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00:00:00:00 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: July 12th. Saturday. And I’m here at Lillian Yangel’s House. Or we’re going to interview her Mark or better like that green like river in Elk River and go here. All right. That’s terrific. All right. I’ll start out with William Randolph. you’re making one more mark. Have you ever have a nickname? Well, I mean, they call. They’ll Leo from work.

00:00:36:15 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Your friends call you that today? Yeah. And what? They were born January the 9th, 1912. Actually, I think I was born on January 8th, about 10 or 12. But my grandmother, for me was nice. So my mother taught for doctoring, going here. Right. Great. That.

00:01:00:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And you’re your after six. Well, good thing about number seven as well. Well, you were born corner after market.

00:01:18:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Then that would be good section. Now, we filled out for people who emigrated to Idaho to ask for that, but it’s really kind. your mother’s maiden name. Noble call.

00:01:43:24 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I can fill that out from her record, too. Okay. We asked about her. Okay. She got a pretty to Mary after all along. I have gotta seen her. It makes it really easier when I interviewed more than one person in the family. that got ask about your family from my, back on Earth to got one brother from.

00:02:16:26 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: now back to your husband, whose name is Lester.

00:02:25:20 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I’ve worked with the here for, February. The local.

00:02:42:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: what area of work.

00:02:45:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Here I can find out from for, He’s off the coast of Hawaii quite well. He’s retired and is retired now. The reserve personnel manager for, I like for corporate recruitment. that’s what he’s done. Marked his life. Well, he’s worked for Potlatch for, if ever since he really started work, which I never sure.

00:03:18:19 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I’ve done over the years. with Cripple Creek Park. Well.

00:03:23:11 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: We work for him, I think, for 35 years, quite a while. Where what’s important. We’re not.

00:03:34:26 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: where were you married? In Elk River. When? September. The first local grade six.

00:03:49:17 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: do you have children? No. Now, let me get this personal information about you. How much education to prepare? Well, I, I had one year at university, and then, went to the Carmel school. Graduated from there, where I posted to.

00:04:13:27 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: In Vancouver. War.

00:04:19:00 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: What grade? Well, I can’t in the primary grade. And I did my annual PTO, but during the war I was substitute and I taught everything from high school. This was in Elk River, and, well, I taught some very near in Troy. No, I didn’t cry. I was down. Yep. Got down a couple of very Bovill and the there some where.

00:04:52:16 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: An old world war.

00:04:57:29 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I was a lot of fun. Yeah. With some variety. Did it for sure. Or do you have, We asked for special field now and I people say, oh, I don’t copy immediately picture what I’m trying to get from you. Enjoy doing, going down.

00:05:22:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Probably you give out homemaking some more than others. Well, probably. Right. You know, I like to cook, and I would prefer to help other people. I don’t care. Like Kirk here. If I were a youngster nearly as much anymore because I don’t have anybody around me. I like so.

00:05:50:21 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I don’t mind housework with iron. But I don’t have any special skills.

00:06:01:22 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I think before you were technique, you’re holding a job. Well, from the time I was old enough to see over the counter, I worked in the drugstore. I still do occasionally. Go help my brother out. Okay. I grew up kind of. Other than that, I don’t think that I’ve ever done much of anything other than help on cleaning.

00:06:26:24 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I’ve been trying to get clean for a day or two over my particular body. Last summer I went out with my husband, but I want to camp for the fire patrol and I got stuck doing a cook for a lot of the youngsters that were on fire. That stuff, anything I come up. All right. you have other interests?

00:06:53:19 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Hobby or, town or other than what you’re doing here. Thank club or. Well. Not permanent anymore. I belong to a lot of them. Like they were the extension club for a group very often since my husband retired. Of course, a good Arizona have been going for the winter, so I’m not directly going to. But I can help out.

00:07:20:21 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Nutrition here. we work with fire. you okay on the car? Well, there we go. I’m. The longer the, until County Red cross for probably 25 years. Yeah. I scored a member from here. I don’t know if I could call on my board.

00:07:50:10 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I see I have the Girl Scouts for a number of years to go along to the star.

00:08:03:14 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Okay, I’ll come through for water. No.

00:08:11:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I don’t know, I haven’t.

00:08:13:17 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Like, African American awards or honors with thing. Well, I have,

00:08:25:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I know I got a 25 year plan or something. The Red cross and. Oh, we were on the air watch during the World War two. And I also have a, commendation program with the Commodores. And from my good character, the bond drive during the the Second World War. And I have, met over a guy, everybody that, probably lives there on the air.

00:08:55:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: What I interesting, course, when we were in Hawaii, it was practically over. But we talk a little in our group and get together a great one very often that we ever saw come over here. Is it? Yeah. We had two reporting and I think required three from being over for Cuba. Become familiar with the story at a certain place.

00:09:20:15 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Is that right? Steady down there, up and down. Well, I probably coming out the book here someplace compared to somewhere like Pine Grove that would go over. But yeah, there’s actually there were too many were very much aircraft here at the other car. And of course, we don’t have a lot for you. We’re not very good. Do you have a schedule, a time when you want to work and one of us have certain hours that we have to watch or I can’t remember exactly what work for me.

00:09:52:06 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: That was an hour or two. I go here sometimes I get four hours. Somebody I couldn’t get to that certain time.

00:10:02:22 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Mostly, the women are on it in the evening hours as a night watchman. Dorothy. Warehouse here. Somebody. Good morning to the wife. But it was. Yeah, well, I don’t know. Pretty good during my career doing something or we didn’t really. We got work to do. The, Air Force, You know, the field program for their for a fair trial.

00:10:36:15 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And they did it through some of the fires in our country to get. We thought we were very important. I don’t ever, ever say we can’t. Okay, well, it was useful too, because if anything had come over, they would have a warning. Oh, that’s interesting, because I don’t believe I’ve ever heard an African yak in them go. So it was fun.

00:11:06:02 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And, you were to call them if you saw anything unusual. There’s a certain number that, we were to call in, because by the time after the war was over, the planes were going so fast that, by the time we would call in from an area like this. There.

00:11:28:26 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I would be over wherever they were going. And so they finally resolved it. Well, I think that, I feel fortunate that we got glad I think about it. all right, that’s all about them, the personal data. But if you think of anything while we’re talking, we could add to that. Why do you think you’re interrupting? And I’ll be right.

00:11:55:02 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: No. no. I’ll start through on some of these questions. When you have a chance to look at somebody, you have an idea for asking. Again, I want to try to do something you don’t let me answer. Let it correct. What do you say to some of the advantages of living in a rural area? I could. Or I can career and, you know, practically everybody in the area, if you’re going to go away while somebody is watching out for your property or.

00:12:27:27 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: If there’s going to be trouble or anything, why there’s always somebody who works here in a minute. And of course, I could probably work in a larger place too. But yeah.

00:12:40:17 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Can you get involved sometimes? My Have you ever lived in an urban area? Well, when we go to make that happen in the wintertime, we’re doing hard area. But, I don’t know. With the group that we got acquainted with, we pulled in, a motel for quite a number of years, and it was just like a small town, really, here, a neighborhood we’ve all gotten acquainted over the number of years to come on the area.

00:13:14:22 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: and. The motel sold out, and there’s several of the couples that are still in the same complex. So I, I said we’re still sort of rural area all of our own, but you do live in a big city, so you could kind of, some experience. Yeah. or would you ever want to live your life in an urban area?

00:13:47:17 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I don’t know. There are times I think that it would would have been rather interesting here in the larger city. I think I would have liked a lot of the advantages of, able to get out for breakfast and pray or, or more moved into a room before you could go to hell or greater. And I think I would have been hearing, could you recognize that there are some problems there?

00:14:17:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Everything. How about have you ever met a woman, been close friends with a woman who grown up in an urban area? More for live. How do you think her life is different from the.

00:14:39:07 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Well, I suppose.

00:14:43:22 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Yeah.

00:14:47:13 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Most people that I know probably have lived a life very similar to mine. Other than that they do get out in the cold water and, the larger cities. Yes. I have friends that. Yeah, live in large cities. how about that economic. do you feel that they need more money? Careers in the city, or, are there any differences that when are you able?

00:15:20:27 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Do you have a garden, for example? I can prove that I don’t have a garden. I have no green. my mother is different. but.

00:15:36:10 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: That is my family here. A smaller place, I believe, because I know there are not a lot of people around here. they’re always worried, you know, or everybody has a garden over there, too, and you’re sitting there really dependent on buying everything from here to the city. We’re actually having more fresh grown now. I grew up in a small town where you have a person.

00:16:08:10 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I was a youngster by, you know, reading the paper what you did, reading Garden Curl. You were limited to what living things grow out of what we inherited. It was fresh. We like our roots, our. how when you, as you look around with young people in Bovill. Now, how did their lives compare with what was like for you from grew up?

00:16:38:18 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Well, actually, I feel sorry for the youngsters to go with the character. Depending on who your where. You used to have an awful lot of firm work made it work because you didn’t know other advantages for trading for you. But yeah, I think we were a lot more dependent on our own resources for entertainment, and I think that we got a lot more good out of it.

00:17:07:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: we didn’t have more free time to go to work. So they have been working more than they were when you were growing. I think black are supposed to work here now. They don’t have more work to do. You sit in front, back and think, okay, well, actually, we all grew up. We all have to work.

00:17:32:10 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And I think the sooner you learn, learn to do work, right? Yeah. The better off you are for a certain self-discipline. When I work first and then you can play, right. If you ever feel like you didn’t have enough time to play. definitely. That’s natural. I guess. I so.

00:17:58:26 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: When you were a children, what kind of recreational things? Well, now, what do you do? Well, when we were children, real young. well, do you remember? Oh, yeah. Well, all through their typical recreational content, you grew up.

00:18:21:01 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Well, we had, we used to get out and do a lot of hiking. We had friends go family a mile and a half or two miles and go up there and have lunch with them, and. Well, I kinda like you. Were gonna call the greenback and go out for sunrise breakfast quicker. More probably. When I was in junior high school, I went out real.

00:18:50:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: You always went down the course in summertime, went down, swam in the crack open my breakfast. We just took our breakfast. Then we go out to the dam or something that get 4:00 in the morning, then cook our breakfast, then come back cook school, come after. You know, we had a lot of money for, you know, murder medicines.

00:19:13:21 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Yeah. Fishing picnic. The community went out on that on a cruise. I would go, but I have been pregnant. Family. We used to go out. There was always a group of us. I don’t know that. Well, I can remember back when I was a very small child. Well, sometimes we do lose ten couples, I think with all of their children going to work yard.

00:19:41:06 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: But, we go out, I think, almost every Sunday during the summer, very quickly. And in the wintertime, why we get together and go to town. Everything would bring her back out of the car potluck. Now and equity. Quiet. Cause the kids go in there, go and get it. Somebody else out for you. Favorite or. But practically everybody played some instrument or we had the all be cruel had caught hardcore through the wind up.

00:20:13:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: It was like to go to our house because we had a hardwood floor. And, my mother was always real good to, let us have a dance quite often. And she got the floor waxed. And I say, I always liked the green and white people. I didn’t realize at that time that I was, even talking to her.

00:20:34:23 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Anyway, we had a lot of time. It had to be good for food, I think. Okay. That’s interesting. I’m glad you’re here, but we are down. Oh two. The girl for breakfast. Us. My face has fallen. One of the boys played, trombone and one Prater trumpet and I’m so glad.

00:21:01:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I have a couple of. Chords I don’t think. Probably did a really pretty fair fighting baby that we had a lot of fun when we are very active church group, Christian and everyone from school. we had junior choir in the choir, and of course we had all over. The over here in the, in the school, we all cut down in the primary department after we were in high school.

00:21:34:18 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: So we were kept busy with our school work, but very active, very hard band work, choir. praise form cohort from the school for one hour that we all got there. Free parking for the fun. We went to that school with them out here in the church repair writing one after hearing other places were going to Elk River.

00:22:08:11 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: After we we were okay. I never been there. Right? Yeah. School was hurt when I went. You guys have a good one year. I grew up in quite a bit more than anybody else, the country, because we went back in time. We’re back in court. The juniors are very substituted. Or my therapist. Probably 2 or 2 and a half, four years.

00:22:43:13 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Now, when credit your first meet your husband. He’s working in Elk River. You can have a long court superior. No.

00:22:55:02 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: 7 or 8 months, I guess. Before we were married, I had no idea. Okay. For a couple of years before that, though, we’re kind of good. Good? We have great work in the county now. yes. Of course we didn’t go through much because at work during the depression for the money working great, Over here. We go out with a group, come up there.

00:23:27:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Young people are quick, take a break. But now we go down here, working group all the well come through here if you have a car. Yes. What kind of car? Chevrolet coupe, I think I remember, I remember it great. Great memory. which is probably one of the reason I really liked it. Because you are brand new car.

00:23:58:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Can you remember, some of the reasons you had for getting married? I guess it’s a good thing to do for everybody at the time. Yeah. how much can you work? Okay. With a computer, credit card? I got $80 a month for here. And the second year I got a raise the car door. Okay. And when you got married, you were not permitted.

00:24:25:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Background I can’t remember. I, I don’t think that through. Yeah, yeah, a lot of people going out there married computer, but I can’t remember for sure, because I know, I know, I, that was working part time. I never I never had to work. To get your car across where like, oh, I’d I to clear up the block or program.

00:24:57:01 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Very bad. If you want number here, your wife will have to. Tell her. I, you know, no, you wouldn’t, you know, might not come to very dark and wonder if I could. It will hurt you. we were talking about, when you first got married. we didn’t, women didn’t continue to work at that time at family picnic.

00:25:31:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Thank you for coming. That’s, about right. We get. You realize you absolutely have to work. I think in our mind, we can just expect, you know, it would have been work there. A feeling that it was the man’s place to to take care of that part of her life or supporting the family. right. so that if you wanted to work, it was kind of thing.

00:25:58:26 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: But he wasn’t able to fill his role. Well, I think that that it was coming. Wonderful for that. There was a man who couldn’t work. But, But we still, I guess, part of an old fashioned factor. But it was slow moving, man. Yeah, to earn no money. Thank you. Man. That concludes the got not bigger than, not necessarily I enjoyed but yeah.

00:26:35:21 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I’m happy to take a home too. And then, we didn’t really go back until it was more that they. You were needed when you’re here in the war, but they really had extra money for teacher. I was just correct reporting. Incorrect, speaker. But that didn’t actually bring, well, I had the qualifications to this area. So many of the women went to to work and were, well, not necessarily here, just, very good people around in this area that they had been put through the court.

00:27:16:17 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Well, I suppose probably it was the case that once they were cleared from cooking war jobs or had gone. For free, they’ll probably. For holding down other positions. so, practice you kind of expect Mary to be when you first get married, before you get married. I don’t understand exactly what you mean by that question. I know what you kind of look at.

00:27:54:16 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Your parents marriage, your first. Was there anything different about being married? You could come here. But if you weren’t prepared for.

00:28:09:16 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Oh, I don’t believe so. I. I work here for that. It was pretty smooth conversation right here. And then you set up housekeeping info. Came here. Okay.

00:28:28:22 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: it turned out to be just about what to expect, given no big surprises about. Not about particularly about the married. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I don’t know. Ever. Here. You married women all your life, unmarried for 20, and you died right here in the back row. Of course. Explosion always you problems to your first marriage. If you work back, you get used to each other and practically living pretty close to another person.

00:28:59:21 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: That’s right. And so take that little bit of give and take there. Well, there is a whole crew life, I believe, and not necessarily are married. extra. All right. but now you were born in Elk River, but it’s not. There’s no medical facility for it now. Not now. There are lots of changes. Good. Great.

00:29:25:21 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: In here. Thank you. Were born well in the Elk River at that time. Of course, the.

00:29:35:20 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Potlatch Lumber Company had the big bear here. And company River rats. I took care of their old, really great heart hospital facilities. for the men and the families that work there. There wasn’t anyone in town. Okay. Historic. And for probably the. Work connected in some way with the company. So the medical facilities were there for the nurses.

00:30:05:23 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: The company. Now, don’t work there. Medicare and Medicaid for one. So for quite everyone, as you go out from some larger city, but then working on a small pretty site, you’re not there for the medical care. but they’re all for clothes that you’re looking for that you might get to the doctor there or it’s not really cream mold if you’d like to.

00:30:42:18 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Do, you know, What can you think of it? Compared with the way you grew up and what with your life ahead of you is very different for for a person, like now, what do you anticipate her future.

00:31:03:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Working as compared to your.

00:31:09:08 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Well.

00:31:14:07 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Knowing was I think she’ll have an interesting life.

00:31:22:16 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I was raised in a time where we didn’t really have a. Well, we had some radio and very little. But the communications with the world were very limited. We were very, very happy over in Africa. We didn’t hear about it for months afterwards. And then it didn’t amount my career with the the whole world was at her doorstep.

00:31:48:21 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And who knows what. Factory you’re going to see? I might be around not 100 years by now.

00:32:01:19 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: The work that you were doing now for recreation. You’re not going to Arizona in the winter. Well, we, spent the winter. And before we go in winter time, our recreation is killing storm. Oh, I don’t know. When we get out, we travel quite a little. I really wish I was longer able repeat. I’d have to go mushroom.

00:32:30:24 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Right. Or spring, I like to do it. So you and your husband still get out there? About a year after you get out as much and more. But still, have you ever do things with other women? Yes. Or I get out if I can’t go in with them. Of course. They grew an extension, grew. Your wife to be very much, very moving out there.

00:33:08:06 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I was kind of the last resort. Rather, I enjoy a lot of a lot of. And I hear. I don’t care about it at all. You have a favorite program? I’m.

00:33:27:10 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Have a big wall, and I like. Yeah, that type of program. I think if you’re for our. Please go on for a fourth with divorce lawyer doctor.

00:33:49:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I guess I’d rather old practice. I like. Things that are clean and be rather than same way with books. I like cracking novel. We all agree. So on and so forth. Here. Giving a present giving rather than secure.

00:34:10:08 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: You watch the mirror, Gregory here so that they’re talking, but you don’t really rely on TV very much. Not really. we have our very own. We enjoy the records, the law review over six years. It’s a great year, but you never get to great year around here.

00:34:34:02 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: We are. And I can all agree, I have free. Okay. Privately. Yeah. What? When I come here. Come on. Roughing it. We’ve got three daggers. Closing time. Good people. Brady going girl under couple. Church magazine, bedroom garden.

00:35:07:15 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I don’t know, I guess that’s that’s a party you don’t want. You’ve never, ever been the sole support of your husband here. and what you get with, the characters, I mean, on their part, right? Not funny. Affirmative. On your part. You ever worry about what might happen if something happen to him? Or perhaps I get married.

00:35:37:01 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Go back. Think you’re a retired and. But, I would really approach the income. Like, if you recall, one of my, I think probably get to the point where you sure shrug your shoulders. Of course. My husband takes many over. He wanted to. I have very become resigned to to deal with an injury, with my right to be hurt in the way that I know about.

00:36:13:04 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: When you were younger and didn’t really have children of you were concerned about no, I mean, because I had my brother’s children here whenever they were born, any. So we could say that practically helped raise them. So we we had children around, and of course, I always their neighborhood carried me there. Now, I, you know, for him, they were grocery store and children across the street that we’re always playing here.

00:36:48:17 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Maybe a different cut down there. People aren’t always. so you have children you enjoy. You don’t really have, it. And like, some women had a lot of children are encumbered. And that might have been a kind of worry for them. Right? I could be for that. But the company didn’t care. I get back to enjoy, you know.

00:37:12:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Other great years, your forms of recreation it out of Jacksonville. But other than that, and you’re going to Arizona now is fair. Well, not necessarily. we went down on vacation for, oh, 7 to 19 years. Now. We’ve been going down there for in the wintertime. But this warm you feel for you and most people in both feel get you know, very, very few people have one catered more than half of dozen families.

00:37:48:18 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Thank you very much. Traffic. is it, partly because they don’t have the money or is it lack of interest?

00:38:00:12 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I’m here with lack of interest. Not is a feeling I got from your your mother’s family in Elk River from you and your brother’s family have traveled and gone out a lot. Yeah. Not from you feel kind of okay because of their own career from there or from the money. When that happened, I think the combination of having money to do it and make it well, I would say that with my family that.

00:38:34:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Yeah.

00:38:38:09 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: My mother used to, like, go a lot when they were younger, and not necessarily because they had lots of money, but they they saved cards doing something like that because they like it. And I suppose that partly the way that I now prepare to get my where we’d like to go and we instead of spending it someplace else, I, we’d put it away so we would be exact, but I wanted to get a house, not a it’s a matter of priorities.

00:39:09:18 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And then make decisions about what you want. It’s right. And we enjoy going. And I like to see different places and different people.

00:39:16:29 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And

00:39:20:20 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I think we mentioned the war period or movie question period. Which one good thing to have more in front your life?

00:39:30:13 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I think it for you.

00:39:38:27 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Too hard question.

00:39:44:04 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Home care. Yeah.

00:39:51:29 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Well, in the depression, of course, the year no one had any home. Practically all of we’re in the same category, right? Very little money to spend a we always had enough to live on pretty. And we were hurting during the war. Of course there were. You had the the money but that you couldn’t go because of your gas rationing and so on and so forth.

00:40:24:02 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: So I would say that death people had. Things that.

00:40:37:06 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: You had to put up with for, I have a feeling of talking and reading. And the people in northern Idaho were left in for a separate life from the depression, saving a person living in an urban area. I rather imagine that would be right, because. Well.

00:41:02:05 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: In a small town, I suppose we probably everybody so much to that everybody else had enough drink or where in a large city. Why, there are probably a lot of people that were out of work wouldn’t have neighbors that could, you know, for I know that the company here had the food and money and these people that were in it for the children or had large families or things, I.

00:41:35:15 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Exactly. And I know we live down in the far end of town in the first year that, that we were married and they had so many men, of course, that were coming in this year for the kind work, not closure, but like. Getting married to find work. And there were never going for work. There was somebody cleaning our back door and wanted a little bit stronger, wanted to know if I could tear up the potato.

00:42:06:29 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Or maybe they needed a couple carrot or something, and they were down in or whatever. That group tree was down all over town, and they’d all gather in there and get food ready from all over the country and work. It was working for me. I always been there forever. I had.

00:42:33:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: But it must be sad for a lot of people that I can’t remember and get out. Warner Water. Who? They who are probably men from urban areas like to say from all over the country, hire other men who are saying, well, there were a lot of them, of course, that were lumberjacks that were hunting for work to buy American.

00:42:52:26 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I forgotten now what to wear, but they were. But I do remember that they were all a very nice group of men. They were very polite. I was never afraid that that was one thing for sure. Are you ever afraid now? If you keep lock your doors more than you could? Yeah, not so much here as we are down.

00:43:18:00 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Make everything here. The crime is down there. If you’re. If your door is locked, not to go out at night and so on. Come on. I’ve never seen anything. I’ve never had anything happen to me. For I should really be afraid. But you talk to other people. I have friends that have that person. Or sometimes you always like.

00:43:42:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: You don’t know. Here.

00:43:47:11 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: What you do at night have more for your company. If we’re just going to go home. Normally we go work. You take all day trip shopping, trips to Moscow, if possible. North. Okay. We go work. We have doctor and eye doctor for homework. We go to usually in Moscow. We’ve got Doctor Henry and Park from back out of there.

00:44:15:12 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And also.

00:44:20:07 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I’m going to my office. Once we. Call I would say probably every, every work week we go someplace. I mean. You think? Great. Increase price of gas. We’re making a difference here. Once it gets high enough, it definitely will.

00:44:43:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Here. Are you involved in community church activities at the present time? Not very much in the community anymore. I still work for the church activity that women have been going on. While you can help out, there. but I hear you, one of us have been active in the church offices for, well, 15 retired or we haven’t taken offices in very much.

00:45:14:29 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I don’t know how many months you’ve been in Arizona. maybe four. that kind of, I’m very involved in a church down there, you know, we go to church. We haven’t. We’ve never joined in here. I mean, the so that kind of imperfect time, I can get involved and time away and then come back after I, I think probably.

00:45:44:01 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Do you ever have you ever tried to bring in a car repair? Okay. But, now, since I’ve been out of school, I don’t think you need to when you’re growing up for a good weekend for a here before. And what kind of typically I didn’t do any because the cooking end of it. And then after that I think they had for girls at that time.

00:46:11:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And as I remember it, that the only, prayer going, that kind of traffic in there, I. Don’t think I remember of making Easter cookies that were in my parade shoes that my father, like, real well, like to make cookies work, cooking really hard at home. But I remember going out to university and pouring.

00:46:47:01 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Country affairs when we were youngsters in school, I River. Down in my country I thought about it same time. County fair on. You can go to Moscow for that. No, no. If you are here, are we going to different countries over there? Yeah. Working on your county. It was quite correct. Go down there and not all car one time.

00:47:11:06 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I don’t think I was gonna separate out working out cuz you can’t get. And the brakes failed on one of the real female was her superintendent was driving. He had to turn. You know my lane and I turned the car over. I got knocked out with heroin at the very end of it. Very. It was. How many, students were in the car?

00:47:38:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Oh, on. Must have been there. Five. I was, I guess the one with the driver. Parker wasn’t right. My crew. And that or not, my. Modeling and marketing. Probably. I got my head cut. You have to go to the doctor for the doctor. Which one? Used to be any help? Every doctor parking. Where you getting home? Her life.

00:48:05:11 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I bought the turkey and I had to eat her cream, carrots. And of course, my mother always taught me that I had to be put on my plate. So I ate all the cream carrots and talk funny. I like to fish. Give me a second. Helping. And I ended up her second helping Eric. And I can remember I.

00:48:24:19 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Oh, I, I, Peter and a few were trying to do that okay. We had to consecrate we were younger. is that a difference? You see my mom more so than the one now. Okay. It’s more to the children. Well, yeah, they do what they feel like doing. I think probably we were in that range in the tail end of that was Glenn.

00:48:55:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And then Polly Silver and so on and so forth. ERA because I still have boxes. Then. Can you recall the thing that nobody ever bought? That was the nice thing about that Sammy dinner. We burned a lot of probably. I was doing everything good or not to make you happy when you right. When it was necessary for something for cash or get the car.

00:49:28:19 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: But at the same time, you, partner today. Now, we went and put down payment on the cable car cable. But you, because you are in your family. And we could have prepared silver always. We had. Yeah. All the best things out. Well, there, and the women used to do a lot of cleaning that high school girls would come home and do the 33 million made, but enjoyed thought of.

00:50:01:24 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: That one thing I used to do for, out of all the money was my favorite for that. Ladies, that Hector Bridge party. I think it made a lot of crepe paper flowers and. That it was not cut into.

00:50:20:15 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Line for a for. But I heard they’re a, I was getting really comfortable.

00:50:26:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: With the 40 year old design creative being. Probably not. I think better to put out a lot of little, booklets than I probably copy them. I’ve been very to like. You create paper work items that decorate the window at the store for a great her, I heard to a fabric. I thought it was important that the hostess had something different.

00:50:54:16 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Well, everything evidently easy, right, to carry out to your car if you can. I can’t remember ever hearing anything. Everything. Just making the floor harder. And that cut through these. The flowers and wait. Yeah. Good thing things apparently. So they could put them in the desert or something. And that seemed to be the thing. Is it that time and then that cut should be in the different colors that they, they wanted to decorate with this in the frame in 1915 color.

00:51:28:18 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Not that in the 1920 oh, probably in the early 20s. I have better afternoon. Where how do you how large is the Rivera down here? Are you heard? Paper recording? Well, I don’t think there were any fancy paper place in those days. Very busy. I had to paint, but I can’t remember of ever having when wondering.

00:51:52:18 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I can have now. But of course, they didn’t use paper plates. Everything was nice. China, my silverware. And they always here fancy, cable car and or card table covers for one pill for everybody. Tried to, any particular, if not right now, or if your mother was a hostess pick. Okay. The preparation start pretty well.

00:52:24:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And then I would go from here. everything house was fine top to bottom. And then I. Well, well, what can I. Of course, everything work, made from scratch. You know, they. And we didn’t have the refrigeration either. It had to be carefully thought out. Perfect things could be done. I think it had. Or something about how many women would you have to order?

00:52:56:25 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: We usually. Sometimes I can remember that I have 12 tables when they have the. An evening party with the man. So I was probably their bridge club was probably 4 or 6 table here. I think they’re very large affair. Of course there was nothing you do. You had to do your.

00:53:25:03 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And this, would this have been restricted a little bit then during the depression orchestra and you.

00:53:39:24 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I wasn’t home very much during the depression. I. Started university in 1920 and I then I went to art place. But I can’t say that they didn’t agree. Entertaining. It probably wasn’t. It was during the time. But yeah. They still our time. So. And you remember it wasn’t too much trouble in your life center ticket price. And it was a challenging time for you because of your age.

00:54:19:04 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Because I did know you weren’t aware. Well, yes, I was aware that there was a lot less money. But yeah, I think that everybody would get together because everyone in New York knew they would get together and play cards and, well, I don’t think there was something everybody would bring what they had. And,

00:54:41:10 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: They just didn’t have the wherewithal do like they had before, but they still got together. you couldn’t get out and go like they do now because it is that closed more that people go out away from Claremore for recreation. Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Can you think of when that started to change?

00:55:11:13 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: For probably after the Second World War. So there were still, social functions through the war time up here today? No, not in my former. They used to be right. But I still think there were still a lot of entertaining. I know we did a lot of entertaining around here. We had, apartment, different car club in there.

00:55:42:02 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Perfect security clearing the PTA. Are we here in the back? The going on. A worker literally pulling them. It was always something to do. You wanted to be doing it so that people got cars. Then after work, with less and a little bit, they both failed. And Elk River. All right, I come here out more to Moscow, right?

00:56:13:17 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: correct. Probably quite May 13th. Oh, I think so. I think he had a lot to do with, Kurt. Possibly if gasoline got short enough and expensive enough, maybe to transition back to permanent. But it would be nice if they did. You would think that is a better thing to have. Well, I think that people like, be here whether a lot more.

00:56:44:22 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Oh, I don’t know. they could get their money maybe in different places from.

00:56:59:14 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: how about decision making with you and your husband? How can you make big decisions? This is kind of tough. And so her. Oh, I think we were having trouble making decisions. We really talked it over. have you ever felt that you didn’t have a part in making decisions? Maybe you could tell, never been the most effective.

00:57:24:06 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: and, of course, there’s never been a time when you decide whether or not. Commissioner, this area, you get down. Well, the reason that we lived in Boulder was it hurt my husband’s work. and since we had the home here, why we have stayed. We’ve talked about moving out someplace, but we’ve never found exactly the place that we’d like to go to work over here.

00:57:52:15 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I have never found a better place to begin. Well, we definitely liked the northwest for that. The summertime surgery. So I don’t. Would you, when you were, through most of your life, you’ve had pretty much, freedom about how to spend your time, recreation, where you’ve got that mark. You’ve had a pretty good balance. Heartbreak, health.

00:58:25:16 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: how would you get there? Respected that way? How do you. What’s your feeling about what they call the women? Look, right now? I think, like, a lot of things, they’re carrying too far. I, really don’t know. Maybe in this area. You’re. Are you very quick. You’re reading here. Here about a lot of times I don’t exactly believe everything that I see here on.

00:59:02:02 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Arkansas, baby, I think you have, my freedom. And, man, I think a lot of them carry too far. But I think there are a lot of men there. If you read all the other North Carolina female movement. But it’s. Entirely up to you. If you are, you are. You’re saying the matter should be a matter of choice?

00:59:33:18 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I believe so, you’ve never felt any restriction or what they call discrimination against women. That true? No. I’ve never had any desire to go into a man’s restaurant to read. I don’t think that makes that much difference. I figure that if I wanted to have a group of women in that, I don’t feel like a manager who could command just because he’s that.

01:00:06:21 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: He kept out. I feel the same way about the men, and I think that they should have this much time to them telling the women, however far as I’m concerned, I’m right there. It can carry up to be anything. You talk a little bit about how you feel. It’s important for children to learn how to work. Is there anything you’d like to add to that about the importance of work?

01:00:36:05 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: well, my theory is that I don’t care who we are or what prevention we’re in. When we get older, there is a certain amount of responsibility that we have to take on, and we always have somebody that is telling you what to do and how to do it. And if you don’t learn to defend themselves through work, I don’t see how they’re ever going to, character how they are just when they get to be an adult.

01:01:08:20 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: I don’t care whether you’re a wife or a husband or, when referring to a certain amount of this program has to be taken care of. And I think the only way you learn a thing, if you’re a work or some kind.

01:01:27:28 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: as a result of the depression, you ever have, noticed differences that people who’ve lived through the depression and the way they handle their money, arrange their money. We have, our generation, I think everybody has. Yeah. feeling that. Yeah. We want to have something that’s there. Grab on to where? And, you know, I say that the credit that has been extended over the years, and I know it definitely been pushed, the generation that came after we hear it.

01:02:10:09 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Yeah. Well, from where they were brought out to, file on a credit card, they don’t. We just don’t believe in too much credit. If we can’t pay for what we have out of the credit file, we don’t ask for it. And people feel very insecure. If you’ve spent your life money. That’s right. And I think the depression that we have now, even before the depression, my parents were raised and they raised me.

01:02:43:24 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: And I’m sure my husband’s the same way that you frame some of what you got. yeah. Yeah, a gift, a way of life. If you put a little bit of weight, you personal things in their Social Security or when you thank you for anything that you had to say for your retirement. So you have to be a little bit more self-reliant.

01:03:11:06 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Quick response ability for your for your old age or in case of illness or anything like that that have a little bit longer side. and now with that social security and welfare people kind of depend on the government, right. Or somebody else they don’t really. I don’t think that the government, anybody else. But you get. I think they should have got a little bit more terms.

01:03:41:26 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Careful who you were. So there’s kind of a different set of a market there. But, older people are hearing me say we have to reserve that margin in case something goes wrong, whereas the younger ones depend on the government to provide that or some other agency. Well, I think that’s the way of life. It’s been pushed back.

01:04:19:11 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: You are what you learn from. So that’s what I’ve been raised in. you couldn’t expect very much of anything. You.

01:04:36:27 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Will. And they’ve been encouraged to spend all their money if we have been cut back. Or are we probably the same way? But think you’re quick. You’re about the depression part. There’s nothing. But even before the depression, why? We were taught that we had to save. Not necessarily. maybe some other family did do that affect their families?

01:05:03:09 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Family? A Red River room. So. Well, I’ve been through just about all the questions. And you couldn’t come from a thorough answer. Would you like to add anything else? Now that I have a, I don’t know, where can I get from Christopher Horner for the greater good? Yes. See, Stephanie would like to take your picture. I’m not a great color lighting picture.

01:05:32:15 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: So this will be on, cracking the archive. The recording will be kept in the archive for research. And or your family can be to or something like that. Or want to. so we have your presentation and then we have a, a form here to, for you to read. and you get to see how, some of the material might be here, but we wanted.

01:06:04:17 - Isabel Miller or Lillian Yangel: Some restrictions on it.

Photograph of Lillian Yangel
Photograph of Lillian Yangel seated, smiling at the camera.
Lillian Yangel
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Miller, Isabel
rural communities education clubs (associations) air bases childhood marriage (social construct) family life depression (social construct) women's rights portraits
Bovill, Idaho
MG68, Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives
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"Lillian Yangel", Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/rwhp/items/rwhp414.html
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