Good News Item Info

Good News [transcript]

00:00:00:00 - 00:00:46:19 Unknown Speaker: You are a dreamer. But deep within the heart of you remains a lonely note. Ready to burst into a new song of happiness. Should it be offered faith. Then listen to these glad tidings. There is a spot we know not far away. Where you can find strength and courage. It is the home of doctor Frank B Robinson, noted psychologist and founder of psyche.

00:00:46:19 - 00:01:19:03 Unknown Speaker: Anna today your guide will lead you there to Moscow, Idaho. As you hear the actual voice of Doctor Robinson, remember that wise is he to insert brain doubt and loneliness. There have been hard roads for him, yet he has found the solution. He has traversed life into peace, just as you may do. If you will turn your thoughts with us on this transcribed journey to Doctor Robinson’s Sanctuary of Relief.

00:01:26:29 - 00:01:54:10 Unknown Speaker: We are now in Moscow, Idaho. They’re just a few paces away. Is the home of Doctor Robinson. It’s peace permeates into the very fiber of you. You feel a sense of, Surely care and strife have never touched this, but yet as we walk slowly along, the very breezes whisper. Come with your cares. Peace lies just the hand do you to feel a thrill of anticipation.

00:01:54:12 - 00:02:19:00 Unknown Speaker: Can this man know the solution to your suffering? Let no doubt to save you. Listen softly. The organ music leads us on to an open door. There is the home of doctor Frank B Robinson. He sits, musing at the console of its mighty organ. On wings of song he sends out his message of the mighty power of the living God realm.

00:02:19:03 - 00:02:42:21 Unknown Speaker: Let us stand here quietly.

00:02:42:23 - 00:02:48:12 Unknown Speaker: Do you feel a strength from this place to life. Seems to hold some promise. Now, Doctor Robinson.

00:02:48:15 - 00:02:51:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: There is always promise in life. Welcome to my home.

00:02:51:23 - 00:02:53:00 Unknown Speaker: Thank you. Doctor.

00:02:53:02 - 00:03:07:03 Frank Bruce Robinson: If you have problems that trouble you, you may have come to the right place. Others have traveled here, made to go on a new along a fresh path. Perhaps we can help you start again toward your hopes, just as our brothers give them.

00:03:07:03 - 00:03:22:01 Unknown Speaker: We have heard of and talked to so many people who have found peace and happiness through you. Doctor Robinson, how can we learn your courage? It seems so definitely a part of your strength. Yet that is what we have been blindly searching for.

00:03:22:04 - 00:03:27:01 Frank Bruce Robinson: You are like a ship being tossed about by the winds and the waves of the troubled seas.

00:03:27:02 - 00:03:29:04 Unknown Speaker: I suppose you’d call that being a misfit.

00:03:29:10 - 00:03:53:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: Every human life, without the motivating and guiding power of the great God realm, is what I call a misfit, lost on the seas of doubt and despair, without a rudder drifting helplessly, buffeted by every wind and blow. It has no known destiny. It couldn’t be anything else but a misfit. But put a pirate on board and put a rudder on that ship.

00:03:53:26 - 00:03:58:21 Frank Bruce Robinson: And notice how straight a course will be steered direct to the nearest part.

00:03:58:27 - 00:04:01:03 Unknown Speaker: And that same thing applies to human life.

00:04:01:08 - 00:04:24:18 Frank Bruce Robinson: Applies? Yes. Prior to the recognition of the infinite Spirit of God in that life. If you have no objectives, if you do not know where the points lie, if you know nothing of the hidden dangers beneath the surface of the ocean, how easily can your vessel become shipwrecked by striking a hidden or submerged rock that attuned to the God realm?

00:04:24:20 - 00:04:48:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Just see how easily you glide into the harbor of your dreams. See how your dreams become living, moving realities. This is what happened to a student in Jackson, Tennessee who wrote me this letter. It’s rather an amusing letter, but it does show the joy and peace which comes into a human life when that life finds the truth of the present existence of the God law.

00:04:48:08 - 00:04:49:22 Unknown Speaker: I’d like to hear that letter, doctor.

00:04:49:25 - 00:05:07:27 Frank Bruce Robinson: All right. She writes, dear Doctor Robinson, I have never been so thrilled in all my life. In fact, I weigh 196 pounds, and there is not enough room in me to hold all the joy and gladness that has come into my life with my understanding of the God law.

00:05:07:29 - 00:05:12:04 Unknown Speaker: Tell me, doctor Robinson, will that happiness continue through the year?

00:05:12:06 - 00:05:27:23 Frank Bruce Robinson: It will not only continue, it will grow. After a while, it will settle down into a great infinite peace. And this student will experience at her right hand a great power which she will be able to use whenever she feels like it.

00:05:27:24 - 00:05:31:03 Unknown Speaker: Why is that doctor? What is the explanation of it all?

00:05:31:06 - 00:05:57:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: This lady has experienced the first great joy of knowing that the invisible power of the God realm exists here, and now, and can actually be contacted and used by her. Quite naturally, she’s happy. How would you feel if you knew that close at hand? There exists a great spiritual power, which is God, and which can be used by you in the accomplishment of every right desire.

00:05:57:27 - 00:06:03:29 Unknown Speaker: That would be a marvelous motivation, doctor. But the attainment of that end, isn’t it a long, hard road?

00:06:03:29 - 00:06:26:26 Frank Bruce Robinson: Not at all. If you will notice on these letters here, they’re all dated 1938, all very recent letters. Here’s one from a woman in Pasco, Rhode Island, by the way, who writes, I used to want something very badly, and then I would be told by others that it was silly that there was too much competition. Oh, that such a thing could not be done.

00:06:26:28 - 00:06:43:10 Frank Bruce Robinson: Then it seemed I would be more determined than ever, and not only wish for it to come true, but actually believe and never doubt. But what it one. And whenever I desire to thing long enough and believe without doubting, I always seem to get it.

00:06:43:14 - 00:06:45:18 Unknown Speaker: And how would you explain that, Doctor Robinson?

00:06:45:20 - 00:07:09:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: It has been said that desire and accomplishment itself are but different ends of the same piece of string. The fact that the desire exists at all is absolute proof that the desire can of itself supply the answer. Desire is only evidence of a life. It was never meant for you or me to like anything which is for our own good or for the good of others.

00:07:09:12 - 00:07:14:00 Unknown Speaker: I notice a letter here from Moundsville, West Virginia, a quite recent date line.

00:07:14:03 - 00:07:40:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Yes, that letter is from a young girl who has a very interesting story to tell. She says, my dear Doctor Robinson, I struggle for years with the belief that I was a sinner because I could not feel toward certain ideas the way my friends did. I have been studying metaphysics for several years, and feel that all this time I have been laying a firm foundation for the discovery of the power of the God realm, as you teach it.

00:07:40:07 - 00:07:42:00 Unknown Speaker: How did you answer that girl, doctor?

00:07:42:02 - 00:08:02:19 Frank Bruce Robinson: I told her I was pleased, of course, that she was on the road to the discovery of the God Block. I told her how it was necessary for me to forget the beliefs of hundreds of years ago, before I could realize that right here and now, there exists a complete and abundant supply of everything I could ever wish to possess.

00:08:02:21 - 00:08:20:04 Frank Bruce Robinson: Everything you see here, this beautiful home, this fine organ, the Robinson Professional Building, the Daily News review, the exclusive prescription pharmacy. All these are living proof of what the God’s law can do for all who will give it an opportunity.

00:08:20:08 - 00:08:31:28 Unknown Speaker: Am I to understand that you teach the present existence of a spiritual power so dynamic that it can bring to this entire human race here and now, an abundance of material as well as spiritual supply.

00:08:32:00 - 00:08:33:29 Frank Bruce Robinson: That is my entire philosophy.

00:08:34:00 - 00:08:39:16 Unknown Speaker: And all of these letters you have been reading are from people who are discovering such actual benefits here and now.

00:08:39:19 - 00:08:45:18 Frank Bruce Robinson: You can answer that best yourself. Read this letter. The man who writes is student Lee Gordon.

00:08:45:25 - 00:09:09:21 Unknown Speaker: Lee Gordon from New York. Dear Doctor Robinson, I thank God that all through these years I was fortunate enough to fall into the hands of such a wonderful teacher. My health has improved considerably in these past seven years, both spiritual and mentally. I understand more each day about the God Law, things I did not know before, and I will pray for Keanna wherever I go.

00:09:09:24 - 00:09:13:07 Frank Bruce Robinson: Now I’d like to have you read what Tommy Burns wrote to me.

00:09:13:10 - 00:09:15:10 Unknown Speaker: Oh, you mean the world heavyweight champion?

00:09:15:14 - 00:09:18:00 Frank Bruce Robinson: That’s that I am. Now read the letter.

00:09:18:03 - 00:09:35:01 Unknown Speaker: my dear Doctor Robinson, the mighty God power of the universe is working wonders for me. I have two boys that I am training. I hope to have a world champion boxer in time. I’ll have the power of the universe behind them. We are all very happy in our world.

00:09:35:03 - 00:09:41:05 Frank Bruce Robinson: And just as surely as this new revelation of God is working for him, it will work for you.

00:09:41:08 - 00:09:48:18 Unknown Speaker: I suppose. Hundreds of thousands of men and women all over the world are writing to you for information regarding psyche. The Doctor Robinson.

00:09:48:21 - 00:10:07:28 Frank Bruce Robinson: One day last month. In one day only over 3700 free lectures left our international headquarters in Moscow, Idaho. Now that’s a lot of free lectures to send out in less than eight hours. Tens of thousands of others are writing to tell me of the wonderful revelation this teaching has given us.

00:10:08:00 - 00:10:11:29 Unknown Speaker: One. There are so many thousands. It just can’t be a coincidence. Kenneth.

00:10:12:02 - 00:10:22:01 Frank Bruce Robinson: If there was ever any doubt in my mind as to the present existence of this dynamic God, laugh. That doubt is very effectively banished by these letters.

00:10:22:05 - 00:10:29:01 Unknown Speaker: And it must make you very happy, Doctor Robinson, to know that thousands are at last discovering that man can now talk with God.

00:10:29:07 - 00:10:41:13 Frank Bruce Robinson: Not only that, man can talk with God, but being able to do that, they can bring to themselves and their families whatever they need for their complete happiness. Both spiritually and materially.

00:10:41:17 - 00:11:03:23 Unknown Speaker: These are wonderful words, doctor. You know, as we approached your home today, our souls who are heavy laden, all feeling of despondency has vanished now, and we’re eager to move forward that others 2nd May learn of your wondrous teaching. Before we go on, may we ask one more favor? Would you play again an organ melody like the one that lifted our spirits as we came in?

00:11:03:26 - 00:11:08:14 Frank Bruce Robinson: It’s always a pleasure to pay for you, Bob. And for all my friends.

00:11:08:17 - 00:11:36:18 Unknown Speaker: And as the mighty organ pours forth its powerful moving melody, may I take this opportunity to present your personal message to all who seek the power of the God’s love, the power that is revealed in Psyche and Doctor Robinson personally want you to know, whoever you are, whatever you want to become, that this power is yours. If you would grasp it and learn its meaning, nothing can sway the truth of this mighty God realm.

00:11:36:20 - 00:12:00:23 Unknown Speaker: No prayers are too great for its comprehension. You may be a lonely sheepherder on the African belt or a stricken invalid hopeless in the depths of despair. Remember, this power is for everyone. It is beside you now and will bring life, spirit and sustenance. Just address the postcard to doctor Frank B Robinson, Moscow, Idaho and he will send you free.

00:12:01:00 - 00:12:25:16 Unknown Speaker: He is 6000 word digest pages filled with vivid realities and the thunderous message of the mighty God, Lord Doctor Robinson will also send you personally a picture of himself as he looks now seated at the console of his own magnificent organ. Just a postcard or letter, if you choose. We’ll bring this generous offering address. Doctor Frank B Robinson, Moscow, Idaho.

00:12:25:19 - 00:12:46:17 Unknown Speaker: And the doctor Robinson says, May the spirit of eternal peace and power abide with you forever.

00:12:46:19 - 00:13:18:14 Unknown Speaker: The key to a richer life is in your hands. Take it and unlock the door to all the happiness you can use. Unlock the door by simply sending a postcard to doctor Frank B Robinson of Moscow, Idaho. Or to the station which brings you this message of hope and encourage man. You will receive immediately a handsome photograph of Doctor Robinson and the 6000 word digest, which describes the very first revelation of the power of psychiatric.

00:13:18:17 - 00:13:58:28 Unknown Speaker: These will be sent to room if you write today to doctor Frank B Robinson. Moscow, Idaho. Spelled m o s c o w or in care of this station.

Good News
The Izzard Company
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Radio program corresponding with transcript Radio Psychiana - Series for Dr. Frank B. Robinson No. 4. Episode begins with 'guide' leading listeners to Robinson's house where Robinson plays his organ. Robinson uses a metaphor of being lost at sea and the term 'misfit' to describe those who don't have access to the God-Power. Robinson then reads testimonials from students who have acquired happiness and all the desires they seek by finding the God-Power, which Robinson stresses does not take long as shown by reading recent dates on the letters.
Lost Misfit Hardships Success Material Abundance Testimonials God-Power
Item Information:
radio program
Related Publication:
Good News
MG 101, Frank Bruce Robinson. Papers, 1929-1951, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives,
Original Indentifier:
MG-101, Box 5, Tapes

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"Good News", Psychiana Digital Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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