Psychiana No. 7 Item Info

Psychiana No. 7 [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:28:26 Unknown Speaker: Again, we are to have the opportunity of hearing the voice of doctor Frank Robinson in a discussion of a topic extremely important to all of us. Important because it is the thing which governs the daily life of the entire human race. I refer to religious system, religious beliefs. Doctor Robinson is going to reveal some startling facts about those various beliefs, facts which will make every intelligent person stop and think.

00:00:28:28 - 00:00:54:27 Unknown Speaker: This in itself is unusual for most religious systems on Earth, as they are do not want people to think, do not want them to analyze and weigh fact. They come to us. To you and to me, and ask us to accept on faith. Ask us to believe one story and only one story. They say to us here, you must take this and believe it without question.

00:00:54:29 - 00:01:25:10 Unknown Speaker: Doctor Robinson makes no such demands. He is solely, entirely concerned with finding out the truth, and in so doing he has discovered a spiritual law and the manifestation of God in that law. So clear, so plain, so logical, that his philosophy has swept around the world, has made thousands of converts in every civilized country on the globe. Doctor Robinson calls his philosophy Doctor Gianna.

00:01:25:12 - 00:01:39:02 Unknown Speaker: And surely such a man discussing such a tremendous subject is worth listening to. And here is your guide, ready to take you directly to Doctor Robinson’s home in Moscow, Idaho.

00:01:39:05 - 00:01:56:02 Unknown Speaker: Somehow, I always picture my arrival in Moscow, Idaho as occurring in the evening. Sunset colors have faded in the west. Lights begin to twinkle through the gathering dust, the pine clad hills then silhouetted against the calm evening.

00:01:56:02 - 00:01:58:19 Frank Bruce Robinson: Sky up a little street.

00:01:58:26 - 00:03:14:14 Unknown Speaker: Quiet and deserted now we approach a home through the windows. There comes a gleam of gold and light. And we see a man seated at the console of a pipe organ. Unconscious of the fact we are listening. His fingers caress the keys of.

00:03:14:16 - 00:03:19:03 Unknown Speaker: I compliment you, Doctor Robinson, on your rendition of that selection.

00:03:19:06 - 00:03:23:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I didn’t know I had an audience. Come in, come in. Have a care.

00:03:23:28 - 00:03:31:05 Unknown Speaker: Thank you. Doctor. You know, somehow I can’t get rid of the notion that breaking in on you this way is a downright intrusion.

00:03:31:07 - 00:03:33:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: Oh, nonsense. You’re always welcome.

00:03:33:22 - 00:03:36:24 Unknown Speaker: You know that even when I get bothering you with questions.

00:03:36:26 - 00:03:38:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: It isn’t any bother at all.

00:03:38:26 - 00:03:46:21 Unknown Speaker: Well, there’s one question that’s been bothering me. Any way. I’d like to have you answer it for me. I know you can.

00:03:46:24 - 00:03:59:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I’m not so sure that I can. I have never posed as being a walking encyclopedia or anything like that. But what is your question? And does it concern spiritual truth?

00:03:59:05 - 00:04:25:01 Unknown Speaker: It is a question regarding religion, which has been in my mind for some time. You know, doctor, when I was a child, being born in a very religious home, I was taught that I was a guilty, lost sinner unless I went through an experience called conversion. But I never. I have never been able to understand the justice of my being condemned to eternal punishment through no fault of my own.

00:04:25:04 - 00:04:33:00 Unknown Speaker: Now that you see what I’m driving at, what is your opinion of this theory? Is it true or is it not true?

00:04:33:02 - 00:04:56:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, use your reasoning and the question answers itself. And by the way, let me say to you that if the story of the fall of man is not true, then there is no need of a supernatural reveal Savior to save him. And what we have had handed to it in the name of God is proven to be a myth and an unnecessary superstition.

00:04:56:11 - 00:05:00:23 Unknown Speaker: I wish you would tell me where that story originated. Doctor Robinson, if you can.

00:05:00:26 - 00:05:24:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, seeing that we are dealing with a Christian religion. Let’s go to the Christian Bible and see what it has to say on this subject. And by the way, if this story of the fall of man according to the Bible is not true, literally and word for word, then neither is the rest of it. For this book called the Bible is either the divine inspired Word of God.

00:05:24:25 - 00:05:48:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: Absolutely true from cover to cover, or it is nothing of the kind. And we had better find out people today are hungry for the truth. But instead of being given the truth, they have been given pagan superstition to such a degree that they are sick and tired of it, and consequently are not interested in the story told in the name of God.

00:05:48:08 - 00:06:08:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: By religious organizations today, these religious organizations do not like me, but they are not able to refute anything I say. All I am after is that the true picture of God be given to men and women, and all pagan fairy stories be absolutely discarded.

00:06:08:25 - 00:06:15:04 Unknown Speaker: Well, you think of the fall of man is a pagan myth or a fairy story, or you’re a Doctor Robinson.

00:06:15:07 - 00:06:40:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: As I said before, let’s see what the Bible has to say about it. The first chapter of Genesis gives us the account of the creation of man. And in a nutshell, it is something like this. We are told that God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nose the breath of life. Then he caused sleep to fall upon this man, and took a rib from him and made a woman.

00:06:40:19 - 00:07:05:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: He put this first couple in a garden and gave certain instructions to them, and went away and left them there. Then there entered into the picture one of the most fantastic creatures, in the form of a talking snake, who engaged this first man and woman in conversation. And the result of that conversation was that God placed a curse upon this couple he had made.

00:07:05:28 - 00:07:28:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: And that curse has been there ever since. In other words, this beautiful creation of God by listening to a talking snake very effectively sealed its own doom. And not only that, but seal the doom of every created being from that time to this. Now, do you believe that?

00:07:28:08 - 00:07:36:19 Unknown Speaker: Well, doctor, I would not be honest with myself if I said I did believe it, because it does not appeal to my reason as being true.

00:07:36:21 - 00:07:52:01 Frank Bruce Robinson: And neither does it appeal to millions of other thinking Americans either. As a matter of fact, the story is not true. It is an old anonymous pagan teaching held by other religions long before Christ was ever heard of.

00:07:52:04 - 00:08:00:05 Unknown Speaker: What? That you said, Doctor Robinson. Do you mean to tell me that other religions before the Christian religion knew that story?

00:08:00:07 - 00:08:01:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: I certainly do.

00:08:01:17 - 00:08:04:05 Unknown Speaker: Well, doctor, will you tell me one of them?

00:08:04:08 - 00:08:30:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: All right. Listen, the Hindu Bible, which teaches that the Savior of the world was Krishna instead of Christ. And by the way, note the similarity between those two names. It teaches us that the first man and woman were Adeyemo and Khiva, which are practically the same thing as Adam and Eve. It has its story of the serpent and the fall of man.

00:08:30:07 - 00:08:41:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: So you see that instead of this story of Adam and Eve being original, it was known to millions of people who were in another religion long before Christ ever appeared on the scene.

00:08:41:24 - 00:08:51:05 Unknown Speaker: This certainly is interesting, Doctor Robinson. Why don’t the religions are the religious organizations of the day, I should say, tell us about these things.

00:08:51:08 - 00:09:12:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, that is easy to answer for. As I said before, if you blow up the story of the fall of man with whether you blow up the need of a crucified Savior, or if the story of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden is not true, then neither is the story of a crucified God coming to redeem man.

00:09:12:12 - 00:09:15:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: True either. Is that logical?

00:09:15:11 - 00:09:26:23 Unknown Speaker: Yes, it certainly is. And I think you are doing a wonderful work in telling American people what the truth actually is. I do not imagine that church people like this doctrine know.

00:09:26:25 - 00:09:53:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, I do not care whether they like it or not. I am not interested in what anyone like. I am only interested in telling American men and women and children what the actual truth is concerning this thing called the church and the philosophy. It comes with us today. Next time, if you like, I will tell you something about this book called the Bible, and we will see whether it is the divinely inspired Word of God or not.

00:09:54:01 - 00:10:06:17 Unknown Speaker: Well, I certainly will be here early, doctor, because I am one of those thinking Americans who want the truth, and I can readily understand how those teaching this orthodox religious story hate you.

00:10:06:19 - 00:10:38:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, you know, one of the old Bible writers said that if any man taught any other doctrine than theirs, he should be a curse. And I imagine that is the way many of them feel today. But we still have a Constitution in the United States, and I happen to be an American. And just as long as I am able to, I shall fearlessly put the other side of the story on the bar of human judgment with the church’s story, and then let Americans make up their own mind, whether the story is true or false.

00:10:38:19 - 00:10:43:18 Unknown Speaker: Well, doctor, that certainly is an unusual procedure. Most prophets of religion.

00:10:44:08 - 00:11:03:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: now, wait a minute. I’m not setting myself up as a prophet or anything of that sort. I’m just an ordinary fellow who’s done a little serious thinking and found out that what I have discovered is true because it worked for me and for thousands of other people.

00:11:03:12 - 00:11:13:16 Unknown Speaker: Yes. And you’re something else, too. You’re a mighty fine musician. Oh, and if we have a few minutes left, I’d like to hear you play. Pale moon.

00:11:13:19 - 00:11:30:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: Why? I’ll be glad to. Let’s see. Pale moon. Oh, yeah. It goes like this.

00:11:30:07 - 00:11:54:12 Unknown You.

00:11:54:14 - 00:12:13:11 Unknown You.

00:12:13:14 - 00:12:56:13 Unknown You.

00:12:56:16 - 00:13:14:28 Unknown You.

00:13:15:01 - 00:13:49:23 Unknown Speaker: In closing this broadcast, I’d like to repeat something that Doctor Robinson has just said. I shall fearlessly put the other side of the story on the bar of human judgment with the church’s story, and then let Americans make up their own mind whether the story is true or false. It is for you to decide. And if Doctor Robinson has discovered a spiritual law, which is God, a law which properly understood and you can do here and now the things which orthodox belief can only promise to do in the future after you die.

00:13:49:25 - 00:14:15:23 Unknown Speaker: Isn’t it just plain common sense to find out about it? And you can do just that by simply writing a postcard and without obligating yourself in any way. Just write to Doctor Robinson and say, then may the free outline of your philosophy address your postcard to doctor Frank Robinson. Care of the station to which you are listening, or to doctor Frank Robinson.

00:14:15:25 - 00:14:34:15 Unknown Speaker: Radio Department, Moscow, Idaho. Include in your Moscow, Idaho address the word radio Department so that your postcard will not get mixed up with the tremendous mail from Doctor Robinson. Students.

Psychiana No. 7
MacGregor & Sollie Studios
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Fifteen minute radio broadcast corresponding with radio transcript Psychiana No. 7. Broadcast begins with 'guide' asking Robinson about the religious notion of sin, or the fall of man, and Robinson renounces these concepts, using the opportunity to talk about the origin of Christian and Pagan myths that have no basis in fact.
Criticizing Orthodox Reilgions Christianity Paganism Bible Adam and Eve Sin
Item Information:
radio program
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Psychiana No. 7", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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