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Title | Date | Description | Subjects |
Financial Statement 1966-67 Biennial Period | Financial record of Idaho Chapter Wildlife Society from 1966 to 1967 (approximately). | records; payments; financial records | |
Program Agenda | Program containing an agenda and tour committees list. | agendas; records; meetings | |
The Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bonneville Power Administration and the Idaho Power Company Presents A Workshop on Raptors and Energy Developments | A collection of documents, abstracts and an agenda. | summaries; agendas (administrative records); reports; discussions; presentations; speeches (documents); meetings | |
Voluntary Workshop Questionnaire | A questionnaire for the outdoor ethics workshop post-activities, and a facilitator's worksheet. | questionnaires; informational forms; worksheets; instructional documents | |
Wolf Symposium | Two 'Wolf Symposium' registration forms. | registrations; informational forms | |
Project Wild Volunteer Categories | Two 'Project Wild Volunteer Categories' forms. | registrations; informational forms; volunteering; volunteers | |
Auction Items | Handwritten roster of auction items, buyers, and prices. | roster; payments; informational forms; records; handwritten | |
The Raffle Items | List of raffle items and their descriptions. | auctions; items; descriptors | |
Notes - Math | Lined notebook paper containing tally marks and basic calculations. | handwritten; calculations; mathematics; tally marks | |
1987 Business Meeting | Summary of a business meeting, and a auction list of donors, items, buyers, and prices. | summaries; discussions; meetings; auctions; items; descriptors | |
Strategy Plan for the Regional Raptor Management Symposium Series | A plan for the 'Regional Raptor Management Symposium'. | instructional forms; plans; notes (documents); handwritten | |
Strategy Plan to Organize a Regional Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop in the Western United States | A plan for the 'Regional Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop'. | plans; agendas (administrative records); timelines | |
Instructions for Speakers | A document detailing instructions for speakers at a session. | documents; informational forms; instructional documents | |
Preparation of Slides for Papers | A document providing suggestions for speakers to improve their presentations. | documents; informational forms; instructional documents; presentations | |
1991 Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society | The agenda for the 1991 annual meeting. | agendas; discussions; meetings | |
Instructions for Moderators | A document providing instructions for moderators. | documents; informational forms; instructional documents; presentations | |
Auction Items for the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society 1991 Fundraiser | List of auction items and their donors. | auctions; items | |
Idaho Chapter | Idaho Chapter title page. | title pages; documents | |
1993 IC-TWS Business Meeting Agenda | List of business proceedings and names. | summaries; reports; names; meetings | |
Implementing Ecosystem Management | 1994 annual meeting agenda. | meetings; agendas (administrative records) | |
Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting | Document providing meeting and workshop information. | documents; meetings; workshops | |
1995 Farm Bill: Wildlife Populations | An explanatory document on the '1995 Farm Bill: Wildlife Populations'. | documents; informational forms; bills (legislation); letters (correspondence) | |
Volunteer List | Volunteer list for 2005. | lists; volunteering | |
Special Recognition Award Draft | Special Recognition Award Draft' document with sections 'Criteria', 'Nominations', 'Committee Business', and 'Presentation of Award'. | awards; recognitions; committees; documents | |
ICTWS Scholarship Program | A document detailing the plan to launch an ICTWS scholarship program with details on objectives and needs for it to occur. | scholarships; committees; documents; plans; programs; applications |