About Malcolm M. Renfrew Interdisciplinary Colloquium
The Malcolm M. Renfrew Interdisciplinary Colloquium (MRIC) is a long standing series of lectures by distinguished members of the University of Idaho community presenting and describing their approach to teaching and/or research in their respective disciplines.
The lectures explore the specific subjects and methodologies that define the disciplines within which the speakers work.
In 2015, the colloquium received the university’s award for excellence in interdisciplinary and collaborative efforts.
The colloquium is named in honor of Professor Malcolm M. Renfrew (1910-2013), esteemed chemist, teacher, artist, trombonist, philanthropist, and Vandal. Professor Renfrew has combined an interest in science with enduring interests in the arts and humanities. An important and influential chemist and teacher, Professor Renfrew is also an accomplished painter. His robust curiosity made Professor Renfrew a fixture in the early years of the University Interdisciplinary Colloquium, providing important and helpful guidance to the series directors. The series was renamed after Professor Renfrew in 2010 on his 100th birthday.
About the Web Archive
The MRIC website contains a record of colloquium lectures stretching back to 2010, often including links to video recordings. However, in autumn 2015 the University of Idaho website moved to an updated platform and older items were removed from the system.
To ensure continued access to the unique record of the MRIC lectures, University of Idaho Library captured the pages in their web context as of October 2015 and continues to harvest content on an annual basis. Select materials are made available in the Web Archive Collections. The archive contains more than 240 items that can searched in the table or by Google Custom Search.
Please note, to preserve basic functionality outside of the original content management system, all JavaScript and external dependencies found in the original web pages have been removed. Some images, links, and functionality may be broken or out of date. The content is not displayed as originally intended. If you would like to recover a broken link, please try pasting the URL in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
For current information, please visit Malcolm M. Renfrew Interdisciplinary Colloquium.