The Effect of Multi-Nutrient Fertilization on Understory Vegetation Nutrient Concentrations in Inland Northwest Conifer Stands Item Info

The Effect of Multi-Nutrient Fertilization on Understory Vegetation Nutrient Concentrations in Inland Northwest Conifer Stands
VanderSchaaf, C.L.; Moore, J.A.; Kingery, J.L.
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This study looked at the effects that multi-nutrient fertilization had on understory vegetation nutrient concentrations at four conifer forested locations in the inland Northwest. Multi-nutrient fertilization of conifer stands cannot only enhance the overstory species in the inland Northwest but also the understory vegetation. Determination of nutrient concentration response to fertilization treatments can provide managers the ability to better manipulate their forests for grazing and wildlife habitat. We grouped the understory vegetation into three general life forms: forbs, grasses and grass-likes, and shrubs. Multi-nutrient fertilization had little effect on nitrogen concentration across all life forms. Potassium and sulfur generally increased in concentration. Micronutrients as a whole showed less variability in response to multi-nutrient fertilization. Boron, copper, molybdenum, and zinc generally showed increases in concentrations across all life forms.We were able to conduct analyses on a selected number of understory vegetation species. Individual species showed variability in nutrient concentration response to multi-nutrient fertilization. Wildlife habitat and grazing quality were both increased and decreased following multi-nutrient fertilization. Increases in nutrient concentrations will provide more nutritious vegetation to these animals and vice versa for decreases in concentrations.
research (document genres) shrubs grasses (plants) fertilizer statistics
North and Central Idaho; Eastern Washington; Western Montana; Northeastern Oregon
Forest Ecology and Management
VanderSchaaf, C.L., J.A. Moore, and J.L. Kingery. 2004. The effect of multi-nutrient fertilization on understory vegetation nutrient concentrations in inland Northwest conifer stands. Elsevier, Forest Ecology and Management 190(2-3): 201-218.
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"The Effect of Multi-Nutrient Fertilization on Understory Vegetation Nutrient Concentrations in Inland Northwest Conifer Stands", Idaho Forestry Research Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections, https://www.lib.uidaho.edu/digital/forestryresearch/items/forestryresearch952.html
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