Freeze Community Church

Potlatch, Idaho

Freeze Community Church (Site # 78)

Location: Potlatch, Idaho. 46.96299885, -116.9496327

Description: Built in 1889, the church and cemetery were once part of the small-thriving community of Freeze founded in 1877. John Freeze donated the land for the church and the headstones in the cemetery date to 1873. The church is significant for its association with the settlement of Deep Creek Valley, the short-lived town of Freeze, and for its connection with the rural community. The architectural style provides an example of the simple- vernacular construction of a religious building in Idaho.

Related: church rural cemetery

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Preferred Citation:
"Freeze Community Church", Latah County Historic Places, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/latahsites/items/latahsites0008.html

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