Collection Data
Download this collection's data in a variety of reusable formats.
Complete Metadata
All metadata fields for all collection items, available as a CSV spreadsheet (usable in Excel, Google Sheets, and similar programs) or JSON file (often used with web applications).
Metadata CSV Metadata JSONMetadata Facets
List of unique values and their count for specific metadata fields, useful for understanding content of the fields.
Facets JSONSubject Metadata
Unique values and counts of subject metadata, useful for further analyzing the content of this collection.
Subjects CSV Subjects JSONLocations
Unique values and counts of location metadata, useful for further visualization and analysis of this collection's place names.
Locations CSV Locations JSONWebsite Source Code
GitHub repository containing source code for this project built with CollectionBuilder-CSV.
Source CodeCollection Metadata
The table below provides sorting and basic search of the collection contents. Use the “CSV” button below to download the filtered metadata you see on the page. Alternatively, click the “Download” button at the top right to view the full collection metadata in various formats.
Title | Date | Type | Number | Abstract |
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