Socioeconomic analysis of a major rehabilitation of irrigation and water management systems in eastern Idaho. Research technical completion report, project B-033-IDA Item Info
- Title:
- Socioeconomic analysis of a major rehabilitation of irrigation and water management systems in eastern Idaho. Research technical completion report, project B-033-IDA
- Authors:
- Busch, John R.; Lindeborg, Karl H.
- Date Created (ISO Standard):
- 1975-06
- Description:
- High water tables caused by overuse of irrigation water have created physical and socio economic problems in some areas of Southeastern Idaho. In one area, the Snake River Fan of Jefferson County, the irrigation systems and management practices were investigated to determine their contribution to the high water table problem. The investigations showed that the present systems are quite inefficient due to soils with high water intake rates, long irrigation runs and duplication of many irrigation canals. Engineering and economic analyses were made to determine the least cost method of rehabilitating the present system and to determine the capability of the area to support various rehabilitation schemes. Both analyses utilized linear programming models to determine optimum solutions subject to various social and legal constraints. The results obtained indicate that present practices are the most economical for the present cost and availability of water. Wells equipped with high head pumps supplying sprinkler systems appear to be the best alternative if a marked increase in overall irrigation efficiency is to be achieved. Farm sizes of 160 acres or more would be necessary to produce enough net income to support any major rehabilitation scheme.
- Subjects:
- water table rise irrgation practices economic evaluation
- Location:
- Jefferson County, Idaho
- Latitude:
- 43.8
- Longitude:
- -112.25
- Collection:
- IWRRI number:
- 197507
- Rights:
- In copyright, educational use permitted. Educational use includes non-commercial reproduction of text and images in materials for teaching and research purposes. For other contexts beyond fair use, including digital reproduction, please contact the University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives Department at libspec@uidaho.edu. The University of Idaho Library is not liable for any violations of the law by users.
- Publisher:
- University of Idaho
- Contributing Institution:
- University of Idaho
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- application/pdf
- Cataloger:
- wbv
- Date Digitized:
- 2012
- Preferred Citation:
- "Socioeconomic analysis of a major rehabilitation of irrigation and water management systems in eastern Idaho. Research technical completion report, project B-033-IDA", Idaho Waters Digital Library, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/iwdl/items/iwdl-busch_1975.html
- Rights:
- In copyright, educational use permitted. Educational use includes non-commercial reproduction of text and images in materials for teaching and research purposes. For other contexts beyond fair use, including digital reproduction, please contact the University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives Department at libspec@uidaho.edu. The University of Idaho Library is not liable for any violations of the law by users.
- Standardized Rights:
- http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/