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00:00:00:00 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: If you saw.

00:00:05:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: What would it be like if we came back to you a second time for a second interview?

00:00:10:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh, I. You know, I wish I knew I talked.

00:00:17:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: About two hours. I know it was quite a closed deal.

00:00:21:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Had you ever sat down and talked about your whole life before?

00:00:24:22 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: No. And my husband was interested in preserving it for our family. And he got it on me because it. But it didn’t come true that we paid back over the life of it. Enough that even here we are, we I we knew what we were talking about, and I knew when I found out that it didn’t come to that and that it kind of worried.

00:00:40:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Maybe it didn’t come through. I heard it because, you had better, I guess, read it and it could come through. So he and he would really kind of disappointed because he thought it would be nice to keep for our children. You know who you are for who we lost to.

00:00:54:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The other side. And, you.

00:00:56:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Know, kind of point about that. No, I thought about that afterwards. And it becomes fun to write a story that hadn’t been, you know, a year.

00:01:07:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Of older ones.

00:01:10:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Isabel, if you ever think about well, as transferring into your story and transcribing the tape as.

00:01:22:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: That, that we want to do and, and we’re trying to figure out how it can be done, it it’s extremely time consuming.

00:01:29:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh, yeah. No. You need somebody like, almost like a corporate partner.

00:01:33:10 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yes we did. In fact it’s estimated. And Sam Schrager who’s into you know here it takes ten hours to transcribe one hour of recording tape. So that’s another possibility that we’ll be looking for. Maybe there are funding. There are people that would provide money for that. We could hire a person who is good at typing to be very efficient.

00:01:54:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: We have to get some better typing and trade in this. So it would make best use of it. But I think you’re right. Before a real research can be done, it has to be done. And I went to the oral history conference and.

00:02:09:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Put a link.

00:02:09:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: To weeks ago, and they all agreed the same for collecting data on tape. But in order to save your work, the poor people needed paper.

00:02:19:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, you have to keep the tape because of certain flavor and the person is talking, right? But you lose encryption. But for the use of now what did happen.

00:02:34:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And so so.

00:02:36:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah. Well, Mr. Smith, thanks a lot for selling Mrs. Jones over here on this one. I saw it that way. What do you mean? You know, the transcription works better.

00:02:47:03 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: certain things that you have here.

00:02:48:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Well, we’ve been thinking about how to use it now, and one possibility is the questions that we asked, we’re group like there was a number of questions about child rearing where you got information on child rearing or your attitudes.

00:03:05:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: But, think.

00:03:06:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I think we were trying to get at how one thing we’re looking at was, how important is the idea of work.

00:03:12:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In your life?

00:03:13:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: How would your children raise you were growing up compared to.

00:03:18:01 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: If they didn’t have any questions like that? Money. she didn’t really ask me too many questions of your life. And and so I started in, in New Town of four.

00:03:29:05 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Years and married.

00:03:30:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, I, you know, I think of my girlfriend and like myself right now, like my friends and pioneers, when they came here in 1968, I was a.

00:03:39:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Girl, six years old.

00:03:40:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: But when you tell a story, there are things you say in the way you say. It tells us your attitude forward.

00:03:47:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I know what you mean.

00:03:48:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And it comes through. So that’s what Charles is saying. When we go over the transcript and we analyze what we want to say, we can say so many people in women’s live in northern Idaho. Most of them feel this way.

00:04:00:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: About where you are.

00:04:04:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So that’s kind of what looking to try to remember.

00:04:08:00 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I remember telling you about, my my cut, our curve. I look at this valley like we were saying that it was organized my house 40 years ago. We we, celebrate our fourth anniversary in May. And I was going to turn, and we left, and we celebrated formally giving gifts and dinners. They just really made quite a deal of it.

00:04:32:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And I had felt a need to meet other people, you know, to get together and. In 40 years ago, many of them, not just the members of Courtney Keith, but before I got there and, you know, I remember last summer, still alive, but really doing, you know. Growing up there.

00:04:56:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: That’s an interesting bit of data too, as you heard, we talked about some women. What has changed in your lifetime? And they would say this kind of social have was in common in their you.

00:05:08:01 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Or.

00:05:08:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: When they were younger, and a lot of them had fantasized in the Second World War had not been so. And I feel a lot of that.

00:05:17:24 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah, maybe for the Second World War and number 35 in my life. Charlie just started school. That we needed some companionship, I guess, but we didn’t have. The houses were scarce and there wasn’t a happy in. We couldn’t see a house around the country, but now it’s grown up. So we’re in neighbors like those in in that change in the life of the year.

00:05:43:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So the neighborhood.

00:05:44:07 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: It’s not as.

00:05:44:22 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Important. No. We don’t even know some work. Okay. And people have.

00:05:48:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Cars go okay. Yeah.

00:05:52:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And living is very different.

00:05:54:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: This program at that time we were a lot more.

00:05:58:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: We were yes, we were. The roads were where.

00:06:02:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You go accountable people who might have serious.

00:06:07:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Well, yeah, we did, you know. Oh we were busy for busy. We didn’t. But then I heard we tried to organize your I mean, I was the one that got in the mail from university and one and, standing around for the neighbors up to the town of Greenville, and nobody told me. And one other one was here, so I didn’t give up.

00:06:31:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Then the next time I invited my home, we had a whole room for. So, and then it was a little bit difficult, you know, in a way. I mean, we are, so, like, nowadays, there’s so many people so easy to get a crowd, different location.

00:06:49:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: For it, for many people used.

00:06:52:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You after you were interviewed. think about your. I think you have been interviewed like that. You were wrong about your whole life.

00:07:01:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Would you think differently about it as a result?

00:07:04:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The people are. No, I don’t think so.

00:07:06:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: We knew all this. And you think people are going to say the wrong things? Got it. You know, and this was me.

00:07:13:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I know. What do you think? Is that something?

00:07:17:20 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Even everything I thought was more interesting after.

00:07:21:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The.

00:07:23:01 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: How did you feel about that?

00:07:26:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh, I don’t know that. I never thought of it in that.

00:07:31:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Way. it was quite experience. Two years of working there. Got a lot of things back that you just start to put in the background. I don’t know, I remember once in a while, but yeah, I know I did a lot of thinking about things that I had done before. After I. And I wish I had put them down so I could remember I but it wasn’t I wish I had.

00:07:59:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You.

00:08:01:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: All here. Wouldn’t it be interesting to.

00:08:02:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Do it now? Down to the to the.

00:08:05:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh, those in experience.

00:08:07:28 - Unknown: and maybe the future needs to be able to have it gets to have them. Yeah.

00:08:12:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I know I always wish.

00:08:13:23 - Unknown: That my grandfather would do something like that for me. I would just like the people from. That’s, one.

00:08:22:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Of the best.

00:08:25:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I was so inspired by the meeting. We had a potluck, and I think that’s where you might have seen it, because I think that program is a very limited thing. I think everyone there just thought you like I never went away. And then when did I hear them? Or they didn’t know what was going to be like and they came.

00:08:38:00 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I think more in the evening.

00:08:40:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: They found out with your phone.

00:08:47:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Can you, so you think of other women who, in our neighborhood who might,

00:08:56:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, maybe they are you to begin to think of themselves differently if they remembered all the things they had to offer. I think there’s a tendency for women and you say that. Well, it’s every day that’s just expected. And we forget much about.

00:09:11:10 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Our I for most people, why would you do things that matter or that they think they should and.

00:09:20:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So I rely.

00:09:21:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: On that accumulation of what they contribute.

00:09:23:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: To my right. There are a lot of women that have been get a.

00:09:27:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Lot for their communities. And now college town covered. We don’t have it’s just a matter of fact.

00:09:35:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And for later generations, I think it’s really important for us to.

00:09:40:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Realize how much our mothers have done for us and how how hard their lives were in that way. Yeah, how joyful.

00:09:49:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In ways that we have never.

00:09:51:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Experienced.

00:09:52:20 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I don’t know, okay. You’re just available.

00:09:59:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: For girls. And then, you know, for me, I got.

00:10:04:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Several years before my sister here, you know, the one.

00:10:07:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: We’re going to have here tonight to tell people that. Oh, is that.

00:10:13:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, with my sister. But I see, I talked to several years before she died.

00:10:18:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So it’s your turn to.

00:10:20:00 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah, well.

00:10:21:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You’re right in that. Take it from other.

00:10:24:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah. I got your back out of.

00:10:27:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I’m just sorry who I’m.

00:10:28:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Here to hear. I kept wondering what.

00:10:29:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: All the giggles were around the room.

00:10:32:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: people make out when I tell her that is her life. And they did. I wish you’d put it in her nose to come, because she would have come. But she had it coming, and she thought we.

00:10:41:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Should go to.

00:10:44:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Her last night. So she come with me. I know she got quite integral out of doing it, so I’m sure.

00:10:54:10 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Better come here.

00:10:56:07 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: One of the things I wish that I’d have. Can you think of anything that would have made your life better or would have helped? You went to.

00:11:04:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: School.

00:11:06:07 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: All through college. Can you think of anything further education as you in those days you didn’t go to college or you won’t.

00:11:15:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Go to school anymore, but you graduated.

00:11:17:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: But, there, today we’re thinking about things that the.

00:11:21:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: University.

00:11:22:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Could to provide, continuing education and make life more useful, entertaining and.

00:11:30:10 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Know just me.

00:11:32:07 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: well, that was this club that I gave. I was a charter member of one of the charter women, in fact, retired at my house. I instigated because I got the women together and I got material from the university and that was thing I wanted to keep learning, and it was a lot more. Well, I wouldn’t say a lot more, but it was a learning, a learning thing and nutrition.

00:11:50:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: We have nutrition that every man and a woman came out, and I think it was a learning club, and I felt I felt a need to.

00:11:57:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Be learning.

00:11:59:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And when I was younger.

00:12:02:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And women in rural areas have special out that way, there just aren’t as many villages down there. Even if you live in Moscow, you have come. Pretty easily. local.

00:12:20:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Do you have groups of people get together now, like the. You know what you can tell me about the past? Is it a.

00:12:28:10 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Good.

00:12:29:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: there are quite a few different groups of people.

00:12:31:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: We should.

00:12:32:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Very young people active in our heritage. It’s very all the one. And I think the one that really, the older people have a few groups and.

00:12:49:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The other older people and that hasn’t happened.

00:12:52:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And there are a lot of new like.

00:12:56:22 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Years that fall automatically through lack of.

00:13:04:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Good. So it I don’t think there are very important in children’s lives as they were back and years in my time here because that was all we had to get together. And we have a TV or radio.

00:13:21:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Or or anything innovative or to get together.

00:13:26:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And but I think it was right getting out there. And I encourage you to walk away.

00:13:34:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Right. And yeah, we, we, do have our own new in the winter. Right? In the 40s, we have parties. We go that way a lot. Yeah, yeah.

00:13:47:10 - Unknown: Come home and having refreshments to find out for the day. Right.

00:13:54:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I did a lot of.

00:13:56:24 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Doing well in our discussion. Sometimes we wondered what would happen if all gasoline and power were cut off that we have. We’d be more like. We have to live more like, live in the past. Now, who would people go to learn how to live like that?

00:14:15:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And I think people adapt.

00:14:19:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Where where they have.

00:14:23:05 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So I don’t think that background that.

00:14:26:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: That well, I wouldn’t necessarily know that they’re going backwards, that they had never lived, you know. Yeah.

00:14:34:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, then you.

00:14:34:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Might be surprised that the younger people could draw in and take care of.

00:14:40:20 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Them.

00:14:41:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You’ve learned over the years people would come looking for everyday people.

00:14:46:10 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Well, it’s, you know, but now they’re scared.

00:14:50:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Of course, if school wasn’t a center of entertainment, then. Yeah.

00:14:55:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Well, when I was a girl, we had literary travel time.

00:14:59:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And then, of course, one of our children can come to school who, by the way, they went to say, my husband went to the same school. I went to school to an totally, oh, we never went. Same time I didn’t go in my husband in he went before I moved away.

00:15:16:29 - Unknown: And so that I think would.

00:15:22:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Have happened. The School of programs want to take me to something, you know, and we always had to entertain the teachers.

00:15:28:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And.

00:15:29:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And we went to study to do for anything. I was a guy and social life and the kind of person around and our church would do to the that. Was always taken care of by.

00:15:52:05 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, the fact that you mentioned that you were interested in the field. I’m hearing all kinds of.

00:15:57:20 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Stories there.

00:15:58:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Too. I hear I know, yeah. Did you feel that way too?

00:16:02:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah.

00:16:04:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Did you feel that way too here at the conference? It would be fun to hear the stories about.

00:16:08:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Other rural women in the Midwest.

00:16:11:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yes. I hope you know what I do. Okay.

00:16:14:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And a lot of good.

00:16:15:03 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Good. Oh, yeah.

00:16:16:22 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I think it’s very for all of it.

00:16:20:03 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, sit down. In November of 19, I and I would go longer. It must be longer than anyone else. I, I saw your picture in the paper video. River. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

00:16:33:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So that Roy McKinney. Yeah. He was living up there when you were, you know, he was living there when you were young, man. Yeah. Really? the only think thing was. Yeah. I can’t.

00:16:46:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Remember that for.

00:16:48:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Sure, but I, I have enjoyed some of the stories that Roy told about the fire and that up there, he lived up there.

00:16:56:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And then I live in the Valley. Will never be very interesting to that.

00:17:02:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I didn’t know enough about that at that time to ask you about that.

00:17:06:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And I think I had the I.

00:17:12:24 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Was on that flight.

00:17:16:05 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Until we got up in Kellogg. And believe me about that, I still have.

00:17:20:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Not only that I would like to, but.

00:17:25:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I talked to one of the men that got cut over to the environment where you had to go down to the air, see if there was a fire in in the and but didn’t somebody tell me hurry and come out because they were trying to take care of it and see if they couldn’t save some of it where they got out.

00:17:45:07 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The fire came in on all sides and they got down in. They took a bathroom with this, bridge between and with them down and got down the water about. It was really a harrowing experience.

00:18:01:03 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And you got over it.

00:18:01:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: They all got out.

00:18:03:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In the water. In the water.

00:18:07:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: But so it was really so.

00:18:10:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I think these are the kinds of feelings and expressions that, you know, that history can do, like very well having it on to just make someone like me and be able to listen to it as a whole, knowing you’re not.

00:18:23:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Black back. You had one that there were a great many changes in how the world was.

00:18:38:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I see them in what is, the wind changes to get to the schoolhouse.

00:18:44:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: It’s a nice schoolhouse. If you ever get out to,

00:18:48:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, you had a story.

00:18:50:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: News article? Yeah, I studied it.

00:18:54:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Out, and I went through all grade school, high school, and then went back and taught. I think I did four years.

00:19:04:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: That way.

00:19:05:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: What year was it you talked about? Years.

00:19:07:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: in 30 in.

00:19:10:10 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: They’re happy.

00:19:11:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: 33. 34.

00:19:13:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah, I did, I started 1990 and.

00:19:18:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I was in the same area.

00:19:21:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In the school where.

00:19:22:07 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I went.

00:19:24:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I wasn’t, you know, you didn’t have my teacher, you.

00:19:26:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Know, no Jews in that area. I was in the.

00:19:30:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In Maple came from the potlatch. Yeah. Were there before.

00:19:35:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Nine, 19, seven. Oh. What was your maiden name?

00:19:38:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: It was a little on. I worked in the post office for a while.

00:19:44:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I went to high school and then my school in 1918.

00:19:48:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah. 1907. Right. Yeah. There’s. Oh, yeah. So I.

00:19:57:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I’d like to go I have a question asked. You heard a about the how did you feel about being photographed for such a story. No they would not. Have you seen the picture. What have you.

00:20:12:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So what senior. Oh my gosh.

00:20:15:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh goodness.

00:20:16:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: What stuff.

00:20:17:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Okay. Yeah. It was maybe one.

00:20:19:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Week later I think she I don’t I don’t think you.

00:20:22:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Know. Yeah. But I only heard of tales that she wasn’t one of the ones that. That’s the reaction we’ve heard from everybody. We take a picture. Oh yes. All the boys I take picture, they say oh, oh I’ll bring the camera and all.

00:20:40:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I think their pictures are beautiful.

00:20:43:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And like, now that we have two people here that you’ve seen their pictures, I’d like to know how you feel about that. Now you’ve seen them. I still think it’s still. Well, I can’t make you look down at everybody. Tells you it’s real good. They like you. It was very nice.

00:21:00:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I she’s talking about looking old. I took her up here to a month or so ago. Are you? Was having a rummage sale and the lady that was in charge of the rummage sale. Mother in law’s here. And she asked me back. She was my daughter.

00:21:18:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh, I was, so.

00:21:21:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I don’t know why she asked about.

00:21:24:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I don’t think you’d never flatter.

00:21:29:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Flatter anyone. Really?

00:21:30:22 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Well, if you young people ask me for photographing, I would just.

00:21:34:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Like to feel we look.

00:21:35:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You. I wish you could. Could have heard all the comments we’ve had from these pictures on display.

00:21:42:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: There’s something about pictures.

00:21:44:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Of older people that I a.

00:21:45:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Real spirit.

00:21:48:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I tell you.

00:21:49:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I was looking at my gun. This person, everything about them.

00:21:54:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I wonder about their life.

00:21:56:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: They get to have more than the voice does.

00:21:58:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The I think together. And then it’s my stomach. Yeah, because when takes me to the library, I have a picture before I go see the person and, and.

00:22:09:01 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: They can.

00:22:09:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Hear the voice and they can see the person, and they can almost feel it right there with the body, with the person. It’s like to me, they can’t do it when you just have one or the other. You can do when it’s both together.

00:22:22:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I like the picture up there of the hair.

00:22:26:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah.

00:22:26:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: That has a lot of.

00:22:27:20 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Character with no said about men, but most of the women that we photograph that are over the age of 35, incredibly beautiful because they work with their hands and they’re very nimble, even if they’re if they have arthritis or rheumatism in your fingers, the palms are still very beautiful.

00:22:47:20 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: It’s been a focal point in a lot of pictures. We didn’t grow up because we were going to stick up on the wall, but that’s been what we do. Every woman has become incredibly beautiful, so we could be a great part of your life. They, you’ve done a lot of crocheting for making my right. And you also need to understand the rules, which I’m not sure that it’s.

00:23:10:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Not about somebody else.

00:23:12:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah, but that makes us, you know, younger. I say younger, but that’s, you know, quotes around it when you come around and find it. My 45,000 potholders and, you know, 4 or 5000 quilts and you go, all right, I can crochet. And I feel so ashamed.

00:23:29:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I know me like you referred to it differently when you had the book United last spring in the comments and mentioning that I spring there was a step up and you have pictures.

00:23:39:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And I think you.

00:23:39:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Have to pick them out.

00:23:41:07 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Several.

00:23:41:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I like I said, you have to elaborate in the description. Yeah. And that was in April.

00:23:51:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In the summer. Yeah. That was that was another project where.

00:23:55:10 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah, it was, it was, it was packed. My the picture.

00:23:57:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Was in the book she was in really only give me the picture.

00:24:01:07 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Of somebody. Yeah. But yeah, I felt.

00:24:04:00 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Like they.

00:24:04:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Held. Oh really really too much. She went to the. Okay. Yeah.

00:24:08:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Okay. Most of them were from that and know. Oh yeah. Yeah.

00:24:12:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yeah I have some in the portfolio still I didn’t put up, your Garcia even though. Yeah, you do design. Well, you know, you try to, I don’t know, like I, after doing a room door.

00:24:31:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Being the one woman I interviewed, I asked in the how to Learn to Knit 8071.

00:24:40:05 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You have to hold on.

00:24:42:00 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I am working on my 65. So it’s challenge for you. Yeah, I think 68 sweaters after I was excited. But besides other things you didn’t have? No, I didn’t know what we were. Yeah, I was tired, you know.

00:24:56:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So that’s the beauty of it. Yeah. Cold older women who are very active.

00:25:02:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I know a lot of people say, oh, I can’t learn. I’m too old, I am, I, I, I yeah.

00:25:07:03 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And if they would say I would, I would do anything with you. You work store well with potholes and blankets and things and you know. What do you mean you don’t think I don’t do anything? Well, I think.

00:25:23:00 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: People are too busy now. They go too. They go too much, you know, homework or something. And I try to do as.

00:25:27:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Much for the weekend with the different people and a woman’s life. Do I block some of old values, you think?

00:25:42:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Well, they first year houses differently. What the young women in their whole lives. I think you have to.

00:25:49:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Have done what we were supposed.

00:25:54:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: To move out. But certainly the revival.

00:25:57:24 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Had to be. And my pastor on all the care to keep them clean. I’m ready to get them. But crochet or knit, they.

00:26:08:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, they have material that they were made of, you know, keep dancing. You know, this is different decorations. I didn’t put my uniform. They do not.

00:26:17:09 - Unknown: Use the table in the morning and they don’t have a good time.

00:26:24:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I have a daughter.

00:26:25:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In.

00:26:26:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The well to.

00:26:27:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: They were in the new you.

00:26:30:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Quilt and they can work better for the double. I was got to put my. Crochet with everything I.

00:26:41:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Would do you think it’s more women are doing things out of the home then.

00:26:45:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know think it was your idea to me.

00:26:47:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: It reminded the community activities, organization.

00:26:53:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: But they do have more freedom. Whether there’s good or bad things about having a car.

00:26:58:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know.

00:27:00:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In a way they have more freedom. But they wanted to have children in school. They’re taking, I believe my daughter lives in the country. They’re taking the children for.

00:27:07:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Football or our first.

00:27:09:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: play for our kids or something. They’re telling their children, all of them.

00:27:12:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: But when you listen to with the children are having.

00:27:16:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: A more interesting life.

00:27:18:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Because you’re used to missiles down here. Yes.

00:27:24:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Yes.

00:27:25:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So women are saying it’s important that we see that our children have things.

00:27:29:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Like our north are three of.

00:27:38:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The life and music life is two. They know taking food. And then one of my daughters has to, widow women to look after her mother. And the other one know labor and women who look after me go on social media. They’re. What?

00:27:59:01 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh, sounds like a lot of experience with people. they know a lot about relationships, how to get along with people. They’re aware of people’s needs in their families and in their community. Do you think women have enough to say about government policy, that kind of thing? Wouldn’t it be more useful if women had some input?

00:28:28:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: In school communities, our school.

00:28:33:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: It sounds like to me that in the past. Well, I’ve kept kind of quiet. I’ve left it to men.

00:28:38:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: To make decisions.

00:28:39:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So that in turn.

00:28:43:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I was going to say that I think women have always had a great deal to say about all of these things.

00:28:50:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Through their husbands, through.

00:28:51:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Their husbands, their influence. Thanks a lot more than what appear on the surface now.

00:29:00:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: There were.

00:29:02:24 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Maybe like.

00:29:04:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: That.

00:29:04:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Even though they weren’t actively involved.

00:29:06:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Like actively involved on their soapbox or running for office here, they’re sure that they influenced not a lot, I think.

00:29:14:20 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And especially family members, because they work with their hands on the farm right now to keep the labor out of their own family. And my daughter in law helped, right, through harvesting how they take 7 or 8 times and let me down a big truck. You wonder how the little women do it. I can never do that again.

00:29:37:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And so I can see that they’re busy in different ways. And but I love that they’re busy.

00:29:45:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Also harvesting. And they have to sandwich in their canning and your gardening in between. Or care within their heart. And and they I don’t see much having.

00:29:57:22 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Did you your husband was influential in our.

00:30:03:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I think.

00:30:06:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You know, you you had much effect on him sometimes when they were having an issue in with the government about the river or something, something we didn’t have any input into that really important.

00:30:22:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Thing is, you know, most of the mail people.

00:30:30:13 - Unknown: In the government.

00:30:34:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You think that. Well, just told them the there’s.

00:30:39:05 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Nothing to do. So so people just didn’t have enough.

00:30:44:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And that’s just.

00:30:49:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: This much like that.

00:30:54:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And after that, people had to take more.

00:30:56:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Responsibilities for sure. So.

00:31:02:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So people haven’t accepted the responsibility.

00:31:05:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Of the churches. Not as much as the people who were fixed.

00:31:10:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Don’t have they? They were starting on it and we were out there for.

00:31:18:22 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Some people, you know, that were involved in.

00:31:24:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: They were just starting on that.

00:31:26:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And they were out there. And the idea that, you know, they have the right to affecting the way.

00:31:36:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: That they.

00:31:42:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Were not coming back. Be. First and so forth. And it’s just the same with that if you to do better.

00:31:58:14 - Unknown: I say that.

00:31:58:29 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: From the point station. Well, if, if hypothetically if I was going to give my being maybe a rule and a real person, urban person, a city person, I was going to run into Elk River or to Portland State. What advice would you give me to make my life easier to move? Living in there so I could tell you not.

00:32:23:03 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh, I had to come. You know.

00:32:25:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Is that a feeling.

00:32:26:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: You’d like to keep outsiders.

00:32:27:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Out? You know, for right now was coming to.

00:32:32:20 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Residential properties, you.

00:32:34:06 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Know.

00:32:34:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Oh, okay.

00:32:36:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Well.

00:32:37:03 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: What are your problems for older people?

00:32:40:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So what if I had to move in, like I was going to school or something? What would you advise me to do to make my life simpler? Living there? You know what? Problems encountering work tell me to do? The boy, those kind of politics. Besides, in this.

00:32:59:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: City by people. It’s really open to approach me. Because to let them approach me or how does someone go about fitting into a community and area? Well, you know, we’ve got to go with a bunch of people. They come and they go to the same.

00:33:19:21 - Unknown: People go home and.

00:33:22:28 - Unknown: Well, I don’t know, it doesn’t.

00:33:27:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So you know. Yeah. So, so so when you get some someone wanted to be part of the community. Like you probably advise them to make themselves known to people.

00:33:40:17 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Right. But I don’t want to make that happen.

00:33:46:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: She has to leave before. What time is it?

00:33:49:22 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And by the.

00:33:54:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I woke up. Here is it. Five minutes before.

00:34:04:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I got to be down and.

00:34:05:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Ready if.

00:34:06:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I don’t have to go work downstairs.

00:34:08:09 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: How many people have come here?

00:34:10:28 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I everybody was going to give her. And moving into part of the job here.

00:34:18:26 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: well, I don’t think that that is a bad town to live in. I guess you could at least have not like women and and other people in, I think some of them think about going to go up there. I want to live in town. Like, remember some.

00:34:35:18 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Of the things it’s going to do. I don’t work all.

00:34:39:02 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: And I ask lot and it’s almost like in the wintertime, you know, and I would I would really think it would be a bad place. You know, they have a lovely grocery store and a private school and friendly people.

00:34:54:23 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: you’re not too out of the way. I don’t think you could make your own.

00:35:03:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Don’t think, I guess.

00:35:05:13 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Well, I can tell you what the way used to be to.

00:35:09:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: It is like.

00:35:10:04 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: To go in to a small town. You were going to live at a point. It become part of the community. It used to be going to church. Yeah. The community.

00:35:22:01 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: That’s.

00:35:22:21 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: I don’t know whether it is today or not. I haven’t lived in a little town for a long time. That’s the way it used to be.

00:35:32:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The best place to get acquainted.

00:35:34:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: So. So, you know that or.

00:35:42:08 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Whatever you like. But.

00:35:43:25 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: All right. So everything.

00:35:47:00 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Anybody like to.

00:35:48:15 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Get involved?

00:35:49:19 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Is anybody I’d like to have for years. They’re busy in church. I’ve been all my life, and I reckon I.

00:35:59:11 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: My family to.

00:36:01:03 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The whole family.

00:36:02:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: It’s almost they’re they’re going to be winding up, carcasses right away. Where we have three around here. And court is going to have to wind up, you know.

00:36:14:01 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Okay. Well, I guess. Okay. Okay.

00:36:18:12 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: All you have to do is ring me up. I’ll find the time is convenient for both of us.

00:36:24:14 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Find. Okay.

00:36:26:16 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: Talk about, the old times or time or, more important.

00:36:31:27 - Unknown Interviewee or Interviewer: The future.

Unknown partial Audio
Unknown partial audio.
MG68, Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives
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"Unknown partial Audio", Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/rwhp/items/rwhp427.html
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