think that’s likely. It probably came into existence between 500 and 700 A.D.. I might state that this code, or this old Bible only contains 29 books, two of which are not in our present Bible at all.

00:10:00:16 - 00:10:03:13 Unknown Speaker: You said that was the what? Manuscript, doctor.

00:10:03:16 - 00:10:29:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: That is the sign that the manuscript. Then there is another one in the Vatican Library in Rome, and it is claim that it belongs to the fourth century. Also. It has part of the New Testament in it. But only the four Gospels act, and the part of the epistles. Then the third one is called the Alexandrian Manuscript, which is now in the British Museum, and which is supposed to belong to the sixth century.

00:10:29:17 - 00:10:38:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now that is all the evidence in existence concerning the Bible and the entire story of the fall of man, with his subsequent need of a Savior.

00:10:39:01 - 00:10:44:25 Unknown Speaker: Then I am to understand, Doctor Robinson, that these three are the only records that are.

00:10:44:27 - 00:11:15:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: These are the oldest of all Bibles in existence. And as I say, no one knows where they came from or who wrote most of them. One is not complete and the other two were quite different from the Bible used today. There is one very interesting fact here I would like to tell you, and that is the fact that Martin Luther, who was the direct cause of Protestantism, claimed that five of the epistles now held out to you as the divinely inspired Word of God were false, and he discarded them entirely.

00:11:15:19 - 00:11:21:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: Of course, those teaching Orthodox religion do not tell us this today, but it is a fact nevertheless.

00:11:22:01 - 00:11:45:25 Unknown Speaker: Well, now, doctor, this is all mighty, mighty interesting. And I imagine for the first time in a good many years, light is being thrown on a subject which needs all the light possible. I wonder before I go, if you could give me some authority covering the statement you have made to me. I know that you know what you are talking about, but someone may ask me for some definite authority outside of you.

00:11:45:27 - 00:11:47:29 Unknown Speaker: Could you give me that authority, please?

00:11:48:02 - 00:12:08:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: That will not be hard to do. Professor George T Ladd of Yale writes this quote, the authorship and date of most of the Old Testament writings and some of the New Testament will never be known with certainty, unquote. And you find that on page 294 of his book, what is the Bible?

00:12:08:07 - 00:12:18:12 Unknown Speaker: Well, Doctor Robinson, you certainly have told me things I didn’t know before. And this 15 minute period has slipped away rapidly. But I think we still have time for one thing more.

00:12:18:16 - 00:12:19:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: And what’s that?

00:12:19:17 - 00:12:21:24 Unknown Speaker: And other selection on the organ?

00:12:21:26 - 00:12:33:09 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I’m suppose I play love’s old sweet song.

00:12:59:27 - 00:13:07:13 Unknown Well.

00:13:07:15 - 00:13:17:27 Unknown Now.

00:13:18:00 - 00:13:38:16 Unknown Speaker: Yes. This 15 minute period has slipped by. But Doctor Robinson will be with us again very soon. With more interesting facts in Doctor Robinson’s complete outline of psyche. I know there are thousands of such fact facts which will open your eyes, and you may have a copy of his outline entirely without cost and without obligating yourself in the slightest degree.

00:13:38:18 - 00:14:05:14 Unknown Speaker: A penny postcard will bring it. Why not send for it at one yesterday? Send me a free copy of your outline and address your postcard to the station to which you are listening, or directly to doctor Frank Robinson. Moscow, Idaho. If you do send it to Moscow, Idaho, be sure to include in the address the word radio department.

00:14:05:17 - 00:14:12:24 Unknown Speaker: We return you now to your local announcer.

Psychiana No. 8
MacGregor & Sollie Studios
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Fifteen minute radio broadcast corresponds with radio transcript Psychiana No. 8. Episode begins with 'guide' asking Robinson about the Bible. Robinson points out there are many sacred books and nothing makes the Bible the sole sacred text. He argues that no proof exists that the evangelists are real and discusses more evidence against the validity of the Bible.
Criticizing Orthodox Reilgions Bible Gospels
Item Information:
radio program
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Psychiana No. 8", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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