Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor Interview #7, 11/21/1974 Item Info

Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor Interview #7, 11/21/1974 [transcript]

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;10;28 Speaker 1 Yeah, I’ve heard about that.

00;00;11;00 - 00;00;14;05 Speaker 2 Who was that? They came down there.

00;00;14;07 - 00;00;14;29 Speaker 1 I don’t know.

00;00;15;02 - 00;00;39;19 Speaker 2 Yes, you do. It’s when you’re in your life somewhere. They came. They came in from the outside. Nobody even knew part of the film thing that came in there. They took a body out and then I can tell you all the story. Forgotten. And then.

00;00;39;22 - 00;00;41;09 Speaker 1 Take the body out from where.

00;00;41;11 - 00;00;47;00 Speaker 2 We are so we can agree. I think the human brain can’t get that right.

00;00;47;02 - 00;00;59;15 Speaker 3 Yeah. Yeah. And put it in the table. I would know, but I’m not clear on yet what happened way back there, because we weren’t in here that time. Didn’t have any connection with that.

00;00;59;18 - 00;01;11;09 Speaker 2 So. No, but that was a tricky map. And of course, you put a solid I’m going out with it.

00;01;11;11 - 00;01;19;01 Speaker 1 I remember light drizzle and you can see the moon.

00;01;19;16 - 00;01;21;18 Speaker 3 that’s right.

00;01;21;20 - 00;01;24;08 Speaker 1 The stars have gone away and.

00;01;24;11 - 00;01;49;15 Speaker 3 Well, and been back to this common male. And we’ve got the we’ve got the car bonnet in regard to it out there. And he back to Kirby Cougar deal out here for several years Darby you know I’m get Malcolm anything okay And it would get you come I remember now you get back there and safe and but he’d been in this country and he knew Dave and he knew a lot of these fellows, you know.

00;01;49;18 - 00;02;04;22 Speaker 3 So I told there over a period of several years why every year he put up no money. You know, the number of more cougar and everywhere that come and come here.

00;02;04;25 - 00;02;10;16 Speaker 1 So it was but the dairy was on the greatest number of cougars rather than, say, the largest or maybe.

00;02;10;16 - 00;02;14;13 Speaker 3 Well, I wouldn’t know yet. Just didn’t want to be alone in this.

00;02;14;25 - 00;02;15;26 Speaker 1 yeah. Okay. yeah.

00;02;15;28 - 00;02;17;04 Speaker 2 Okay.

00;02;17;06 - 00;02;18;12 Speaker 3 Yeah.

00;02;18;15 - 00;02;21;24 Speaker 1 And then the male brothers came out and hunted with.

00;02;21;28 - 00;02;42;17 Speaker 3 Yeah, they one of the I think it was a male rather, but it in the car had one too. And never when they went back and they ran an eight an hour manner and back and no they, they or they were might have gone Well everybody gone really if you could get one of them and they might stand him a whole.

00;02;42;19 - 00;02;43;20 Speaker 1 Carton of.

00;02;43;23 - 00;02;56;00 Speaker 3 Ammunition part cause they got the old Remington ammunition box they all wooden eight hour mark there under the bed from well a fishing tackle that they’re picking back a lot and it was here and.

00;02;56;02 - 00;03;14;10 Speaker 2 And they’re killing. Yeah. Well why don’t you hear that. Yeah. Yeah. The way they carried ammunition members that many different than we do now. No, this is wooden.

00;03;14;13 - 00;03;17;12 Speaker 1 But now you see the male. Is that male Clear male.

00;03;17;12 - 00;03;28;10 Speaker 2 Plenty of money. Yeah. Yeah, I think they were the father. Did the, you know now.

00;03;28;28 - 00;03;32;25 Speaker 1 I, I think we better go out and a I bought him.

00;03;32;27 - 00;03;34;02 Speaker 3 Is he.

00;03;34;03 - 00;03;45;01 Speaker 1 They’re hating him now. Hear those boxes. So I know. I mean in auctions and antiques, you know, people pay big money for old, old Remington and Winchester.

00;03;45;03 - 00;03;46;19 Speaker 2 They I think.

00;03;46;22 - 00;03;48;02 Speaker 1 When you put the hand on that.

00;03;48;09 - 00;03;49;06 Speaker 2 yeah. Yeah. For the time.

00;03;49;06 - 00;03;49;15 Speaker 3 Yeah.

00;03;49;23 - 00;03;57;08 Speaker 2 I mean I think ever they have they could burn now there and.

00;03;57;10 - 00;04;09;11 Speaker 3 But anyhow they it’s all in the cards on the now and I’d like to have that but you know did.

00;04;09;13 - 00;04;11;09 Speaker 1 Do that. Yeah.

00;04;11;11 - 00;04;14;03 Speaker 2 Well antique but yeah.

00;04;14;06 - 00;04;19;11 Speaker 3 And that they have never done do you.

00;04;19;18 - 00;04;25;20 Speaker 2 When liquor game you know but in boxes are neat in in all.

00;04;25;26 - 00;04;30;13 Speaker 1 Different things and when would this have come in for just about what they.

00;04;30;16 - 00;04;38;12 Speaker 3 Wanted that that information would pinpoint it within town no matter.

00;04;38;15 - 00;04;45;05 Speaker 1 How young longer look this is.

00;04;45;07 - 00;04;59;11 Speaker 2 What I’m sorry 25 years or 26. Then I think maybe we were. But somebody was coming in and you know, that folk group.

00;04;59;13 - 00;05;03;08 Unknown And there there’s something about the.

00;05;03;10 - 00;05;12;24 Speaker 1 Red strip stamps required by section certain search of containers, of distilled spirits in this case consisting of crowbars.

00;05;12;26 - 00;05;19;19 Speaker 2 I’ve even got more liquor, but they’re.

00;05;19;21 - 00;05;20;12 Speaker 1 You.

00;05;20;15 - 00;05;24;05 Speaker 3 Know, we’ve got them drunk up there and it’s an antique right now.

00;05;24;08 - 00;05;48;00 Speaker 2 But yeah, he were guarding are in charge of the ammunition during in 1979. So whether he had the drink at that time or not, no one would know. But it evidently where he kept always be Milan.

00;05;48;03 - 00;05;51;04 Unknown High wouldn’t they.

00;05;51;06 - 00;05;55;10 Speaker 2 But he was a grown man I think. 79.

00;05;55;17 - 00;06;09;21 Speaker 3 yeah. He’d been through that several on that and and more after that and I think American more in between them. But I mean that on that now you can’t recall the rebellion in the Spanish-American War.

00;06;09;21 - 00;06;11;13 Speaker 1 No one was.

00;06;11;17 - 00;06;17;04 Speaker 2 Born here and no idea and I don’t think if the you.

00;06;17;07 - 00;06;37;02 Speaker 3 Know, we had figured it out in probably 93 when a guy passed away and we kind of figured back in that and I went around hanging, one of he was born in Wales or whether he was born in the US can’t count.

00;06;37;05 - 00;06;42;05 Speaker 1 On any of his mustering out sheets. Were there any, you know, we.

00;06;42;05 - 00;06;50;08 Speaker 3 Have none of that, no, I said. I don’t think they do take, you know, around Civil War and I got through it the night. Don’t go home at all.

00;06;50;10 - 00;06;57;24 Speaker 2 I went to bed somewhere there or somewhere after when they let go.

00;06;57;25 - 00;07;06;27 Speaker 3 Yeah. They were sure the new record was right.

00;07;07;00 - 00;07;33;28 Speaker 1 Well I, I couldn’t say for sure that I. I know. I went to one auction where there was an old Winchester and mission box and, and that sold for like around $15 and it wasn’t handy collector. Really. No, it was most people in France value were like the red, white and blue collectors. And then I was told later that help or imagine those old dynamite boxes, you know with the dovetail arms.

00;07;33;28 - 00;07;35;09 Speaker 3 You know.

00;07;35;12 - 00;07;35;21 Speaker 1 I didn’t.

00;07;35;25 - 00;07;45;21 Speaker 3 Know that there was right up there against that rock when that old blacksmith bought. Yeah, Yeah, I know. No doubt they’ll dynamite boxes there.

00;07;45;24 - 00;08;01;19 Speaker 2 We found or I don’t, don’t upstairs. That’s all we had for a long, long time to keep our clothes there so was like giving it like.

00;08;01;21 - 00;08;04;00 Speaker 1 You don’t have any problem in here now.

00;08;04;02 - 00;08;06;26 Speaker 2 We do not care. There are no.

00;08;06;28 - 00;08;12;17 Speaker 3 Yeah. They they find a place in now, man. We have to look around, help it out.

00;08;12;20 - 00;08;14;08 Speaker 1 But that’s might not Paris.

00;08;14;17 - 00;08;49;06 Speaker 2 no. I can get it. But you know, you were asking about their tales. In town where we live, we’ve cut a rack about that one with dark gray. Charcoal gray. All right. We haven’t really and yet pale, right filling. And then we started trapping that heavy and those are just plain old work gray. Yeah, Yeah.

00;08;49;12 - 00;08;59;22 Speaker 3 Norway. All right. I thought I might catch one, but my trap line didn’t pay off today. I don’t either. I won’t be about anything. And look at.

00;08;59;25 - 00;09;00;11 Speaker 2 And there.

00;09;00;11 - 00;09;02;04 Speaker 3 Were warning notes out.

00;09;02;06 - 00;09;29;12 Speaker 2 That went in. He’s sitting on a track but he doesn’t Jonathan. He can’t be sitting here. You and there is a campground right? I’ve got a cute picture about a beaver.

00;09;29;14 - 00;09;47;22 Speaker 1 That’s something I wanted to ask you. You mentioned all the beaver runs down here on the airstrip and so on. Was there a period of trapping later or what? What’s happened to the beaver population?

00;09;47;24 - 00;10;12;17 Speaker 3 Well, I think in the early days, you know, that the traffic probably went through the country and just by pulling them out, well, they did it about everywhere, you know, And a big perk on me for going I no doubt be at the very things down them but never made it across the over there you look down on it you can see them old beaver dam across there.

00;10;12;19 - 00;10;19;23 Speaker 2 They’re quite a few beaver in here though we can see them we could see when we were in here in the winter time.

00;10;19;25 - 00;10;21;20 Speaker 3 And they’re.

00;10;21;23 - 00;10;23;02 Speaker 2 Beaver.

00;10;23;05 - 00;10;33;00 Speaker 3 And I tried to get them their telephone. There’s a big house right across on the other side over there, right near Friend Airport.

00;10;33;02 - 00;10;35;25 Speaker 1 Where the the rocks are. The big rocks.

00;10;35;28 - 00;10;38;28 Speaker 3 No, no. Little blow there.

00;10;39;01 - 00;10;40;08 Speaker 2 And just read your mouth.

00;10;40;08 - 00;10;49;13 Speaker 3 You got a terrific big pile up there on the back of eight or nine. And I don’t know, I’d been.

00;10;49;15 - 00;11;14;23 Speaker 2 You know, the big picture was up here one time. We weren’t get there. And I didn’t have the camera right out in the middle of that water. And it was bright blue sky. I was, of course, there, early beaver was kind of red. You know, we’re in this in the still part of the pool.

00;11;14;26 - 00;11;24;09 Speaker 1 As we’re flowing. And that big salmon, it was in that big pool and made one run and that was it.

00;11;24;11 - 00;11;52;09 Speaker 3 And while we we go and get one way around 3000 not we want get the one you smoker up check out the last one. I got one for that if you’re in the water I we didn’t come in and I sure hope they don’t mean to kill and run all together. They’re doing the bad.

00;11;52;11 - 00;11;54;25 Speaker 1 If everything works out, you be in next spring.

00;11;54;28 - 00;11;57;13 Speaker 3 Yeah. Yeah. 50.

00;11;57;15 - 00;11;59;06 Speaker 1 If the water is near higher.

00;11;59;12 - 00;12;13;21 Speaker 3 Yeah. There’s any thing on the deal that will probably come inactivate out anyhow. But we always make it out. They would come to do it at some.

00;12;13;24 - 00;12;15;13 Speaker 1 They never got one.

00;12;15;26 - 00;12;17;06 Speaker 2 yeah.

00;12;18;07 - 00;12;18;24 Speaker 3 I get down.

00;12;18;27 - 00;12;21;13 Speaker 2 Here so starve. Yeah.

00;12;21;15 - 00;12;23;08 Speaker 3 I’ll go down the back on slide.

00;12;23;10 - 00;12;24;22 Speaker 2 You really.

00;12;24;24 - 00;12;36;04 Speaker 3 You get a good. They still have to drop £15 on fly like thing out of it and you got everybody Sure.

00;12;36;06 - 00;12;38;25 Speaker 1 Do quite a bit running up and down the creek when you.

00;12;38;27 - 00;12;42;05 Speaker 3 Come out here.

00;12;42;08 - 00;12;45;04 Speaker 2 I got a picture. Yeah. I get.

00;12;45;04 - 00;12;47;29 Speaker 3 Were you. And that’s some of your borrowed we call them that they get.

00;12;48;01 - 00;12;48;05 Speaker 2 Think.

00;12;48;08 - 00;12;50;03 Speaker 3 Of.

00;12;50;05 - 00;12;57;28 Speaker 2 You know a deciding ring right out in the middle of that sort of our whole thing came right up here.

00;12;58;00 - 00;12;58;21 Speaker 3 To.

00;12;58;23 - 00;13;00;19 Speaker 2 Where I managed to get a picture.

00;13;00;21 - 00;13;25;26 Speaker 3 We were going to know we. Well, I always, when I come around the trailer, get right down right in there, that whole some down, you see them laying in there with all this man in there without a better crime. Mouth, First time I brought over me. Okay. And he jumped nine times and. But you never know where he coming out, but he was all of that and very deflating.

00;13;25;26 - 00;13;44;21 Speaker 3 He come out of the water and we got him is a big red that had made him. We buried in an ice bank there. So it was pretty early and I don’t know Middlebrook.

00;13;44;23 - 00;13;51;22 Speaker 1 Yeah, there’s still a little sheet ice, you know, like around the island and stuff. They’re still slow on that as you guys.

00;13;51;25 - 00;13;57;17 Unknown In the longer.

00;13;57;19 - 00;14;03;10 Speaker 1 Did you do quite a bit of fishing down the middle for them or were you just going down.

00;14;03;13 - 00;14;15;08 Speaker 3 I go down every year to look around. I need a new break now and it not to do it all get blown just when.

00;14;15;11 - 00;14;17;22 Speaker 1 What is that what, six miles.

00;14;17;24 - 00;14;20;29 Speaker 3 Yeah. But they can have them make them.

00;14;21;01 - 00;14;24;27 Speaker 2 That is not bad. Try to be they hungry.

00;14;24;29 - 00;14;36;00 Speaker 3 You know. Well it’s about 15 minutes up from the middle part.

00;14;36;03 - 00;14;39;10 Speaker 1 You can see that is at a steel girder bridge.

00;14;39;13 - 00;14;47;23 Speaker 3 Yeah. Good. Like this. Only a matter better. Pounds or higher? Heavier. You know, they carry the weight. It’s 168.

00;14;47;23 - 00;15;16;21 Speaker 1 The one 6 million. Well, now the bridge, it going across the way at 300 down here, That’s 200. I don’t remember. I think it’s right at 200, but it’s a rejection, you know, cable suspension.

00;15;17;03 - 00;15;56;22 Speaker 3 wow. Yeah. Well, it all the more down here and the power got kind of bad on it. They were going to be replaced and a boat. And now you know that on the far side not leg out and getting regular on side. Well that that kind of picked that up and they straighten that up and and they went ahead and right along the side of it they voted the material down from the the the right foot down and put in the new and think they put all our lives in here.

00;15;56;22 - 00;15;58;26 Speaker 3 And once we go down a little bit.

00;15;58;28 - 00;16;07;26 Speaker 1 The you know, she had a pretty good design crew working on it.

00;16;07;28 - 00;16;17;07 Speaker 2 Yeah. All right so I and I know and they had a good lady cook, you know, how many were there?

00;16;17;10 - 00;16;19;12 Speaker 3 Only about ten.

00;16;19;15 - 00;16;29;09 Speaker 2 They can’t put Sunday. They used to ration from.

00;16;29;11 - 00;16;35;25 Speaker 1 Do you know what the reasoning was for putting the river grain trailers in down here and doing away with the older.

00;16;36;02 - 00;16;54;10 Speaker 3 Well they just decided they were going to put in a river grade and no one played down here or do haven’t been down that far about the mouth of our great everyone here over above where it was a battle.

00;16;54;14 - 00;17;04;17 Speaker 1 Yeah but there’s a lot on the way it’s like that you know where they. Yeah but like not like this trail here where there’s not more than 30 foot vertical distance between myself.

00;17;04;19 - 00;17;06;13 Speaker 3 They run right along. But I guess.

00;17;06;15 - 00;17;07;23 Speaker 1 I’m just sort of wondering what their.

00;17;07;23 - 00;17;10;00 Speaker 3 Idea what to put in a water grate.

00;17;10;02 - 00;17;20;07 Speaker 2 Sounds like it’s very windy, pretty far reaching it because the old trail was better but they it.

00;17;20;10 - 00;17;49;16 Speaker 1 Saw some nice acts work down there on the old trail you know, and some big crosscut were a couple of big Ponderosa and now you know it was nice cross to work there. You have no idea what they spent on that section trail.

00;17;49;18 - 00;18;12;28 Speaker 3 30,000 from here today. Well, in that neighborhood near the they want to make a bid on it. And I didn’t I didn’t want to it and but I know about what they’re going to go for because I got the grapevine and they said that you’re.

00;18;12;28 - 00;18;17;09 Speaker 2 Doing Route 30,000 between here and carrying great you.

00;18;17;11 - 00;18;22;09 Speaker 3 Now you go back 30, 30, 32,000 here now and then.

00;18;22;11 - 00;18;27;08 Speaker 2 You got more. This is the job. They are.

00;18;27;10 - 00;18;34;22 Speaker 1 Okay. He what happened?

00;18;34;24 - 00;18;39;04 Speaker 3 You I could predict next year you had it all cleared up.

00;18;39;06 - 00;18;40;28 Speaker 1 You No, I said.

00;18;41;01 - 00;19;05;29 Speaker 3 You better go to watching that over there and you I am going to get broke even on it. But you got into early. You come in here in February and got to work and everything that burned up and down here, Burnt Creek. I’ll tell you about my side of the base and get blown that big bluff out of there puts it all shovel yet with no problem.

00;19;06;01 - 00;19;27;25 Speaker 3 They didn’t get it? No, didn’t quit. GROANING Well, he decided he was going to come well out over there and use a lot of powder and after a while and he threw down there and let it down and start coming our way up and above, up, above. You really taking her up. You get him that old thing about ready to come down.

00;19;27;27 - 00;19;50;09 Speaker 3 And so they had to quit that. Well, you know what, man? And you get right around it back. They went right on around it a few days after he pulling them. And you even brought in exactly how to myself.

00;19;50;12 - 00;19;56;03 Unknown I think there’s no.

00;19;56;05 - 00;20;03;26 Speaker 1 You don’t have any idea what that hole is up across from Soldier Bar just above that big layer of green.

00;20;03;28 - 00;20;08;18 Speaker 2 No, I don’t know that you were ground up there.

00;20;08;20 - 00;20;17;28 Speaker 3 No, I’m not getting back up there either. But anyhow, I don’t think that there’s nothing Indian or anything about it.

00;20;18;01 - 00;20;20;26 Speaker 2 I don’t. You get the helicopter.

00;20;20;28 - 00;20;28;23 Unknown Preparing and down there you look.

00;20;28;25 - 00;20;34;26 Speaker 3 Now, we were down over the bar. Ones frame right now roughly.

00;20;34;26 - 00;20;39;24 Unknown Place the letter in my throat and I’m not kidding you.

00;20;39;24 - 00;21;03;28 Speaker 3 And you get a little family in there and that’s where they go. They leave the earth and they get ready, allow you to take off in here, or I interrupt this place. If you find that you land. And then the lamb gets big enough to travel and they get to go on, why then they do the land guard come together and they’ll be in one man.

00;21;03;28 - 00;21;14;07 Speaker 3 And here, here dry you in Maryland yard and another that it won’t be a lamb in air sheets that in a program that often.

00;21;14;10 - 00;21;21;12 Speaker 1 Does know that’s been about five years if they get that.

00;21;21;14 - 00;21;31;06 Speaker 3 I’m probably an authority on that that’s not even a that area.

00;21;31;08 - 00;21;51;25 Speaker 2 It’s down here and their reviews and I’m crafty quick right over great and they had my number five one way and it would come down here every day and the standard a row and watched it.

00;21;51;28 - 00;21;57;26 Speaker 3 Yeah I had five lamb.

00;21;57;29 - 00;21;59;16 Speaker 2 I we didn’t take.

00;21;59;18 - 00;22;11;13 Speaker 3 A great one day and yet they ran their grip to the beach down just above the trail because you didn’t have them in here with the five little.

00;22;11;13 - 00;22;16;14 Speaker 1 Lamb, the whole pig and all that stuff.

00;22;16;17 - 00;22;18;22 Speaker 2 Thank you.

00;22;18;25 - 00;22;23;16 Speaker 3 Thank that cute little rat.

00;22;24;24 - 00;22;32;27 Unknown They gave you messages? Absolutely. Yeah, they. They were all five on their own.

00;22;32;29 - 00;22;40;15 Speaker 1 I easily carry that with me. You know, wherever I go, we get like you say, it is a in the. You just take it out and shoot.

00;22;40;17 - 00;22;42;22 Speaker 2 Know it is just that one.

00;22;42;22 - 00;22;50;16 Unknown Wrong note the way if.

00;22;50;18 - 00;22;57;28 Speaker 2 I didn’t if I had the early and the longer and that would be is the wrong.

00;22;58;01 - 00;23;01;08 Speaker 1 Thing. So all of this think it is.

00;23;01;15 - 00;23;01;28 Speaker 3 Figured.

00;23;01;28 - 00;23;03;24 Speaker 1 Out now.

00;23;03;26 - 00;23;08;19 Unknown I don’t know. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here.

00;23;08;22 - 00;23;36;02 Speaker 1 I’ve really been surprised. They’ve developed quite a few of my negatives and created a merry. The only thing is that you got about a it’s about a 40 millimeters lens, 38 millimeter, they say. So it’s a little bit wider, you know, than a normal lens. And so consequently, if you were to shoot at the lambs there and you re normally using the 50, maybe a little bit smaller mouth and more, but you’ll get more area.

00;23;36;04 - 00;23;44;29 Speaker 1 So but that’s but as far as the lens quality, it’s it’s all right. Yeah. yeah it is good lens Right.

00;23;45;01 - 00;23;56;05 Speaker 2 All right I like it just because there I was out there, you know, when I go out around here, I carry it. All right.

00;23;56;06 - 00;24;07;02 Speaker 1 Did you back those years? So, like, you know, a person you carry to the movies, she black and white, one in color. And yet it.

00;24;07;04 - 00;24;11;27 Speaker 2 Is very diverse and.

00;24;11;29 - 00;24;18;16 Speaker 3 Maybe accurately. I mean, you knew,

00;24;18;19 - 00;24;44;13 Speaker 2 I am a happy person on paper is you’ve done you know every kind of read you travel anywhere. I always had the camera and the camera, first thing you do is read magazines and first thing you know, you get something out of anything that you can hear the there. I’ll get a person. I put the whole thing in and I did.

00;24;44;13 - 00;24;58;17 Speaker 2 And I ended it with our Jeff is the German. I got his binoculars and my and my camera. I do have that. And in the Draitser all my cosmetic.

00;24;58;19 - 00;24;59;13 Speaker 1 Demo didn’t.

00;24;59;13 - 00;25;01;28 Speaker 2 Get her Victor.

00;25;02;01 - 00;25;05;16 Unknown And the money.

00;25;05;19 - 00;25;11;25 Speaker 1 Now you mentioned that when you constructed this little statue trail over here. You bet on that.

00;25;11;27 - 00;25;28;16 Speaker 3 Yeah. I didn’t ask that. They didn’t put me under bond that we can give you so much without any of that kind of. We know you’re going to be able to, you know, they would give me $2,000 you know.

00;25;28;16 - 00;25;30;02 Speaker 1 That.

00;25;30;04 - 00;25;46;02 Speaker 3 Scratchy crayon and that was kind of like a gold. And I said, Well, I. All right. And they said, Well, how much do you want? I said, I want that money, $999. And that is.

00;25;46;02 - 00;25;47;09 Speaker 1 Fact.

00;25;47;12 - 00;25;49;00 Speaker 2 That 39, you.

00;25;49;01 - 00;26;08;08 Speaker 3 Know, 1900. Now, I know no need for new powder. And I walked there pretty fast. I mean, they are not I don’t expect no train maker. I’m a bigger.

00;26;08;25 - 00;26;24;24 Speaker 2 I hope the real next thing can help you and so convenient either after Gulfstream. But you know they maintained it. I never really think they have a trail down here. Out here?

00;26;24;26 - 00;26;26;28 Speaker 1 I don’t think so. Not this year.

00;26;27;01 - 00;26;28;25 Speaker 3 Frankly, I have to go.

00;26;28;27 - 00;26;42;08 Speaker 1 Because when we talk with Earl, you know, they had they had some dry air crews and some of the airport trails between this one was washed out, you know, because they had done such heavy maintenance on this before. I think they figured this was going to, you know, pretty well.

00;26;42;08 - 00;26;45;15 Speaker 2 Hold on and let the rock on.

00;26;45;17 - 00;27;06;24 Speaker 1 When he came down this year. Well, when they had the fire and why he walked here and he were you know, he was disturbed, you know, they see, because they lost a lot of that big dry rock masonry, which I assume was pretty high quality because I’ve seen some of it down there. And it looks good. You know, And if the water just had down there in the.

00;27;07;00 - 00;27;15;22 Speaker 3 Door, you know, pretty good there, you guys. What is it? You’re dripping pressure in there, right? It must have been over that. A couple of feet.

00;27;15;25 - 00;27;22;04 Speaker 1 Well, yeah, the floating in that little cave on the side of the river. Why, It’s all the way up above where the trail was.

00;27;22;04 - 00;27;41;28 Speaker 3 You’re sure I going to tell you I never really go higher there because the narrow they had really finer up in there out there on their work. The wide why are you enjoying my drive in but in higher ed be terrific And they swept down through there you know get a grip and the new hot board.

00;27;42;01 - 00;27;48;00 Speaker 1 Guess mentioned that you talked with Declan bet on painting the bridge.

00;27;48;02 - 00;28;20;29 Speaker 2 I well I hope I think everything here I am I got a pretty good so I was in my car one day and going into character and there and my character and it I how he ended up using his chair. I have never had a woman in front of her banging on the bridge before. And you know I got to yeah.

00;28;21;01 - 00;28;43;10 Speaker 2 For a young man with a world running back and instead of running me here and still getting everything here, so I got to work in the summertime when yes can hear me and we we said we ran to grapple with, you know, and where they waited until rainy season.

00;28;43;12 - 00;28;45;00 Speaker 1 Did you ever talk to. Yes.

00;28;45;00 - 00;29;10;00 Speaker 2 Well we and or anyhow I did we had and and that year we have lady the lady going to stay here and that is an active thing And so we had a nice turn down you know I remember here they were both of you were kind I couldn’t hear you. I might forget that. I had to have pretty funny dad.

00;29;10;05 - 00;29;45;26 Speaker 2 I mean, one you they ever and she stay here near the aircraft breakfast. She stay here near I go down on the bridge. You know I did it all and in harm’s way here we did our only rations. I only found one nest that they had over under when that, you know. And you couldn’t do it at me, I You had no idea.

00;29;45;28 - 00;30;04;26 Speaker 2 I think I think back there, you need that again. And then everyday you don’t get to Denver for anything and no and I didn’t like the car and I wanted it green, green, garret Green. So now.

00;30;04;29 - 00;30;06;02 Speaker 3 Eric Bannerman.

00;30;06;05 - 00;30;11;17 Speaker 2 But then I think that they got a bargain on this desert sand ain’t.

00;30;11;19 - 00;30;22;25 Speaker 1 Housing either that or probably somebody made a mistake on a GSA order. And I thought they were going to get six gallons and they probably ended up with 600. Yeah. So everything that I.

00;30;22;27 - 00;30;31;15 Speaker 2 Can that year with you and take the airlines to paint the great.

00;30;31;18 - 00;30;34;02 Speaker 1 Weekend getaway in.

00;30;34;05 - 00;30;35;08 Speaker 2 Case you want to take it out.

00;30;35;09 - 00;30;38;26 Speaker 1 And get you out of jail. Yeah.

00;30;38;28 - 00;30;47;08 Speaker 2 And then we had to do, you know, it was the orange Bronco and they had our there I.

00;30;47;08 - 00;30;48;01 Speaker 1 Saw some of that.

00;30;48;08 - 00;31;14;06 Speaker 2 And a lot of it had rested out. So we had to go through the whole free to feel breath and and then we did that. I mean I did that better than that orange finger here and there to very fine to do it. But it was funny.

00;31;14;09 - 00;31;17;03 Speaker 1 How long it takes me.

00;31;17;14 - 00;31;19;27 Speaker 2 six weeks. It could be carried.

00;31;19;29 - 00;31;21;06 Speaker 1 On and off and cooking, you.

00;31;21;06 - 00;31;22;07 Speaker 3 Know. Yeah.

00;31;22;09 - 00;31;33;25 Speaker 2 It’s too much to do between a six weeks when they been doing their in here.

00;31;33;28 - 00;31;57;05 Speaker 1 In when you first started back here, what did you figure that was going to cost you. You layer on the basics. I don’t know.

00;31;57;07 - 00;32;31;09 Speaker 3 For a long time we bought everything wholesale and then we like when we got our insurance on, we got 100,000 all of that. It didn’t cost too much to maintain a fever. 100. I had a big garden in the barn hunting season on without tomatoes and corn and potatoes and things like that. You know, if you had to fly that stuff outside in a even the great honor got your money and we got a pretty good you.

00;32;31;14 - 00;32;58;11 Speaker 2 I can remember one time and of course I had no experience I didn’t know what I was doing. We know. Yes. Are we out here for a flower? Yeah. Are you all right? So we had a block of wood. Okay. Just like that turned on. All are terrible. All right. And I all the FA Cup, £100 of sugar, and I’m proud of it.

00;32;58;13 - 00;33;20;00 Speaker 2 We threw canvas over it and that sort of thing. To think about it makes good get good. And there it was in the. And our way here with nothing, nothing disturbed. And we kept the flower in the garbage pail. Money, money, the dirt and the ones that we were using.

00;33;20;03 - 00;34;03;15 Speaker 3 From the time. The only thing I’d done all through the winter, well always had plenty of meat. Look out. We wouldn’t. You never know anything about it. Then you. You didn’t care. Your meat already because you couldn’t keep it. And, and probably now first December I guess getting the part probably why I went to a band and I cows up here would get given in the right position and then I, I don’t get what score what more I could go with them on the snow you know, and I go up in and get one or two of those nice dry out and they carry the fat all through the winter.

00;34;03;15 - 00;34;21;09 Speaker 3 They don’t move that, don’t drive. And you know where I showed you were at the cabin. Well, of there. Well, right there, you know, if I got in there on top of that high and all up there by the third base and I had their out all figured out. And when they landed up this pump right in there and I had a pretty big pile of health care in there.

00;34;21;11 - 00;34;23;25 Speaker 3 All right.

00;34;23;27 - 00;34;43;27 Speaker 3 All right. That’s a mountain. You throw that down and then we we go out in the fall. We might be up for Christmas when we get through with 100 feet and get out my to hang hind quarter. cow fanatic. Well, we’ve got the Bluebird ventilator drive through and got.

00;34;43;27 - 00;34;45;12 Speaker 1 That a pretty solid.

00;34;45;14 - 00;35;01;29 Speaker 3 And we’ve come in along about the latter part of March and that had probably just got out we had a jumping out her to catch it you know the thoughts drift a little and that that give mountain your mouth.

00;35;02;02 - 00;35;05;28 Speaker 2 You’re narrower without me Yeah there was always a man here and.

00;35;05;28 - 00;35;08;16 Speaker 3 Then we’d have a candlelight.

00;35;08;19 - 00;35;10;24 Speaker 2 Around air heat for summer.

00;35;10;26 - 00;35;11;17 Speaker 3 And now.

00;35;11;18 - 00;35;15;17 Speaker 2 We are with Can man here on the ranch that had me. So we were and.

00;35;15;19 - 00;35;18;07 Speaker 3 We always had a caretaker, you know.

00;35;18;09 - 00;35;25;01 Speaker 1 How many different caretakers that we had in here?

00;35;25;03 - 00;35;56;21 Speaker 2 You’d be hard to know. I guess you get kind of a one time thing. Is it felt just. I don’t know how we got. He just came by. And then you did Didn’t think anything about a man coming by. Yeah. Yeah. Thank he carrier. I think now. Right. Campbell came by and he said he heard that we needed somebody to stay down here in the wintertime.

00;35;56;23 - 00;36;44;09 Speaker 2 He needed to stay working in the old house. He came down and ate dinner with us every night, even here all the time. Did you find labor and even here or. a couple of years or so, the we just never thought much about it. You didn’t know anything about me. He he had fine camera, you know, over and I, he wasn’t working the mail all right thing or money him the pictures didn’t there.

00;36;44;11 - 00;36;46;06 Speaker 1 What was his name.

00;36;46;08 - 00;36;54;10 Speaker 2 And he’ll.

00;36;54;13 - 00;36;56;13 Speaker 3 Either the South Pacific bell.

00;36;58;11 - 00;37;29;29 Speaker 2 And he told me that he’d been in the service. Where did you serve or or what unit were you. I don’t know. He’s or I was with the that that was supposed to mean something and didn’t give me that. And you were there. His home was in originally in Pennsylvania. I always sent a Christmas gift to his mother in Pennsylvania.

00;37;30;02 - 00;38;07;04 Speaker 2 The write gift. But he said he just started out when he was like 15 or 16 and just he just went south and all over the country every year that he had served in here. And not not very long ago, like two years ago or so, he sent word Quincy, but he’s over on that little part area and he sent worried over if we needed him.

00;38;07;04 - 00;38;11;26 Speaker 2 We go over on the line from the picture.

00;38;11;28 - 00;38;15;15 Speaker 1 Since you could see the pictures. Yeah.

00;38;15;17 - 00;38;47;15 Speaker 2 You might have had pictures there where we’re right here, transparency with that. But he also had other camera guy that I knew anything that I don’t remember he used to. He’s got no real clear. Clearly our valley live and from the river at this location. Okay there are five there somewhere.

00;38;47;17 - 00;38;53;27 Speaker 1 And or is that still on private land there Now he just sort.

00;38;53;27 - 00;38;55;25 Speaker 3 Of. No, I think yeah.

00;38;55;27 - 00;39;05;26 Speaker 2 Certainly my service and their way. I think he had to go back out there somewhere in Boise, I think. But I did. And to find out.

00;39;05;28 - 00;39;07;10 Speaker 3 Major never bothered him.

00;39;07;13 - 00;39;10;14 Speaker 2 No, he wasn’t hurting his soul.

00;39;10;16 - 00;39;26;00 Speaker 3 You know, he’s one of the he got away with. It came dark down. They drove by that cowboy. All right. It is. Can they can, you know, make anybody? Yeah.

00;39;26;02 - 00;39;27;09 Speaker 2 I guess. Really?

00;39;27;10 - 00;40;02;29 Speaker 3 You have no idea if they’re on, right? I’m a good patriotic guy and he was all, you know, here it’s like posing. You know, they make you. Yeah. Now riding over there out of I get bar now with. I know but he went through the same deal but he come all right he wasn’t he was one of the million he went through the whole thing from Guadalcanal.

00;40;03;01 - 00;40;16;26 Speaker 3 They’re on an end of China and that even down after, you know, the 10th mountain in China, I don’t know what bar, but they were in there and there didn’t affect them much and been buying told to come on. You know I bet you’re about to.

00;40;16;28 - 00;40;22;20 Speaker 2 I’m an invalid boy you know when they’re already doing than they.

00;40;22;22 - 00;40;34;05 Speaker 1 You mentioned the other day that if you got the air here can hear something that you were instrumental or in getting the ears the metaphor. Yeah. Starting now. Would you explain a little bit what.

00;40;34;07 - 00;40;55;05 Speaker 3 Well, we went to we have poked out to see the head of a craft taken down there and they got the mail cover that got airborne and they find that herb notice on us about the air that they were going to bring a tow bar and hang in the tree. That was the end of the route. And that was way up there of a mile high someplace.

00;40;55;05 - 00;41;11;27 Speaker 3 And so and we just went down to see that blind Pocatello. I had a tell you, we didn’t forward. And yeah, that’s where we got it all straightened out and started flying their land. They come in here and inspected their out and we got our and Rob.

00;41;11;29 - 00;41;34;25 Speaker 2 Well they were going in there too. They could crooked quarters in the wintertime anyhow because that is the only way they could get in there. It couldn’t bring it around by Yelp. Yeah. So we got quite a big creek in the winter regardless and so we wondered why they could just come right on down like that. yeah.

00;41;34;25 - 00;41;55;04 Speaker 2 With the fine round and that they had their, the man who had the contract, his name was Carl Whitmore and he came out, he came in, came down the creek that motorcycle to show everybody that he could make the.

00;41;55;04 - 00;41;56;21 Speaker 1 Trip that way.

00;41;56;24 - 00;42;01;24 Speaker 2 But they stopped that quick because it was a motorized vehicle. I’m not trying out now.

00;42;01;24 - 00;42;04;25 Speaker 1 When would this been, sir? You remember that from you.

00;42;05;00 - 00;42;13;00 Speaker 2 Know, when I hear the word probably in town.

00;42;13;03 - 00;42;20;04 Speaker 3 Here to describe where he made this foreman.

00;42;20;06 - 00;42;25;08 Speaker 1 Name. So you keep your reporting three and yeah.

00;42;25;11 - 00;42;42;15 Speaker 3 2.3 and two think for both Glen that line that line would go scantily come flying out like an air pad will come over profits go you can’t to go to train for this.

00;42;42;16 - 00;42;52;03 Unknown There I can’t in.

00;42;52;05 - 00;43;14;10 Speaker 1 This must be glued you can’t see there is maybe I just okay yeah yeah And then that’s the punched. Yeah that is to do yeah. with the could you put your initials on it. Yeah.

00;43;14;13 - 00;43;16;22 Speaker 2 You, you’re already.

00;43;16;25 - 00;43;18;28 Speaker 3 At gun thing for me on that.

00;43;19;00 - 00;43;21;16 Speaker 1 Don’t to.

00;43;21;19 - 00;43;22;16 Speaker 2 Just plane.

00;43;22;23 - 00;43;30;24 Speaker 1 yeah. Once he charged did he, did he put the addition on. Yeah that’s right.

00;43;30;29 - 00;43;31;04 Speaker 3 Yeah.

00;43;31;04 - 00;43;33;14 Speaker 1 That’s part of existing just this guy at first.

00;43;33;20 - 00;43;37;16 Speaker 3 And say you can bring that you’re shipping it a bureau of.

00;43;37;16 - 00;43;37;28 Speaker 1 Attitude.

00;43;37;29 - 00;44;06;29 Speaker 3 Motor trip and tag on it now and children inspector and I brought it back from my work permit you know my and you can get this right around the areas and put a lock in here and if anybody goes into it they got cut it out. You’re on a hard and fast arm. I did zipper up. Yeah. So of that I always having a good part.

00;44;06;29 - 00;44;14;05 Speaker 3 You get all the microcosm and double it on your gun.

00;44;14;07 - 00;44;16;13 Speaker 1 On a horse like this.

00;44;16;16 - 00;44;17;19 Speaker 3 Yeah, he can.

00;44;17;22 - 00;44;31;02 Speaker 1 Yeah. Well it’s it’s really something to see. Somebody to know.

00;44;31;05 - 00;45;00;25 Speaker 3 He guided for me for several years. Well, he got along well and he that mule by half of that letter guy. Wow. I’ll make you a scatter. So I bought the leather and they made I and they got the first big leather.

00;45;00;28 - 00;45;10;11 Speaker 2 So I knew what that was for.

00;45;10;13 - 00;45;30;14 Speaker 3 Took quite a big number. I don’t get a arctic blow up there either. See? so not quite the high and yet blamed in that myth. So I finances gathered near Biden were both ways in both hands, and, and I’m sure that’s never done with it.

00;45;30;14 - 00;45;39;23 Unknown You’re never heard from gun.

00;45;39;25 - 00;45;45;15 Speaker 1 But how do they rhyme with a at a cost finger on it flying near the mail.

00;45;45;22 - 00;46;12;22 Speaker 3 Flight. Well and taking into consideration what they were paying mark the other way you see if they had come there and from from a call in the Alpine and then over the hill, yellow pine, the big grid over profile, and then they think it up there with.

00;46;12;22 - 00;46;13;18 Speaker 1 Horses.

00;46;13;21 - 00;46;18;03 Speaker 3 And brought it down the creek. And I think they figured out five of the.

00;46;18;03 - 00;46;21;25 Speaker 1 People.

00;46;21;27 - 00;46;39;03 Speaker 3 Beside them on that line. Why do we got the male who is in the bottom? And a lot of times we, we’d, I’d walk the seven mile and done time guard they go up there on the Merrick having great grown men would show up in gay male Ralph Blaine hadn’t come in to bring the male in it couldn’t get in.

00;46;39;03 - 00;46;47;18 Speaker 3 So he’d come down empty and so this I.

00;46;47;18 - 00;46;50;15 Speaker 2 Think there was the way it was that they arrived there.

00;46;50;19 - 00;46;51;17 Speaker 1 But yeah.

00;46;51;19 - 00;46;53;05 Speaker 2 They kind of.

00;46;53;08 - 00;47;12;20 Speaker 3 Entered really a saving of money. By the time we get our male and everyone, the male, they’d be the first flying day thereafter. And they, they met me up at the, at our mailbox at the cabin. We had one down, there were two men out there against the door of the train across the creek. Log cabin. Great. There, Right there.

00;47;12;20 - 00;47;37;24 Speaker 3 We had a mailbox and we talked it over and the One Valley Road down near New Dryden, and he was going across and, and the fellow that we’d been the head of granite pavement, we’ve been the folks out there he yesterday wrote off he that you get your plan Rob I thought.

00;47;37;24 - 00;47;45;29 Speaker 2 That seemed to be more sensible that everybody a of on this continent everybody was putting him on the airstrip.

00;47;46;01 - 00;47;53;10 Speaker 3 And that at that time that we should have a plane our out and at that time I think and the only flying star out in the U.S..

00;47;53;13 - 00;47;53;18 Speaker 2 It.

00;47;53;18 - 00;48;16;22 Speaker 3 Was the first one. But this other thought, he got real grumpy and kind of nasty and he said, well, fired, I’m been burning this. Cancel that whole thing up. And I said, listen, this may again come down this quick 50 years. And it just there continue to come down here. I’m going to find out why did he get shut up?

00;48;16;22 - 00;48;18;08 Speaker 3 He never had another word.

00;48;18;11 - 00;48;24;05 Speaker 2 You know what? Instead, remarkable that way back in here, the mail had there has been a male.

00;48;24;05 - 00;48;33;07 Speaker 3 Or an adult lady. There’s been a mail drop down there. Great. Forever. You come out and warm.

00;48;33;09 - 00;48;37;26 Speaker 2 Your great many older people.

00;48;37;28 - 00;48;44;04 Speaker 1 Well, it was the rock here and just this side of Gold Creek and that flat.

00;48;44;06 - 00;48;52;07 Speaker 3 Well that’s the that for the right both the great there get a little bit off the trail. Yeah well that’s where they is the older in Avenue right there.

00;48;52;09 - 00;48;56;11 Speaker 1 That’s right. Okay yeah as a family.

00;48;56;14 - 00;49;02;05 Speaker 3 Yeah that’s it. Okay. You know if you can kind of see that. And then my heart was there.

00;49;02;07 - 00;49;03;00 Speaker 1 I was wondering what?

00;49;03;00 - 00;49;06;05 Speaker 3 Rob Reiner. Quite a few of their move on. Yeah, that it.

00;49;06;08 - 00;49;06;29 Speaker 2 Good.

00;49;07;02 - 00;49;09;29 Speaker 3 Build him know that’s where you know the.

00;49;09;29 - 00;49;11;11 Speaker 1 Fellow that had the mining get.

00;49;11;11 - 00;49;16;13 Speaker 3 In here Yeah yeah yes there.

00;49;16;16 - 00;49;38;17 Speaker 2 He was. Been here in the early days. He knew that. I don’t think that he ever lived, I don’t think he lived on a creek when he was younger man. And working. It wasn’t that when he was older and we carried that he came to make a fair there. I don’t really know. I don’t really knew about that right now.

00;49;38;20 - 00;49;39;17 Speaker 1 I don’t. It is some.

00;49;39;18 - 00;49;53;18 Speaker 3 Little creek there gone, but I think he acquired it from somebody else. I think probably did, but I wouldn’t be on that either. But he’d gone there Summer and then he’d go out around there to come down here around.

00;49;53;21 - 00;50;11;09 Speaker 1 Now, if a guy wanted to get up on that big flap, the one that you said, Louis, he had some a little bitch line up there where you got your placer. You know, you’d go right up from right behind on the left hand. So you, in fact, you see sort of a trail. Yeah. Hey, this there a.

00;50;11;10 - 00;50;17;18 Speaker 3 Well, you, you’ve made up there on the hillside and by plane after hit the hillside right there.

00;50;17;20 - 00;50;21;01 Speaker 1 Right at the creek. Well, there’s a trail that goes up after you cross.

00;50;21;01 - 00;50;21;17 Speaker 2 Go creek.

00;50;21;17 - 00;50;23;13 Speaker 3 Yeah, yeah, yeah. No problem.

00;50;23;20 - 00;50;39;24 Speaker 1 Yeah. But then back on the same side, you know, it’d be on the West side and go creek. I’m going to tell you, the slope looked like I couldn’t go. It was game table. There was a trail that went up on the talus. Go back up on the bench. Now which side of Go Creek is your playing? And then on the west side to go.

00;50;39;24 - 00;50;41;15 Speaker 3 Straight on both sides of hotel.

00;50;41;15 - 00;50;41;29 Speaker 1 In.

00;50;42;02 - 00;50;42;19 Speaker 2 To.

00;50;42;21 - 00;50;43;00 Speaker 1 Europe.

00;50;43;00 - 00;50;51;05 Speaker 3 Knocked back through it. Okay yeah there might be I guess it’s both at mile.

00;50;51;07 - 00;50;55;21 Speaker 2 Okay Yeah there is a not quite so Yeah.

00;50;55;23 - 00;51;09;21 Speaker 3 Yeah. I live in about 20 acres there in a basement and used to make this Oak Creek run right down through the middle, not through.

00;51;09;24 - 00;51;15;03 Speaker 1 Yeah. And that real nice, you know, down here.

00;51;15;06 - 00;51;16;29 Speaker 3 You and I would run you wild.

00;51;17;01 - 00;51;18;18 Speaker 1 Well I noticed the other day when.

00;51;18;18 - 00;51;19;18 Speaker 3 I make it in.

00;51;19;18 - 00;51;34;00 Speaker 1 There. Yeah. But you know, looking at it from the ground and from there to your bank, I couldn’t get from the air. It didn’t look like it was that, you know, that high vertical. They must be about the same elevations, campfires. So day by your hair, you’re getting.

00;51;34;00 - 00;51;35;08 Speaker 3 About the same thing.

00;51;35;11 - 00;51;51;18 Speaker 2 Directly across there. Really nice right now.

00;51;51;21 - 00;51;53;10 Unknown To do that.

00;51;53;13 - 00;52;07;00 Speaker 2 Then then ring on you know.

00;52;07;02 - 00;52;14;22 Speaker 3 Well we got me in camp. We can have that guard right in the neighbor.

00;52;14;24 - 00;52;25;03 Speaker 1 The Yeah. Boy that was sure that otter is. That’s a big plane. The one that came in that day with.

00;52;25;05 - 00;52;25;20 Speaker 3 Yeah.

00;52;25;22 - 00;52;26;24 Speaker 2 With all those people.

00;52;26;24 - 00;52;31;19 Speaker 3 But I don’t know, they get by that thing. I don’t know. But in fact call.

00;52;31;21 - 00;52;36;05 Speaker 1 Yeah, well he just before he came here that day he just dropped 60 bullets on your back.

00;52;36;06 - 00;52;38;15 Speaker 3 Yeah. Yeah. You dropped two more here.

00;52;38;17 - 00;52;39;22 Speaker 1 Plus a bunch of gear.

00;52;39;24 - 00;52;41;08 Speaker 3 Yeah. Yeah.

00;52;41;18 - 00;52;43;17 Speaker 2 I didn’t realize it was so high.

00;52;43;17 - 00;52;45;10 Speaker 1 Went all out.

00;52;45;12 - 00;52;46;13 Speaker 2 Do you know that Came.

00;52;46;14 - 00;52;47;29 Speaker 1 In with something that.

00;52;48;01 - 00;52;51;08 Speaker 2 Way up there and that. Yeah, That rider you said.

00;52;51;08 - 00;52;54;13 Speaker 1 I’m lucky they hold all the plywood in for.

00;52;54;15 - 00;52;55;21 Speaker 2 Yeah, I remember.

00;52;55;21 - 00;53;33;01 Speaker 1 When I was here for about 3 hours that summer. Dropped in your place here. That’s something that the guy that was going to work with, with Arlo when that plane came over here, I remember the time about seven white that was on the sides. And and we thought we just came in a lot of concern that came around that corner and you could see the propeller going around at it, you know, And and it just came along and I started coming clock down in that the sand down there and sand went flying over and it took off a lot faster than playing with a man just out there with.

00;53;33;04 - 00;53;34;27 Speaker 2 I didn’t realize it was something.

00;53;34;29 - 00;53;43;26 Speaker 1 You know, that was the way I take some pictures. Well, you know, when we were down there, they landed in one of them. My little plane is sitting there. You know, it it looked like.

00;53;43;26 - 00;54;07;28 Speaker 2 A little puppy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Real over the potato, thinking I’m going. Do you know? You know? Yeah, very he is. And his big day. And when he was doing this he was. Yeah. Champion. they go Rider of the world or what.

00;54;08;00 - 00;54;08;21 Speaker 1 You, what his name.

00;54;08;28 - 00;54;30;08 Speaker 2 You Carl the man and even give out your magazines here. So now you hear everything I mean we’re pretty damn And the guy that we want to do work. You don’t have too many guys running around and.

00;54;30;21 - 00;54;36;19 Speaker 1 I nothing I Yeah. Radio.

00;54;36;22 - 00;54;41;16 Speaker 2 And he is a very nice person.

00;54;41;18 - 00;54;54;28 Speaker 1 And me just if I had my druthers I’d get a 180 there and it’s a, it’s a heck of a good plant. It doesn’t have quite it’s got better visibility than the 85 have it.

00;54;55;00 - 00;54;55;20 Speaker 3 Yeah.

00;54;55;23 - 00;55;14;12 Speaker 1 And you know you can get in and out of most of these trips with just about anything if you want one, you know the way they will carry more, you know but boy it is expensive to operate I mean not comparatively, you know, but when it’s got the same engine as a two or six.

00;55;14;14 - 00;55;25;00 Speaker 3 An and yeah, you know, no you know not do anything. Can’t avoid knocking on the door having to go.

00;55;25;06 - 00;55;38;15 Speaker 2 Yeah. To maybe I can hear him here better already.

00;55;38;20 - 00;55;39;09 Speaker 1 Yeah.

00;55;39;11 - 00;55;46;03 Speaker 3 Your partner, he really kept kangaroos They keep him in.

00;55;46;17 - 00;55;58;03 Speaker 1 but. you been up there ever was, Lorraine. over there. Those not so snow.

00;55;58;10 - 00;56;00;25 Speaker 2 I know it. Right? Yeah.

00;56;00;28 - 00;56;08;06 Speaker 3 Well, how you been doing? All the over my car.

00;56;08;08 - 00;56;24;14 Speaker 1 And I driving what, today and 21st now. Thankfully. So I don’t again really get anything better with our time. But I think we found out this year. Let’s see and the same thing.

00;56;24;17 - 00;56;25;28 Speaker 3 Yeah.

00;56;26;00 - 00;56;30;28 Speaker 1 If I get Yeah.

00;56;31;00 - 00;56;37;20 Speaker 2 With the race here you better get back here. And first they heard him get Americans are ready not do that.

00;56;37;23 - 00;56;48;27 Speaker 1 Yeah I’m I’m pretty much where I go better they get up early now.

00;56;48;27 - 00;56;52;09 Speaker 2 I do too. I like I get up early.

00;56;52;12 - 00;57;03;00 Speaker 1 My wife she’s an I personally you know she can stay up but then more than the sunlight comes up and she buries it here, that fella.

00;57;03;03 - 00;57;16;01 Speaker 2 So I know. I hear. I remember. Yeah it is, it is it. He just cannot get up in the morning and she can’t wake up. She doesn’t get around in the morning. It’s not your.

00;57;16;02 - 00;57;17;02 Speaker 1 Parent.

00;57;17;04 - 00;57;27;25 Speaker 2 But she knew our lady. She.

Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor Interview #7, 11/21/1974
Date Created (Archival Standard):
21 November 1974
Date Created (ISO Standard):
Interview with Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor.
Taylor Ranch, Cascade, Idaho
David (Cougar Dave) Lewis Papers, MG 190, University of Idaho Library Special Collections and Archives
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Preferred Citation:
"Jess Taylor and Dorothy Taylor Interview #7, 11/21/1974", Cougar Dave Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,
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