Psychiana No. 9 Item Info

Psychiana No. 9 [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:29:03 Unknown Speaker: You and I live in a world much different from the world of our grandfathers, or even our fathers. Scientific theories, which in our Fathers day were thought to be true, have now, in the light of modern investigation, been proved false and discarded. We think nothing of casting aside these false beliefs and accepting newer, more accurate discoveries in almost every field of endeavor in medicine, in the physical sciences, in chemistry and astronomy.

00:00:29:05 - 00:00:58:18 Unknown Speaker: If human thought and labor can bring us new truths in these fields, isn’t it just as possible that human thought and labor can bring us new religious truths? In a few moments, you are going to hear a man who has discovered a new religious truth, a man who has evolved, a philosophy which has changed the lives of thousands upon thousands of people all over the civilized world, a philosophy which has helped them turn failure into success brought them more abundant health, given them greater happiness.

00:00:58:21 - 00:01:12:21 Unknown Speaker: That man is doctor Frank Robinson and his philosophy is known as psyche. And now I’m going to introduce your guide, who will take you directly to Doctor Robinson’s home in Moscow, Idaho.

00:01:12:24 - 00:01:38:05 Unknown Speaker: About this time of day in a beautiful home in the town of Moscow, Idaho. A man sits at the console of a magnificent pipe organ. He is a very busy man, but this hour he reserves for recreation, music and visiting with his friends. And as we enter his study, the study of doctor Frank Robinson, we tiptoe quietly across the room so as not to interrupt for selection.

00:01:38:05 - 00:02:43:03 Unknown Speaker: He is playing.

00:02:43:06 - 00:02:45:03 Unknown Speaker: Bravo! Doctor. Robinson.

00:02:45:06 - 00:02:48:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, when did you arrive? I didn’t hear you come in.

00:02:48:12 - 00:02:51:27 Unknown Speaker: No. I sneaked up on you this time.

00:02:51:29 - 00:02:56:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I am glad to see you again. You know, I just got home a few hours ago.

00:02:56:25 - 00:03:00:19 Unknown Speaker: Yes. So I understand you’ve been away for 2 or 3 weeks, haven’t you?

00:03:00:23 - 00:03:02:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. I was in Los Angeles.

00:03:02:18 - 00:03:05:22 Unknown Speaker: I hear your meetings there were very, very amazing. Is that a.

00:03:05:22 - 00:03:20:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: Fact? Well, I think it is a fact. More thousands of people were turned away from the huge Trinity Auditorium than were able to gain admission, and the doors had to be locked at 7:00. Although my speaking did not commence until 8:00.

00:03:20:07 - 00:03:25:01 Unknown Speaker: And a chap from Los Angeles told me they are still talking about those meetings.

00:03:25:04 - 00:03:30:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. Their meetings were certainly a tremendous success.

00:03:30:06 - 00:03:51:25 Unknown Speaker: Doctor, let me ask you a personal question. If I may. I have come to have a profound respect for your philosophy and opinions, and I would like to know how it happened, that you could go into Los Angeles and pack the huge Trinity Auditorium there and turn thousands of people away night after night. What is the cause of that doctor?

00:03:51:27 - 00:04:07:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I think the cause is not too hard to find. My greatest meeting there was on Sunday night, and yet there were probably hundreds of churches in Los Angeles which were preaching religion on that same night. And I do not think there was one which turned anyone away.

00:04:08:00 - 00:04:10:08 Unknown Speaker: Well, tell me why that was.

00:04:10:10 - 00:04:27:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I think the answer to that lies in the fact that people today are starving for religious truth. They instinctively know that God exists and they seem to instinctively know that if they can by some means find the power of that great realm of God, their troubles will all be over.

00:04:27:29 - 00:04:31:06 Unknown Speaker: And I agree with you, Doctor Robinson. They would be.

00:04:31:08 - 00:04:55:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: But and here is the terrible thing. American women and men today are absolutely not satisfied with the story given to them by existing religious organizations concerning God. They have listened to this story for years. They have watched the lives of people who have claimed to be in tune with God Almighty, and they have decided that this message does not appeal to them.

00:04:55:15 - 00:05:18:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: And mind you, I am talking about the great mass of thinking Americans today. They do not believe that man ever fell through a canvas session between a talking snake and Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. And they know full well that if that story is not true, then man does not lead any crucified God to come down from heaven and save him.

00:05:18:13 - 00:05:29:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: If the present day church would teach that man is the highest creation God ever made, instead of teaching that he is a guilty, last hell deserving sinner, it would get somewhere.

00:05:29:27 - 00:05:39:03 Unknown Speaker: Well, come to think of a doctor, what you just stated there. If in fact man really is the highest of all created things, is he not?

00:05:39:06 - 00:06:04:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Man is the only creation gifted with sufficient intelligence to grasp the truths of God, or even recognize a God. And if he is damned before he is born, then there’s little hope for the human race, for the story of Jesus Christ will never say this world. It has had plenty of opportunity to do that. If it could. And today we find the world in a more horrible mess than it’s ever been in before.

00:06:04:14 - 00:06:28:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: And that’s a different picture of God is painted. And unless hope of some sort comes into the human race, I am afraid for the future of this United States of ours. Thank God, however, men and women, by the thousands are coming to know that this crucified God story, with its connected volume and story, is a long, long way from being the truth.

00:06:28:23 - 00:06:59:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: They know it is nothing more nor less than an old pagan superstition told again. If you want to know the effects of that teaching, look at the nations which have it. My message may not be light, but it is founded in God’s eternal truths and therefore will stand the test of time and eternity. And there is no wonder to me that men and women, by the tens of thousands, are discarding the old pagan story for the truth.

00:06:59:06 - 00:07:08:15 Unknown Speaker: A moment ago, doctor, you made use of the expression a different picture of God. Just what do you mean by a different picture?

00:07:08:17 - 00:07:19:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I mean, of course, a different conception from that which mankind has heretofore held. For instance, have you ever formed in your mind the picture of God?

00:07:19:14 - 00:07:35:10 Unknown Speaker: Well, yes. As a youngster, I used to picture God as being something like a man. Much bigger and powerful, of course, but still the form of a man. And I must confess that I have something of that picture right now.

00:07:35:13 - 00:08:05:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, that is not unusual. The whole human race has had that same picture since the very beginning. Always God has been more or less represented in human form, and more significant as possessing human attributes and characteristics given to anger. Pride sets of temper, injustice, cruelty, etc.. Read your Bible and you will find instances of every one of these and the ten commandments themselves.

00:08:05:14 - 00:08:29:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: Take in so many words that God is a jealous God who visits the sins of the fathers upon the children. In other words, who punish you innocent people. Now you know something of the size and complexity of this universe of ours, a universe in which our own big world begins, we think it is, is, by comparison, only a grain of dust.

00:08:29:19 - 00:08:35:01 Frank Bruce Robinson: Do you honestly think a God such as the Bible described could govern this universe?

00:08:35:03 - 00:08:37:13 Unknown Speaker: No, no, I do not.

00:08:37:16 - 00:08:40:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: Then what does covenant. There must be something.

00:08:40:19 - 00:08:41:29 Unknown Speaker: I wish I knew.

00:08:42:02 - 00:09:09:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: And there you are. Your position in the matter is not a bit different from millions of other people. All of them have cast aside the belief that God is simply a sort of super man. All of them are groping and searching for something they can believe, something which common sense will let them believe. They all doctrine. The old beliefs taught by orthodox religious systems have failed them, fail them at every turn.

00:09:09:24 - 00:09:40:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: These people have discovered that the things they have been taught simply do not work. But as I say, there must be something which governs this universe and that something is God. Not a man, not a being with human characteristics, but an underlying, changeless, immutable law. A principle, a principle which has been in effect since the very beginning of time, which has created everything that has been created.

00:09:41:00 - 00:09:58:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: A God’s law which governs everything from the tiniest electron to the planet. And you cannot tell me that this God law is not powerful enough. Once we have come to understand it and have learned how to use it to give us the things we want.

00:09:58:03 - 00:10:01:09 Unknown Speaker: Well, doctor, how are we to go about understanding it?

00:10:01:12 - 00:10:30:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: The first step is to get rid of all the superstitious beliefs which orthodox religious systems have today. And that’s exactly what people are beginning to do. The wonder is that they have not tossed such beliefs out of the window long ago. For the very manner in which these Orthodox creeds have been presented to us show their faults. For example, suppose someone came to you and said, here is a magic charm.

00:10:30:28 - 00:10:50:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: There are lots of other charms, but this is the only genuine one. However, you must take my word for that. You must not doubt it or try to test it in any way. Just wear it around your neck and when you die, you are assured of a happy hereafter. Now, would you believe that?

00:10:50:23 - 00:10:52:15 Unknown Speaker: I certainly would not.

00:10:52:17 - 00:11:23:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yet Orthodox religion is presented to us in the very same way. We are told this that or the other particular belief is the only true religion. We are asked to take it on faith. We are not allowed to test it and our reward comes beyond the grave. Well, I feel I have a right to test my religious beliefs, and if they don’t work all right to discard them for something that does work here and now.

00:11:24:00 - 00:11:40:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: And that’s what I’ve done. I don’t claim to know all about this God love, for no man can know that. But I do know enough to realize that it works, because it has worked for me and for thousands upon thousands of other.

00:11:40:03 - 00:11:43:13 Unknown Speaker: Yes, the way your movement is growing certainly proves that.

00:11:43:15 - 00:11:52:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes. And my experience in Los Angeles was simply, well, look at that truck. We’ve just got about enough time to sign off.

00:11:52:23 - 00:11:56:09 Unknown Speaker: Don’t you think that you can squeeze in another organ selection?

00:11:56:11 - 00:12:05:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I’ll try it. Say, I’m going to play a favorite of mine this time, a friend’s melody.

00:12:05:10 - 00:13:03:17 Unknown Through.

00:13:03:19 - 00:13:27:13 Unknown And through.

00:13:27:15 - 00:13:55:14 Unknown Speaker: Doesn’t the clear sound. Common sense of Doctor Robinson’s message appeal to you? Doesn’t something down deep inside of you say that is the truth? Then why not get Doctor Robinson’s complete message, particularly when you can do so without it costing you $0.01 or obligating you in any way just right? For Doctor Robinson’s free outline of psychiatry, and address your letter to the station to which you are listening, or directly to doctor Frank Robinson.

00:13:55:15 - 00:14:26:19 Unknown Speaker: Moscow, Idaho if you write to Moscow, Idaho, be sure to include the words Radio Department in the address and be sure to tune in next time doctor Robinson is on the air. We return your now to your local announcer, who will announce the time and date of Doctor Robinson’s next broadcast.

Psychiana No. 9
MacGregor & Sollie Studios
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Fifteen minute radio broadcast corresponds with radio transcript Psychiana No. 9. Broadcast begins with a 'guide' asking Robinson questions and pontificating on the changing times due to advances in Science. Robinson and guide discuss Robinson's convention in Los Angeles and the many attendees who have been asked to believe what orthodox religions have told them is true. Robinson criticizes beliefs of organized religions like Christianity.
Criticizing Orthodox Reilgions Los Angeles Science and Technology
Item Information:
radio program
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Psychiana No. 9", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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