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Hope Maddox Oral History Interview Audio

00:00:00:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So a first I’d like I’ll ask you questions about your your personal history. And then I have three general questions about.

00:00:11:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Your personal experience that perhaps some of could go on.

00:00:16:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So we’ll start at reforming now. So I hope people who.

00:00:28:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Are here to help.

00:00:34:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With your will are.

00:00:44:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Have you ever had a nickname? No. Oh, well, that’s not right. All right. All right. Well, this is exactly like that. And your address here is, not one by two.

00:01:05:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: When were you born? February 15th. And where would you go? Up there from? that was the only half of the hospital after that. So that’s where. Where was your home? I think I’m right down here.

00:01:27:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I have to to a problem.

00:01:30:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I did, but I came back. Is that right? That was your your first residence. And some of these other questions are for people who emigrate. So we’ll get some of them. what was your mother’s maiden name? Later. Ellie. Why is she that? First to come and go. I was going.

00:01:56:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To be the first. I, I.

00:02:01:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know, when she was born. I think where is the problem?

00:02:21:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Today. Could. Of 1823.

00:02:32:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And forward to going. okay. I. I knew to die. I think. You know when she was dead and yet next month of 1980.

00:02:56:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: If you have any occupation for a job. Yeah. I think, yeah. But I think, you know.

00:03:08:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Was this after she married or before? Before he left? You go. Can, maybe further down the road to get more and more. That’s, you know, that. And again, you can depend on a hundred thousand more.

00:03:31:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because you have to work.

00:03:37:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And you have to.

00:03:40:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And you don’t have to have all.

00:03:50:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Available. My father of an old family whose father to, I think I think that’s about.

00:04:10:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Europe. Okay.

00:04:15:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah.

00:04:17:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I thought I, I.

00:04:22:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Offered at the party at the barbecue. Probably not good enough. You know, I think he came here.

00:04:32:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And I think you put your.

00:04:37:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Offering and you’ll have some nice. Well, they have the felt that I could, for my people to talk to me and so forth. Because we have a of you. Yes. You are, but I have, I’m for,

00:04:54:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well, after that, I became.

00:05:01:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Over the years and.

00:05:06:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: What do you call.

00:05:11:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I’m very modest, and you know that, so she didn’t really work after she was married? Oh, no. Never happened. So thank you, Mrs. Dot. and your. Oh, as you have written down your father’s name now, Albert.

00:05:30:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Albert.

00:05:31:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: He also became.

00:05:38:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know, when he was born. And I learned that he can be part.

00:05:45:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You want to be him? For him. For he died when Of course, they to put on the,

00:06:03:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: disappeared. he also had to.

00:06:09:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Of of course.

00:06:10:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We also do not talk about.

00:06:16:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know. River of all kinds.

00:06:21:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And, Different.

00:06:28:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Programs. And I, I always come back to, have. And he, I’d always have for the time. I didn’t have to go. And I had grown up from, from from.

00:06:46:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I have been from I from capitalize.

00:06:52:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: On all the. people and I.

00:07:04:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You had to go I to get some. Oh.

00:07:11:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah blah blah blah blah.

00:07:16:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: What did they.

00:07:20:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Do with, A lot important, something like that. And the way this money can come up and $35.

00:07:37:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: for food for rent, deposit. Yeah.

00:07:44:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Nobody ever found a food. All that. And so it was terrible. Well.

00:07:54:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: First of all, up, I feel, And come, girl, you had everything to period.

00:08:10:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The people wanted to do well, because, a lot of the older generation food. Do you do you own your own home? What have you got? Control over the course, control of the property and to do so many different things. Well.

00:08:38:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You have a garden.

00:08:44:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With their own.

00:08:45:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Safety. My own. You all the same as with,

00:08:50:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: well, we just have our.

00:08:54:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Big holiday because everything to be done that, you know, that have we have, you know. Yeah. Not really good marketing for them and for good. Very well. We have we, we going to. Have to coffee. Probably about 30 of them have already crucified.

00:09:24:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well over here or.

00:09:30:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: At the bank in Groton. The other that we are the only one we ever had. But we were given, what we call them. Okay, okay. This is because I would be able to work on the taxes, on the property taxes, if we can. And that’s also.

00:09:56:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Up until I think that fortunately, then we have more like a subsistence economy. Yeah. So money was an important. No. When you look at food for everybody. So it made it less of a strain in on all the home. And I’m sure the children work with the school. Well, yes. in be with them that they are now.

00:10:23:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know, they don’t get all over the holidays all the time.

00:10:31:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I think by the time required to have school, I would like to, Well, I think that.

00:10:39:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I know one of the houses before I go.

00:10:44:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I could go all the time. involved with with all the family and the kids who and what.

00:10:56:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: They want to do. You know, they can’t afford to work.

00:11:07:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: In the back room. I can’t afford to. Take.

00:11:17:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: All right. let’s, This is very interesting. I’m glad you told about all this. Now, that was one thing I wanted to say to things are, I think, to get you started talking and might be one go off on something like this because I tell it when you’re you’re ready to tell it. That’s important. Yeah. What was your father, doctor cope with?

00:11:39:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: come up with these. What you call them all? All right, all right. You got to drive that.

00:11:51:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Healthy. Be. If you work the,

00:12:03:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: 444. You’re born after.

00:12:07:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You told what went wrong back down to the bank.

00:12:12:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah.

00:12:15:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Right. Well, if. I was born warm, and I got, to, to work. Oh, okay.

00:12:37:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I believe I can afford.

00:12:44:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: that was a whole lot of trouble. They. You know, I. I inconsistent and quit that that that industry had priorities that I know that passing away in the country.

00:13:03:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You. And I. Go.

00:13:16:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: you know, cause, your brothers and sisters and I didn’t get that now. And now I’d like to go back, my own father. Thank you for.

00:13:33:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: running with your, warm encouragement. Okay. we still have one.

00:13:51:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Thank you for.

00:13:57:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: the younger brother, Carol. Who for my first.

00:14:08:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Two offered support for with.

00:14:13:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: All right. What do you have to say? Quite right. When? When you keep on.

00:14:23:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: and Andrew, a.

00:14:37:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The commentator. for. 22 point.

00:14:50:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: did you work for him? You know, for him? right. Right, right. Okay. Well, the family is. Query wearing name.

00:15:11:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: or.

00:15:18:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And what is his, complete? Well.

00:15:26:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: requirement. For. He to. participate.

00:15:41:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: when he comes back.

00:15:52:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: If you have any children or. All right, now, let’s put it into what was your personal background? high school football.

00:16:18:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And what? Dot com. You mentioned some earlier. as a teenager, we honor, basketball. like that on a kickoff to.

00:16:38:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Where we have a Super Bowl. You know.

00:16:48:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: we keep up with.

00:16:50:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The weather and that weather activity in there all along with, and and you go back and, I, I, we had last.

00:17:01:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Year, 2015 or.

00:17:06:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Very difficult this year. So, I.

00:17:16:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I. I work for.

00:17:21:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And,

00:17:24:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I’m never do anything like that for something like that.

00:17:33:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Or.

00:17:35:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Or what.

00:17:36:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Do you.

00:17:40:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. I work.

00:17:44:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I work.

00:17:47:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: In. I go to.

00:17:54:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Mean for. The operations of the person. I go for that. for people who go for it. I.

00:18:13:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I think we have a good school, right? We all come.

00:18:28:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And we work here. Yeah. And, I didn’t know I was working a program. When I go.

00:18:41:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Back to. Because I, like I said, they.

00:19:00:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: This. I don’t.

00:19:08:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Know that I did you work for. Did you work until now? You want to.

00:19:14:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Quit?

00:19:17:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Working for people. With the.

00:19:22:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Family.

00:19:24:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: for.

00:19:31:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Holidays in the hospital and. I that.

00:19:40:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because. You know about that I to work for.

00:19:58:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Both. The company and.

00:20:08:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And what was that? Work? Income. Profit? I was in the office.

00:20:16:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: that was before the profit. And, at the time, I was.

00:20:26:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: What? God, I think that was the part.

00:20:29:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That I was always a part of for. Me? I.

00:20:40:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: the president.

00:20:44:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For that was, a long time coming. It was a very interesting market, but you have to have a club. because I mark up with the job, I think it’s probably important for them to have.

00:21:03:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: A career and for, I guess that could have to 540. I have that.

00:21:17:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I had my own.

00:21:25:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Very close contact with the the boys.

00:21:29:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I work with the boys. And I have no classified on own. They were small people, you know, so I. And I didn’t go had I was not required to go to work. Have to leave the house because it’s a life or property. It’s, go.

00:22:00:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Deeper moral. How you can when you call or interact with, personal.

00:22:12:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: what you are going to go on.

00:22:17:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For a long and then, but we have different,

00:22:27:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Equipment for in the car area.

00:22:31:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And then we have.

00:22:33:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I think I would prefer, very was like everything that was in there at that time. I think at the time, we had a lot of people and, that, would be clear, people for other people talking for, for relevance. Do find out the location, the floor, I don’t know, all over the place up.

00:23:07:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. And the one time. But everything better and better and go get by.

00:23:19:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But everything looks good. But somehow or other, you want to, I don’t know, we were talking. We have. We have a good year.

00:23:36:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I think we’re going to go over.

00:23:41:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And back to my house. Up all the matter. That’s right. That’s and appropriate for him. But he can get hurt right there and then he’s, I suppose the conflict with your caller, he’s up to the, in the area I’m headed for kind of a three way conversation there. Fun. course. Now, that is that you’ve done quite all heartily.

00:24:11:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Good account. Yeah, I like a lot of that. At that time, I worked for radio with the for Fun to have that experience. And that’s another time. oh. I had to come up with a couple things that I have,

00:24:35:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: okay, well, we deal with them and what.

00:24:39:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We were about to talk about this and the most important partner, and particularly one of our beautiful February days, or your local or not, you’re not. You know, I live in Moscow, but. Well, you actually, you have to respect the way you talk about what we call a fault plane. You have to follow the logic that you and I had to go.

00:25:06:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Okay. And that was the principle. The only. The only time I thought to this was, you know, we are public transportation. Like I told my wife yesterday, I did to go.

00:25:28:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Work for later on the day. A lot more than I did here with. And, I really did that. I would say here that I’m not that I don’t want everybody to get into this. I fear that maybe the.

00:25:56:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: First was unusual for everybody. So I think we are. We just have to go for that day. I remember days, everybody just go get that old Nissan and yeah, we go to war. By that time, we we are. Well, I see I think we you had quite a few different jobs to get out of. you don’t you think you have a small war for.

00:26:29:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: All right. You mentioned telling as a skill. You had to learn radio operate. You have to have that tool that, you have typing. You can, you. What are some other skills we’ve developed? mostly in that, you old amigo, were very kind of. You are very,

00:27:02:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Quite,

00:27:07:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: well, I don’t feel.

00:27:09:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I have the normal desire for some call.

00:27:16:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Back in years. I have to go over here all the time. I could become. So I had to give up easily. But now I think I’ve applied with a couple of different, Well. And I was surprised. You know how nice the first half, is what I’m working on now. And so over there, the car was cut.

00:27:45:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: red. it’s a little bit further back from scratch.

00:27:51:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Oh, isn’t that that is that doesn’t work. It worked out that you get a soft. Oh, that, easy. It’s much more delicate. Well, I oh, my. Have. Oh, that is very classic.

00:28:08:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And very welcoming.

00:28:14:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Very.

00:28:14:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Not only the same color that you have to go through, but I thought the people come up to every color. My background is too dark.

00:28:33:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I. Feel good.

00:28:37:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But, you know, you very crisp. So you keep that there. Picked up. I have to I have that you can’t possibly have to think.

00:28:49:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Oh you can get another on your new free car. You to what? They have to go.

00:28:58:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Okay. I have to get some more people that I really.

00:29:09:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Kind of like over the phone or something like that. That’s something that’s, you know, something personal for, All right. You mentioned, number of interesting hobbies down here, I see more.

00:29:28:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You’re not, you don’t care for, club? Oh. That’s good. the only thing that I, I had to work with, and, you know, I don’t think about, you know, at this, I,

00:29:49:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I don’t know that, like, you.

00:29:51:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Don’t really care for, over 55.

00:29:59:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: 50

00:30:04:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: On the board of, trustees, a couple of of driving.

00:30:14:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: for.

00:30:18:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Profit.

00:30:21:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Centers.

00:30:24:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We’re not allowed to throw the.

00:30:27:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But we can help, people from. Multiple. Several different topics.

00:30:44:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: corporate. We also.

00:30:57:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Of course. We go.

00:31:10:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With computers. And maybe we can control the quality for the world. How? They used to get them in a group. Right. You have a distinguished.

00:31:22:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: High school that wants to school.

00:31:31:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: In the US or not?

00:31:34:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because preservatives put people in front of your have a. It’s not like a big job. It is it is it that a company to put it.

00:31:46:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know people.

00:31:51:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With education qualifications and how they feel they were.

00:31:56:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Willing to put down the cost of work for. All right. you just mentioned quite a few things going off there. if you ever received any awards or you know.

00:32:11:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I’m not that good.

00:32:24:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: All right. That’s complete. Form that I have here. So all of your products. All right. One of the things we like to know about. Would you like to hear? All I know, we’re all here, right? If you’ve been involved.

00:32:48:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: can I recall that? Before it.

00:33:04:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Oh. I was going to go that way.

00:33:10:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I was thinking about the people that do that.

00:33:21:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Perhaps.

00:33:30:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That’s possible.

00:33:32:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We go, the idea of the.

00:33:36:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: College sort to try to.

00:33:46:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Go for,

00:33:51:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So far we haven’t.

00:33:52:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I hope we have.

00:34:04:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well.

00:34:10:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I work for over, but we are going to go for the first. We kind of go with that.

00:34:23:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We have to.

00:34:24:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Try to do a few flavor films. Here. Media and whatnot.

00:34:33:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So all. But we have the two with the lone wolf. I know that we have them available. We want we can go. So if they’re out of your view and, we don’t have.

00:34:46:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To go, will. You have a problem because.

00:34:56:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: When know.

00:35:05:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: When we put people through.

00:35:09:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But.

00:35:14:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know, for.

00:35:20:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Whatever the point of the.

00:35:24:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: People have done with, okay. Perhaps the five. But, you know, I’m growing it. In fact, I’m looking for work because, what you guys, are with tomatoes. are you guys,

00:35:45:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well, working. With. The black.

00:35:54:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So I just.

00:35:57:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Oh, my God bless your popcorn. Looks like.

00:36:04:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I remember.

00:36:12:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The part of the. I forget.

00:36:22:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: My sister.

00:36:26:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Who I hate.

00:36:28:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For how long? Oh, for 30 minutes from. Oh, okay. the.

00:36:38:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Cold winter days that you could go in and out of the comfort of your kitchen to sort out that bread and. Stuff like.

00:36:55:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That. You. The.

00:37:03:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Very difficult.

00:37:05:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To tell you.

00:37:07:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That spices food that.

00:37:13:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You never can you do it. What do you have to be careful. Well, there are certain about a lot of atrocities committed in the country. Thank you. Well, I have right from.

00:37:25:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The top of my.

00:37:41:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Thank you very.

00:37:55:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The requirements for housing, for example, to go. Form.

00:38:07:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Okay.

00:38:07:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: All right. So how long have you.

00:38:21:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: People.

00:38:26:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I guess that I don’t know, we have, we have room. that is the nice thing about it. The fact that you can run for office for 2 million people. Well, before we went into that, that undercut what you would call. What a thrill. Qualifies, under that kind of corporate care because you.

00:38:58:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I saw the photos of it, but the one.

00:39:06:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That was already.

00:39:07:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: In the bottom of my life, you know, because your father just got paid. Well, you mentioned, some differences a while ago. The list of children who are growing at what I consider a completely different picture. Right? Like they’re life people from home.

00:39:40:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And they don’t have to try. Do.

00:39:44:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Work. Home schooling, has a job over that which is to do. And your family, you are part of the work with the hard work with them. And, Okay, that’s long and, Oh. And you have. you know, a lot of how as well. And that was off the top of the problem.

00:40:20:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For.

00:40:24:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For people.

00:40:30:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With.

00:40:36:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So that was, that was done before.

00:40:46:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I back back in. But and and that was really the wrong path with that. But you don’t have to go back.

00:41:02:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But what I was what I spoke to.

00:41:11:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because I think that they that people. Were coming up with this topic. okay. well, I hear my music with bit more, I think I think public or or I have to go to practice. I brought a few of the stories from, good, food. Other. Around the world. Because of what, I’m getting, obviously, you’re telling me that, you know, you don’t or,

00:41:53:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: If so, what am I going to do now? You have a healthy part of, What are you eating for their own country? So I’m.

00:42:06:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I’m going to. I’m looking for.

00:42:13:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Oh, okay. We’ll be outside time I think people will want to go with. And that’s very, glamorous. but you don’t have to come for every part of your life.

00:42:34:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You probably would on the.

00:42:39:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: They don’t care about the couch food program or the car. Yeah. I think if I, if I was quite ready to understand all the food.

00:42:54:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For everybody.

00:42:59:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But it is true. That was, probably the same thing one time. So maybe you don’t really have the only time to for some family program. I probably.

00:43:20:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Get right on time to play. Right. And then you go. Play. Some people don’t go to school or down.

00:43:37:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But it is fun that we have. We had cars and all that. But the idea was to go out to play.

00:43:43:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Right?

00:43:46:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because.

00:43:50:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You go to.

00:43:51:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The park to go. You get there was part of it that, oh, you come home.

00:44:01:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Know.

00:44:07:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Some more things you thought of yourself for, for I have to go down. One thing that we didn’t have too much more time. We were. But before we go, we have to walk home. Football to looking around for other people. And, I don’t know if you of a drive down to Hoover. If you happen to. You have to drive home.

00:44:40:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know, you are not. Only, you may have come.

00:44:50:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I don’t know if you.

00:44:55:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Want to crossing. That you have.

00:45:06:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Before you go.

00:45:13:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: North Northville.

00:45:18:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Right now, we’re not.

00:45:19:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Quite sure what. Well, when you have.

00:45:29:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: A party,

00:45:33:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Looking for people to think about.

00:45:37:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well, thinking is important. How do you know that?

00:45:47:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well. What what, found what you looking for? What? he are known before we do, And. Yeah, this is the answer. So. Many people in. But.

00:46:13:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The only thing that you have to perform.

00:46:20:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: At the park. That was more for the opportunity to.

00:46:25:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Work with the people on the course is.

00:46:32:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Somebody to come after.

00:46:36:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You, brother. Oh, we have.

00:46:41:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To walk.

00:46:42:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You home. Your guy that doesn’t work on our.

00:46:54:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Home.

00:46:55:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: It. Yeah, but I know he’s going.

00:47:03:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To work from home. Oh, what an opportunity for him to to that. it depends on who you are. 043355 after.

00:47:23:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: 3404

00:47:28:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Oh, we have, oh. I believe it would work for you for physical contact.

00:47:35:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Okay. okay. Come here. One of want. Are you home.

00:47:44:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: From.

00:47:47:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Everybody. I feel like people.

00:47:49:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Come around a long way. Well, let’s go.

00:47:56:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Here, boy, I have a party.

00:47:59:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That people ever have before, so we’re kind.

00:48:06:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Of over there. So, Oh. There’s work to be over 25.

00:48:17:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. So, we we can call it home or very.

00:48:26:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Okay, continue. We don’t. Very remote area, but, you know, we’re going to go for them. Although I. I’ve kind of, what the first or for or for your career or or your market for the party.

00:48:58:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The quality. Yeah. Remarkable. Okay,

00:49:10:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: If you don’t want.

00:49:11:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: More to go on. Yeah.

00:49:18:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. Where do you think it’s, Yeah, it’s the home on that one. Or go or art going to be, Number. 13 is, when word about how you went to high school. If you could just go to my school. Oh, my. My younger brother Tanya. Older brother. Right. Next.

00:49:49:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Have you could have.

00:49:55:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: People.

00:49:59:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Like that time of year.

00:50:01:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Okay. Well, before, my father.

00:50:09:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Let me take him to all the local campuses.

00:50:16:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: we got to come back.

00:50:19:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Talk, talk. One with each other. The enterprise.

00:50:26:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Right here. All right, if you want.

00:50:32:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To help you. This. Is more important to support. Oh, my God, thank you for your, What do you have to do? thank you for all the dang good. All of them. Well, I don’t see the positive in the qualifying group. Right. If you have the professional people, they would have known how they didn’t want to do it.

00:51:03:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: How like about 50. You have people people from probably.

00:51:15:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The people and learned a lot. Oh yeah. Oh my. Before I find those who are not who qualified off right. Or I’m not qualified.

00:51:33:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Or super foggy.

00:51:43:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I cannot tell you what to do. Come on. Yeah. After. when you were growing up working in an educational space for boys or girls in your family with it? No, I don’t think so. No.

00:52:10:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: In my family, of course.

00:52:16:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: well, I.

00:52:19:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Heard that from the.

00:52:28:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Fourth through. But I was. I am in Christ.

00:52:34:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Oh.

00:52:39:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Is it for you? You before and after?

00:52:59:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: School.

00:53:00:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Did you, on your job, or any of the other work within which you experience most of the woman you feel like you were paid, but. No, I, I did I did see, when I first went or before I went with the, I was working and, With, with another job. it started when I was three or for from the school can.

00:53:38:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Go to different places like that. Don’t know them, but,

00:53:44:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: When I went to Buffalo.

00:53:47:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For them, I went to work for the people here.

00:53:50:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And not only that, they had a few. okay.

00:53:59:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: so, I was at home with.

00:54:07:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You and that you feel them at the right time. Good. And,

00:54:16:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I think that good for doing. Well.

00:54:23:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We learned a lot from back home, and we all.

00:54:28:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Go off of that because we have, to go.

00:54:36:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Over there for, for. I’m going with my or my. That’s all of our school. But we can focus on what we don’t have. But then that was.

00:54:57:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: your your we thank you for.

00:55:01:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: It was not on the table. You are know valuable okay. Well I well yeah. He’s all and, for, for for I have for his category.

00:55:18:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Right now working for.

00:55:27:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: What we for. Right. breakfast.

00:55:35:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With your time. Okay, great. Great.

00:55:41:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: let’s go to breakfast. for one of the, So you have. One. well, I did the same work for, like. Oh, my. Well, I put $100, a cup of coffee. that will always work with all of the advantages that.

00:56:11:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I did, well, at that time, we had. Well, by the time I retired for 25 years of work, I got. I was able to. if I had work, I would go as part of a party, corporate for another 525 or.

00:56:47:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I, I don’t know, you do work, but the on from that. they, they had salaries set up. That you have.

00:57:05:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: $3 an hour.

00:57:10:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: If you. Both are. You have to.

00:57:15:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Go. And, come up with up to all the.

00:57:27:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: help you can do with your life. So my.

00:57:34:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: for for all of you, for maybe you have, but I don’t I don’t.

00:57:43:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Like to work with all the water. All right. I was working at home. So then you did a lot of cooking, and you don’t get hurt with that. Before it was really good. I mean, you are about to get somebody and then you don’t. You are probably left with them, with supervisors and supervisors and mean him and, all the salaries, you know, I have done the, my work.

00:58:16:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So, a good thing a long night. But you have to be satisfied, and you don’t have to. You. And, I, I look forward to continuing with. I’m glad that you did that well.

00:58:35:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Or. But the part.

00:58:42:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That is, is the report, though certainly not in the way of other people do it. And it’s like what?

00:58:51:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Like you put down.

00:58:57:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: There for a long time. You find.

00:59:04:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With my salary. You learn new skills and remember things that really well, possibly.

00:59:15:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I was wrong when. They only.

00:59:22:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Do that much with the person I work with. You do it for them and you must work on that part. You know that work you do. What do.

00:59:32:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You. You,

00:59:36:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Do.

00:59:40:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Copy. Oh, well, that’s an interesting observation from your person that that was working for your computer to go to work and do that. But is it still to you as a person? Looking for work. Right. Work. you can do that. You, can do that. I have different programs, knowing how much. Yeah. How much of this individual piece of equipment.

01:00:15:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That I’m 25, 21 will.

01:00:21:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Cover the cost of tomorrow. You come back and I work home, and, a record of the repairs or what? Most of the other improvements. Yeah. And things like that. But, I think in that, Yeah. you comparison and then and do that and then by all I get to do.

01:00:52:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Google the best Google cloud cover that and work. Any of that I own it. Well, well, I would go to the part that that was all that would work out and, that. Well, are we part of. I, you know, to go through some to, you go householder but that’s not a good thing. So you would work with that would be that this is definitely, from yeah.

01:01:40:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So he, he prefers to build people faster. Yeah. And like that we see those that they have fruit bags at all. I call them or,

01:01:58:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: often.

01:02:02:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And they would like.

01:02:07:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know, your job with the minimum is like, your personal contact. You know, you provide. you find for every time you can get that right, you know, with how many hours work to do.

01:02:34:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: so they they just become like an appendage of the machine that, and so. So you had that experience, and I think that that’s, a very good observation. I’m glad you responded, because it’s so good. Some changes are taking place all over, you know, like. Yeah. Not your.

01:02:59:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Working with the different companies. I guess it’s a lot to do with. You have to know. And you. And I think that,

01:03:17:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: No, no. Oh. Really? Yeah. no. So everything is done for you. And so far, the only problem, the one thing I think we’re going to overcome more, I don’t think I want to do.

01:03:41:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I know when I was growing up. Is that you have to try to keep up your what people to work.

01:03:50:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You get the principles on people. Now, you can.

01:03:57:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Use do that. But the people.

01:04:00:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: won’t have to go back to what I would call.

01:04:05:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Working in between.

01:04:12:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because I don’t know if I can find myself, the fun with the planning and the work to get it to as well.

01:04:29:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Or to.

01:04:41:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You, mentioned that work with people who are retired, so used to call it support is that. I think I had some idea. Yeah. So that that you help down the guys so you can get that on the, on you get a call back. But now, for one of my allergies to. I can, I can do that.

01:05:16:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For him, I don’t know, because you have to after work when you have in that way, you have, you get multiplied by, and I’m very thankful for.

01:05:38:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We have,

01:05:42:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Work that we do. We don’t have one of us. And this is. you know, we work into down here. no, overcrowded. pardon me, but, Covid, I I’m not very. Well, I know you’re busy. I’ve been aware of. You’re really working out there. what do you do for fun, for relaxation.

01:06:11:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And for, think. I’d to.

01:06:17:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I’m with you. Need to go to work. I.

01:06:32:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Before I come on.

01:06:41:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I just go.

01:06:47:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I.

01:06:55:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I carry.

01:07:06:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Only for car. You know. Like that. Week. That. It’s.

01:07:25:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: More than that. Call with a call man.

01:07:32:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Or something. Yeah.

01:07:38:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I.

01:07:47:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I kind of think of myself.

01:07:53:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Not really.

01:08:08:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I the country.

01:08:10:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because it’s. To.

01:08:18:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You have favorite people program. you do.

01:08:27:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Not get really caught up. that’s, Now I.

01:08:42:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I call. you, I really be grateful. Have.

01:08:54:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I long to say to you, why would you say that? Where picture and, your what? Boss?

01:09:05:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I’m sorry. That’s. Okay. I go, that’s good.

01:09:17:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I understand old and, I don’t for. Quite, I when you were newly married and the younger part of your life, you have a worry. What would happen if something happened to happen to him? No. It’s had it’s, I have never been in in New York. I’ve had A12. But I think perhaps because I have caught myself in self contact with, I knew that I could survive.

01:10:03:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For myself.

01:10:10:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: If I would come back, what would happen? So I knew that. I think if I caught anybody, I could put them in trouble with them.

01:10:28:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But for, you know, to.

01:10:35:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Be able to do.

01:10:37:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well, that’s. It. So a lot of them. But, I don’t know, I would probably, we would not. We would have kept on lot and and we are probably more.

01:11:04:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: It would be all right.

01:11:07:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: As we would like to.

01:11:12:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Go to escape. So people want to become.

01:11:17:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Close with you.

01:11:24:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Go about the way you them.

01:11:31:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Of a one who is, allows you to the by others.

01:11:38:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So these the guard that I, I know. A lot of people that you know, this is what the. Call.

01:11:56:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Would have to do with that, There’s always going to.

01:12:02:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Be a group.

01:12:07:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Where you.

01:12:09:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Do? Not far from, Oh, it’s quite easy, but it’s the nature of wonder.

01:12:23:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I didn’t know.

01:12:24:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That he was going to put people.

01:12:42:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I would like to go.

01:12:51:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To in my city. Okay, so I don’t do that. We’re, Can you remember why you got married? Like, two to for. What it was. And with the simple things we did to. Or was it extremely difficult for the person? I have a long. Okay. We did it. You didn’t do and say we built our first home, but.

01:13:32:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You. For the first. people so grateful for the great. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. But, We don’t know how about them?

01:13:55:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But I remember from important time to prepare your family. Well, No. Go down, for a few people and go over there.

01:14:09:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And, over. And over again.

01:14:14:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But.

01:14:17:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: we we think that.

01:14:19:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We got really organized very, very.

01:14:24:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Comfortably. I. And with the in that way, we could we going to have the same work that another for another all my children volunteer work. They, they take them all from different. You don’t have to. Work on the.

01:14:58:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Property together. you must be them. You would go in there. You could have different equipment. And we never go. We were never going to get over property. Over $5 million. What? What probably could afford them. Probably. But we know that was left. That was, that was our rule. And we would work that $200.

01:15:24:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With go the hell.

01:15:30:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With the water company. He bought a small island, and and he put 40. I think we have to walk with that because. Yeah. And for all that time, it would not, like, go to the city. Okay. what the situation or what?

01:15:54:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And at that time, I think we were back in 50.

01:15:58:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I wanted to go.

01:16:01:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And 50, 50, 500 or something like that. But it was a big difference. What was the most important? How would you make okay. Because my old woman, Gordon, come from, going to the house we have at our house with.

01:16:24:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For God’s sake, if you go through your home. I don’t know. Oh, what do you got there? You got your home before you both decided going?

01:16:43:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To be with the white boys. And then, we have the people with the people part, so we can’t. Guarantee we wouldn’t have to go.

01:17:03:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because of it. You know, the people. we have to clear. But, If it had to work, would probably in you look down in some of your body.

01:17:25:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. They would have died. If, you know, when you go forward to.

01:17:36:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Get.

01:17:39:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But now I guess it’s time for. The modern. You are already done with that.

01:17:47:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know you’ve done this to. You for three years.

01:17:58:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: What? What you for the.

01:18:02:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For the plan. The one.

01:18:08:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I don’t know how people ask. I don’t think, I think know for.

01:18:20:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: But the front door or whatever it is my but.

01:18:30:19 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I work with it like here going work. Well we we, we work here like, a lot of people that are work of the money because.

01:18:46:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You look at the 91.

01:18:51:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Percent of all the people that went on that we are and that they need approval.

01:18:58:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Go right before. We I and for.

01:19:11:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Go back to work right.

01:19:15:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We did what you like. And. Or were more or less. You always want to go that way.

01:19:32:28 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Before when we got before what we wanted to do it. And the way.

01:19:43:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You think it will improve them more. And then we were expected to give up the job because we want to profit. Well, a lot of them did. And, they want out. In fact, I think the four of you will still work in your own crew. Most of them. Yeah, most people have. I have a dad that is off for the first time.

01:20:09:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Of course, going to work for, like, do I put up with because you have, or something like that. You can go by with one the program, critical to work because it’s like you got a place you. Right, right.

01:20:36:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: you mentioned that you had kind of a rule against that part of doing that bill. That’s a different now from a young family or something that that that you work for. Well, I think that with, with all of those people who for, let’s go call development for retirement security that, but, I don’t know exactly.

01:21:11:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know, I might be thinking for for another contract or with security, you know, who are you talking?

01:21:31:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With? For you talk a little bit about how important work was killed in the line of work. And I think it worked for your life for a whole. For you and for me. It’s a good deal of your time to work for the house. Good for. A lot of people. Because. Well, thing for them. Or if you like to come.

01:22:05:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Not. Not because life. But what? You don’t know, I guess for profit. And what do you get.

01:22:17:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Behind the for?

01:22:23:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Working with you.

01:22:26:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Or for the construction of the.

01:22:33:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Company.

01:22:38:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You work early for the,

01:22:46:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: market for. 100 and dollars. And also for with house. For profit. For profit. For,

01:23:06:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And, if your other people begin with the company called because you have to build this, law enforcement.

01:23:21:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You are out with that. And if you, your, help for the the federal.

01:23:36:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Government.

01:23:39:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And corporate America. you out the university and you walking.

01:23:50:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Away with the group that are here. And eventually people are going to call for a reason to go. hard to stay here. so to throw a. Government up all the time. you wanna you want go. For the welfare of the people that the for.

01:24:31:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: also, the bottom line for I would feel unstable because I. Work for the.

01:24:46:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You know, the evil for.

01:24:53:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Not to get a job or, to get the good.

01:25:02:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Company down the road.

01:25:09:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Who? Want to?

01:25:15:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Call the.

01:25:20:22 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: People for.

01:25:26:21 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: money. Sometimes it just taking place in general among the people. Which is more, up to me first. And so now what is that? that, I’m all for, I, our population so far exceeded our, we get them all for food, right? and, Hello. Anyway, so you like the idea of common people taking all responsibility for.

01:26:02:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For what? We, a lot of people who are working for all those things, and you hold them accountable or not become a burden for other people? well, I have we have to tell them, I have never, ever, we’ve never been brought.

01:26:26:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To the with group or.

01:26:33:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Work I do, we do, well, for,

01:26:41:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I was have,

01:26:44:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: One of the people to go walking, is a bad man or something like that. Like a lot of, capability. Right. What what would you do for that? Where would you go with.

01:27:13:06 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: with everything. With with the support of.

01:27:16:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For. The world. How do all the people who would want to go for life for.

01:27:33:13 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Us all to support or do. Important things. What you.

01:27:44:11 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Because the Constitution. Okay. Well.

01:27:49:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Okay. I.

01:27:55:18 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I was told by my how everything’s very the.

01:28:07:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Way. Okay, well, he’s just like all of the other people in the world. Not suitable for outdoor. I don’t know how to deal.

01:28:22:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: With it because.

01:28:26:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: People want to.

01:28:30:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Remain with them because.

01:28:33:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: They want to.

01:28:34:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Live. That’s.

01:28:38:09 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: What they.

01:28:40:29 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I mean, I know,

01:28:44:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: People in the world,

01:28:48:04 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You have a big house. Other people.

01:28:58:00 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: For doing. For. Many of these people.

01:29:07:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: After they left for you to try to get to. But they don’t want to go back and they’ve got.

01:29:19:25 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That they have to deal with it.

01:29:23:03 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: And that is not. Just the program going. The program. Okay. What want go. I don’t you know, I the little house to, available on the other side of the world and good for local community. We had a few. We worked hard. Well, we’re looking at a group of people who want to go to the bank. So I see a lot of the wealthy.

01:29:56:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I have friends a lot.

01:30:00:01 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: They could work together. I probably won’t even bother.

01:30:07:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The people that,

01:30:14:27 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We will give up a phone call. Probably because.

01:30:20:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We are not there, in fact. But I make too much money that they’re going to work for your work. But. Hello? What is that? Oh, that work? I was just so curious, I thought, and it be only for the mother. I spoke to one of my older, who’s her not working for, for the girl I had her to work for, you know, that one.

01:30:54:08 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: So you might. But, you could work. Work? I just think, you know, I’m sure we could have, We could have our brothers in that group. Get a good old self esteem and own self.

01:31:14:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Something that you could.

01:31:19:14 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Like you or.

01:31:23:17 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Other people who could play put with.

01:31:32:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You that you got one with the word. But, like you got one. We have people on.

01:31:54:02 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: You got one. We have people don’t always work at ideal home work or what you have or not. I don’t think you’ve got the power. Because if you do, they have somebody else to put, like to work with you. What do you value to work? Yeah. I think it’s very good that you can go home, but I might have somebody else because I don’t.

01:32:28:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I’m better than that. I could devote. I could, maybe I could.

01:32:41:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: I don’t know, I don’t know none. None have my program. All.

01:32:50:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: That really? Well. I think can play.

01:32:58:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: The part for me. I like to think of everything. I like to go. We’re very fortunate we don’t have a finance. Do we have another one? Yeah, yeah.

01:33:18:16 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Oh, you have a good time in the. More lucrative.

01:33:30:26 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: From yesterday I my husband problem. I was.

01:33:36:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Looking.

01:33:40:23 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: To pick up.

01:33:45:20 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: On the phone call from all over.

01:33:54:24 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: are you ever what to talking about? Not quite.

01:34:03:05 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: We wake you up, and if you are the top or if you are, sometimes that’s the value of doing volunteer work at the hospital. That type of what?

01:34:14:10 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: It kind of reminds you how lucky you are.

01:34:22:07 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well, I’ve actually quite a few questions. would you like to add anything else? Yeah. Just in general, do they come down very to pick them up for those who express your values and kind of your philosophy? Yeah. I think I appreciated your cooperation. we have, along with, we have a release form here that we ask you to sign if there’s anything that you’d prefer.

01:34:54:15 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Well, let’s see, I’ll explain a little bit. Some of it sometimes, you know, people hoping to get attached to the typical warm and blond. Sometimes we used to warm. No other times with where we have a composite of several women. So for some of my clients. So that’s why we stay here. we have various things we can set you up for, you know, for reading confidential what my name is.

01:35:26:12 - Hope Maddox or Unknown Interviewer: Yeah. Always the, so this is, just a question that lives in our house. Proper property.

Hope Maddox Oral History Interview Audio
Audio of the interview with Hope Maddox.
MG68, Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Special Collections and Archives
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"Hope Maddox Oral History Interview Audio", Rural Women's History Project, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/rwhp/items/rwhp237.html
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