Browse the MRIC Archives
Malcolm M. Renfrew Interdisciplinary Colloquium is a long standing lecture series by distinguished members of the University of Idaho community presenting and describing their approach to teaching and research in their disciplines. This web archive preserves access to a record of past lectures as presented on the MRIC website, often including an abstract and video recordings.
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Showing 1 to 20 of 248 entries
Year | Title | Abstract |
2001/02 | Spring 2002 | Spring 2002 January 29 James Foster - Computer Science Jean'ne Shreeve - Chemistry Holly Wichman - Biology "Doing Science in the University: Practical Considerations" February 5 Ellen Kittell - History "From Archive to Printed Page" February 12 Colleen Taugher - Art "Can... View |
2002/03 | Spring 2003 | Spring 2003 January 28 "Interdisciplinary Research at the University of Idaho" Charles R Hatch - Research & Graduate Studies February 4 "Crisis in the Public Realm" Nels Reese - Architecture February 11 "Villa Bitricci Viva Las Vegas" David Giese -... View |
2003/04 | Spring 2004 | Spring 2004 January 27 "Bats, cats, and "rats": what they can tell us about making humans live longer, healthier lives" Steve Austad - Biological Sciences February 3 "Lost in Space-Organization of Spatial Memory and its Potential Role in Architectural Design" ... View |
2004/05 | Visual Culture and Culture Studies | "Visual Culture and Culture Studies" September 21 Ivan Castaneda - Art & Design Abstract: Since its beginning in Britain in the 1950's, the field of Cultural Studies has in many ways defined what a possible interdisciplinary discipline might be. Unfortunately,... View |
2004/05 | Fall 2004 | Fall 2004 September 7 "Probing the Earth’s Interior with Galápagos Volcanoes" Dennis Geist - Geology September 14 "Promoting Biomedical Research in Idaho" Mike Laskowski - Biology & WWAMI September 21 "Visual Culture and Culture Studies"Ivan Castaneda - Art & Design... View |
2004/05 | Probing the Earth’s Interior with Galápagos Volcanoes | "Probing the Earth’s Interior with Galápagos Volcanoes" September 7 Dennis Geist - Geology Abstract: The Galapagos Islands are best known for their biota, but they also form one of nature's premier natural laboratories for studying the earth's deep interior. The... View |
2004/05 | Financial Engineering: The Process of Measuring and Controlling Risk | "Financial Engineering: The Process of Measuring and Controlling Risk" September 28 Terry Grieb - Business & Economics Abstract: Risk management is at the core of successful business operations. This discussion will explore the current methods for identifying risk exposures... View |
2004/05 | Promoting Biomedical Research in Idaho | "Promoting Biomedical Research in Idaho" September 14 Mike Laskowski -Biology & WWAMI Abstract: Three years ago the state of Idaho was offered a unique opportunity to enhance its biomedical research. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) requested proposals to build... View |
2004/05 | A Periodic Table of the Moles: Building Bridges to Native American Students | "A Periodic Table of the Moles: Building Bridges to Native American Students" October 19 Nick Natale - Chemistry Abstract: The public image of chemistry is not so positive. What's the first word you associate with "chemical"? (usually: toxic). The American... View |
2004/05 | Thelma and Louise meet the Hilton sisters at the court of Louis XIV: Editing the Memoirs of Hortense and Marie Mancini | "Thelma and Louise meet the Hilton sisters at the court of Louis XIV: Editing the Memoirs of Hortense and Marie Mancini" October 12 Sarah Nelson - Foreign Languages and Literatures Abstract: Since 1992, an important project of canon expansion has... View |
2004/05 | Equine Cloning: Past, Present and Future | "Equine Cloning: Past, Present and Future" October 5 Dirk Vanderwall - Animal and Veterinary Science Abstract: The ability to clone mammals using somatic cell nuclear transfer (e.g., Dolly the sheep) has been recognized as a scientific milestone, because it demonstrated... View |
2004/05 | Turning Your World Upside Down: A Sabbatical Adventure | "Turning Your World Upside Down: A Sabbatical Adventure" November 2 Margrit von Braun - College of Graduate Studies Abstract: "Turning your World Upside Down: A Sabbatical Adventure" The opportunity to take a sabbatical leave is one of the privileges of... View |
2004/05 | The Benefits and Challenges of Launching a New Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program | "The Benefits and Challenges of Launching a New Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program" October 26 Lisette Waits - Wildlife Resources Abstract: To achieve biodiversity conservation and sustainable production in anthropogenically fragmented landscapes, scientists need to be trained in a holistic fashion that... View |
2004/05 | What’s a Poem Worth? | "What’s a Poem Worth?" November 30 Robert Wrigley - English Abstract: There is considerable evidence to suggest that poetry may well be the least practical art in existence, though its impracticality, from the poet’s point of view, at least, is... View |
2004/05 | Cautionary Tales of Adoption: Addressing the Litigation Crisis at the Moment of Adoption | "Cautionary Tales of Adoption: Addressing the Litigation Crisis at the Moment of Adoption" March 29th Liz Brandt - Law Abstract: Litigation between adoptive parents and unwed fathers is on the rise. Public (and political) attention was brought to the issue... View |
2004/05 | A Sense of Direction | "A Sense of Direction" April 5th Robert Caisley - Theatre Arts Abstract: From text analysis and production design, to working with actors in rehearsal ... here's one director's approach to the process of staging a play for an audience.... View |
2004/05 | Fire and Myth | "Fire and Myth" March 1st Lauren Fins - Forest Resources Abstract: Images of fire are deeply rooted in the mythos of cultures around the globe. Of the many forces of nature, our relationship with fire is perhaps the most elemental... View |
2004/05 | Creating Community Conversations Through the Use of Participatory Videography | "Creating Community Conversations Through the Use of Participatory Videography" March 22nd Lorie Higgins - Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology Abstract: This presentation describes and shows a video depicting three Palouse farm families. The video represents an exploratory use of visual... View |
2004/05 | How Much Do I Have to Know to Design a Bridge?: Engineering Around Ignorance | "How Much Do I Have to Know to Design a Bridge?: Engineering Around Ignorance" February 8th Richard Nielsen - Civil Engineering Abstract: An ever-present challenge in structural engineering is the need to design something without knowing exactly how it... View |
2004/05 | Sex and the Citizen: Doctors, Reproductive Manuals, and Fashionable | "Sex and the Citizen: Doctors, Reproductive Manuals, and Fashionable April 12th Sean Quinlan - History Abstract: In the early years of the Napoleonic Consulate and Empire (1799–1815), there appeared an extraordinarily popular (and salacious) medical literature on human sexuality, reproductive... View |