Psychiana No. 6 Item Info

Psychiana No. 6 [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:24:16 Unknown Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, too few men has come so quickly after the man whom you will hear in a few moments. And too few men have success, comes to abundant life yet. And I say this with that man’s permission. A little more than five years ago, he was an out. And our failure. Nobody had ever heard of him. He had failed in everything he had tried to do.

00:00:24:19 - 00:00:46:21 Unknown Speaker: And then for the first time, he did something that few of us ever do. He began thinking for himself. He discarded all that had been taught him and blazed his own trail. And he came upon a stupendous truth, a startling discovery, an amazing philosophy that today is known all over the world, that has followers in every civilized country on the globe.

00:00:46:24 - 00:01:09:16 Unknown Speaker: Do you think such a man could make an interesting talk? I do. And I’m sure you will agree with me when you hear him. His name, and at the name you all know is doctor Frank Robinson. First, though, let me present your guide who will take you to Doctor Robinson. Studied. This is the little city of Moscow nestling among the pine covered.

00:01:09:16 - 00:01:14:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Hills of northern Idaho. As we turn the corner into the street.

00:01:14:07 - 00:01:15:06 Unknown Speaker: Where Doctor Robinson.

00:01:15:06 - 00:01:19:09 Frank Bruce Robinson: Lived, we got to the strains of pipe organ music.

00:01:19:11 - 00:01:37:13 Unknown Speaker: It is coming from Doctor Robinson’s study, where he tips the console, your fingers caressing the keys, and we pause to listen.

00:01:37:16 - 00:02:09:22 Unknown Speaker: For.

00:02:09:24 - 00:02:31:14 Unknown Speaker: Further.

00:02:31:17 - 00:02:56:02 Frank Bruce Robinson: And now suppose we go into the house. Doctor Robinson is waiting for. Well, we took the privilege of walking right in, doctor. Well, that’s as it should be. The door is always on. Let’s do you hear? Give me your hat and coat and sit down. Thank you. Doctor. I suppose you will. You’ve come primed with a lot of questions for me to answer if I can.

00:02:56:08 - 00:02:58:09 Unknown Speaker: Not a lot of questions, doctor.

00:02:58:11 - 00:03:10:18 Unknown Speaker: Just one. It’s something that puzzled me for a long time, but I never had anybody to discuss it with. Do you believe that anyone had a virgin mother?

00:03:10:20 - 00:03:35:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: No one, including Christ, ever was born of the Virgin. The law of nature, which is the law of nature’s God, very effectively prevents any such happening, is that if the laws of God governing childbirth ever were broken in even one instant, they may be broken again. And this entire universe hangs not upon the laws of God, but upon the laws of time.

00:03:36:00 - 00:04:04:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: It never happened. The virgin birth story is but one more holdover or effect from religious philosophies of heathen lands existing long before the time of Christ and possessing this story in its entirety. That is where the story of the virgin birth came from in my last book, Crucified Gods Galore. You will find authentic history for at least 16 virgin born gods long before this latest of them all.

00:04:04:22 - 00:04:43:18 Frank Bruce Robinson: The report in Authentic History of the case of a virtuous woman giving birth to a child with the usual form and possessing the usual characteristics of the human being, and who should testify. She had no male partner in the conception mind. In an age of miracles and ignorance of natural law, we believe with implicit credulity. But in an age of intelligent, when the keys of science have unlocked the sacred shrines and hallowed vaults, and sacred, open and modern researches of history have laid bare the fact that most ancient religious countries abound in reports of this character.

00:04:43:20 - 00:05:14:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: A profound and generous skepticism must then result in a total rejection of their truth by all manner of science and historical intelligence. Many of the cases noted in History of young maids claiming a paternity for their male offspring by a god. In Greece, it became so common that the reigning king issued an edict decreeing the death of all young women, who should offer such an insult to deity as to label him the charge of fathering their children.

00:05:15:01 - 00:05:47:22 Frank Bruce Robinson: The Virgin of Meaning furnishes the case of one young woman claiming God for the father of her son. Answer these 1280 years before Christ and Ceres, the Virgin born mother of all Ceres, claimed that he was begotten by the father of all God. The worship of this virgin mother, with her God begotten child prevailed everywhere. As a matter of fact, this child was often pictured lying in the manger in the same manner as the infant Jesus was later laid in the cave in Bethlehem.

00:05:47:25 - 00:06:17:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: The worship of virgin godmothers and God babes is a very ancient day and universal prevalent in all eastern countries, as is proved by sculptured figures bearing the marks of great age. In corroboration of this statement. I could cite many cases, if I had the time from the religious records of India, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, Mexico, Tibet, etc.. Maya, which means Mary was the mother of the Hindu God sake.

00:06:17:12 - 00:07:01:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yea, yea. So there was the mother of the virgin born god Krishna. Self-esteem was the mother of the Virgin born gods. Julius Kimmelman was the mother of the Virgin born Quetzalcoatl of Mexico. The Amalia was the mother of the Egyptian virgin born god Bacchus and Minerva was the mother of the Greek virgin born god Bacchus. Prudence was the mother of the virgin born god Hercules, and so on, and these days the mother was still held to be a virgin, even after she had given birth to other children besides the deity begotten answering, which furnishes another striking power in love of Mary, as she was still called the Virgin after she had given birth to Jesus

00:07:01:28 - 00:07:30:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: and his brothers James and John. When you consider the fact admitted by Christian writers and evidenced by the Bible itself, that no history of Christ’s life was written by a person claiming to have been an eyewitness of the events reported. And when you consider the further fact that the four Gospels are absolutely anonymous, writing, you have the answer to the question of how this virgin birth story came to be in Christian literature.

00:07:30:29 - 00:07:59:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: Let me repeat the part of that statement to you. Hundreds of thousands of people, and perhaps millions of people have heard me make that last statement. If the statement is true, your entire Christian structure credible and if you think it is not true. Go and ask your minister to tell you honestly who wrote before God. If he says you know, ask him to submit to you the evidence.

00:07:59:06 - 00:08:24:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Not a single eyewitness was ever known to have written down one single word about those supposedly miraculous happenings attending the birth of Christ and as far as the four gospels go, no one knows who wrote them. Then a Christian church itself will tell you candidly that none of them were written until 60 years after the events they’re supposed to describe has happened.

00:08:24:07 - 00:08:52:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yet we have today millions of people trusting their whole. So doing a religious prophecy in the first place was given by absolutely anonymous writer, and which in the second place is the same identical philosophy of life and of God believed and thought by what we call today heathen and pagan religion. Now I am telling you that this story is not true.

00:08:52:06 - 00:09:27:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: You can please yourself whether you believe it or not. These superstitious, morbid, unhealthy stories of virgin birth, bloody crucifixion, impossible doctrines of atonement, equally impossible resurrection are blinding the minds of millions of people to the true power of the Spirit of God, as that power exists today. And it is my mission in life to tell men and women the world over it that instead of the power of God being an abstract thing, relegated into the heaven some place, or rather this power exists today for you and me.

00:09:27:27 - 00:09:54:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: And believe it or not, this power can and will bring to you in the moment you recognize it and learn how to use it. Everything you can possibly desire, regardless of whether it be happiness, health, or material abundance, think that over the doctrine of repentance and salvation may be traced to the same superstitious and heathen origin that the rest of the doctrines of the Christian church may be traced to.

00:09:54:12 - 00:10:16:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: If the Christian church does not come to the world pretty quick with a better story than it has now, and with more evidence than it has shown today, it just simply means that this country, like other countries, have done, we literally discard the entire thing. They have practically done that already. As a social organization, it is all very fine.

00:10:16:05 - 00:10:40:15 Frank Bruce Robinson: But as far as bringing the dynamic power of the Spirit of God into a human life, the church today is just as important to do this as a lot of would. No, no one ever was born of a virgin, and no one ever will be put that doctrine away with other similar doctrine in the pile of old religious superstitions once believed but not believed anymore.

00:10:40:17 - 00:11:07:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: No enlightened thinking American can but can believe such philosophy. And that is the reason that men and women in this country, by the millions, are groping around trying to find the way. My message to representatives of Orthodox religions throughout the world is there, cast away from you these old pagan stories and philosophies, and give God credit for being able to reveal himself to his highest creation.

00:11:07:14 - 00:11:27:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: Men and women, without such absurd methods as you have been advocating, what kind of a god would he be if the death of one innocent man appeased his wrath and brought salvation to all the rest of the world? Thank God I am infinitely beyond believing such babyish prattle as that.

00:11:27:07 - 00:11:30:05 Unknown Speaker: Well, that is an amazing story, doctor Robinson.

00:11:30:10 - 00:11:41:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: All God’s laws are amazing. Take the law of music, for instance. Listen.

00:11:41:06 - 00:12:25:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: If I do not follow the laws of music and touch the wrong keys, I get discord. And it is the same with life. If our life is not to be discord, we must know the laws governing life.

00:12:25:15 - 00:12:50:10 Unknown Speaker: As our guide didn’t ask many questions this time, I’m going to ask one. And you are the only person in the world who can answer it. The question is then, are you satisfied to plug away, trusting, to luck, to help you? Or do you want to control your own destiny? If you are in earnest about your future success, health and happiness, get Doctor Robinson’s complete story as given in the outline of his philosophy.

00:12:50:12 - 00:13:13:22 Unknown Speaker: It costs you nothing, does not obligate you. All you have to do is write for it on a penny postcard. Surely his philosophy, which has helped so many people, it’s worth investigating. Write to Doctor Robinson, Radio Department, Moscow, Idaho. Be sure to put radio department in the address so your request will not get mixed with the many letters from Doctor Robinson.

00:13:13:22 - 00:13:28:18 Unknown Speaker: Student I’ll repeat the whole address again. Doctor Frank Robinson, radio department, Moscow, Idaho. We return you now to your local announcer.

Psychiana No. 6
MacGregor & Sollie Studios
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Fifteen minute radio broadcast. Episode begins with 'guide' asking Robinson about the nature of the virgin birth. Robinson refutes the virgin birth ever happened for several reasons, specifically it defies the God-Law governing nature and the story was borrowed from heathen and pagan myths, which Robinson discusses in specific detail. Robinson also discusses who actually authored the Gopels.
Gospels Doctrine Parallels Virgin Birth Paganism Criticizing Orthodox Religion
Item Information:
radio program
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Psychiana No. 6", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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