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Title | Date | Description | Subjects |
Double diamond edger | Blueprint of a 54" big diamond edger manufactured by Diamond Iron Works, Minneapolis, Minnesota. The right side of the document is torn. | blueprints; ironworks (factories) | |
Detail sketch of cast sections for log haul-up channel | Detail sketch of cast sections for log haul-up channel for the Craig Mountain Lumber Company, designed by A.P. Evans. | blueprints; cast steel; flumes; | |
Cross Section and Longitudinal Section | Diagram of the cross and longitudinal sections for the feed hole tile, Craig Mountain Lumber Company. | preliminary drawings; cross sections (general, parts) | |
Boiler Grate Bars | Diagram of boiler grate bars for the Craig Mountain Lumber Company. | preliminary drawings; boilers (HVAC components) | |
Fire brick cross-section | Fire brick cross-section detail sketch for the Craig Mountain Lumber Company. | blueprints; fire bricks; cross sections; | |
The Prescott Bandmill-Pacific Type | The Prescott Bandmill-Pacific Type built by the Prescott Company, Menominee, Michigan. There is a tear in the right top corner. | blueprints; bandmills; sawmills; | |
Trimmer feed and lumber return sawmill | Trimmer feed and lumber return sawmill blueprint for the Craig Mountain Lumber Company, Winchester, Idaho. This mechanism feeds logs into the trimmer, which cuts the log to rough dimensions to remove bark and debris before moving to the sawyer's carriage for further processing. | blueprints; sawmills; trimmers; feeds; returns; elevations; | |
9 ft. [foot] band mill table | 9 ft. [foot] band mill table. Machine is located in the saw mill at Craig Mountain Lumber Co. Winchester, Idaho. | blueprints; band mills; saw mills; lumber; | |
Planing mill | Planing mill blueprint for the Craig Mountain Lumber Co. Winchester, Idaho | blueprints; planing mills; steam plants; saw mills; lumber; | |
Planing mill engine room [1] | Planing mill engine room blueprint for the Craig Mountain Lumber Co. Winchester, Idaho | blueprints; planing mills; steam plants; saw mills; lumber; engine rooms; steam engines; | |
Planing mill engine room [2] | Details of the engine room basement foundations to facilitate the installation of a sprinkler system for fire prevention. This is likely a requirement of the insurance company around the time of the planning of the shaving vault ventilation system. The Craig Mountain Lumber Co. Winchester, Idaho. | blueprints; fire prevention equipment; sprinklers; engine rooms; foundations; generators; | |
Traverse of Lake Lapwai | Traverse of Lake Lapwai map for the Craig Mountain Lumber Co. | maps; proposals; requirements; mill ponds; railway depots; saw mills; traverses; | |
Detail for construction and hanging of the Hussey dry kiln doors | Detail for construction and hanging of the Hussey Dry Kiln Doors, Furnished by the North Coast Dry Kiln Co, Seattle, WN. [Washington] To fireproof the kiln doors, Asbestos is used. | blueprints; doors; kilns; drying kilns; lumber; curing; seasoning; mills; saw mills; | |
Cottage front elevation drawing plan | Front elevation and floor plan for Cottage for Bank of Spirit Lake. | elevations; floor plans; cottages; | |
Map showing timber lands of Craig Mountain Lumber Co. in Nez Perce County | Map showing Timber Lands of Craig Mountain Lumber Co. in Nez Perce County, Idaho. A map color key indicates the different lands owned by McCann Lands, the Indian Reserve, homesteaders, and Craig Mountain Lumber Co. | maps; timber sales; lumber companies; Idaho; Oregon; Washington; | |
General drawing for knee and hammer dog | 1904-03-18 | General drawing by knee and hammer dog built by the Filer and Stowell Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | blueprints; hammer dogs; mills; machinery; saw carriages; |
Front and sectional view of 500 HP [horsepower] Geary water-tube boiler and vertical baffling | 1908-07-23 | Front and sectional view of 500 HP [horsepower] Geary water-tube boiler and vertical baffling blueprint, Oil City Boiler Works. | blueprints; boilers; power houses; steam plants; saw mills; sections; elevations; |
500 HP [horsepower] Geary water-tube boiler foundation plan | 1908-07-23 | 500 HP [horsepower] Geary water-tube boiler foundation plan and vertical baffling blueprint, Oil City Boiler Works. | blueprints; boilers; power houses; steam plants; saw mills; foundation plans; |
500 HP [horsepower] Geary water-tube boiler side elevation | 1908-07-23 | 500 HP [horsepower] Geary water-tube boiler side elevation and vertical baffling blueprint, Oil City Boiler Works. | blueprints; boilers; power houses; steam plants; saw mills; |
Valve operating mechanism for valves on 14" [inch] steam feed | 1908-09-18 | Valve operating mechanism for valves on 14" [inch] steam feed. This mechanism uses steam power to actuate the log carriage; feeding the log into the saw blades and then retracting the carriage for recalibration. | blueprints; log carriages; steam feeds; saw mills; |
Elevations for Cottage for Bank of Spirit Lake | 1908-09-28 | Elevations blueprint for cottage for Bank of Spirit Lake, Spirit Lake, Idaho. | blueprints; cottages; elevations; Sections; plans; |
Plans and elevations for Cottage for Bank of Spirit Lake | 1908-10-03 | Plans and elevations blueprint for the Cottage for Bank of Spirit Lake, Spirit Lake, Idaho. | blueprints; cottages; elevations; Sections; |
Details of Cottage No. 3. | 1908-10-13 | Blueprint of details of Cottage No. 3. for Bank of Spirit Lake by R.C. Sweatt. | blueprints; cottages; elevations; Sections; |
Floor plans and elevations for Cottage No. 3. | 1908-10-13 | Floor plans and elevations blueprint for Cottage no. 3 for Bank of Spirit Lake, Spirit Lake, Idaho. | blueprints; cottages; elevations; Sections; |
Map showing land required by Craig Mountain Lumber Co. | 1909-04-20 | Map showing land required by Craig Mountain Lumber Co. for mill pond right-of-way and depot grounds through allotment's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8 S5, T35, N.r2W.B.M. and allotment 1 S6,T35 N.R2W.B.M. | maps; proposals; requirements; mill ponds; railway depots; saw mills; |