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00:00:00:00 - Unknown Interviewer: During Audrey Winter on October the 11th, 1975. Okay.

00:00:15:11 - Unknown Interviewer: Let’s see. Okay. These are the questions of systems. Okay. Makes sense. Okay. can you tell me some of the advantages or the disadvantages in the small world?

00:00:32:02 - Audrey Winter: Advantages for myself?

00:00:34:25 - Unknown Interviewer: Well, for both.

00:00:37:21 - Audrey Winter: I think one disadvantage is that, we get wrapped up in our own little world to know what we’re doing, and and we forget that there’s a whole world outside of things that are going on and that we’re a part of in and sometimes, like in, you know, school pencils or whatever, you get so involved in, sometimes you lose perspective of what the real is really.

00:01:07:18 - Audrey Winter: Raise your children. Be like, the Lord would like you to have, you know. And as far as the children go, it’s it’s hard because they live here and they don’t get out and see a lot of the food. I mean, you know, like my little girl, her first visit to school is going hungry, and we’re just, you know, just kind of away from everything.

00:01:30:14 - Audrey Winter: In other ways, it’s good. I mean, you know, the drug problem and stuff. We don’t have it near as much. I mean, they were a lot of the basic things we could do. I mean, they weren’t from the very beginning that you have to learn to save and serve and and be prepared for the maybe in a lot of other places.

00:01:49:24 - Audrey Winter: They don’t. I mean, like when we buy groceries, we go someplace, we buy school because, I mean, there’s just no way if you went to the store, you’re fine. You know, you’re constantly through trying to scratch. You know, you didn’t really care.

00:02:06:16 - Unknown Interviewer: So even though it’s a small area, the prices are.

00:02:13:02 - Unknown Interviewer: Like some of the advantages I know you mentioned last night before the clean air, the corridor services.

00:02:20:10 - Audrey Winter: Well, this is true. And I mean, you can your child out like the kid because whenever. You know, you worry about something, someone coming in and kidnaping and taking your. I mean, everyone in the town, you know, who this is? Good and bad, I mean, and they watch out for the other people’s kids to a certain extent. If something goes wrong, there’s always somebody there.

00:02:43:01 - Audrey Winter: You can tell. I mean, it’s it’s a more personal type living.

00:02:47:04 - Unknown: You probably have it’s good.

00:02:55:15 - Unknown Interviewer: To ask you about your childhood. are there any really big differences about in your life now, from the way it was with your child? Do you want to talk about, like, financially? Oh, yeah. School.

00:03:10:04 - Audrey Winter: It’s just a completely different lifestyle. Like I told you before, I was the last 1 in 1 of the family lives. Three of us were children, and my brother was caught. I was 11 years old. Well, I was always just raised up in a very protective atmosphere, being beaten. I was called I mean, I just I had most probably in anything I wanted, and I was the type of person that when I was in school, there was one thing that I was involved, you know, in, in student government or whatever course, the art and I mean, I just I enjoyed it so much.

00:03:48:25 - Audrey Winter: It’s just so much a part of my life. And I was going constantly involved with people, and I loved every well when I was married, came to college or it changed my life just drastically. Right now, because you don’t go in or you stay, you don’t. You have to learn and a knack of visiting with people. You have to be able to go to their house and just sit and have a cup of coffee or something and visit with them and, you know, just it was so different.

00:04:19:25 - Audrey Winter: I mean, you just didn’t go places and do things together. You didn’t go for skating, you.

00:04:23:14 - Unknown Interviewer: Go to church, whatever.

00:04:25:04 - Audrey Winter: I mean, it was just completely and totally different.

00:04:28:08 - Unknown Interviewer: Were you raised in the school city? Right.

00:04:32:03 - Audrey Winter: Well, in Kellogg, it’s not it’s not too big. They compared it to Calder. It’s drastically big, you know? And, my dad died when I was 11, so my mom and I kind of went on a partnership when I was dating. She was dating, and we were just like, like sisters in a sense. I mean, we got along real good.

00:04:57:15 - Audrey Winter: our house duties. I mean, one day I cook, she cook whatever. We clean the house together because we’re both getting ready to go out on Saturday night or whatever, you know, just really fantastic. And it was just the constant thing of being involved with people and, you know, being more a part of the things going on in after you’re just kind of away from everything.

00:05:24:07 - Audrey Winter: It just not in and kind of wow, I did describe.

00:05:27:13 - Unknown Interviewer: Quite a.

00:05:27:23 - Audrey Winter: Change. And, you know, for the first few years and in the town like is when you come in, you’re not it’s not so bad anymore. But like we were the very first young couple we called the next couple, they were 35 or 33 or something like that. That was the oldest couple recorded in here. I was, I just turned 18 the day after Mary Ann Richards.

00:05:52:00 - Audrey Winter: Come in. There’s no one here. And it was it wasn’t until a year later that one other couple came into here. By that time, well, they got I. Nancy was born in October and they were married in this summer, so I’d already had a newborn baby and I was out of touch with them two and it was just a hard, big adjustment to flip to, you know, I mean, and housing around here, it wasn’t as adequate as it was now.

00:06:21:15 - Audrey Winter: We had to we moved up and they call it Snob Knob. But there was.

00:06:27:22 - Audrey Winter: And ham. They’ve had it at their place. That’s right. They lived up there in an old Forest Service place, and they rented a little cabin to us. It was just like two rooms. There was a bedroom divided off, and then the other park back there that would turn into a living room. And one big long thing for a kitchen.

00:06:43:12 - Audrey Winter: Cold water, no toilet. I mean, this was just drastic to me. I’d lived in the same house for 18 years and never moved a nothing. I mean, you know, I was so secure in the fact that I knew my house upside down. I mean, you know, change it all. Coming to it was either that or to live with his parents.

00:07:03:01 - Audrey Winter: And, you know, for a while we did get, after we had the baby in there, she was, you know, for six months, we had to stay with her. And it was just terrible. You know, your worst side always shows to them. And there were slide shows to be pretty severe enemies. Yeah. So we moved up there and the Lord really blessed us.

00:07:21:11 - Audrey Winter: I think it learning to go back and learn how to do things like people had to do. Years ago. We had a wood stove and I had one of these big old works touching the ground, and I set it up on top of the stove and.

00:07:35:19 - Unknown Interviewer: Ran holes from the.

00:07:37:17 - Audrey Winter: Kitchen sink into there, and I keep the water. Then I push this old wringer washer over there. I I’m like millions of years ago,

00:07:48:17 - Audrey Winter: Then I would start from the water out of there with another piece closer to the washer, and I had hot water come off, and it was just a thing like that, you know, just learning, you know, to be self-sufficient, not to walk home. I always, you know, I had everything or anything. I had a bathroom and I had a tub.

00:08:08:20 - Audrey Winter: And here I was, you know, I had to figure out some other way to heat water to the who would figure it out, or I’d have to come down and impose on someone else in the summertime, they had an old shower house fixed up on. It was in another building, and they, the poor service had it for their guys, and they had a big water tank in there.

00:08:29:00 - Audrey Winter: You built a fire in the heat of the water, you know, and all of this used to that. That was great.

00:08:34:27 - Unknown Interviewer: But it rained in 110 back.

00:08:37:12 - Audrey Winter: Yeah, right. You know, and it was a baby all right. In here. We’d always had quite a heated, communal, constantly. Even camper could jump up in the morning and run out there and learn to build a fire. I couldn’t chop Cameron Wood, nothing. I knew nothing I had to learn. you know, all these things do because when your husband has to get up and go to work, you can’t always have him on his lunch hour running out and packing in wood for, you know, always trapping.

00:09:07:10 - Audrey Winter: And you do his best. But, you know, after a while, you have to learn to do things yourself. And it was just like, I wasn’t a rich girl or anything, but, I mean, we were well enough off that we had things that we just it was complete post stuffers.

00:09:23:08 - Unknown Interviewer: With stuff we take for granted.

00:09:24:15 - Audrey Winter: Right? And then I had to go back and learn what, what my parents had went through to give me the things that I had. And now I look back and I appreciate so much more because I know how hard they struggled to give it to me. And gradually rich and I just work for, we rented other places in Culver after that.

00:09:44:23 - Audrey Winter: There were a lot more modern here, a lot more convenient. And, there for a while when we worked on the railroad again, we lived in, which was just six miles side of bakery, and then there was only three houses, and we was six miles away from the nearest person. And this was when I was pregnant. You gotten and we were living up there, and there was the man that my husband worked for, the section, the Big.

00:10:14:28 - Audrey Winter: We were in a little bathhouse and it was still, you know, then we didn’t even have a water forget, because I had to walk down the end of the bridge and pack it up in 19 oh and we had lights off the signals, but you couldn’t find anything in because it was just below whatever. So these other two people’s families that lived, about a half a mile from us, well, they would take off and they would go someplace for the day, and the men would take off down the track, you know, and for just weeks, I just sit there and cry and cry and feel so sorry for myself, because here I came, know.

00:10:47:21 - Audrey Winter: Oh, I got to here. Oh, I thought it was at the end of nowhere. It was just so terrible like it. But whenever I look back to his first job just to teach me, you know, that things have to improve. We just don’t always expect them to last. And we’re and and that to me, I probably would have never learned.

00:11:10:20 - Unknown Interviewer: I sometimes it has to be a drastic lesson.

00:11:12:16 - Audrey Winter: Yeah, right. You know, one of those people that he had, he drastically.

00:11:16:17 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh dear. Oh. So would you say that you have maybe more free time now than you had in the past or left. Oh yes. Yes.

00:11:27:20 - Audrey Winter: In some ways, no. It was 44 times. It’s kind of hard right now. But the thing of it is you you know, the jobs around here aren’t always as steady as they could be. And sometimes there’s a layoff. Last year they thought it would be all together and it made it a rough, rough time for us. So when we got the chance to go to work, I was there for a little bit of getting out to make sure that if the next playoff comes that we’ll be ready to face it in the canning and things and everything is just part of being prepared to face future.

00:12:08:28 - Unknown Interviewer: So hunting is pretty important. Yeah.

00:12:11:01 - Audrey Winter: And a lot of people just do it for sport, but mainly the people that you can probably do it out of responsibility. I mean, if, if you’re going to be laid off and you’re not going to have the money to buy your equipment and you don’t want to end up and do it legally, I mean, you’re just going to this place is bad.

00:12:29:07 - Audrey Winter: So, you want to come to the it’s that way no matter who. It’s much. So, you know, there’s just something, you know, we’re going to do.

00:12:43:12 - Unknown Interviewer: Can you tell me some of the things that you did with your brother and sister when you were little, things that you played with, things you did together? I know you were very much different ages.

00:12:55:16 - Audrey Winter: Well, the only thing.

00:12:56:25 - Unknown: I can like with my sister, she took care of me. You know, and her boyfriend came to the house.

00:13:03:01 - Audrey Winter: My grandma. I do always nice little things. Little five year old kids do. I still remember him. It was just the night before Thanksgiving. They tell me about this all the time because it’s her husband now. You know. And every time they come up, they just they just really raked me over the coals in front of my kids.

00:13:20:07 - Audrey Winter: You know? I don’t know what a monster I was. it’s kind of puts your learning that he was taking a picture. I had to just really carry on. So there I am, you know, throwing in some kids because mom and dad left me, and I wanted to go with you, so I had to stay with marine crew.

00:13:37:26 - Audrey Winter: This next weekend. And I wanted to sleep. And my Uncle Bob’s been and they said, no.

00:13:44:27 - Unknown: No, you can’t do that. And I cried and I cried and I tried to complete that.

00:13:50:16 - Audrey Winter: I’m scared of the dark. I don’t want to go upstairs, you know, and all this. So they let me sleep on it. So the next day at Thanksgiving dinner with my grandmother, a very religious lady sitting at the table.

00:14:04:03 - Unknown: And all the family there, and uncle Bob sitting in the back.

00:14:08:20 - Audrey Winter: I wish I hadn’t slept on my bed last night so quickly. I think of this like, well, Rain and curly were laying on the definite and I had to go to bed. On your bed, you know, here’s everybody at the table. Just, you know, my sisters faces flushing, you know, like this. I mean, I didn’t have any idea what I was saying, but it was a quick story, you know, so I wouldn’t get in trouble.

00:14:30:02 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, no.

00:14:31:00 - Audrey Winter: They could never let me forget that. Oh, no. You know, I don’t blame them. I your me, I’m happy. Oh, my grandmother staying over there. I thought she would die. She looked in disgust. The crisis throughout. Remember? Like. I mean, I expected more out of you, you know.

00:14:48:23 - Unknown Interviewer: And.

00:14:48:29 - Audrey Winter: Oh, they’re just sitting there, you know, but I’ve been wanting to reach across the table and ring my neck for me. Ooh.

00:14:55:19 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, well.

00:14:57:13 - Audrey Winter: Oh, just usual. Oh, she didn’t appreciate me much at all. A lot of times when they take me places, though, they always thought she was my mother. Oh, and when my mother was with us, he would always think that was my grandmother’s there.

00:15:12:14 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, man, that too. I don’t blame her.

00:15:17:01 - Audrey Winter: But.

00:15:18:04 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, yeah. So you you don’t. But you went out a lot of time. Like you went out and did a lot even during school. Oh yeah. After the show, did you go out a lot with your family or mostly with just your friends?

00:15:32:13 - Audrey Winter: well, if mom and sister had something planned like that, they were going to, Spokane. According to the day I just went clean.

00:15:43:22 - Unknown: Chores, chopping wood, cooking, doing.

00:15:48:09 - Audrey Winter: We always. Birthdays were a big thing. Are we always. All the family got together and just had a birthday. Was it was actually tickets for the whole business thing was just a time for the family to get together.

00:16:00:02 - Unknown Interviewer: And, you know, be with each other.

00:16:02:12 - Audrey Winter: Especially like we’re not just close. Well, in some sense, in other ways. We’re so different now. Hard. But we always had Christmas and Thanksgiving, things like, we’re always going to be.

00:16:18:15 - Unknown Interviewer: To still get together.

00:16:19:21 - Audrey Winter: Well when it’s possible. I think living I live here that’s 75 miles away from his parents and grandma. which is kind of hard.

00:16:28:09 - Unknown: To, but we went there.

00:16:35:09 - Audrey Winter: For three years. I guess we’ll call that same place we like.

00:16:41:09 - Unknown Interviewer: Swimming. She,

00:16:47:19 - Audrey Winter: But my brother really meant for three different service for me most of the time. First of all, I remember his. That big guy coming home that his little sister was going, you know, that was.

00:17:04:01 - Unknown Interviewer: You know, that was, this is some questions about courtship and marriage. If you don’t want to let him that. Can you talk about some things you did when you first met and you were going to marry him? Yeah. Okay. It just stuff like that. how long did you know?

00:17:25:10 - Audrey Winter: Not very long. Probably about.

00:17:30:07 - Unknown: I had a message.

00:17:32:10 - Audrey Winter: For his sister. She had to come on in. I really didn’t know who she was. But this kid that I had been going out with, we called up, and his mother knew them somehow. And he asked if I would deliver this message his sister was with said okay. So we walked in and there was with this system. And we talked and she asked me to come back for the next night.

00:17:57:13 - Audrey Winter: We connect with this kid and he tried to get me to go out and make a movie with him. And as I was getting ready to leave, he pushed me through a screen door trying to kiss me. Oh, and it was locked. And I went back up like this. And and Kellogg from the smelter scope and stuff. The screen sort, you know.

00:18:16:19 - Audrey Winter: Very good. I mean, really kind of rotten. I mean, I changed over time and I went back like this through the screen door. I went under the porch.

00:18:23:15 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh no no, no, no, that was.

00:18:26:21 - Audrey Winter: That was unusual.

00:18:27:29 - Unknown Interviewer: Right? Yeah. But. What made you change your mind? We didn’t want to have anything to do with it.

00:18:35:15 - Audrey Winter: I don’t know, you just kept coming and,

00:18:38:22 - Unknown Interviewer: What, are you.

00:18:39:04 - Audrey Winter: Driving back here eventually? I don’t know. Well, the kid that I’ve been going out with found out who they’re going to be with this other girl at night. So he comes up, a little boy sister and I watch her together, takes us out there and shows us there’s Danny and another girl. You know, here I am. Oh.

00:18:58:23 - Audrey Winter: Crushed. Oh, you know, I mean, it wouldn’t have been so bad. I knew that he was going out with other girls because we weren’t getting, you know, steady, just steadily. I just hated to be embarrassed. The fact that he would have to take me out there, you know? Yeah. So we ended up and we were also supposed to go to Portland and my girlfriend and I and bridge and this other kid that we were going to go do supposedly meet and date.

00:19:28:07 - Audrey Winter: Well, as we left our house, they said the girl’s boyfriend drives up and she picks up and goes with him and leaves me with Rich. And I just told my mom, you know, he was a nice guy. And if I went back in and went, you know, I mean, I would have to say no, I lied. I’m scared to death.

00:19:45:28 - Audrey Winter: I mean, my so we went ahead with calling the show and I said on one side, the curtain. He said on the other. And that was from.

00:19:56:01 - Unknown Interviewer: Our first date. Yeah. Oh, well.

00:20:01:25 - Audrey Winter: Spring.

00:20:03:18 - Unknown Interviewer: Did you. You got married in Saint Mary’s.

00:20:07:21 - Audrey Winter: So we were supposed to be married long, but there was a little bit of a family problem. I was the last one. My mother, you know, really didn’t want me to get married in. We got a bit of an argument before it was all over. so really, to stop arguing and everything, I just.

00:20:25:23 - Unknown Interviewer: It’s him. Well, blue.

00:20:29:16 - Audrey Winter: By.

00:20:29:23 - Unknown Interviewer: Myself. Is it a big wedding or just a.

00:20:31:22 - Audrey Winter: No, we just really just.

00:20:34:03 - Unknown Interviewer: We were supposed to be. Know the little.

00:20:44:11 - Audrey Winter: Irish. we were supposed to be married in the church, but I was a member of over there and everything went to the pastor. the two weeks and four days before the time we were supposed to be married in the rule of the church was was that you had to go there before the board two weeks before you had to use the church, or you couldn’t use it.

00:21:07:19 - Audrey Winter: And so which I will never forget that, you know, after it was planned. And then we decided that we were married, you know, at my place and after the family together, you know, every interfered, everyone trying to talk me out of it, you know, saying you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re only going to be 18 the next day.

00:21:29:02 - Audrey Winter: You don’t know what.

00:21:29:21 - Unknown: Life’s all about. You. You ready? And.

00:21:36:02 - Audrey Winter: And I just. I guess that’s when I made my choice. Oh my God. Daddy. Ready for the daddy? What part? I’m okay. It’s these.

00:21:48:05 - Audrey Winter: John went out with you.

00:21:52:27 - Audrey Winter: I confess, when I made the decision that, you know, I was going to be on my own, and that I was I was a person different from my family. And that if I end up this week and now who I was going to spend the rest of my life with, I had no choice. Although I know both sides, you know, was kind of torn between the two.

00:22:11:24 - Audrey Winter: Is it was hard to, you know, make the decision. Of course, you know, in years I mean, both sides are getting along now, but that’s good. You know, it took a long time.

00:22:25:29 - Unknown Interviewer: But your family liked you, didn’t they, when you were going to get married? Oh, they didn’t like him.

00:22:30:14 - Audrey Winter: For the simple fact that my mother wrote she’d field her whole life around. She dated somebody. But I was the real nucleus of of everything that you do. Just that same.

00:22:45:12 - Unknown: Year that I got married. Damn. About six months before then, she let go and get an expensive operation. Well.

00:22:54:03 - Audrey Winter: My brother and sister thought it was just tragic of me to make a life of my own when I should be buried, so my mother could depend on me. When I see that two.

00:23:06:03 - Unknown: I mean, I had no choice.

00:23:09:13 - Audrey Winter: I would have loved to stay with her and and him too. But you just can’t. You can’t. Right?

00:23:15:01 - Unknown Interviewer: You just can’t get your priorities straight. So it was kind of tough at first.

00:23:21:27 - Audrey Winter: The psychologist. Right.

00:23:23:07 - Unknown: You know, it’s just.

00:23:30:04 - Unknown Interviewer: What were some of the reasons you got married? This is a question a lot of women go. What? What do you mean? But, I think for some reason we got very special attention.

00:23:40:24 - Audrey Winter: So I think one of the big things. What John, when, you know, he found the right. Oh, you guys worthy, I mean, you damn. Of course you had this kind of starry eyed fire and roses. Everything’s going to be like, come.

00:24:06:24 - Unknown Interviewer: You think that’s one of the reasons that you got married?

00:24:10:00 - Audrey Winter: well, I think the main, important one is that, you know, knowing that that another person really wants to spend the rest of their life with you. I mean, it wants you for you, not necessarily just for.

00:24:33:06 - Audrey Winter: Say that you were.

00:24:33:25 - Unknown: Pretty or whatever, because I was having probably 20 pounds of maybe an hour.

00:24:42:29 - Audrey Winter: You know, just knowing that you love me for me.

00:24:47:18 - Unknown Interviewer: And good for her.

00:24:48:27 - Audrey Winter: You know, not after my father in her dying years before I think I needed, you know, a man. And I was I was really close to him. I was hard, you know, all those years. Not have anyone. And of course, I just I really needed, you know, a male advisor.

00:25:14:12 - Unknown: and I don’t know.

00:25:15:25 - Audrey Winter: Knowing the cards that I needed to make really, that I wouldn’t, I’d always thought, well, I was raised in Kellogg, and I lived there in the same house, like I spent all my life. Years. I always assumed that I would just stay in Kellogg forever. I had been going to California and making room and everything. When it really came down to the point of it, I realized that that I couldn’t stay there, that I would just be molded into the type of person that everyone thought I was, that I would never change, that I would just go ahead and continue to be this a spoiled brat.

00:25:50:27 - Audrey Winter: Just know that if I really wanted to make a life for my family and myself, I would have to go.

00:26:00:21 - Unknown Interviewer: That’s pretty. That’s pretty difficult for a 17 year old that’s well, you.

00:26:05:21 - Audrey Winter: Know, with all the family business, I mean, you know, was I knew I knew the difference when I was with Ridge and why he’d come up here to hunt and everything, and I could see the difference in my life, and I, I knew that we would have to struggle because we didn’t. We didn’t have anything really to speak up.

00:26:27:16 - Audrey Winter: But yet it didn’t seem to matter because it wasn’t really, you know. But I knew that if I stayed there that I would my just like my brother and sister always kind of tell me that you have to do this because mom expects you to, or you better do that because you know, and. Right. And then, of course, the the man that my mom was going out with at the time who wanted to marry her and just told me, said the sooner you leave home, the better off of me because your mother and I want to get married.

00:26:55:09 - Audrey Winter: And I said, well, that’s what I said, you know, I mean, that really made me feel good, too, when my sister and brother screaming, hollering, me, you can’t leave! And he’s telling me to hurry up and go. Of course, my mother didn’t notice him four years later, but I just I felt like now that they’re always going to be trying to tell me what to do and which they would want, I still go home and still have a tendency to try to, you know, come.

00:27:20:13 - Audrey Winter: And there’s a lot of times that I thought, oh, I made a big mistake. I might go back.

00:27:25:03 - Unknown Interviewer: Did you have any idea, really, expectations in your mind before you got married about what marriage would be like? Yeah. Would you do over any expectations fulfilled or changed or.

00:27:38:13 - Audrey Winter: Very changed.

00:27:39:06 - Unknown Interviewer: In the.

00:27:40:03 - Audrey Winter: You know. Right. I like I said, you know, you just thought everything was going to be perfect. You know, you were going house and your husband was going to come home loving you after a beautiful day. And we’re going to, you know. Work like that. You come home and you’re crabby and he’s crabby and, you know, it’s just it’s different.

00:28:05:01 - Audrey Winter: And of course, with mom and dad, they never, ever. Oh, I think they had one discussion in front of me, and it was over the TV when we first got our our very first TV and it was just smiling. She said, well, if you don’t make up your mind, put it on the cable. We’re putting it back in the box and shipping it away.

00:28:26:23 - Audrey Winter: He said, no, we’re not and that would be a burden. Oh, so, you know, I, I didn’t realize that people just didn’t get married and get along. Oh, you know, I thought it would just be.

00:28:37:19 - Unknown Interviewer: That you loved each other so much.

00:28:38:27 - Audrey Winter: So much, you know? Right. This is why we loved each other so much. We were just bound and determined to everything that’s going to be beautiful. I just knew that’s it wasn’t there was very, very nervous because the first praise and every minute it was first part. I don’t.

00:28:59:10 - Unknown Interviewer: Know how.

00:28:59:22 - Audrey Winter: I really don’t.

00:29:01:16 - Unknown Interviewer: When the or when you were first pregnant, had you claim your first child or. No.

00:29:07:02 - Audrey Winter: I was very, very dumb. I wasn’t taught anything about, you know, contraceptives. I mean, I really didn’t it never dawned on me. And all of a sudden it was, you know, two months after I was married, a month and a half. I was pregnant. Oh, the big surprise to me. I mean, you know what I mean? You know, it’s to expand, but it wasn’t this open.

00:29:29:19 - Audrey Winter: These things are now talked about to teenagers.

00:29:32:03 - Unknown Interviewer: Your mother didn’t talk too much.

00:29:33:26 - Audrey Winter: No, because she was bound and determined that I wasn’t going to get married. So she didn’t want to discuss it. And, of course, my sister, she didn’t want to discuss it with me because I was wrong thing. And I didn’t know a lot of things. Oh, I knew they could break out, but you know me, it just wasn’t even real to me, you know, because I.

00:29:54:25 - Audrey Winter: Anything, they’d really think about it, I guess.

00:29:59:11 - Unknown Interviewer: You know, before you got married, though, I, I guess most of us think about when we’re going to get married, when we’re young girls. Did you think about when you were going to have children and if you planned how many or.

00:30:12:13 - Audrey Winter: Well, my sister Dolly should never have three because she had three and they fall and always have four. So I thought, well, I got to have four. So they won’t fight. You know, I wasn’t very smart. I was listening to what she said, her and Rich. And before we were married he talked. He said he always wanted a girl and a boy for the girl born first and about two years later, the boy.

00:30:33:06 - Audrey Winter: And this was his big dream. He came from a family. There were seven altogether, and he only wanted to know. And I mean, I couldn’t care. And I always assumed, you know, after a year or two, after we were married, we’d have our first baby. Well, it didn’t work out that way, but probably if we had him in pattern where we did, we probably would have never stayed together.

00:30:54:19 - Audrey Winter: Oh, you know, I had a big lesson to learn and I was very selfish. I mean, you know, always having your own way. You always expect to have your own way. Always. So when you cry, when you don’t hear.

00:31:10:00 - Unknown Interviewer: So I’m sure.

00:31:11:28 - Audrey Winter: Growing up there the first few years.

00:31:14:23 - Unknown Interviewer: So, so the babies sort of stabilized.

00:31:19:04 - Audrey Winter: They she she held us together. And the Lord knows that you probably wouldn’t have made it any other way.

00:31:28:08 - Unknown: Oh my goodness, I don’t know. Just she just.

00:31:34:22 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh that’s okay.

00:31:40:19 - Unknown Interviewer: It’s crazy. Wow. That’s really great. Couldn’t have been better.

00:31:45:11 - Audrey Winter: Clara Burgess was good apart when you, were pregnant.

00:31:52:06 - Unknown Interviewer: You have your first child. Did you have to be driven to a hospital nearby or what? Well.

00:31:58:22 - Audrey Winter: We lived in Saint Mary’s. There were just a couple blocks from her husband.

00:32:04:12 - Unknown Interviewer: And uncle, and we were.

00:32:05:18 - Audrey Winter: Down there for about six months or so, and they took me down. And, you know, we’d waited. Nancy was overdue in the waiting room. Just 12 days and and do it. And so when I woke up and told him I was in labor, I looked at me, are you sure? You know, I mean, that really, really made me feel good after all that time you’re awake.

00:32:28:23 - Audrey Winter: And as it turned out, there in the morning, I should have.

00:32:33:08 - Unknown Interviewer: You could have said.

00:32:35:06 - Audrey Winter: Oh, baby, you know, after 17 hours later, they decided.

00:32:41:13 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh.

00:32:41:29 - Audrey Winter: We were going to die.

00:32:43:14 - Unknown Interviewer: That long. Oh. Yes.

00:32:52:15 - Unknown Interviewer: Well, yeah. Can I ask you about.

00:32:58:20 - Unknown Interviewer: Did your mother, when you had your first child? Sure. You were going to have a child that she gave you a lot of advice to come to help you or. No, my mother called me. I mean, my mom is. My mom is. Oh.

00:33:15:04 - Audrey Winter: My mother came over after and had a baby. Of course. Talk to me after her. I can’t, but, I been so, like.

00:33:24:29 - Unknown: You know, the people around there set you pretty good. I mean, you know, I helped my sister and her.

00:33:32:29 - Audrey Winter: Children were like it, too. And I really, when I was going to go to work.

00:33:40:15 - Unknown: for the family, a lot first, like I said, my dad.

00:33:45:23 - Audrey Winter: Private matter and continue to take care of.

00:33:49:10 - Unknown Interviewer: Them and give you some advice on.

00:33:50:23 - Audrey Winter: Their hair.

00:33:51:21 - Unknown Interviewer: Raising. All right.

00:33:55:09 - Audrey Winter: And I think with Nancy, I listen to everyone too much. You know, they just they had been very nervous and upset. You know, the fact that I wasn’t doing this rider up during the summer, I and my sister in law at the river now, she, I think just an hour late. So I watch her and which I hate doing later.

00:34:15:13 - Audrey Winter: Oh, you know, I figured that was the thing to do, you know, whatever’s needed there, because she. That was her fourth term. Oh. How many children around here? she took the receiving blanket off Lucy at such and such. And I watch comfortable, And I.

00:34:35:15 - Audrey Winter: You know, so I really think in my mind, you got to out the kids and then watch me. Oh, I’m going to be making a mistake, you know? Oh, it gets really great medical.

00:34:45:00 - Unknown Interviewer: Cause I get a lot of pressure.

00:34:46:11 - Audrey Winter: Yeah, because I, you know, I just assumed that I wasn’t going to be a good mother, and I worry myself too much about it. And having done so much later, I’ve been doing it for more because I’ve decided that they have any business. I knew.

00:35:02:03 - Unknown Interviewer: I mean,

00:35:04:04 - Audrey Winter: You’ve got to monitor yourself, you’ve got to make mistakes and then go on.

00:35:09:16 - Unknown Interviewer: And did your husband help you much in those early days with your first child with.

00:35:15:25 - Audrey Winter: You drove me crazy, you know, I mean, he was very nervous, protective. Father, when I got home from the hospital, well, with Nancy, my mother in law and him took her home first because she was going to go home, and I had to stay in hospital. So they had her for a couple, three days at home. And so.

00:35:35:05 - Audrey Winter: And and then having a steering wheel, it’s hard for.

00:35:39:05 - Unknown: You do a lot of stuff. So he.

00:35:46:11 - Audrey Winter: I’m probably a good thing.

00:35:47:14 - Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. Sounds like. Well, do you have any plans right now for the international school? Yeah. We still. But to go on perhaps to college or.

00:36:00:27 - Audrey Winter: I’d like to, but mainly I don’t. I don’t want to force you into being the kind of person that I’d like to be in, that I’d like her define what she really wants out of life. She really loves animals, and she’s talk about doing. And this is what she wants. I work the rest of my life in a supermarket, and that’s what.

00:36:24:05 - Audrey Winter: I do want for her to. To get away from Caulder. I think that everyone couple should get away. Parents, both sides. And just going to be going on each other to have. Just to. And once you learn that you have a chair and the two of you are one, not two, separate your separate. But yeah, your and your your family for three years in the, you know, to learn to stand for 20.

00:36:52:28 - Audrey Winter: And with family interfering a lot, it’s hard for you to learn to stand up against your parents and say, all right, you may not approve of this, but this is my life and you have no business telling her what to do. Or this is my husband and this is his home. And these kids get to do this. This is his business is right.

00:37:17:00 - Audrey Winter: And like raising your children, you may not always agree with what they do. But like I told him, I don’t disagree in front of my kids. I won’t even talk to you later. I mean, you know the thing, if you jump right in, in front of the kids right there, you erroneous.

00:37:33:15 - Unknown Interviewer: So it’s good. Yeah, I agree with it.

00:37:45:28 - Unknown Interviewer: This is a strange question. I’m not sure if, since. How has the role of children changed since you had children with you? What you’re asking, they’re really. Children? I know in some form to raise the children with the helpers. Right. So?

00:38:05:17 - Audrey Winter: So for. The lot now, our children probably in the rural area compared to like the cities or something, they still are so many couples, they are both me working. Nancy has her job, but she has to be. And if she didn’t help to, I wouldn’t be able to. I’m not having the time off. And so it’s, which helps.

00:38:33:24 - Audrey Winter: And I do things.

00:38:34:22 - Unknown Interviewer: And we all just have to work together.

00:38:36:21 - Audrey Winter: We remove careers just because there just isn’t enough time on Saturdays and Sundays to get everything done. It needs to be done. You know?

00:38:44:09 - Unknown Interviewer: I know. Well, when you do have time.

00:38:49:06 - Unknown: To relax, what do you do for that social? Oh, I don’t know. A lot of times I just studying everything and, you know, just,

00:38:59:03 - Audrey Winter: Get a chance to.

00:39:01:02 - Unknown: Really get involved. You know, I was working a lot of times I didn’t get to study nurse much.

00:39:07:23 - Audrey Winter: And if I’m out that and I have study groups and different times and maybe just going out and having fellowship with.

00:39:15:12 - Unknown Interviewer: Other people, do you as a family go out and do everything like go over and get ice cream or.

00:39:21:22 - Audrey Winter: You know. Yeah, we had a oh, that’s pretty crazy. I mean, a lot of guilt. I mean, but Nancy was with us when I got my first year. My, my my very own, and, we come across bridge and I got Wednesday night and we came across the field and I was dragging my he was grabbing hers, and she was packing.

00:39:42:23 - Audrey Winter: I mean, this is just. And,

00:39:48:10 - Audrey Winter: Sleigh riding in the wintertime or, once in a while, we’re gonna go fishing. But most everything we do, we do. I very seldom, you know, what is an individual like? What’s that mean? Not too often I do that because, well, he he likes me at home, and he likes my attention. All of my attention. Sometimes too much.

00:40:18:23 - Audrey Winter: I’d like to be more.

00:40:19:20 - Unknown: Of an individual.

00:40:27:01 - Unknown Interviewer: And, yeah, I don’t like John. perfect. I’m not gonna go.

00:40:37:22 - Unknown Interviewer: On somebody else different. Oh, I think she’s wondering what’s going on. do you have any particular, I know you read the Bible, but any particular books and magazines? But whatever. We have it like farmer farming areas, type specific.

00:40:55:24 - Unknown: Magazines in general. And then, you know, I.

00:41:03:22 - Audrey Winter: I have some steady courses that I get in that are Christian training courses or something like that, but most of the time or.

00:41:10:05 - Unknown: Are just, are in Christian.

00:41:15:04 - Audrey Winter: Right? Like my sister.

00:41:16:18 - Unknown: And I were talking coming down from our meeting last night.

00:41:23:18 - Audrey Winter: You are what you to.

00:41:26:00 - Unknown: And if you constantly put something funny, you know, a lot of people are.

00:41:31:11 - Audrey Winter: There for their other half lives. Can put her in the library with them. Words that are too nice. And she’s, So she liked it. And I said, well, that’s why I felt it. You should down, you know, having your home. What you want your children to learn and read. And so basically, that’s what I have.

00:41:52:02 - Unknown: I have Christian books around and that’s real fun.

00:41:57:28 - Audrey Winter: And I know you can get involved in a lot of the other stuff. You’re going to have them involved too.

00:42:03:24 - Unknown Interviewer: But so very sounded pretty important. There.

00:42:16:26 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, this is a loaded question. have you ever thought what you might do if something happened to.

00:42:22:22 - Unknown: Your husband, if he was very ill or if he died accidentally?

00:42:29:19 - Audrey Winter: Well, yes, I did. There was a little alarm here, and her husband was out hunting and fell in one of these pictures and a statement like, through, you know, and all of a sudden.

00:42:42:29 - Unknown: All of us around and we just look up to him. But what if that was me, you know, what would I do? And I thought about it and.

00:42:54:05 - Audrey Winter: I just don’t remember, I, I would have to.

00:42:58:04 - Unknown: Consider her and.

00:43:02:09 - Unknown: Things go.

00:43:04:16 - Audrey Winter: What I like to read someday able to do.

00:43:07:23 - Unknown: Would be a lot to find and be with people. And like.

00:43:13:17 - Audrey Winter: Be Christian.

00:43:15:22 - Unknown Interviewer: And of course, I mean, this is just a thing for nice for.

00:43:20:09 - Audrey Winter: Hearing about maybe two and maybe that should I have to go on two or I have to definitely go back to school. So and get an education up to go right now where I work now, it’s probably one of the higher paying jobs. That’s why I work here, because it’s good money. Not. That’s why I like it, because it’s very hard.

00:43:44:24 - Audrey Winter: But I would I would probably stay there until I get things going.

00:43:50:10 - Unknown Interviewer: But do you think you’re probably to.

00:43:55:19 - Audrey Winter: Not write your first year of college before.

00:44:05:01 - Unknown: I think I probably would. I wouldn’t go back for, but,

00:44:10:18 - Audrey Winter: There’s a lot of kids.

00:44:11:15 - Unknown: Family and I love and everything, I don’t think. I think.

00:44:18:19 - Audrey Winter: You know, I might write for a few years, but I think if Nancy got older, I would probably want to be in a place where she would, even if it was, you know, just Saint Mary’s. I wouldn’t really want to be there. But I’d like to be in a place where she could be have a chance if she wanted to be involved in groups with band and glorious record ever.

00:44:38:23 - Audrey Winter: In out here. We live 25 miles. I mean, if you’re having.

00:44:42:13 - Unknown Interviewer: Practice after school, you’re just kind of. Yeah, I.

00:44:45:22 - Audrey Winter: And but if I continue to live here, I would drive back and forth to make sure that she her chance to be involved in more joining sports or photographing, you know, this is a good thing. Part of things that the kids in this town in here is a social activity and, and I want I would like her to be of course, like I always wanted to be.

00:45:06:29 - Unknown Interviewer: Like.

00:45:08:07 - Audrey Winter: I’d like her to have the chance. And if she didn’t like it, I don’t know for sure. But I’d like to know that she had a chance to go. And being that, you know.

00:45:16:26 - Unknown Interviewer: If she were 17, going on 18, and was getting married, what advice would you give her? Or would you run into your family? And I wouldn’t.

00:45:29:15 - Audrey Winter: I would try to explain to her the things in my life and maybe the mistakes that I made. And of course, tell her that if I had the same thing to do or.

00:45:45:02 - Audrey Winter: I would just really ask her first. Take a long stretch to say, well, yeah, you got to really.

00:45:55:20 - Unknown: Really try to get your perspective and.

00:45:59:12 - Audrey Winter: Think about yourself like five years from the time that she’s getting married or ten years and think of her and interests who?

00:46:12:12 - Audrey Winter: Everybody. I think when you’re little, they’re always go all the girls, you know, all along I get married, you know, and on and on and on. I have kids and. It’s not, you know, it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t have to immediately get married, and you don’t have to, you know, I would just encourage her to.

00:46:36:00 - Unknown: To maybe get to know a person better.

00:46:40:24 - Audrey Winter: And to tell her to have more things in common. You know, I mean, this would be a good thing. Like with me, I’ve never had a bad day in life, and I’d never caught a fish. I mean, you know, and of course, all the things that I like to do, he wasn’t interested.

00:46:57:07 - Unknown Interviewer: I don’t know how we ever got together. I know it’s strange.

00:47:02:18 - Audrey Winter: I mean, you know, divorced him, that I went to a football game and scream my head off and was so excited. It was crazy. But, you know, just just interest and excuse. Been on it. I guess the one thing I could do is just pray about.

00:47:20:00 - Unknown Interviewer: Would you talk to her about contraception? Oh, yeah. Definitely.

00:47:26:01 - Audrey Winter: I was one of the very First Nation. Yeah, I really sex education should be taught in a basic I mean, all the time, I mean, I she won’t grow.

00:47:36:01 - Unknown Interviewer: Up, so she always tries to.

00:47:37:21 - Audrey Winter: Yes. Like like I was, I was very, very surprised.

00:47:42:29 - Unknown: I mean, I as a Christian parents I think that you should put your children the right and that it’s not it’s.

00:47:50:12 - Audrey Winter: Not up to the schools or any place else. It’s it’s in her.

00:47:55:18 - Audrey Winter: And just be aware, you know, you don’t have to be like the favorite saying around this area. A lot of times people mouth off means they will keep her pregnant in the summertime and barefoot near wintertime. That’s the way to keep your life. well, young, I’m a firm believer.

00:48:15:25 - Unknown Interviewer: You don’t go.

00:48:20:29 - Audrey Winter: So I maybe just.

00:48:24:00 - Unknown Interviewer: Let her litter.

00:48:25:07 - Audrey Winter: Yeah. Be aware of a few things. And like, in a more prepared opinion.

00:48:31:07 - Unknown Interviewer: That sounds good.

00:48:37:02 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, here’s some good ones. I know you talked about your church activities in the community here. Is there anything that you’re really involved in?

00:48:50:25 - Audrey Winter: yeah. The school, naturally. We have a parent teachers club rather than a PTA. This is putting you in when I can. Either I’m involved. They have, like I told you, they have carnivals, and, we go around for prizes. Yeah, I really am out here. That’s about the only thing there is to be involved in.

00:49:19:10 - Audrey Winter: Is your school. Of course, if you wanted to drive. Or you can even drive to Saint Mary’s because the bowling. Oh, no, I mean, no, they’re they’re just different. I mean, if you want to drive to Spokane and back, but I mean, you know, that’s not a thing. So you just, you know.

00:49:37:07 - Unknown Interviewer: It’s certainly is. what suggestions would you give to a young woman if you had a friend who said, well, I’m going to go and I’m going to live out in the country, what would you what would you want to prepare for if she wasn’t used to that?

00:49:54:00 - Unknown: What would you want to tell her? It’s what?

00:49:59:13 - Audrey Winter: And then just because it looks, you know, a lot of people today, they want to get back to the basics. Well, this is fantastic. I mean, you know, I think that before they sell everything they own and take off and go, they better go quiet first a little bit, you know, because there’s there’s not a lot of people like my other sister law that lives down here.

00:50:25:07 - Audrey Winter: She was in Spokane all their life. And she came up to this type of like and different. She will not I mean, she couldn’t use every ring works her and she would not build a fire. You know, you have to to learn to do this and you have to be willing to make a sacrifice. You have to say, all right, it doesn’t matter how I feel, right?

00:50:50:05 - Audrey Winter: I’ve got to do this for my family. their needs come first. I mean, you know, and then I just kind of work myself in as graduate schools. And that’s one of the lessons I think you have to learn is.

00:51:05:27 - Audrey Winter: Is just it’s an honor for her. And to be conservative.

00:51:12:23 - Unknown Interviewer: Have you found it? Perhaps a little more private and lonely than you’d like, you know, or lonely or so maybe she’d have to.

00:51:23:25 - Audrey Winter: Be aware of and be prepared for. Like I say, in, like in our sophomore year in our freshman class, we thought we had turned into a good person, which is a gigantic. But for them, it was pretty good size for the rest of the school. And so and I knew just everyone in the school and everyone knew me and I wasn’t involved in everyone’s life, and I was just constantly with people learning to be with them and a part of their life.

00:51:53:03 - Audrey Winter: And they were a part of my life. And now it’s like, I mean, you have a lot of courses like this. I mean, even in school, you have a few basic things that are to and but there’s other people you can be involved with and they’re interested. They like volleyball. You can go play longer or whatever. But here you you have to accept the fact in irritating yourself, and.

00:52:20:15 - Unknown Interviewer: You learn to be a more self-sufficient.

00:52:25:14 - Audrey Winter: And the interest that you have by yourself, I mean, you have to work for sure. So or bake. Yeah, I.

00:52:37:08 - Audrey Winter: It’s to answer an adjustment every people people look at this like this I better think about it really hard.

00:52:45:15 - Unknown Interviewer: In your in your particular family right now. I know you and your husband go work. Do you go take care of the finances and talk about that.

00:52:54:27 - Unknown: Well running the house here I’m going to the Bible says the man of the household. And, I’m right, more spiritual.

00:53:06:01 - Audrey Winter: In fact, be taking care of the money there time. And but I am doing things about this great. I mean, if I want something, he don’t say, you know, I don’t have to go and ask him for a dime to go. But the basic decisions are what bills to pay and whatever is right. I mean, he’s just the boss and that’s the way it is.

00:53:28:27 - Audrey Winter: Of course. I can sit down and say, aren’t these things? Or do. And as far as I, I manage it in that area. But if he comes in and he says no, I want to keep this money on.

00:53:42:06 - Unknown: You’re not doing that. And that’s fine. I right.

00:53:46:16 - Audrey Winter: And our, our money just goes together and we just go I mean I don’t consider it as my money. Yeah. You know, you have no right to it because he brings his home and gives it to me. And so. All right. It’s just kind of a cooperative type with him. She’s having her final word. You’re saying, you know.

00:54:09:17 - Unknown Interviewer: For is a sharing right in the decision making.

00:54:13:12 - Audrey Winter: You’re right. A lot of times I would like to do things a little bit more differently, but I figured, well, who knows for.

00:54:23:05 - Unknown Interviewer: Them that it works out.

00:54:25:07 - Audrey Winter: Yeah, I might go in there resenting it a little bit.

00:54:28:19 - Unknown Interviewer: Sometimes I don’t want to do that.

00:54:30:05 - Audrey Winter: But, as far as. Like for the grocery shopping or whatever, like we go and if he goes into the store, he just drives me crazy because he picks up, you know, you have to buy a case of this and that, you know, and, because we’re trying to make something that here clothing sitting there can $8.89,

00:54:57:28 - Audrey Winter: But yeah, we learned about people like that for the first few years of our marriage. It wasn’t that way. I oh, I worked some, but it’s been more so in the last year. Like, I don’t know. So I work and do the same type of thing that he does. And he’s had to learn to do the same type of thing to to be a housewife home like he was taken up to a year ago.

00:55:24:22 - Audrey Winter: And what we both had this morning, turning the bronchitis thing. Well, the doctor just told me, go ahead and work because I would be behaving if I was home anyway. So, he stayed home one day, and when I came home from work, he had the house cleaning the floors more. He, had dinner on the table. Oh, wow.

00:55:45:00 - Audrey Winter: Things I would have done if I had been here for him. And, he can, I cannot him for work cares for me while I was working on, like, just, you know, whatever I would have done it, too. And I think this is a real blessing. You learning to share both sides. Because when a lot of the women that work around here, they go home and they have everything to get, and it was that where you would be.

00:56:11:28 - Unknown Interviewer: For years because to.

00:56:14:03 - Audrey Winter: But I think that he’s really realizing, you know, that I am a person with real feelings. I’m not just a woman anymore, you know what I mean? And that’s really great because, you know, it’s it’s quite a burden. I mean, you know, you’re mutual caring, not just.

00:56:31:20 - Unknown: Knowing that there are some finances, but the lifestyle changes and you, you gain.

00:56:38:13 - Audrey Winter: More that maybe I’ve learned this is not always fighting for what I’m fighting for my rights. You better don’t do this to me. And I’m not going to let you get away with that. I’ve learned if a woman is really smart, she doesn’t have to think you’re great. All you have to do is figure something and let it go.

00:56:58:04 - Audrey Winter: And you know, it’s funny. Yesterday you done or your opinion on something you can say or I disagree with you and I feel this way about this person or that thing, you know, all this. Then later on the well, you know, I think I was wrong about some, you know, it doesn’t always work like that, but this has been a lesson for me to because being a spoiled brat, I just demanded that everything was my own way.

00:57:26:19 - Audrey Winter: And then for a long time it went, but nothing was my way. He was going to show me that I couldn’t be that way. No, no was just come back for part. And he can do that a lot. It’s not to, you know, it was you know, a lot of women are getting more salary involved. You know, if someone’s hurt, I cry with them.

00:57:44:23 - Audrey Winter: If they’re they’re laughing I laugh with him. You know he’s a put it on. All right. Now you really know what that’s going to be all right. Yeah. Just break down.

00:57:54:16 - Unknown Interviewer: You know, going to. That’s okay. Look out. They always want what you don’t put yourself in.

00:58:05:02 - Unknown: Know everything for in therapy.

00:58:12:07 - Unknown Interviewer: Yeah I know yeah, yeah. It’s obvious. You know, blue eyes or.

00:58:16:06 - Audrey Winter: Anybody else that have blue eyes. Ones brown eyes is strange.

00:58:19:22 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh. Is your husband as active as your in the church, Christian? No.

00:58:29:03 - Audrey Winter: sometimes you have calendar has the same, you know, it’s just different to be for a man to be involved in the church, you know, and to be involved in these activities plans.

00:58:49:13 - Unknown: Yeah. So,

00:58:53:27 - Audrey Winter: I think this is talk to the line, but we agree. Basically, when we got married, he was Catholic and I was working for him, and we could not get along at all. And since then we have. Excuse me.

00:59:12:06 - Unknown Interviewer: But it’s okay.

00:59:16:19 - Unknown Interviewer: Well.

00:59:17:12 - Audrey Winter: I mean, he doesn’t inject too, you know, like having the Bible study here. And a lot of the times the person enjoys it. I, I think as far as Christian growth, I probably.

00:59:29:10 - Unknown Interviewer: Have more growth in you guys. But, but mostly in college, the women that.

00:59:34:24 - Audrey Winter: Yeah, right. You know, there aren’t too many memorable. They’re involved, but they’re, you know.

00:59:39:18 - Unknown Interviewer: Standoffish. That’s, I don’t know.

00:59:46:01 - Audrey Winter: It’s just strange. Like in your congregations, in any church, there may be one of them. And I think it’s maybe we’ve noticed our weakness faster, that maybe we are not all but three. But the ones that are there know we need someone else to that will ever face. And God. And I mean, you know, he’s he’s the only one that’s been changing every human being let you down in one way or another.

01:00:11:15 - Audrey Winter: You know, and business, you know, knowing that you always have heaven, no matter if everyone else in the world is keeping. And he’ll listen whether you’re ranting and raving or crying. I mean, he’s always there and he always has an answer. You might not always be the answer that you think it should be, but in the end, it always works out.

01:00:36:23 - Audrey Winter: Even if you break your know.

01:00:39:05 - Unknown Interviewer: And that’s just to slow you down a little, right? True.

01:00:42:10 - Unknown: You do. And.

01:00:50:14 - Unknown Interviewer: They have pretty good playing together and oh I found some hate there. Any jealousy between the middle Eastern.

01:00:59:02 - Audrey Winter: I mean you know for almost seven years that they in here comes in a monster home away and that she’s very overprotective. Anyone else? She just acts like his mother, like.

01:01:12:23 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, she.

01:01:14:06 - Audrey Winter: Runs right in when I go, oh, don’t do that.

01:01:16:23 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, know I’m sorry.

01:01:18:21 - Audrey Winter: For your son ever being with her. She. Of course she. When she says it’s all right.

01:01:26:07 - Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. Oh, look at record. That’s cool. Please get a fresh. Oh, that’s all right. It’s stayed in I think it. Where you’re.

01:01:45:03 - Audrey Winter: Oh in. They’re missing it. I can’t figure that out.

01:01:48:20 - Unknown Interviewer: yeah. She that’s mostly most of the questions.

01:02:02:28 - Unknown Interviewer: On she they don’t give me an talk about,

01:02:13:06 - Unknown: Know. Oh. See.

01:02:15:06 - Unknown Interviewer: Here’s where I could ask you. How would you compare the life of her rural women with that of urban women? Capital. Yeah. Just. Would you rather live in a city than out in a rural area?

01:02:32:00 - Audrey Winter: There are times that I miss pretty good. I miss, I guess the point that I really miss is being able to go down and just spend like an hour or two just looking in shock and enjoying, you know, you’re once in a great while, like some of us women will go to school, parents spend now, this is just fantastic to be away and to look at it.

01:02:54:18 - Audrey Winter: Styles. I mean, a lot of times we’re out of touch with a lot of things like that. But Saint Mary’s is real limited on what they have. You know, on buys and bargains, you know, just anything. And I miss being able to just window shopping and just a lot of things like up here, you realize, oh, well, I need a pastry brush and, you know, I’m going to get a pastry brush when I go to town.

01:03:19:02 - Unknown Interviewer: Yeah.

01:03:19:25 - Audrey Winter: You get in town and you have your grocery shopping. Do you have different errands to run? And by the time that you get there, you’re so exhausted and done so much, you’re just ready to go home. Is that what you wrote? Yeah, right. You know, in, in in a city, if you want something, you feel good out of town on to it and you’ll just run right down there and do it.

01:03:41:16 - Audrey Winter: If you run out of yarn, we just run to the store and bring back know well here. Sometimes here in the winter time, it’s only like twice of our work. Yeah, yeah. You know, kind of like gets me down. I don’t like that too. But yeah, you know that that part of.

01:03:56:23 - Unknown Interviewer: It I, I grew up pretty severe winters, a lot of snow. Yeah. We’re gonna get snowed in a lot.

01:04:04:08 - Audrey Winter: Yeah, they keep us quite out of it now. It’s still, you know, it’s 25 miles over there, you know, driving next to the river. It’s just not something that I don’t drive a lot in the wintertime. You know, we get our four wheel drive and I think. I just don’t like to drive on snow all that well. And, you know, all of us around here, after the snow really comes, we just kind of go, don’t we don’t do that much.

01:04:33:26 - Audrey Winter: And we try to get different things going around here to be involved in, like playing volleyball. And this year we’re gonna try something different.

01:04:45:17 - Audrey Winter: I mean, you know, they don’t want to be involved. And so when I came to Saint Mary’s and I was like in the chorus and things, they weren’t even sure that anybody was going to be there for the performance. I mean, you know, the director was really right. I mean, are you going to show up? Oh, you know, well, in the winter, 25 miles to come, you know, you can’t depend on everyone.

01:05:08:28 - Unknown Interviewer: So the winter sounds like kind of a slow time.

01:05:10:22 - Audrey Winter: Yeah. Right. And so if the kids are involved in there and they missed the bus, if they have a practice for this sport or that sport, you do, they have to find only one. Their parents have to go get a room driver’s education. Like for the kids out here, the parents like Hansen and some the other ones in here, it had to go in 2 or 3 times a week to pick up their kids, take turns.

01:05:31:13 - Audrey Winter: I mean, you know, that’s a real burden on the parents. Of course, that’s the price you pay for living.

01:05:36:18 - Unknown: Out here to. But I would.

01:05:41:17 - Audrey Winter: I want Nancy.

01:05:42:09 - Unknown: And John have more of a challenge and it would be less.

01:05:47:08 - Unknown Interviewer: So maybe you would encourage them not to live in a rural area, or really run.

01:05:51:18 - Audrey Winter: Right until they decided for themselves. This is really what they want. You know, I’d like him to go and just travel, you know, just, see what what the ocean looks like or.

01:06:04:16 - Unknown: You know, I mean, my mom and I, we traveled after dad died each summer.

01:06:10:14 - Audrey Winter: We spent, like, three months away from. And we went in California and we just enjoyed ourselves.

01:06:17:28 - Unknown Interviewer: It makes a difference.

01:06:19:17 - Audrey Winter: And, you know, found out with the rest of the world was like, I can look back and say, well, I didn’t know I’m.

01:06:24:04 - Unknown Interviewer: Going to be able to see a big city and say, I don’t want to live there because I’ve seen one.

01:06:29:14 - Audrey Winter: Right? Not because I’m just frightened of the idea of living in a big city. I know what it’s like. I don’t like it. Yeah. But a lot of these kids around here. They don’t have any idea. I mean, this is their world. This valley. They’ve never. My husband has never been anywhere in all his years of his life.

01:06:51:13 - Audrey Winter: I mean, he’s, the first time he went to Montana since we’ve been married. Oh, I mean, you know, he just hadn’t went anywhere at all. And so all you really know just. Is this valley and this area.

01:07:05:11 - Unknown: He’s. You know, I want more than that for my kids. I want him to have a chance. But I have two things inherent in making decisions.

01:07:15:28 - Unknown Interviewer: When you were talking about, in Saint Mary’s, you were just near the hospital. Do you have good medical service in this area, or is Saint Mary’s the closest? It’s the.

01:07:26:19 - Audrey Winter: Closest. It’s improving. They brought a new doctor in in the last, four years or so. But the other doctors there are older, you know, just them and doctors. And it’s probably the younger one here and with the newer techniques.

01:07:45:07 - Unknown: And he has taught a lot of the other doctors, you know. So but,

01:07:50:07 - Audrey Winter: If he wasn’t there, most of the time, the people just they don’t want to go there. I mean, if it’s going to be in the hospital, they don’t really care for the state. Various hospitals because of the, just the attitude.

01:08:05:05 - Unknown: Of a lot of the nurses and things in there. There was a man, old Daniel back, that lives down here. He came from.

01:08:11:15 - Audrey Winter: Yugoslavia countries or something like that, and he’s lived here for years.

01:08:15:04 - Unknown: For the first time in his life, he ever had to have anything wrong. He went into the hospital and they had to be.

01:08:20:27 - Audrey Winter: Balanced or something. And, he was just so new and so different to I mean, he didn’t understand. He’s 80, you know, and they were just so cruel to him, you know? Well, just shut up and be quiet, you know, and leave him back there and just, you know, I mean, well, they’re in their profession to be merciful for people that need it.

01:08:39:22 - Audrey Winter: Yeah, well, they’re not. So, so we just as soon go to court or someplace, really, when it came right down to it for hospital. Right.

01:08:47:20 - Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. So if it was, unless it was something really slight.

01:08:50:24 - Audrey Winter: Yeah. I probably wouldn’t go in there. I had to have hand surgery on my hand this summer. And after he rates and sent me to a specialist in Portland and they put me in hospital over there. And the difference in the treatment was so fantastic. I mean, I had never been in any of the hospital, referred to Saint Mary’s going to have the children and stuff and, you know, you’re treated like a human being.

01:09:12:25 - Audrey Winter: And I think they’ve lost the personal touch knowing that they’re the only one. So they kind of got you over there.

01:09:17:24 - Unknown Interviewer: Well, how did they treat you when you went in to have music?

01:09:23:03 - Unknown: I was in the preschool. I was, you know, they were just summer nights. I mean, you can’t say that. All of them were like, when I went in.

01:09:32:24 - Audrey Winter: That we had paid $20 a special seat, have the X-rays read by a technician because they assumed that I was going to have twins because I got so big. Fancy. Well, it wasn’t. She was a 10th baby. If she’d have been 5 pound baby, I can head her. That would have made a difference. But letting her go over so long is what made it put on all that weight.

01:09:51:18 - Audrey Winter: And the X-rays said on there that I could never have full the doctor believe that it was wasn’t that way. He was. Oh, anybody can do it.

01:10:01:24 - Unknown: Might be a little bit near but we’ll do it anyway. So we done it. I mean, you know.

01:10:07:06 - Audrey Winter: The other it was his day off and he was out with his horses and he spent all day here. There. He came to visit me at 6:00 in the morning. And that was the only time I seen him until this other doctor came in, which had been my, husband’s family doctor for years.

01:10:21:18 - Unknown: And he took him outside and he said, now, listen, your wife and that baby, I’ve been doing something right now.

01:10:27:00 - Audrey Winter: I’m here. We’ll do whatever you have to.

01:10:28:24 - Unknown: But he don’t know. Let her go on any longer, you know.

01:10:32:12 - Audrey Winter: And so he calls him up and he says, you better get up here. This girl’s dying. Yeah. So they pair up there and they. Oh, yeah. Well, we’ve been rush right into emergency surgery right now. You know, here I am. You know, after 17.

01:10:45:19 - Unknown: Hours of hard labor, I’m laying there terrified. I don’t, you know, and when I got out, you know.

01:10:52:27 - Audrey Winter: Of course you going to be kind of babyish at 18, you know, you don’t know what’s coming off of you in the first place.

01:10:58:27 - Unknown: And they were some of them were really nice, like I said. But other ones, they come in and.

01:11:06:03 - Audrey Winter: They, I didn’t know that I was supposed to have a binder on. Hold your them together when you have something like that. And they just took me over on my side. Well, my insides just went flat with me. They go, oh, yeah, well, we’ll find her on her. Oh, you know, I mean, this was her attitude. Oh, well, flop her back over.

01:11:21:12 - Audrey Winter: Do it. You know. But when I had.

01:11:23:20 - Unknown: John and Doctor Hendrickson being different, he’s done my hair out. Perfect.

01:11:30:16 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, yeah. With John, they were better, though.

01:11:34:29 - Audrey Winter: Yeah, well, it was a different I. And this is the new doctor that came in. And he’s the type that, you know, if you walk in and you say, well, if I have been able to get this I.V. out of my arm, you know, it’s all swelling up all day long. And here it’s been in there, you know, like it for 3 or 4 days.

01:11:50:00 - Audrey Winter: You have Kevin after C-section, and my arm is swelling way up when it’s red. And they said, well, we can’t take it out until Doctor Who works. And Kevin checked. Well, he had him take it out and then he just went out there and jumped over those nurses. And you knew if it was important, all you had to do was call me.

01:12:04:16 - Audrey Winter: So they straighten up, you know, and, so it’s it’s progressing. You better. But I think it’ll be a lot more so when the older doctors retire in, you know, they’re once again everyone saying, well, I know that they must be.

01:12:20:01 - Unknown: a lot of, you know, two of you, I’m sure, over 60.

01:12:25:12 - Audrey Winter: Or if that one is and he’s he’s close to it. And the others in or nearing that there’s there’s three of their family. 15. You know. So. And one Doctor Hendrickson is, you know, sometimes.

01:12:38:14 - Unknown Interviewer: Good heavens. So it’s really.

01:12:40:06 - Unknown: I mean, you know, there’s they need some new, new people and there’s only.

01:12:47:12 - Audrey Winter: There’s only four doctors in the town. There used to be one other one that had a separate.

01:12:51:14 - Unknown: Clinic, but then he.

01:12:55:14 - Unknown: Said it’s just too.

01:12:58:18 - Unknown Interviewer: Well, are there many accidents, like with the mill or. Like the railroad?

01:13:02:26 - Unknown: Yeah, they’re not too many. The mill. There’s been an accident. My husband was hurt down there. Is they.

01:13:13:20 - Audrey Winter: There was a shaft that was going. Man always stopped the slide, took out a bundle and come back. Nails went like this with nuts with your hands around it to stop the shaft. It was just barely turning. Rubber gloves section. It went around like that. And with his fingers. Well, you know, they were real good to me.

01:13:29:17 - Unknown: And and everything, but, you know, it’s that’s quite a ways to go have an accident.

01:13:36:06 - Audrey Winter: It happened in this man right here in this trailer, working and then taking over. He reached around the side.

01:13:42:09 - Unknown: Wipe off the glass like that. The section is closed down there and old has left in his right hand. Is this.

01:13:48:07 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, you know, that was some four, five.

01:13:50:08 - Audrey Winter: Years ago and it’s still not healed. There’s been with this in with other mills.

01:13:56:21 - Unknown: Aren’t years bad. Now we’re going to where Hamlin’s just came back from down in St Rincon. They had a man that, the mill right turns on.

01:14:03:05 - Audrey Winter: Or just, you know, cut his arm off. Oh, director. And watch you, of course. Or when chased him off. I mean, you know, you don’t want to make that’s accident prone like that around there. Oh, yeah.

01:14:12:29 - Unknown Interviewer: No, you know, it’s just. That’s terrible.

01:14:17:06 - Audrey Winter: Right? Oh, oh, oh, a lot of us women here, we went into the hospital and we had, some of the nurses and.

01:14:26:22 - Unknown: This one other kid that went in to work on insurance or something.

01:14:31:08 - Audrey Winter: And we bought a respirator. The ladies coming.

01:14:33:27 - Unknown: In called a here for about a respirator in his hand. And we went in there and we.

01:14:38:27 - Audrey Winter: Took this course.

01:14:39:28 - Unknown: On how to use it in case of an emergency and where it’s located over. The teacher. And there’s the, you know, a cross in front of a Red cross to show that it’s there. And what to do, you know, with a heart attack, I mean, different things, you know, if it was necessary that.

01:14:57:13 - Audrey Winter: We could do it or help, you know.

01:14:59:25 - Unknown: So and I think that maybe he learned to take care of his.

01:15:05:27 - Audrey Winter: Care of a lot, a lot more things like that. I mean, if he if.

01:15:14:04 - Unknown Interviewer: So that’s another way that you’re very self-sufficient out here is learning the first aid.

01:15:20:20 - Audrey Winter: And being there was a lady down.

01:15:22:19 - Unknown: Here that had cancer and she was a great you know, she was an older lady and we’d known for years.

01:15:28:21 - Audrey Winter: And she didn’t she wanted to spend the last few months she had at home. So this was after I had Joanne and I stayed with her a lot of times. She was under oxygen and took care of her while her husband went to town to buy groceries or buy the oxygen 2 or 3 times a week and I bathed her and, and, you know, get her a few things around.

01:15:46:03 - Unknown: The house just to make her comfortable. And, one of the doctors in there, the one that had up and said that it.

01:15:53:21 - Audrey Winter: Has something had to be done in my life. He was going.

01:15:56:03 - Unknown: To teach me how to give some shots to her and to relieve the pain and and different things like this, you know, towards the end, I stayed with her and I learned.

01:16:05:23 - Audrey Winter: To, you know, I’ve learned pushing different things like this where, you know, where if if it came right down to it, I imagine it a lot of us around here could do many things if we had to. You know.

01:16:18:28 - Unknown Interviewer: That sounds like it would be a really secure feeling of knowing that you’re all looking out after each.

01:16:24:20 - Audrey Winter: I mean, you know that there’s always somebody here that somewhere around in the area that knows something about this or that or that, you know, can help you and you know that if they’re there, they will, contrary to whatever they might have planned or doing, they’ll if there’s an emergency, everybody’s there, you know, and if, like this little girl or this gal across the street, her little girl grabbed the Missile Aid bottle and swallowed some of it.

01:16:51:29 - Audrey Winter: Her husband was gone in the car. She had no way to go. She just came over here and said. Tracy swallowed some violet. Rich jumped in the pickup. They took off. Thank you for the this, I mean. So she was right. And this is just the type of thing that you don’t ever have coming in. Well, okay, we could have, you know.

01:17:07:00 - Audrey Winter: Oh, it’s not that way. It’s, you know, you just don’t think it’s an instant type thing. And like the guys at the mill yard, I mean, when your car’s there, you usually leave the keys in it, because if there’s an accident, you just run for the nearest break and you take off. There’s no way. Oh, well, don’t you dare take mine.

01:17:21:23 - Unknown Interviewer: You know, I mean, it’s not that there’s no real worry about it being stolen.

01:17:25:06 - Unknown: No, there’s, we had some trouble this last spring with a bunch of them. They call them hippies. Kids that came up from California. Go.

01:17:37:10 - Audrey Winter: They were running around, you know, swiping.

01:17:39:25 - Unknown: Different things, and they’re gonna go 90 guys. Okay?

01:17:49:04 - Unknown: But ten.

01:17:51:09 - Audrey Winter: Everyone kind of watched out for the other ones. Now these people have gone on vacation, so we kind of watch their place for them. And when we leave for a long time, they watch our sick, you know, smoke, start coming up from someplace shooting media and you’d say, are you all right? Or if you know someone’s older and that they’re sick, you kind of watch out for them.

01:18:10:05 - Audrey Winter: If you don’t see them around.

01:18:11:08 - Unknown: After a while and, you know, you begin to wonder and you call them saying, hey, you’re all right today, or, you know, or whatever.

01:18:18:19 - Audrey Winter: And when they know that somebody’s like, this lady I took care of, the people were so great. I mean, they made things and took tours, you know, and they knew that she couldn’t cook any longer. So they bake cakes and send them over or whatever, you know, that’s why she was still alive to to show the carrots. And they, they didn’t know her real well because she wasn’t a type of person to have any French food.

01:18:40:20 - Unknown Interviewer: But still, these rumors, that’s great. There’s a that there seems to be so much involvement here, which is really of course, you says sometimes it’s not so nice to I know you step.

01:18:53:22 - Audrey Winter: Out of your trailer, you have an argument and the trailer walls are so thin everyone else.

01:18:57:12 - Unknown Interviewer: Knows. Oh yeah, yeah, right. So, I mean.

01:19:03:09 - Audrey Winter: We’ll live with what he puts up with us for ultraviolet.

01:19:08:02 - Unknown Interviewer: No. You know, you know so.

01:19:12:05 - Unknown: Well, I wear, the. Yeah, but this isn’t like, you know, when someone does pass away, I don’t know if they do it in there. Yeah, but, yeah, I’ve always they buy her a dinner and take it to the nearest person’s home and, and have, you know, whatever. If they know that they’re having a financial problem, like, this young girl has been feeling that everything.

01:19:38:28 - Unknown: we all went together with quite a few dollars and and we gave it to them out of love from all of us in the community, knowing, you know, the thing where she would have trouble finishing. I mean, it and I would think a lot of times I don’t think people do this anymore because I don’t think they care that much.

01:19:56:05 - Unknown: But,

01:19:57:15 - Audrey Winter: There’s always one to call up and say, well, is there anything I can do? And if I can’t, I’m here. All you have to do is call. So.

01:20:04:13 - Unknown Interviewer: So this one is really good. I know, caller being so small. Oh, the men usually, do their own building and their own plumbing and electric city or.

01:20:16:26 - Audrey Winter: Or we have a couple men in town that do a little bit of everything like that. That helps a lot. sometimes the guys attempt to do what they can by themselves.

01:20:28:19 - Unknown: when you have to call a repairman from Saint Mary’s up here, you’re talking a lot of money. I know, and so,

01:20:36:08 - Audrey Winter: The men around here that fix things like the mill.

01:20:38:28 - Unknown: Right down at the mill, or the man over here, that there’s a little bit of carpenter work and electrical work, and we had to work.

01:20:45:10 - Audrey Winter: Our furnace last year during the winter, like the whole month of December. It was. And, I could not.

01:20:50:26 - Unknown: Get anyone from Saint Mary’s to come and stay with us or, you know, stay in fix.

01:20:56:12 - Audrey Winter: Because with the oil type thing in the furnace, if they did something wrong and it blew up in, in the trailer down, they would be responsible, so they wouldn’t do it. So, Rich was off, and the kids and I and Rich lived in our bedroom. We had an electric heater in there and our TV in there, and we.

01:21:15:15 - Unknown: Entertained in our, our bedroom because we had to manually light it all the time. You know, in.

01:21:20:07 - Audrey Winter: In the mornings when you get up, it would be like 46 degrees in here. And, you know, the bedroom was.

01:21:25:29 - Unknown: The only one place. So we just had John’s crib and our bed, and we had Nancy a bed with cushions on and it. Yeah, you know, until we could get it fixed. He just had to keep moving because he didn’t know.

01:21:38:13 - Audrey Winter: He knew certain guy went about it, but he didn’t know enough to worry. He just was trial or error to find.

01:21:45:25 - Unknown: Out what it was. And I mean, he just.

01:21:54:21 - Unknown: Got.

01:21:59:27 - Unknown Interviewer: So sick of that. good.

01:22:03:20 - Audrey Winter: Make yourself known that. It’s just it’s different. I mean, like, if you’d been in Saint Mary’s or found someone, they would have been placed in that looked in and said, well, you need a new furnace or something.

01:22:19:10 - Unknown Interviewer: That they won’t venture. They won’t even come out and do that. No.

01:22:24:11 - Audrey Winter: Well, a lot of times they have all the calls that they have and, where the heat isn’t available, where they couldn’t check on it every once in awhile to make sure they.

01:22:32:09 - Unknown: Didn’t want to stick your neck out for that much responsibility. No, not right now. So they. Yeah.

01:22:40:08 - Audrey Winter: Thank God that we do have a man in town like, you know, know how to do them by my shack. We’ll say, yeah, we’ll get em in a minute. Okay. Probably telling you, I don’t know. Oh no you’re not, you know.

01:22:52:04 - Unknown: Oh my mama, how can I say in the home, Yeah. Okay.

01:23:02:11 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, I’m, No, it’s all right. these are just things that might be different about our community. I don’t know, they certainly seem to, I haven’t done that many interviews, but, each one is always very different from the last. kind of other things. like, what is it? Something out here in our, you know, they had a lot of trouble getting their mail, and I wondered if you had trouble getting mail or if the Postal Service was okay.

01:23:32:03 - Audrey Winter: It’s usually pretty good, in fact. Like, if.

01:23:34:22 - Unknown: You need medicine in Saint Mary’s, you could call up to the doctor and they’ll private in.

01:23:40:03 - Audrey Winter: A drugstore, will have the mailman come down in, like for $0.50.

01:23:44:00 - Unknown: He’ll bring up your medications. They, you know, and, this is really great. And it it’s been wonderful. Pretty great. A lot of.

01:23:51:18 - Audrey Winter: Times our mail gets mixed up. People can’t believe it. There’s a called Right at Idaho.

01:23:56:15 - Unknown Interviewer: They send it to call Bill cold or anything else, but call the kettle Cataldo call.

01:24:02:09 - Audrey Winter: I mean, you know, our mail was sent all over the place before it ever gets here.

01:24:07:19 - Unknown Interviewer: I don’t know, it’s just. Do you have just a central post office?

01:24:11:09 - Unknown: Yeah, right over here by the store, into the store, and we get mail six days a week. Hey. That’s great. Yeah.

01:24:21:23 - Audrey Winter: You know. Yeah. He drives all the way up to Adrian, then.

01:24:25:28 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, wow. So even the people that live out on the road get their get their.

01:24:30:13 - Audrey Winter: Mail over to the right, and, he brings up mail for the school each day, you know, fresh milk or whatever so many days or whatever it is.

01:24:40:12 - Unknown: And, like bread up to the store, you know, different things in.

01:24:44:25 - Audrey Winter: Like, in the summer or in the spring when we’re flooded out of there. Oh, you, you know, they’ll take, like, the mail 66 and.

01:24:52:01 - Unknown: Drive across there and meet the mailman. Bring stuff over here. You know what’s for dinner? There’s always a wait. Where’d you hear that?

01:24:57:18 - Unknown Interviewer: Was it last year? Two years ago? Yes. What was that like?

01:25:03:04 - Audrey Winter: Well, we just now.

01:25:05:03 - Unknown: John was a baby. He was about five and away. And how bout that?

01:25:12:16 - Audrey Winter: My girlfriend had been here and she looked out her go. How? And so the ice champion stopped the water and she got out faster. And he said, we’re going to load up these kids.

01:25:23:11 - Unknown: And we’re going to my folks and Saint Mary’s. No, I’m not worried about it. It’s gonna take care of. So no, I said, we’re going. And my sister in law was sick that live down here. And she said, we’re going to go and.

01:25:32:08 - Audrey Winter: Take Jackie, let’s take this stuff to stay overnight. And then tomorrow we’ll come back up here and bring you up here. Everything will be all right. We got stuck in Saint Mary’s.

01:25:41:05 - Unknown: 000 lights up here and just everything. The only thing we really lost in the system that was in our refrigerator. We had some meat and stuff with an intrinsic part of there.

01:25:51:29 - Audrey Winter: But our brother in law that we took sister in. William, he came around with him. The generators, they had to plug the freezer.

01:26:01:20 - Unknown: In to keep it charged. So we didn’t lose any room. And people, you know, just kind of pull together, they went to.

01:26:09:08 - Audrey Winter: And we would have kept.

01:26:11:01 - Unknown: We had Nancy, you know, we had no way of heat. I mean, it’s nice, but there’s nothing here at all since the.

01:26:17:11 - Unknown Interviewer: Water come into,

01:26:19:08 - Audrey Winter: Colder out there and there’s, this big little, like. Oh, yeah.

01:26:23:07 - Unknown: Field out in the back. A lot of water in and around there. In there. It didn’t work, did there’s no it hasn’t flooded in other places. And it’s been worse than this year.

01:26:35:27 - Audrey Winter: The winter of John and Nancy, the winter of 69. It was I think it was worse in Calder itself, other than.

01:26:43:17 - Unknown: You know, that the river then Mary’s, we were like 48 hours without electricity. They were trying to bring in, electrical. So unfortunately.

01:26:55:17 - Audrey Winter: Like, I was going to.

01:26:56:08 - Unknown: Bring a transformer thing in by the railroad or something, because there I was, just went down and knocked all the lines.

01:27:03:27 - Audrey Winter: We were having trouble.

01:27:04:20 - Unknown: Because our water went on, you know, electric pump, pump the water in there and stuff. So but two people just went to the other people. It, a.

01:27:14:18 - Audrey Winter: Lot of the people around here have like a wood stove or a Franklin.

01:27:17:28 - Unknown: Fireplace or something in there. They makes it so if if it’s necessary that you can cook something in here.

01:27:24:09 - Audrey Winter: And they took as many people to our homes as they could.

01:27:26:22 - Unknown: Down and just kind of stayed together, it I know,

01:27:33:17 - Unknown Interviewer: They were talking about some people that was homes, but just let it out.

01:27:37:08 - Unknown: You know, I have a girlfriend that lives down there in Riverdale and Saint Mary’s, and it just picked your house up her all right off.

01:27:43:26 - Audrey Winter: Foundation, away from where.

01:27:45:06 - Unknown: It was, you know, just mud. Oh. Feet high. You know, they’d only had, like, three weeks. Oh, no.

01:27:54:12 - Audrey Winter: And it was just out this year.

01:27:57:18 - Unknown Interviewer: You know, a lot of.

01:27:58:19 - Audrey Winter: Folks, just a lot of pulling together. I think that it was just really great. I know the churches picked to up offerings for the people. I mean, like from Spokane and places like that, and brought it over here and gave to the people that were in need. And, you know, they just really pulled together. Even the outside.

01:28:16:19 - Unknown Interviewer: People did, a lot of the people in the community got together and helped some people to rebuild or to. Well, we didn’t.

01:28:25:25 - Audrey Winter: Have too much rebuilding. Damn. oh. Look at all. But I think it’s Saint.

01:28:30:19 - Unknown: Mary’s City had a lot more pulling in, helping. Like I.

01:28:38:11 - Audrey Winter: Say, they were just stepped here with the thinking that the world was more South stuff. There was no way to get out. Yeah, and no way to get back in. And then when you could get in, there wasn’t any electricity, so there was no sense for us to come back anyway.

01:28:50:27 - Unknown Interviewer: Know. So the so where the mudslides and on the road just went and then a mudslide up there. And then there was one that was that just from the rain. Well the rain, you.

01:29:03:18 - Audrey Winter: Know, just the constant rain in the water and everything.

01:29:07:23 - Unknown Interviewer: And just she asked me to give me money.

01:29:12:04 - Unknown: That’s your daddy. What the hell?

01:29:17:19 - Unknown: It’s all right.

01:29:19:01 - Unknown Interviewer: But did he not want to come in? I’m. He’s getting better.

01:29:24:22 - Audrey Winter: He’s very much out. Like, let’s keep it off.

01:29:27:20 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, not anything like I, you know. Yeah, yeah. I’m not sure where my friends are. They think they had to drive to Avery to speak with a woman, to say they were going to come back and show was going to take your picture. That’s all right. just from out here up, you know.

01:29:46:10 - Audrey Winter: After working all week with a hard hat on, you know, I mean, I really my hair really looks great come Saturday.

01:29:50:29 - Unknown Interviewer: What does your job entails? Go out into the lumber yard. You come down here, right down here in the mill.

01:29:56:21 - Audrey Winter: We have a, you know, a roof over us. And we stand up there and there’s a that’s, cable there with the gas ATM sauce there. And then my husband split so it falls into a barn. This man picks it up, pushes it through there. I think you throw the trash away and point it, and then I grab it and.

01:30:15:14 - Unknown: Put it in different fancy furniture, whatever size or quality it is. And then the gal on the other end bundles it out, takes it out and starts. All I see is we make pickets and they sell them in Sears and different places like some kitchen. It’s different. yeah. See.

01:30:38:24 - Unknown Interviewer: There was something else you did that. You said you were a picket maker and a point. Greater a.

01:30:44:10 - Audrey Winter: Point anything. That’s what you do.

01:30:46:18 - Unknown: Nick stands off with the soft. Yeah. You know, to me, that’s the picket fence for the one that’s over there.

01:30:51:13 - Audrey Winter: That just got a little tiny bit off the side. Oh, you just instead of pointing them straight like them, get off the edges. All right. And that’s.

01:30:59:11 - Unknown Interviewer: What you. And then the engraving is.

01:31:01:28 - Audrey Winter: Is the, the grading of it.

01:31:03:13 - Unknown Interviewer: Just judging. What did you have to go in as an apprentice and learn.

01:31:08:08 - Audrey Winter: To grade it? I worked as a bundle for a long time.

01:31:13:08 - Unknown: And it’s just something that you have to finally learn. It’s a fast, repetitious type thing, you know, it’s a very middle class thing.

01:31:21:08 - Audrey Winter: So you’re just going like this constantly standing bank me like this, you know?

01:31:25:17 - Unknown Interviewer: and, and so you have to really make a judgment of exactly what that quality and green is.

01:31:32:05 - Audrey Winter: If when it comes to the song, you’ve got to know, like, think well, when you pick it.

01:31:37:11 - Unknown: Up, you have to you have to tell a thickness by your hands. You have to just you can’t linger. I think if you do, then you’ve lost time and money because you’re paid by get it right.

01:31:48:26 - Audrey Winter: Whatever you do, you.

01:31:49:26 - Unknown Interviewer: Hate by the amount instead of by the hour. All right. Is that that’s is that better pay by the amount.

01:31:56:17 - Unknown: Well, the only scale we have in here. Yes, it is better. Yes. We make that 40 hours. And depending on how many vendors we have, a perfect day is a 200 something. We’ve been getting about a hundred. And so they’re real world examples. Oh, that’s.

01:32:12:24 - Unknown Interviewer: Good.

01:32:13:19 - Audrey Winter: For change. There are bad days.

01:32:15:13 - Unknown Interviewer: You are there many women that work in the military?

01:32:18:17 - Unknown: Oh, there’s been many women down there that have work that have come in.

01:32:23:25 - Unknown Interviewer: But on the average at the same time.

01:32:26:00 - Unknown: there’s some senior students that there’s a three in the standard one time that have been, I don’t know, I think the most every year has been 20.

01:32:38:05 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, I see.

01:32:39:10 - Unknown: And. Sometimes it was like two girls split the shift that when they were out there working in your unit, sometimes another girl can help transform.

01:32:50:03 - Unknown Interviewer: You are saying that your your job was really physically demanding.

01:32:54:05 - Unknown: You start from, the grading and pointing. Now, is it so bad? Is the funding. The funding is like you’re lifting 50 pounds month. But you’re you’re doing both. And you mean you help each other and it’s standing when you see data lifting like, yeah, moving just, you know, like stretching, bending up and down.

01:33:15:12 - Unknown Interviewer: So is the middle sort of like the, the main employer for Caulder.

01:33:20:04 - Unknown: Yeah. The male and some of the men working logging in. others, yes.

01:33:28:12 - Unknown Interviewer: There’s the logging, the PFI.

01:33:30:16 - Unknown: Well, they’re just there. If you didn’t want some independence, I’m not sure. How much was you switched.

01:33:38:16 - Unknown Interviewer: To logging in the mill railroad. Is that one specific railroad? Yeah, Milwaukee. I mean, they’re walking.

01:33:47:11 - Audrey Winter: Yeah. So they have a section right here.

01:33:49:16 - Unknown Interviewer: Yeah, I heard it right.

01:33:51:28 - Audrey Winter: Ten richest. Every section forming a few things here.

01:33:55:15 - Unknown Interviewer: Yes. It’s been your husband worked here. What did he do? Yeah, just a section.

01:34:01:25 - Audrey Winter: I don’t know what it is. I just worked out there and.

01:34:05:00 - Unknown Interviewer: Oh, I see different things. I.

01:34:08:10 - Audrey Winter: Used as well. I have three names for this thing. He’s been, you know.

01:34:13:12 - Unknown Interviewer: Gee, I’ve never heard of that.

01:34:15:29 - Unknown: So it’s in they have. Oh over here John okay, okay.

Audrey Winter
Date Created (ISO Standard):
rural communities family life marriage (social construct) births childhood family life citizen participation health care
Calder, Idaho
MG68, Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives
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"Audrey Winter", Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/rwhp/items/rwhp408.html
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