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Title | Date | Description | Subjects |
Cyclamen | This image was unlabeled, but is thought to be a type of Cyclamen. | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants | |
Abutilon | Common name: Flowering Maple. This image was unlabeled, but is thought to be a Flowering Maple. | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants | |
Oenothera | The photo's envelope reads: 'Oenothera. enl. f1.1 mask #1 4 minutes.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants | |
Xerophyllum tenax | The photo's envelope reads: 'Pend d'Oreille Nat Forest. S E of Cedar Ln. near top of mountain on 1928? burn, under Abies, Larise, Pseudotsuga. Herbaceous epilobium angustifolium. Cares sp. Shrubs, Rubus parviflorus & sorbus sitchensis. Xerophyllum tenax, (Pursh) Nutt. A16, T1/5", D5', 10:30 AM. Full sun. Height - 43". Spike 11" x .5".' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants | |
Unidentified Man on Horse | Unidentified man riding on a horse through a grassy area. | horse; horseback riding; horse riding; | |
Porcupine | A porcupine walking through a forested area. | animals; wildlife; porcupine; forest | |
Devil's Club | An image of Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus). | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants | |
Unidentified | Unidentified plants. | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants | |
A Contribution to the Latah Flora of Idaho by Thomas R. Ashlee | 1932-06 | A Contribution to the Latah Flora of Idaho by Thomas R. Ashlee, University of Idaho. Reprinted from Northwest Science, 6-69-82, June 1932. | publication; scholarly article; scholarly journal; plants; flora; Latah County; Idaho; botany |
Penstemon eriantherus [2] | 1932-06-18 | Common name: Fuzzytongue Penstemon. The photo's envelope reads: 'June 18 - 32. Penstemon eriantherus, Pursh. Blue var. 2' high. A16, T1/5", 4 PM, cloudy. Enl mask #1 f11 1 min. Garden [of] Dr. F. B. Laney. (Originally from Seven Devil Mts). Moscow, Ida.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Specifications on Envelope [2] | 1932-06-18 | Front side of envelope containing plant specifications for a Penstemon eriantherus (Fuzzytongue Penstemon) in the garden of Dr. F. B. Laney. Envelope reads: 'June 18 - 32. Penstemon eriantherus, Pursh. Blue var. 2' high. A16, T1/5", 4 PM, cloudy. Enl mask #1 f11 1 min. garden Dr. F. B. Laney (Originally from Seven Devils Mts). Moscow, Ida.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Oenothera pallida | 1932-06-20 | Common name: Pale Evening Primrose. The photo's envelope reads: 'Oenothera pallida, Lindl. A open, T1' 8 PM. A16, T1'. June 20 - 32. Dr. Laney's garden Moscow, Idaho. Originally from near Riggins, Ida. Salmon River.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Veratrum californicum [1] | 1932-06-26 | Common name: Corn Lily. The photo's envelope reads: 'June 26 - 32. Veratrum californicum, Durand. T1/50", A32, 1PM, bright sun, windy. #11. Mask 3, T45". Between Cery & Troy, Idaho.' Note: This plant is extremely poisonous. | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Veratrum californicum [2] | 1932-06-26 | Common name: Corn Lily. An unidentified man stands examining the plants. The photo's envelope reads: 'Veratrum californicum, Durand. June 26 - 32. T1/52", A32, 10 AM, BT Sun. T1/5", A16, 4 PM, Dull. Group, clump. Enl mask #1 f11 1 1/2".' | plants; botany; flora; native plants |
Pyrola picta | 1932-07-25 | Common name: Whiteveined Wintergreen. The photo's envelope reads: 'Pyrola picta, Smith. A16, T1/2", Dull, 10 AM. July 25 - 32. 2 mi due W of Little Baldy St Joe Natl Forest. #5.5".' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Nuphar polysepala | 1932-08-02 | Common name: Great Yellow Pond-lily. In the background, an unidentified man examines the pond lilies. The photo's envelope reads: 'Nuphar polysepala, Engelm. aug 20 - 32. 4 mi E of Princeton, Ida. 8"#3.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Nuphar polysepala [2] | 1932-08-20 | Common name: Great Yellow Pond-lily. In the background, an unidentified man is sitting and examining the lilies. The photo's envelope reads: 'Nuphar polysepala, Engelm. (Nymphea polysepala, green (Engelm). Aug 20 - 32. 4 mi E of Princeton, Ida. 10"#3.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Viola adunca | 1933-05-14 | Common name: Dog Violet. The photo's envelope reads: 'Viola adunca. T.1/25', A16, Full Sun 3PM. Foot of Viola grade. May 12-1933. Enl mask # f22 1 1/2 min.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Mertensia longiflora | 1933-05-14 | Common name: Small and Long Bluebells. The photo's envelope reads: 'Enl. + Calypso mask #3. f11 50 sec. Mertensia longiflora. T1/5, A16, Full Sun. 5pm. May 14 - 33. Canon [?] off Viola grade. | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Clematis columbiana | 1933-05-14 | Common name: Rock Clematis. The photo's envelope reads: 'Clematis columbiana. T1", A16, 4 PM. Shade of forest off Viola grade. May 14 - 33. Enl. mask #2 upright f16 2 1/2 min f11 1 1/4 min. 8"#3.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Iris | 1933-05-25 | The photo's envelope reads: 'Iris. Tomer's Butte. May 25 - 33-.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Field of Camassia | 1933-05-30 | The photo's envelope reads: 'May 30 - 33 Miller R. Boville. Field of Camassia (Free Meadow). A8, T1/50. #2, 4". #5, 10" Best.' | plants; botany; flora; native plants |
Erythronium grandiflorum | 1933-05-30 | Common name: Yellow avalanche Lily. The photo's envelope reads: 'Erythronium grandiflorum. f16 1/5" 11am full sun. May 30 1933 Miller Rch Bovill. Enl mask 2 f16 1 min 28".' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |
Erythronium parviflorum | 1933-05-30 | Common name: Glacier Lily. The photo's envelope reads: 'May 30 - 33 Miller R Boville. Erythronium parviflorum, (Wats) gooding. A16-5, T1/25". 11 AM Full Sun. A16 T1/5". A16, 1/25. #4 1 1/2 (sinu redweeds).' | plants; botany; flora; native plants |
Anemone piperi | 1933-05-30 | Common name: Piper's Anemone. The photo's envelope reads: 'May 30 - 33. Miller R Boville. #2 40 sec. Anemone piperi, Britt. A16, T1/2", Dist 22", Full sun. 1:15 PM. Enl. f11 2 1/4 min no2 mask.' | plants; botany; Idaho; flora; native plants |