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Title | Date | Description | Subjects |
University Farms, University of Idaho. Reaper. [105-10] | 1890 | 1890 photograph of University Farms. A reaper in the foreground. [PG1_105-10] | fields (land); reapers; farming |
Administration Building, University of Idaho (1892-1906). [51-02a] | 1894 | 1894 photograph of Administration Building. View of the old Administration building reflected in the water. [PG1_51-02a] | administration buildings |
Administration Building, University of Idaho (1892-1906). [51-02b] | 1894 | 1894 photograph of Administration Building. View of the old Administration building reflected in the water. Donor: Earl David. [PG1_51-02b] | administration buildings |
Administration Building, University of Idaho (1892-1906). [51-43a] | 1894 | 1894 photograph of Administration Building. [PG1_51-43a] | campuses; buildings; administration buildings |
University Farms, University of Idaho. Moscow in distance. [105-15] | 1895 | 1895 photograph of University Farms. Moscow in background. [PG1_105-15] | farms; campuses; horse-drawn vehicles; buildings; fields (land) |
University Farms, University of Idaho. [105-17] | 1895 | 1895 photograph of University Farms. Trees in background. [PG1_105-17] | farms; fields (land); trees |
University Farms, University of Idaho. [105-18] | 1895 | 1895 photograph of University Farms. Greenhouse to the left. [PG1_105-18] | farms; trees; greenhouses; trees; fields (land) |
Home Economics. University of Idaho. First class in Domestic Science, under the direction of Miss Lyford. [221-1] | 1895 | 1895 photograph of Home Economics. The first class in Domestic Science with Miss Lyford. Donor: Florence Corbett Johnston. [PG1_221-001] | professors (teachers); students; interiors |
Zoology class. University of Idaho. [214-06] | 1896 | 1896 photograph of Zoology building. View of a skeleton in the cupboard. [PG1_214_06] | interiors; classrooms; skeletons; students; microscopes |
Freshman botany class. University of Idaho. [215-07] | 1896 | 1896 photograph of Botany building. Students work with specimens at their workstations. [PG1_215_07] | interiors; students; workstations; specimens; microscopes |
Administration Building, University of Idaho (1892-1906) from 1st UI commencement program. [51-48] | 1896 | 1896 photograph of Administration Building. Photograph of the 1st UI commencement program. [PG1_51-48] | campuses; buildings; cards |
University of Idaho's first commencement invitation. [51-48a] | 1896 | 1896 photograph of University of Idaho's first commencement invitation. [PG1_51-48a] | universities; commencements; invitations |
Armory, University of Idaho (1896-1903) interior. [55-1] | 1896 | 1896 photograph of Armory. View of the rifle lined walls and three cadets. Donor: Gilbert Hogue. [PG1_55-01] | interiors; armories (military buildings); soldiers |
Cadets on review before Administration Building. Military Science. University of Idaho. [208-85] | 1896-04-01 | 1896-04-01 photograph of Military Science Cadets. Military cadets in formation for review in front of the old Administration building. Donor: Homer David. [PG1_208-085] | soldiers; parade grounds; administration buildings |
University of Idaho campuses, panoramic view. Corner across from infirmary, north boundary. Students lined up on sidewalk. [2-29] | 1897 | 1897 panoramic photograph of University of Idaho campus. Students lined up for procession on sidewalk. Donor: Homer David. [PG1_002-29] | campuses; students |
Cadet corps. Military Science. University of Idaho. [208-4] | 1897 | 1897 photograph of Military Science Cadets l-r: (front) Charles Armstrong, Gilbert Hogue, George Snow; (back) Harvey Hoagland, Ole Hagberg, William E. Stillinger, Reese Hattabugh, Paul Draper. Donor: Mr. & Mrs. C.R. Stillinger. [PG1_208-004] | military academies; cadets; group portraits |
Battalion Staff. Military Science. University of Idaho. [208-5] | 1897 | 1897 photograph of Military Science Cadets l-r: Winslow M. Howland, E.R. Chrisman, Gilbert Hogue, Charles Simpson, Paul Draper. Portrait of Battalion staff. Donor: UofI Army ROTC. [PG1_208-005] | military academies; group portraits |
Company 'A' officers. Military Science. University of Idaho. [208-6] | 1897 | 1897 photograph of Military Science Cadets l-r: (front) J. McNab, O. Hagberg, C.H. Armstrong, H.H. Hoagland, R.W. Fishere; (back) unidentified, C. Herbert, J.L. Raines, G. Snow, C.A. Fisher, H. Lancaster, I.D. Schuh, L.E. Hanley. Portrait of Company 'A' officers. Donor: UofI Army ROTC. [PG1_208-006] | military academies; officers (military officers); group portraits |
Company 'B' officers. Military Science. University of Idaho. [208-7] | 1897 | 1897 photograph of Military Science Cadets l-r: (front) E. Mautz, W.E. Stillinger, G. Snow, R. Hattabaugh, J. Boyd; (back) J. Burke, J. Herman, B.E. Bush, S. Knudson, M. Reed, H. Estes, J.E. Jewell, E. Armstrong.neg envelope has two negs: one of whole group, one close-up of back row, right side. Portrait of Company 'B' officers. Donor: UofI Army ROTC. [PG1_208-007] | military academies; officers (military officers); group portraits |
Company 'C'. Military Science. University of Idaho. [208-8] | 1897 | 1897 photograph of Military Science Cadets l-r: (front) E. Nichols, A. Kirkwood, G. Woodworth, M. Maxey; (back) P. Moerder, C. Ransom, M. Cuddy, M. Larsen, M. Beames, M. McCallie. Portrait of Company 'C' officers. Donor: UofI Army ROTC. [PG1_208-008] | military academies; women; group portraits |
Home Economics. University of Idaho. Class in Domestic Science. [221-34] | 1897 | 1897 photograph of Home Economics. Mrs. Egbert, Jim McNab, Ollie McConnell, Kate Hanley, Clara Playfair, Maude Mix, Miss Lyford, Pauline Moerder, Eva Nichols, Berta Kirkwood on the steps of the Administration building. [PG1_221-034] | students; exteriors |
Administration Building, University of Idaho (1892-1906). Music room. [51-23] | 1897 | 1897 photograph of Administration Building. View of the music room in the old Administration. [PG1_51-23] | interiors; music rooms; instruments |
Administration Building, University of Idaho (1892-1906). [51-3] | 1897 | 1897 photograph of Administration Building. View of the old Administration building. Donor: Albright College. [PG1_51-03] | administration buildings |
Home Economics. University of Idaho. Class in Domestic Science. [221-35] | 1897-06-13 | 1897-06-13 photograph of Home Economics. Home Economics students on the steps of the Administration building [PG1_221-035] | students; exteriors |
Cadet corps. Military Science. University of Idaho. [208-3] | 1898 | 1898 photograph of Military Science Cadets l-r: Charles Simpson, Gilbert Hogue, Mark Barnett, Jesse Rains, Winslow M. Howland, Glen McKinley, unidentified, Guy Wolfe, John Boyd, Elbert Moody, Bob Barkwell. Cadet corps in front of old Administration steps. Donor: Elbert Moody. [PG1_208-003] | military academies; cadets |