Psychiana No. 1 Item Info

Psychiana No. 1 [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:28:00 Unknown Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen, in just a moment, you are going to hear the voice of a man who will tell you some tremendously important facts, some amazing fact. The voice of a man who has made a discovery that is revolutionizing human thought, changing human lives, bringing happiness and success where discontent and failure were before a discovery which, in the short space of one year swept across the continent and circled the Earth, invaded almost every country on the globe.

00:00:28:03 - 00:00:47:10 Unknown Speaker: The following 15 minutes is far too short for him to explain his discovery in detail, but he is going to give you flashes of it, flashes of truth that may startle you. You probably already know about this man. Have heard his name mentioned many times. He is doctor Frank Robinson, one of the most outstanding figures in the world of modern science.

00:00:47:13 - 00:00:51:10 Unknown Speaker: But first, we introduce you to your guide, who will take you to Doctor Robinson’s.

00:00:51:10 - 00:00:53:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: Home.

00:00:53:15 - 00:01:20:02 Unknown Speaker: Away, out in northern Idaho, where the pines are nodding and swaying to the whispering breezes of the wide open spaces nestled in a happy home. In that home is a beautiful pipe organ, and seated at the console of that organ is a man who is internationally known and who has given to the world the answer to a question that has puzzled mankind since the beginning of the human race.

00:01:20:05 - 00:01:26:17 Unknown Speaker: Before we meet him, let’s listen a moment. He played.

00:01:26:19 - 00:02:10:13 Unknown Speaker: For.

00:02:10:15 - 00:02:45:05 Unknown Speaker: The.

00:02:45:08 - 00:03:03:23 Unknown Speaker: Whole. That was beautifully played, Doctor Robinson. And it almost seems a shame to bring this microphone into your study here. And break into your hour of relaxation. But there are lots of people out there waiting to hear about your discovery. So I’m going to begin very abruptly by asking you a question.

00:03:03:25 - 00:03:06:27 Frank Bruce Robinson: And if I can, I’ll be very glad to answer it.

00:03:07:00 - 00:03:20:07 Unknown Speaker: All right. You get ready for the cross examination. In a few words. What is this discovery of yours? Why is it attracting thinking people all over the world? Just what can it do for a person?

00:03:20:10 - 00:03:26:02 Frank Bruce Robinson: Well, in a few words, it enables a person to turn failure into success.

00:03:26:04 - 00:03:28:13 Unknown Speaker: That’s a tremendous claim, doctor Robinson.

00:03:28:15 - 00:03:32:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, because behind it lies a tremendous truth.

00:03:32:28 - 00:03:39:28 Unknown Speaker: I’m going to be just a bit skeptical. Now, how does it enable a person to turn failure into success?

00:03:40:00 - 00:03:45:09 Frank Bruce Robinson: Let me answer that by asking you a question. Do you know anything about a radio set?

00:03:45:11 - 00:03:48:11 Unknown Speaker: Well, I know how to twist a dial.

00:03:48:13 - 00:03:52:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: But you’ve seen the various devices that go into a radio set, haven’t you?

00:03:52:14 - 00:03:53:17 Unknown Speaker: Yeah.

00:03:53:20 - 00:04:06:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now, if I give you all the things you need, tubes and amplifiers and so on, could you put them together so that sitting there in my study in Moscow, you could hear an orchestra playing in New York?

00:04:06:09 - 00:04:08:08 Unknown Speaker: No, I’m afraid not.

00:04:08:10 - 00:04:09:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Why?

00:04:09:06 - 00:04:14:22 Unknown Speaker: Well, because I well, I don’t know the principle upon which a radio set operates.

00:04:14:24 - 00:04:51:16 Frank Bruce Robinson: That’s the answer to your question. You know, no one else can successfully build a radio set unless you know the principles. The law by which radio operates. And, you know no one else can build a successful life unless you know the principles, the law by which life operates. If you had never heard of radio, and I gave you the various necessary equipment and told you that by using it properly, you could hear an orchestra playing in New York, you would say, oh, that’s impossible, it can’t be done.

00:04:51:19 - 00:05:19:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: And yet it can be that if you know the underlying principle, ever since men and women appeared on this earth, they’ve had the equipment to make a spiritual radio, say, a radio set by which they can tune in and use for their own benefit a tremendous power only until just recently, no one has known how to assemble this equipment and make it work.

00:05:19:10 - 00:05:24:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: Until just recently, no one has known the law by which it operates.

00:05:25:01 - 00:05:30:28 Unknown Speaker: doctor, you mentioned that tremendous power, the power that a person can tune in on and use for.

00:05:30:28 - 00:05:32:12 Frank Bruce Robinson: His own good.

00:05:32:14 - 00:05:38:28 Unknown Speaker: Now, what is this power? How do I know that it really exists? Prove it to me.

00:05:39:00 - 00:06:05:17 Frank Bruce Robinson: I don’t have to prove it to you. You can prove it to yourself. Go out some evening and look at the stars. So many. You can count them. And these are only a few. There are so many, many more that are not visible to the naked eye. Yet all of these stars move in their courses with such exactness that science tests can calculate their movement far in advance.

00:06:05:20 - 00:06:40:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: Doesn’t that indicate that there is an intelligent power governing this universe? Now let’s go to the other extreme. Let’s take the atom so infinitely small that, you know, I have never seen one. Hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms combine to form a microscopic molecule of water in the proportion of 2 to 1, two hydrogen atoms to one oxygen atom, always combining in the proportion of 2 to 1, never 3 to 1, nor 4 to 1, but 2 to 1.

00:06:40:26 - 00:07:12:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: Whether you look at the ocean or a raindrop, what you see is molecules of water formed by hydrogen combining with oxygen in the proportion of 2 to 1. Again, the working of along a law that operates with mathematical certainty. Now, doesn’t plain common sense tell you that the law which governs everything in this universe, from gigantic planets, millions and millions of miles away, down to microscopic things like atoms or even smaller.

00:07:12:11 - 00:07:19:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yet electrons can also govern human life and with the same degree of certainty.

00:07:19:09 - 00:07:20:25 Unknown Speaker: Yes. I begin to.

00:07:20:25 - 00:07:48:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: See your point. Suppose a molecule of water. We’re like a human being. Suppose it moved of its own volition, its own willpower. And suppose, instead of forming itself of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen in accordance with governing principle, it ignored the principle and used another proportion. That molecule would probably say, somehow or other, I’m not right.

00:07:48:08 - 00:08:18:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: I’m not as healthy. Normal molecules should be. I’m a failure. I guess I’m just unlucky. It’s simply that the molecule is not acting in accordance with the underlying law. And it’s the same way with men and women. Let me say something which I. I’d like to have you remember. If you forget everything else, the difference between success and failure lies in the understanding of the law governing success and failure.

00:08:18:13 - 00:08:23:20 Frank Bruce Robinson: You can argue any way you want to, but you can’t get away from that fact.

00:08:23:22 - 00:08:29:13 Unknown Speaker: But, doctor, you say this law has always existed. I thought your discovery was something new.

00:08:29:15 - 00:08:40:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: The law isn’t new. The power has always existed. I have been fortunate enough to discover how men and women can apply it to their own life. Can tune into this power.

00:08:40:10 - 00:08:45:15 Unknown Speaker: And people are making this discovery. This philosophy of yours actually work.

00:08:45:18 - 00:09:09:25 Frank Bruce Robinson: I think that question answers itself. If my philosophy were not helping people. It certainly would not have the widespread acceptance it has today. Doesn’t it stand to reason that the philosophy, which has thousands and thousands of followers in all parts of the world must work, must produce result not vague, abstract and tangible result which will happen sometime in the future.

00:09:09:27 - 00:09:18:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: But practical benefits that happen right now benefits that any person if he is willing, can I join?

00:09:18:03 - 00:09:20:02 Unknown Speaker: It sounds like a miracle doctor.

00:09:20:05 - 00:09:48:06 Frank Bruce Robinson: No, it isn’t a miracle. I am not a miracle man. I haven’t any magic potion or formula. I have perfected my studies and proven them just as inventors study and perfect radio. One is no more marvelous nor impossible than the other. They both have come about through scientific research. Let me make a little confession. 40 years ago, there never lived a bigger failure than I was for 40 years.

00:09:48:09 - 00:10:10:24 Frank Bruce Robinson: I had struggled with the winds of adversity and was defeated at every turn. I blundered along, lacking all the things I wanted and getting nowhere. I was like a man in an automobile who doesn’t know how to control nor steer that automobile. The mechanism was there. The power was there, but I did not know how to use it.

00:10:10:27 - 00:10:37:11 Frank Bruce Robinson: And just like such a man in an automobile. Finally, the crash came. Then I began to do some thinking, some thinking that I should have done years before. It occurred to me that surely the great overwhelming power, or a law which created and governs the whole universe, is powerful enough to give me the little things I needed for success, happiness, and financial independence.

00:10:37:13 - 00:11:13:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: If I only knew how to tap that bar to tune into it. I started out a plan, but it did work. And it did work. It worked for me, and since then it has worked for thousands of others whose names and unsolicited testimonials crowd my field. It’s not a theory or an experiment. It’s a proven fact. All I ask is that a person who is earnest in his desire for the better things of life, put himself under my guidance for a few months, then just see what happened.

00:11:13:09 - 00:11:16:13 Unknown Speaker: And that’s. How do you tap this power. Doctor Robinson.

00:11:16:15 - 00:11:27:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: I’m afraid it’s going to take too long to answer that question. In the time we have left. But I promise you that I’ll tell you more about it the next time you call on me.

00:11:27:19 - 00:11:50:07 Unknown Speaker: All right, Doctor Robinson. And now, before I leave, would you be kind enough to play for me once more? Doing the play. That selection you were playing when I came in lets the rest of the world go by. You know, somehow there’s something restful about it. Something that brings a sense of peace. Gives a picture of these great open spaces.

00:11:50:07 - 00:11:51:08 Frank Bruce Robinson: Where you live.

00:11:51:11 - 00:11:59:12 Unknown Where?

00:11:59:14 - 00:12:04:15 Unknown There’s.

00:12:04:17 - 00:12:26:28 Unknown No.

00:12:27:00 - 00:12:47:27 Unknown Speaker: You have heard the voice of doctor Frank Robinson. Doctor Robinson has a vital message. Be sure to tune into his next broadcast, which will be announced in just a moment. But better than that. Write to him for the free outline of his discovery and philosophy. It will tell you much more about his astonishing plan than can be crowded into this series of little radio talks.

00:12:47:29 - 00:13:22:11 Unknown Speaker: It contains information which may change your whole life, information that may be the turning point from failure to success and it costs you nothing. A penny postcard will bring it to you. Just address doctor Frank Robinson, radio department, Moscow, Idaho. I’ll repeat that address. Doctor Frank Robinson, radio department, Moscow, Idaho. Be sure to put radio department in the address so your request will not get mixed up with the thousands of letters from Doctor Robinson.

00:13:22:14 - 00:13:37:19 Unknown Speaker: Students. Your doctor, Frank Robinson, radio department, Moscow, Idaho. We return you now to your local announcers.

Psychiana No. 1
MacGregor & Sollie Studios
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Fifteen minute radio broadcast begins with 'guide' asking general questions about Psychiana. Robinson asserts Psychiana can turn failure and into success, and uses how a radio works as an example of how knowing the God-Law allows people to 'tune in' to a great Power. Robinson also discusses what the God-Power is via the law that governs the cosmos and atoms.
Examples of God-Law Atom Science and Technology Cosmos
Item Information:
radio program
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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Preferred Citation:
"Psychiana No. 1", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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