Argonaut Issues from 1950
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
The Argonaut - January 6th, 1950 | 1950-01-06 |
Athletic program (pg 1, c8) | Athletic program (pg 3, c1) | Athletics, summary of year's (pg 1, c5) | Canterbury House (pg 1, c4) | Christmas tour (pg 4, c1) | Financial status - University of Idaho (pg 1, c2) | Freshman team (pg 4, c3) | Fullbright (pg 2, c1) | Publications - University of Idaho (pg 4, c2) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 1, c3) | Tuition fees (pg 1, c6) Athletic program; Athletic program; Athletics, summary of year's; Canterbury House; Basketball; Financial status - University of Idaho; Basketball; Scholarships; Publications - University of Idaho; Scholarships and grants; Tuition fees; |
The Argonaut - January 10th, 1950 | 1950-01-10 |
Alpha Zeta (pg 4, c4) | Bridge tournament (pg 1, c1) | Darwin, Shelia (pg 1, c6) | Educational field services, Department of Education (pg 3, c2) | Engineers ball (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Ski team (pg 4, c2) | University band (pg 1, c4) | University singers (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) | Willson, Marion (pg 1, c5) | Young Democrats club (pg 2, c1) Alpha Zeta; Bridge tournament; Darwin, Shelia; Educational field services, Department of Education; Engineers ball; Tivey, DeForrest; Ski team; University band; University singers; Basketball; Willson, Marion; Young Democrats club; |
The Argonaut - January 13th, 1950 | 1950-01-13 |
City of Moscow - weather (pg 1, c5) | Debate team (pg 1, c8) | Engineers ball (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, coaching staff, U of I (pg 4, c3) | Faculty. School of Music. U of I (pg 1, c6) | Freshman team (pg 4, c3) | Girls Rifle club (pg 3, c2) | Idaho and U.S. (pg 1, c4) | Navy ROTC - Staff (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 3, c2) | University singers (pg 1, c4) | Winter Carnival (pg 1, c7) City of Moscow - weather; Debate team; Engineers ball; Harlaw, Gene; Macklin, Hall M.; Basketball; Girls Rifle club; Distribution of student; Navy ROTC - Staff; Chamberlain, Lawrence H.; University singers; Winter Carnival; |
The Argonaut - January 17th, 1950 | 1950-01-17 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 1, c2) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c3) | Buildings named (pg 1, c3) | Commissary (pg 1, c8) | Debate team (pg 1, c6) | Elections (pg 3, c3) | Engineers ball (pg 2, c6) | Faculty. School of Music. U of I (pg 1, c2) | Film Bureau (pg 1, c6) | Konsgaard, Sverre (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 3, c4) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 1, c7) | Sigma Xi (pg 3, c3) | Ski team (pg 4, c2) | Transfer students (pg 3, c5) | University band (pg 1, c5) | Varsity team vs. Wallace All-Stars (pg 4, c4) | Winter Carnival (pg 2, c2) Air Force ROTC; Blue Key -Talent show; University of Idaho - Building and campus; Dormitories; Debate team; Associated Women Students; Engineers ball; Michael, George; ASUI; Konsgaard, Sverre; Foster, Jeanne; Scholarships and grants; Sigma Xi; Ski team; Enrollment - University of Idaho; University band; Basketball; Winter Carnival; |
The Argonaut - January 20th, 1950 | 1950-01-20 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 1, c5) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c8) | Bou, Jose (pg 1, c2) | Campus Humor magazine (pg 1, c5) | Department of Journalism (pg 1, c4) | Experiment stations - conference (pg 3, c3) | Extension service (pg 1, c8) | Faculty, U of I, Department of Horticulture (pg 1, c8) | Faculty. Agricultural Chemistry. University of Idaho (pg 1, c8) | Faculty. Boxing coach. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 4, c1) | Film Bureau (pg 1, c7) | Freshman team (pg 4, c7) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c7) | International relations club (pg 1, c6) | KUOI (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Rifle team (pg 4, c1) | Sigma Chi (pg 1, c3) | University Symphony orchestra (pg 1, c2) | Waldron, Lois (pg 1, c8) Air Force ROTC; Blue Key -Talent show; Bou, Jose; BLOT; Department of Journalism; Experiment stations - conference; Shryack, Wilma; Bullard, Ervin T.; Wycoff, Harland D.; Young, Frank; ASUI; Basketball; International relations club; KUOI; Diehl, Ted; Army ROTC; Sigma Chi; University Symphony orchestra; Waldron, Lois; |
The Argonaut - January 24th, 1950 | 1950-01-24 |
Audio-visual aids (pg 2, c4) | Blue Key -Talent show (pg 1, c2) | Fencing (pg 4, c6) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 3, c2) | Meets (pg 4, c4) | Metallurgy lab (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Staff (pg 1, c2) | Turnbow, Grover D. (pg 3, c2) | University Symphony orchestra (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c1) Audio-visual aids; Blue Key -Talent show; Fencing; Gifts to University of Idaho; Swimming; University of Idaho - Expansion; Pollard, Rod; KUOI; Turnbow, Grover D.; University Symphony orchestra; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - January 27th, 1950 | 1950-01-27 |
Dean of College of Engineering (pg 1, c2) | Elections (pg 1, c2) | Experiment stations - conference (pg 1, c4) | Extension service (pg 1, c1) | Faculty, Department of Physical Education, U of I (pg 4, c5) | Overgaard, Will (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Staff (pg 1, c8) Janssen, Allen S.; Associated Women Students; Experiment stations - conference; Extension service; Greene, Leon G.; Overgaard, Will; Derr, Allen; Benjamin, Dale; Millard, Herb; The Idaho Argonaut; |
The Argonaut - January 31st, 1950 | 1950-01-31 |
City of Moscow - weather (pg 3, c3) | Freshman team (pg 4, c5) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c5) | KUOI - Program schedule (pg 3, c1) | Mucker's ball (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | President, U of I 1917-1920 (pg 1, c1) | Registration - Procedure (pg 1, c4) | Vandal flying club (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c3) | Winter Carnival (pg 1, c6) City of Moscow - weather; Basketball; KUOI - Program schedule; Mucker's ball; Eschevarria, Frank; Lindley, Ernest Hiram; Registration - Procedure; Vandal flying club; Basketball; Winter Carnival; |
The Argonaut - February 7th, 1950 | 1950-02-07 |
Faculty housing project (pg 1, c8) | Faculty. Coaching staff. University of Idaho (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Rating (pg 1, c4) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c7) | Ski team (pg 4, c7) | Staff (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho - MASCOT (The Vandal Helmet) (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c3) Faculty housing project; Smith, Richard J.; Darwin, Shelia; Geisler, Dick; The Idaho Argonaut; Religions emphasis week; Ski team; The Idaho Argonaut; University of Idaho - MASCOT (The Vandal Helmet); Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 10th, 1950 | 1950-02-10 |
Bridge tournament (pg 1, c8) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c5) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c3) | Fraternities and sorority rush (pg 1, c6) | Interfraternity ball (pg 1, c4) | KUOI (pg 2, c5) | Mucker's ball (pg 1, c6) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 1, c5) | Phi Alpha Delta (pg 2, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c6) | Student recruitment (pg 3, c4) | U of I Dean of student affairs, Dean of men (pg 1, c4) | Varsity team (pg 1, c6) | Winter Carnival (pg 1, c2) Bridge tournament; Cosmopolitan Club; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Fraternities and sorority rush; Interfraternity ball; KUOI; Mucker's ball; National Student's Association (NSA); Phi Alpha Delta; Lawson, Bud; Moyer, Larry; Religions emphasis week; Student recruitment; Decker, Charles O.; Boxing; Winter Carnival; |
The Argonaut - February 14th, 1950 | 1950-02-14 |
Curriculum (pg 1, c7) | Freshman team (pg 4, c6) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c6) | Meets (pg 4, c5) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c6) | Winter Carnival (pg 1, c8) R.O.T.C. - All services; Basketball; Swimming; Religions emphasis week; Winter Carnival; |
The Argonaut - February 17th, 1950 | 1950-02-17 |
Annex. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Bridge tournament (pg 1, c4) | Bursar of the University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c4) | Elections (pg 1, c2) | Interfraternity ball (pg 1, c6) | Meets (pg 4, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Publications - University of Idaho (pg 1, c5) | Vandal Ski club (pg 1, c7) | Varsity team vs. Oregon State College, Corvallis (pg 4, c1) Administration building (1907-; Bridge tournament; Stanton, Frank; Associated Women Students; Interfraternity ball; Swimming; Walker, Len; Walker, Norm; Publications - University of Idaho; Vandal Ski club; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 21st, 1950 | 1950-02-21 |
Faculty, Ag. Chemistry, U of I (pg 1, c7) | Freshman team (pg 4, c7) | Meets (pg 4, c3) | School of Engineering (pg 1, c2) | Ski team (pg 4, c2) | University of Idaho - Appropriations (pg 1, c4) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 1, c4) | Vandaleers (pg 3, c3) | Varsity team vs. University of Oregon, Eugene (pg 4, c1) Jordan, James V.; Basketball; Swimming; School of Engineering; Ski team; University of Idaho - Appropriations; University of Idaho - Expansion; Vandaleers; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - February 24th, 1950 | 1950-02-24 |
Arnold Air Society (pg 3, c3) | Department of Home Economics (pg 2, c3) | Elections (pg 1, c4) | Facilities. Rooms named (pg 1, c2) | Fencing (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c2) | Vandal boosters (pg 1, c1) Arnold Air Society; Department of Home Economics; Associated Women Students; Student union building; Women's recreational Association (WRA); McCormick, Janice; Oliver, Lucien E.; Religions emphasis week; Vandal boosters; |
The Argonaut - February 28th, 1950 | 1950-02-28 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 1, c6) | Art, Department of (pg 2, c4) | Faculty. Coach staff. University of Idaho (pg 1, c2) | Freshman team (pg 4, c3) | Meets (pg 4, c5) | Navy ROTC - Rifle team (pg 3, c2) | Organization of Gymnastics (pg 3, c4) | Phi Alpha Delta (pg 3, c4) | Rating (pg 1, c2) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c8) | Rifle team (pg 3, c2) | Spurs (pg 3, c2) | Varsity team vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) | Walker, Robert (pg 2, c6) Air Force ROTC; Art, Department of; Ramsey, Herschel (Red); Basketball; Swimming; Navy ROTC - Rifle team; Organization of Gymnastics; Phi Alpha Delta; Gem of the Mountains; Religions emphasis week; Army ROTC; Spurs; Basketball; Walker, Robert; |
The Argonaut - March 3rd, 1950 | 1950-03-03 |
Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c6) | Faculty housing project (pg 1, c3) | Faculty, Mechanical Engineering (pg 2, c3) | Faculty. Boxing coach. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 1, c8) | Forester's ball (pg 1, c5) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c7) | Meets (pg 4, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c2) | Rifle Club (pg 3, c7) | Spurs (pg 1, c7) | Student activities board (pg 2, c3) | University herd (pg 2, c4) | Vandaleers (pg 2, c4) | Varsity team. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Waddle (pg 3, c3) | Women's intramural swimming (pg 3, c5) Enrollment - University of Idaho; Faculty housing project; Hindle, Norman F.; Young, Frank; Forester's ball; Intercollegiate Knights; Swimming; Ellis, Donald; Geisler, Dick; Reed, Dick; Religions emphasis week; Rifle Club; Spurs; Student activities board; Dairy husbandry, Department of; Vandaleers; Boxing; Spurs; Women's intramural swimming; |
The Argonaut - March 7th, 1950 | 1950-03-07 |
Art student's club (pg 1, c6) | Brooks, Bruce (pg 3, c3) | Cadet commissions (pg 1, c7) | Campus Humor magazine (pg 1, c5) | College of Law (pg 1, c7) | Dean of College of Engineering (pg 2, c6) | Debate team (pg 3, c4) | Faculty. Coach staff. University of Idaho (pg 4, c2) | Fencing (pg 4, c6) | Freshman team (pg 4, c4) | Freshmen team vs. WSC freshmen (pg 4, c4) | Horticulture club (pg 3, c2) | Idaho Institute of Christian Education (pg 1, c3) | Kirtley lab (pg 1, c6) | Library displays (pg 2, c7) | Meets (pg 4, c3) | National Home Economic honorary (pg 3, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Ski team (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho - Politics (pg 1, c1) | Vandal flying club (pg 2, c6) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c1) Attic club; Brooks, Bruce; Army ROTC; BLOT; College of Law; Janssen, Allen S.; Debate team; Ramsey, Herschel (Red); Fencing; Basketball; Horticulture club; Idaho Institute of Christian Education; University of Idaho - Expansion; Library displays; Swimming; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Boyle, Fred; Ski team; University of Idaho - Politics; Vandal flying club; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - March 10th, 1950 | 1950-03-10 |
1950 edition - construction and opening (pg 1, c7) | Associated Women Students (pg 1, c6) | Composed of Greek and Independent Caucus members (pg 1, c2) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 2, c7) | Facilities (pg 1, c7) | Freshman week (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Radio center (pg 1, c7) | Shearing (pg 3, c3) | The 4-H club (pg 3, c5) Student union building; Associated Women Students; Coalition Board; Cosmopolitan Club; Student union building; Freshman week; Pritchett, Bob; Radio center; Animal Husbandry, Dept. of; The 4-H club; |
The Argonaut - March 14th, 1950 | 1950-03-14 |
Annex (pg 1, c2) | City of Moscow - weather (pg 1, c6) | Dairy husbandry, Department of (pg 3, c6) | Debate team (pg 1, c5) | Extension service (pg 4, c2) | Facilities (pg 1, c7) | Freshman team. Photo (pg 4, c3) | Freshman week (pg 1, c8) | Navy ROTC - Rifle team (pg 4, c6) | Publications - University of Idaho (pg 3, c3) | Rifle team (pg 4, c6) | Show (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho - MASCOT (The Vandal Helmet) (pg 4, c2) Administration building (1907-; City of Moscow - weather; Dairy husbandry, Department of; Debate team; Extension service; Student union building; Basketball; Freshman week; Navy ROTC - Rifle team; Publications - University of Idaho; Army ROTC; Pep Band; University of Idaho - MASCOT (The Vandal Helmet); |
The Argonaut - March 17th, 1950 | 1950-03-17 |
Almquist, John A. (pg 2, c2) | Arms, Shull (pg 2, c4) | Buck, Philip W. (pg 2, c4) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 1, c7) | Cueva, Erma Lewis (pg 2, c4) | Facilities (pg 1, c7) | Fencing (pg 4, c5) | Freshman week (pg 1, c8) | Government (pg 1, c6) | Helm, McKinley (pg 2, c4) | Hike, Ray (pg 2, c4) | Honorary doctorate (pg 2, c4) | Jennings, Talbot (pg 2, c4) | Library displays (pg 1, c7) | Newman club (pg 1, c2) | President, U of I 1917-1920 (pg 2, c4) | Show (pg 1, c3) | University of Idaho vs. University of Utah (pg 4, c4) | Willson, Marion (pg 2, c4) Almquist, John A.; Arms, Shull; Buck, Philip W.; Cosmopolitan Club; Cueva, Erma Lewis; Student union building; Fencing; Freshman week; Student union building; Helm, McKinley; Hike, Ray; Loosli, Clyton K.; Jennings, Talbot; Library displays; Newman club; Lindley, Ernest Hiram; Pep Band; Football; Willson, Marion; |
The Argonaut - March 21st, 1950 | 1950-03-21 |
Dairy husbandry, Department of (pg 2, c7) | Debate team (pg 1, c3) | Debate team (pg 1, c8) | Facilities (pg 3, c6) | Fencing (pg 4, c6) | Freshman week (pg 1, c2) | Guerin, Arthur (pg 1, c3) | Peters, Betty (pg 3, c3) | Phi Beta Kappa (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c8) Dairy husbandry, Department of; Debate team; Debate team; Student union building; Fencing; Freshman week; Guerin, Arthur; Peters, Betty; Phi Beta Kappa; French, Burton L.; Vorous, Shirley; Johnson, Thane; Swimming team; Vandaleers; |
The Argonaut - March 24th, 1950 | 1950-03-24 |
Agriculture Club (pg 1, c2) | Art student's club (pg 4, c7) | Athletic Awards (pg 4, c5) | Automobiles (Regulations of student's) (pg 1, c7) | English (pg 2, c6) | Facilities (pg 2, c5) | Hays, James B. (pg 2, c3) | Hodgins, Henry B. (pg 2, c3) | Isotopes (pg 1, c7) | Killsgaard, Carl (pg 4, c6) | Kulp, Mark (pg 2, c3) | Orientation of freshmen (pg 1, c8) | Payne, Donald E. (pg 2, c3) | Phi Upsilon Omicron (pg 3, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 2, c6) | Photo (pg 2, c7) | Photo (pg 4, c1) | Young, Walker R. (pg 2, c3) Agriculture Club; Attic club; Athletic Awards; Automobiles (Regulations of student's); Seniors - final examination; Student union building; Hays, James B.; Hodgins, Henry B.; University of Idaho - Research; Killsgaard, Carl; Kulp, Mark; Orientation of freshmen; Payne, Donald E.; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Ottenneimer, Jean; Baxter, Connie; MacIntosh, Bruce; Fencing; Young, Walker R.; |
The Argonaut - March 28th, 1950 | 1950-03-28 |
Agriculture Club (pg 2, c6) | All University Day (pg 3, c1) | Carlson, Herb (pg 4, c6) | Commencement exercises (pg 1, c5) | Dames Club (pg 1, c7) | Dancing honorary (pg 3, c4) | Debate team (pg 1, c7) | Fencing (pg 4, c5) | Gymnastics - meets (pg 4, c3) | Little International (pg 3, c5) | Mortar Board (pg 1, c3) | Music Hall (New) (pg 1, c6) | President, U of I 1914-1917 (pg 2, c1) | Ski team (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. Lewiston Normal (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team. Photo (pg 1, c3) Agriculture Club; All University Day; Carlson, Herb; Commencement exercises; Dames Club; Orchesis; Debate team; Fencing; Gymnastics - meets; Little International; Mortar Board; Music Hall (New); Brannon, Dr. Melvin Amos; Ski team; Baseball; Boxing; |
The Argonaut - March 31st, 1950 | 1950-03-31 |
Annex (pg 1, c2) | Baccalaureate exercises (pg 1, c4) | Bridge tournament (pg 3, c5) | Collins, Chuck (pg 2, c1) | Dairy Science - short course (pg 3, c3) | Faculty. Boxing coach. University of Idaho (pg 4, c3) | Faculty. Department of Journalism (pg 1, c6) | Hawkins, Williams (pg 1, c5) | Mortar board (pg 1, c2) | Nickle Hop (pg 1, c5) | Pan-Hellenic council (pg 1, c0) | Photo (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c4) | Rifle awards (pg 4, c2) | Varsity team vs. Lewiston Normal (pg 4, c1) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 4, c1) Administration building (1907-; Baccalaureate exercises; Bridge tournament; Collins, Chuck; Dairy Science - short course; Young, Frank; Young, Wayne; Hawkins, Williams; Mortar Board; Nickle Hop; Pan-Hellenic council; Mortar Board; Dames Club; R.O.T.C. - All services; Baseball; Women's recreational Association (WRA); |
The Argonaut - April 1st, 1950 | 1950-04-01 |
Golf course (pg 4, c4) Golf course; |
The Argonaut - April 4th, 1950 | 1950-04-04 |
All University Day (pg 1, c2) | Alumni (pg 2, c7) | Bench and Bar (pg 2, c4) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c6) | Erickson, Ralph (pg 6, c5) | Faculty, Professor of Business, U of I (pg 2, c6) | Freshman women's scholastic honorary. (pg 5, c4) | Inter-Church council (pg 5, c7) | Little International (pg 2, c4) | Meets (pg 6, c4) | Photo (pg 6, c2) | Photo (pg 6, c4) | Rallies (pg 6, c2) | Straight 'A' students listed (pg 2, c3) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 4, c4) | University of Idaho - History (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho (Photos of campus life) (pg 3, c0) | Vandaleers (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team (pg 1, c8) | Varsity team vs. Lewiston Normal (pg 6, c1) All University Day; Alumni; Bench and Bar; Borah Conference; Erickson, Ralph; Graue, Dr. Erwin; Alpha Lambda Delta; Inter-Church council; Little International; Swimming; Carlson, Herb; Walker, Len; Rallies; Grades; University of Idaho - Expansion; University of Idaho - History; University of Idaho (Photos of campus life); Vandaleers; Boxing; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 11th, 1950 | 1950-04-11 |
Alumni (pg 3, c2) | ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c8) | Athletic Awards (pg 2, c1) | Faculty housing project (pg 1, c3) | Faculty, Department of Agriculture Economics, U of I (pg 3, c6) | Faculty, Physical Education. University of Idaho (pg 1, c5) | Faculty, Plant Pathology, U of I (pg 1, c5) | Faculty, Political Science, U of I (pg 1, c4) | Faculty, U of I Agricultural Experimental Station (pg 1, c5) | G.I. Bill (pg 2, c3) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 2, c2) | Hall, Stanton G. (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Rifle team. Photo (pg 4, c2) | ROTC unit (pg 3, c1) | Schedule (pg 4, c1) | Schedules (pg 4, c1) | Staff (pg 1, c6) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c2) | Varsity team vs. Lewiston Normal (pg 4, c1) Alumni; ASUI-Elections; Athletic Awards; Faculty housing project; Folz, William E.; Richardson, Maxine; Finley, Arthur M.; Hosack, Robert E.; Dean, Leslie; G.I. Bill; Gifts to University of Idaho; Hall, Stanton G.; Carlson, Herb; Army ROTC; Davey, Harry; Golf; Tennis; Track; Baseball; Summer school; Vandaleers; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 14th, 1950 | 1950-04-14 |
Athletic Awards (pg 4, c3) | Athletic program (pg 1, c1) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c4) | Degrees, putting husband though (PHT) (pg 1, c5) | Junior prom (pg 1, c8) | Little International (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Scabbard and blade (pg 1, c3) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 1, c6) | Team personnel (pg 4, c1) Athletic Awards; Athletic program; Borah Conference; Degrees, putting husband though (PHT); Junior prom; Little International; Messerly, Lois; Scabbard and blade; Sigma Delta Chi; Track; |
The Argonaut - April 18th, 1950 | 1950-04-18 |
Alpha Tau Omega (pg 1, c2) | Art student's club (pg 3, c7) | Borah Conference (pg 1, c2) | Carroll, H.C. (pg 3, c5) | Child guidance clinic (pg 2, c5) | Debate team (pg 3, c2) | Fullbright (pg 1, c7) | Golf (pg 5, c2) | LeClair, Titus (pg 3, c5) | Little International (pg 1, c7) | Navy ROTC - Rifle team (pg 3, c6) | Perkins, Williams C. (pg 3, c5) | Reager, John L. (pg 4, c6) | Shoults, David R. (pg 3, c5) | Student teaching (pg 3, c2) | Tennis (pg 4, c3) | U of I president, 1946-1954 (pg 3, c5) | University of Idaho - Research (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c5) | Westerveld, Donald (pg 3, c6) Alpha Tau Omega; Attic club; Borah Conference; Carroll, H.C.; Child guidance clinic; Debate team; Scholarships; Golf; LeClair, Titus; Little International; Navy ROTC - Rifle team; Perkins, Williams C.; Reager, John L.; Shoults, David R.; Student teaching; Tennis; Buchanan, Jesse E.; University of Idaho - Research; Track; Baseball; Westerveld, Donald; |
The Argonaut - April 21st, 1950 | 1950-04-21 |
All University Day (pg 4, c1) | ASUI-Constitution (pg 1, c1) | Athletic Awards (pg 5, c6) | Borah Conference (pg 3, c1) | Dairy husbandry, Department of (pg 4, c3) | Debate team (pg 2, c4) | Facilities (pg 1, c3) | Faculty, School of Mines, U of I (pg 3, c4) | Home Economic Day (pg 1, c4) | Horse judging (pg 4, c1) | Little International (pg 1, c2) | Navy ROTC (pg 2, c6) | O'Meara, Donald J. (pg 4, c2) | Phi Alpha Delta (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 5, c5) | Taylor, William (pg 4, c5) | Traffic and safety committee (pg 5, c4) | University of Idaho (pg 1, c2) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c5) | Yell team (pg 1, c7) All University Day; ASUI-Constitution; Athletic Awards; Borah Conference; Dairy husbandry, Department of; Debate team; Student union building; Fahrenwald, A.W.; Home Economic Day; Animal Husbandry, Dept. of; Little International; Navy ROTC; O'Meara, Donald J.; Phi Alpha Delta; Korvola, Carol; Hinder, Dave; Scholarships and grants; Taylor, William; Traffic and safety committee; Military Ball; Vandaleers; Yell team; |
The Argonaut - April 25th, 1950 | 1950-04-25 |
All University Day (pg 1, c5) | Araquistain, Paul (pg 1, c3) | ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c8) | Chess team (pg 2, c2) | Clean-up week (pg 1, c7) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 2, c5) | Debate team (pg 1, c2) | Faculty, UI coaching staff. Photo (pg 4, c3) | Fencing (pg 4, c1) | Golf (pg 4, c3) | Home Economic Day (pg 2, c4) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c4) | Little International (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 2, c2) | Senior week (pg 1, c6) | Tennis (pg 4, c2) | Turner, Harry (pg 1, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c5) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Boise Pilots (pg 4, c1) All University Day; Araquistain, Paul; ASUI-Elections; Chess team; Clean-up week; Cosmopolitan Club; Debate team; Belko, Steve; Fencing; Golf; Home Economic Day; Intercollegiate Knights; Little International; Tivey, DeForrest; Reed, Dick; Wills, Donald; Hemovich, George; Wormald, Bruce; Orazem, Virginia; Schmid, Rosie; Bahr, Vernon; Jacob, Hyde; Sonnichson, Sonnich; Fothergill, Ralph; Hinder, Dave; Jagels, Marvin; Christensen, Andy; Glaves, Max; Lee, Bob; Grider, Rod; Scholarships and grants; Senior week; Tennis; Turner, Harry; Track; Vandaleers; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - April 28th, 1950 | 1950-04-28 |
ASUI-Elections (pg 1, c7) | Athletic Awards (pg 6, c7) | City of Moscow - prices (pg 1, c3) | Clean-up week (pg 1, c5) | Dancing honorary (pg 1, c3) | Easton, Stanley A. (pg 4, c1) | Faculty housing project (pg 3, c1) | Faculty, Dean of Agriculture. U of I (pg 4, c1) | Girard, James (pg 4, c1) | Hell Divers (pg 3, c7) | Horse judging (pg 2, c3) | Little International (pg 1, c2) | Living groups (pg 1, c6) | Morrison, Harry W. (pg 4, c1) | Music Hall (New) (pg 1, c2) | Navy ROTC (pg 4, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 3, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Schedule (pg 4, c5) | Sigma Xi (pg 4, c6) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 1, c4) | University Symphony orchestra (pg 1, c6) ASUI-Elections; Athletic Awards; City of Moscow - prices; Clean-up week; Orchesis; Easton, Stanley A.; Faculty housing project; Iddings, E.J.; Girard, James; Hell Divers; Animal Husbandry, Dept. of; Little International; Grade Averages; Morrison, Harry W.; Music Hall (New); Navy ROTC; Bahr, Vernon; Cosmopolitan Club; Home Economic Day; Martindale, David; Summer school; Sigma Xi; University of Idaho - Expansion; University Symphony orchestra; |
The Argonaut - May 2nd, 1950 | 1950-05-02 |
All University Day (pg 1, c3) | David, Donald (pg 1, c7) | Department of Physical Education (pg 1, c8) | Hell Divers (pg 1, c5) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c4) | Killsgaard, Carl (pg 4, c2) | Little International (pg 1, c6) | Narthex table (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 2, c1) | University of Idaho vs. University of California (pg 4, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c5) All University Day; David, Donald; Department of Physical Education; Hell Divers; Intercollegiate Knights; Killsgaard, Carl; Little International; Narthex table; Killsgaard, Carl; Baringa, John; Track; Track; |
The Argonaut - May 5th, 1950 | 1950-05-05 |
All University Day (pg 1, c8) | Armed Forces day (pg 1, c7) | Gaudy-Gert, Ugly-Ike contest (pg 1, c6) | Idaho state forestry week (pg 1, c3) | Narthex table (pg 2, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Rodeo club. Photo (pg 1, c4) | School of Engineering (pg 3, c6) | Senior week (pg 1, c2) | Tennis (pg 4, c4) | University concert band (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c3) | Yell team (pg 1, c5) All University Day; Armed Forces day; Gaudy-Gert, Ugly-Ike contest; Idaho state forestry week; Narthex table; Vandal flying club; Vandal riders; School of Engineering; Senior week; Tennis; University concert band; Baseball; Yell team; |
The Argonaut - May 9th, 1950 | 1950-05-09 |
All University Day (pg 1, c2) | Fencing (pg 4, c7) | Golf (pg 4, c5) | May fete (pg 1, c4) | Robinson, Delbert (pg 2, c5) | Rodeo (Vandal riders) (pg 4, c2) | Schedule (pg 1, c8) | Sigma Xi (pg 1, c7) | Tennis (pg 4, c6) | University concert band (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c3) | Varsity team vs. College of Idaho (pg 4, c1) All University Day; Fencing; Golf; May fete; Robinson, Delbert; Rodeo (Vandal riders); Football; Sigma Xi; Tennis; University concert band; Track; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 12th, 1950 | 1950-05-12 |
Campus Humor magazine (pg 1, c7) | Dancing honorary (pg 1, c2) | Faculty housing project (pg 4, c1) | Fellowships (pg 1, c3) | History (pg 4, c1) | History (pg 4, c3) | May fete (pg 1, c8) | Memorial plaque of World War II dead (pg 3, c0) | Phi Alpha Delta (pg 4, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 5, c4) | Photo (pg 6, c1) | Song fest (pg 1, c5) | Staff (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 6, c5) BLOT; Orchesis; Faculty housing project; Fellowships; Gem of the Mountains; May fete; May fete; Memorial plaque of World War II dead; Phi Alpha Delta; LaRue, Phyllis; Broyles, Donna Jean; Washburn, Marvin; Wittman, Joan; Darnall, Glenn; Song fest; Summer school; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 16th, 1950 | 1950-05-16 |
1950 edition - construction and opening (pg 1, c7) | Armed Forces day (pg 1, c3) | Cadet commissions (pg 1, c3) | Golf (pg 4, c2) | Golf course (pg 2, c5) | Infrasound game (pg 4, c2) | Intramural track (pg 4, c4) | May fete (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Montana University (pg 4, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Washington (pg 4, c1) Student union building; Armed Forces day; Army ROTC; Golf; Golf course; Basketball; Intramural track; May fete; Song fest; Chapman, Lamar; Track; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 19th, 1950 | 1950-05-19 |
Armed Forces day (pg 1, c8) | Band (pg 1, c6) | Baseball (pg 4, c1) | Campus Humor magazine. Staff (pg 1, c5) | Faculty publications (pg 1, c3) | Intramural Program (pg 4, c1) | KUOI (pg 1, c5) | Navy ROTC (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Staff (pg 1, c5) Armed Forces day; R.O.T.C. - All services; Baseball; BLOT; Faculty publications; Intramural Program; KUOI; Navy ROTC; Bunnel, Jerry; Gem of the Mountains; The Idaho Argonaut; |
The Argonaut - May 23rd, 1950 | 1950-05-23 |
Armed Forces day (pg 1, c6) | Burleigh, Thomas (pg 1, c3) | Navy ROTC (pg 2, c5) | Northern division meet (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c7) | Rodeo (Vandal riders) (pg 1, c2) | Student recruitment (pg 1, c8) | Varsity team vs. Washington State College (pg 4, c2) Armed Forces day; Burleigh, Thomas; Navy ROTC; Track; Tennis; Rodeo (Vandal riders); Student recruitment; Baseball; |
The Argonaut - May 26th, 1950 | 1950-05-26 |
History (pg 2, c5) | History (pg 4, c2) | National standing (pg 4, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Rinehart, Edward F. (pg 1, c5) Army ROTC; The Idaho Argonaut; Basketball; McReynolds, Maralee; Geddes, Jim; Rinehart, Edward F.; |
The Argonaut - May 30th, 1950 | 1950-05-30 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 2, c4) | Class of 1950 (pg 4, c0) | Commencement week - schedule (pg 1, c8) | Faculty, Dean of Agriculture. U of I. Photo (pg 4, c5) | Faculty. Mathematics department. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 2, c6) | Gains national status (pg 1, c2) | Idaho Institute of Christian Education (pg 1, c6) | Pacific coast conference (pg 4, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | University of Idaho - Photos of campus life (pg 3, c0) Air Force ROTC; Class of 1950; Commencement week - schedule; Iddings, E.J.; Taylor, Eugene; Delta Sigma Phi; Idaho Institute of Christian Education; Track; LaRue, Phyllis; Peterson, Aris; Carlson, Herb; Morrison, Harry W.; Easton, Stanley A.; Girard, James; University of Idaho - Photos of campus life; |
The Argonaut - September 14th, 1950 | 1950-09-14 |
Alumni (pg 4, c6) | Blue key (pg 1, c3) | Cadet commissions (pg 2, c2) | Curriculum (pg 5, c6) | Enrollment (pg 3, c3) | Facilities (pg 1, c6) | Faculty, Professor of Business, U of I (pg 5, c4) | Faculty, U of I college of law (pg 3, c4) | Faculty. Coaching staff. University of Idaho (pg 6, c5) | Faculty. Department of Journalism. Photo (pg 4, c6) | Faculty. Professor of Russian. University of Idaho (pg 4, c5) | Financial status - University of Idaho (pg 2, c2) | Forney Hall (pg 1, c2) | Fraternities and sorority rush (pg 1, c4) | G.I. Bill (pg 3, c6) | Gains national status (pg 5, c7) | Hansen, Orville (pg 3, c2) | Homecoming (pg 5, c3) | Identification cards (pg 1, c3) | Navy ROTC (pg 2, c6) | Orientation of freshmen (pg 1, c6) | Phi Gamma Mu (pg 5, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Placement bureau (pg 4, c1) | R.O.T.C. draft regulations (pg 2, c5) | R.O.T.C. expansion (pg 3, c1) | Registration - Procedure (pg 1, c8) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 2, c1) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 3, c6) | Student teaching (pg 4, c1) | The (Oriole) Nest (pg 2, c3) | Travel service (pg 1, c4) | U of I president, 1946-1954 (pg 1, c2) | UI Professor of French (pg 4, c2) | University of Idaho - Description (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho - Description (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho - Research (pg 5, c5) | University of Idaho - Staff (pg 3, c5) | University of Idaho - Staff (pg 4, c2) | Withdrawal of students (pg 4, c5) Alumni; Blue key; Army ROTC; Curriculum; Summer school; Student union building; Graue, Dr. Erwin; Brockelbank, William J.; Smith, Arthur L.; Young, Wayne; Zeleniak, Joseph; Financial status - University of Idaho; Forney Hall; Fraternities and sorority rush; G.I. Bill; Delta Sigma Phi; Hansen, Orville; Homecoming; Identification cards; Navy ROTC; Orientation of freshmen; Phi Gamma Mu; Jordan, Stephen; Wright, Thomas; Ramaruii, Felix; Placement bureau; R.O.T.C. draft regulations; R.O.T.C. expansion; Registration - Procedure; Scholarships and grants; Scholarships and grants; Student teaching; The (Oriole) Nest; Travel service; Buchanan, Jesse E.; Beattie, Arthur H.; University of Idaho - Description; University of Idaho - Description; University of Idaho - Research; University of Idaho - Staff; University of Idaho - Staff; Withdrawal of students; |
The Argonaut - September 19th, 1950 | 1950-09-19 |
Air Force ROTC (pg 2, c3) | Dames Club (pg 3, c3) | Dormitories (pg 2, c5) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c8) | Faculty, Professor of Business. Photo (pg 2, c3) | Faculty, Professor of School of Business. U of I (pg 4, c6) | Faculty, U of I College of Law. Photo (pg 3, c4) | Faculty. College of Education. University of Idaho (pg 3, c1) | Faculty. College of Law. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 3, c4) | Faculty. Department of Psychology. University of Idaho (pg 4, c7) | Faculty. Industrial Arts. University of Idaho (pg 3, c1) | Faculty. Professor of Agriculture Economics. U of I (pg 4, c7) | Faculty. Professor of Business. University of Idaho (pg 4, c6) | Faculty. Professor of Math. University of Idaho (pg 4, c7) | Fraternities and sorority rush (pg 1, c2) | Industrial arts - curriculum (pg 3, c4) | KUOI (pg 2, c4) | Navy ROTC (pg 1, c3) | Navy ROTC (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Queen (pg 1, c6) | Rallies (pg 1, c2) | Scholarships and Grants (pg 2, c7) | U of I president, 1946-1954 (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho - Research (pg 2, c4) | University of Idaho - Staff (pg 4, c6) | Vandal flying club (pg 1, c7) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 3, c2) Air Force ROTC; Dames Club; Dormitories; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Hart, Donald J. (Dean); Howard, William M.; Campbell, Francis; Snider, Hervon L.; Stimson, Edward S. (Dean); Otness, Robert H.; Radcliffe, George V.; Marshall, Don A.; Visser, Cornelis; Walker, Delbert J.; Fraternities and sorority rush; Industrial arts - curriculum; KUOI; Navy ROTC; Navy ROTC; Overgaard, Will; Killsgaard, Carl; Homecoming; Rallies; Scholarships and grants; Buchanan, Jesse E.; University of Idaho - Research; University of Idaho - Staff; Vandal flying club; Women's recreational Association (WRA); |
The Argonaut - September 22nd, 1950 | 1950-09-22 |
1950 edition - construction and opening (pg 1, c3) | American Society of Agricultural Engineering (pg 3, c6) | City of Moscow - prices (pg 1, c1) | City of Moscow - prices (pg 2, c6) | College of Agriculture - Curriculum (pg 3, c2) | Dancing honorary (pg 3, c2) | Faculty. Department of Philosophy. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 3, c3) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c2) | G.I. Bill (pg 3, c7) | Idaho Institute of Christian Education (pg 1, c5) | Intramural Program (pg 4, c5) | KUOI (pg 1, c7) | Library displays (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Queen (pg 1, c6) | Roger Williams club (pg 3, c2) | Staff (pg 3, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Utah (pg 1, c8) | University of Idaho vs. University of Utah (pg 4, c1) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c5) Student union building; American Society of Agricultural Engineering; City of Moscow - prices; City of Moscow - prices; College of Agriculture - Curriculum; Orchesis; Moore, Edward C.; Football - Freshman; G.I. Bill; Idaho Institute of Christian Education; Intramural Program; KUOI; Library displays; Halliday, Beverly; Homecoming; Roger Williams club; The Idaho Argonaut; Football; Vandaleers; |
The Argonaut - September 26th, 1950 | 1950-09-26 |
1950 edition - construction and opening (pg 1, c8) | Activities point system (Sponsored by AWS Mortar Board) (pg 1, c5) | Agricultural Science building (pg 1, c6) | Agriculture experiment station (pg 1, c7) | Associated Women Students (pg 3, c6) | Campus Humor magazine (pg 1, c4) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c3) | Instructors (pg 1, c3) | Intramural (pg 4, c6) | Kappa Phi (pg 3, c3) | KUOI (pg 1, c2) | Lutheran Student's Association (pg 2, c4) | Navy ROTC - Staff (pg 3, c4) | Phi Gamma Mu (pg 3, c2) | Rhodes (pg 2, c8) | Sate high school bands perform (pg 1, c4) | Society of Automotive Engineers (pg 2, c2) | Standard Oil. Photo (pg 3, c4) | University band (pg 4, c5) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 4, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Utah (pg 4, c1) | Vandal boosters (pg 4, c8) Student union building; Activities point system (Sponsored by AWS Mortar Board); Agricultural Science building; Agriculture experiment station; Associated Women Students; BLOT; Football - Freshman; Army ROTC; Football; Kappa Phi; KUOI; Lutheran Student's Association; Navy ROTC - Staff; Phi Gamma Mu; Scholarships; Band day; Society of Automotive Engineers; Scholarships; University band; Football; Vandal boosters; |
The Argonaut - September 29th, 1950 | 1950-09-29 |
1950 edition - construction and opening (pg 1, c8) | Alumni (pg 1, c4) | Army ROTC (pg 1, c8) | Board of regents (pg 2, c3) | Crusade for Freedom (pg 1, c7) | Facilities (pg 4, c1) | Faculty. Professor of Home Economics. University of Idaho (pg 5, c2) | Football - Freshman (pg 6, c2) | Fullbright (pg 4, c3) | History (pg 1, c1) | Idaho state home demonstration council (pg 5, c3) | Inland Empire drill competition (ROTC) (pg 2, c6) | Navy ROTC - Eagle and Anchor Society (pg 5, c1) | Photo (pg 6, c4) | Queen (pg 1, c3) | Rallies (pg 1, c6) | Selection (pg 1, c2) | Statistics (pg 6, c3) | Student deferment (pg 1, c5) | Student union building (pg 3, c0) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 4, c1) | Varsity team (pg 6, c5) Student union building; Alumni; Army ROTC; Houston, Maude Casho; Crusade for Freedom; Student union building; Neilsen, Elsine; Football - Freshman; Scholarships; Student union building; Idaho state home demonstration council; Inland Empire drill competition (ROTC); Navy ROTC - Eagle and Anchor Society; Holder, Bob; Homecoming; Rallies; Alpha Tau Omega esquire girl; Football; Selective service act; Student union building; Football; Boxing; |
The Argonaut - October 3rd, 1950 | 1950-10-03 |
1950 edition - construction and opening (pg 1, c8) | Air Force ROTC (pg 1, c3) | Bowley, James A. (pg 1, c4) | Facilities (pg 2, c2) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c8) | G.I. Bill (pg 2, c3) | Government (pg 1, c1) | Homecoming (pg 1, c6) | Library (pg 1, c4) | Linnenkamp, John Raymond (pg 1, c2) | Memorial gymnasium (pg 1, c5) | National Home Economic honorary (pg 3, c5) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 1, c7) | Phi Gamma Mu (pg 3, c3) | Staff (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 4, c1) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 1, c1) | Women's recreational Association (WRA) (pg 3, c2) Student union building; Air Force ROTC; Bowley, James A.; Student union building; Football - Freshman; G.I. Bill; Student union building; Homecoming; Library; Linnenkamp, John Raymond; Memorial gymnasium; Phi Upsilon Omicron; National Student's Association (NSA); Phi Gamma Mu; Gem of the Mountains; Football; Women's recreational Association (WRA); Women's recreational Association (WRA); |
The Argonaut - October 6th, 1950 | 1950-10-06 |
Agriculture experiment station (pg 3, c3) | ASUI-Budget (pg 1, c5) | Crusade for Freedom (pg 1, c2) | Engineers club (Associated) (pg 3, c6) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c3) | Facilities (pg 1, c8) | Faculty, Professor of Business (pg 1, c6) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 2, c2) | Government (pg 1, c1) | Homecoming (pg 1, c6) | Lambda Delta Sigma (pg 3, c2) | Livestock judging team (pg 2, c6) | Nickle Hop (pg 1, c2) | Schedules (pg 4, c4) | Statistics (pg 14, c5) | Student counseling center (pg 1, c2) | Student counseling center (pg 2, c2) | Student deferment (pg 1, c4) | Student deferment (pg 2, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Texas Western (pg 4, c2) | Young Republican's club (pg 2, c2) Agriculture experiment station; ASUI-Budget; Crusade for Freedom; Engineers club (Associated); Enrollment - University of Idaho; Student union building; Hart, Donald J. (Dean); Gifts to University of Idaho; Student union building; Homecoming; Lambda Delta Sigma; Livestock judging team; Nickle Hop; Boxing; Football; Student counseling center; Student counseling center; Selective service act; Selective service act; Football; Young Republican's club; |
The Argonaut - October 10th, 1950 | 1950-10-10 |
Bench and Bar (pg 1, c5) | Cross-country (pg 4, c3) | Debate, Intramural (pg 3, c6) | Extension service (pg 3, c5) | Faculty, Professor of Zoology, U of I (pg 3, c2) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Registration - geographic distribution (pg 2, c6) | Slates (pg 1, c2) | Spurs (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c2) | Young Democrats club (pg 1, c3) Bench and Bar; Intramural track; Debate, Intramural; Extension service; Jollie, Malcolm T.; Football - Freshman; Rowberry, Joan; Powell, Eleanor; Benson, Beverly; Collins, Bonese; Goulder, Clarice; Mullins, Bill; Registration - geographic distribution; Class officers; Spurs; Football; Young Democrats club; |
The Argonaut - October 13th, 1950 | 1950-10-13 |
Air Force ROTC - Rifle Team (pg 6, c4) | ASUI-Organization chart (pg 6, c1) | Dancing honorary (pg 7, c3) | Degrees, putting husband though (PHT) (pg 7, c7) | Faculty. Department of Zoology. University of Idaho (pg 6, c4) | Football - Freshman (pg 8, c5) | Foreign student (pg 6, c5) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 6, c4) | Girls Rifle club (pg 2, c4) | Government (pg 2, c5) | History (pg 1, c7) | Homecoming dance (pg 1, c2) | Idaho Institute of Christian Education (pg 7, c2) | Inter-Church council (pg 2, c4) | Livestock judging team (pg 7, c5) | Pajama Parade (pg 1, c5) | Pan-Hellenic council (pg 6, c0) | Parade (pg 1, c4) | Parade (pg 6, c6) | Phi Gamma Mu (pg 6, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 2, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 7, c4) | Photographic supplement (pg 3, c0) | Roise, Harold (pg 4, c3) | Sidewalks (pg 1, c8) | Slates (pg 1, c3) | Statistics (pg 8, c4) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 8, c2) | Young Democrats club (pg 2, c2) Air Force ROTC - Rifle Team; ASUI-Organization chart; Orchesis; Degrees, putting husband though (PHT); Stough, Howard B.; Football - Freshman; Middlebow, Jens; Gifts to University of Idaho; Girls Rifle club; Student union building; Homecoming; Homecoming dance; Idaho Institute of Christian Education; Inter-Church council; Livestock judging team; Homecoming; Pan-Hellenic council; Homecoming; Homecoming; Phi Gamma Mu; Rowberry, Joan; Livestock judging team; Phi Gamma Mu; Dames Club; Homecoming; Roise, Harold; Buildings and grounds; Class officers; Football; Young Democrats club; |
The Argonaut - October 17th, 1950 | 1950-10-17 |
Buildings and grounds (pg 1, c6) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c2) | Homecoming (pg 1, c2) | Jennings, Talbot (pg 2, c3) | KUOI (pg 1, c3) | Lutheran Student's Association (pg 3, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Scholarship Awards assembly (pg 1, c8) | Statistics (pg 4, c7) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho vs. University of Oregon (pg 4, c1) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c4) Buildings and grounds; Football - Freshman; Homecoming; Jennings, Talbot; KUOI; Lutheran Student's Association; Ashton, Jim; Broyles, Donna Jean; McKee, Jerry; LeDuc, Rich; Scholarship Awards assembly; Football; University of Idaho - Expansion; Football; Vandaleers; |
The Argonaut - October 20th, 1950 | 1950-10-20 |
ASUI tournament (pg 4, c3) | Cadet commissions (pg 1, c3) | Canterbury House (pg 1, c3) | Dancing honorary (pg 3, c6) | Extension service (pg 2, c1) | Faculty. Department of Psychology. University of Idaho (pg 1, c1) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c2) | Living groups (pg 1, c4) | National Student's Association (NSA) (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Photos (pg 3, c3) | Rodeo club (pg 3, c3) | Roylance, Howard B. (pg 2, c1) | Schedule (pg 4, c6) | Slates (pg 1, c6) | Statistics (pg 4, c4) | Student recruitment (pg 2, c3) | University of Idaho - Staff (pg 1, c7) | Young Republican's club (pg 1, c5) Golf; Army ROTC; Canterbury House; Orchesis; Extension service; Otness, Robert H.; Football - Freshman; Grade Averages; National Student's Association (NSA); Fray, Bill; Canterbury House; Vandal riders; Roylance, Howard B.; Basketball; Class officers; Football; Student recruitment; University of Idaho - Staff; Young Republican's club; |
The Argonaut - October 24th, 1950 | 1950-10-24 |
Activities placement cards (pg 1, c7) | Blood drive (pg 1, c7) | Campus chest (pg 1, c2) | Cross-country (pg 4, c1) | Dad's day (pg 1, c3) | Election board (pg 1, c8) | Extension service (pg 1, c4) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c1) | Girls Rifle club (pg 1, c1) | International relations club (pg 1, c5) | Intramural (pg 4, c5) | Photo (pg 2, c3) | Rhodes (pg 1, c6) | Sundet, Sherman (pg 2, c1) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 4, c2) Activities placement cards; Blood drive; Campus chest; Intramural track; Dad's day; Election board; Extension service; Football - Freshman; Girls Rifle club; International relations club; Football; Brown, John; Scholarships; Sundet, Sherman; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 27th, 1950 | 1950-10-27 |
Alumni (pg 1, c4) | Blood drive (pg 1, c7) | Cross-country (pg 4, c6) | Dad's day (pg 1, c3) | Davis brothers. Photo (pg 3, c4) | Debate, Women's Intramural (pg 3, c3) | Election board (pg 3, c3) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c1) | Foreign student. Photo (pg 1, c3) | Foreign students (pg 1, c7) | G.I. Bill (pg 2, c5) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 1, c6) | Golf (pg 4, c7) | Hell Divers (pg 1, c6) | Hockey (pg 3, c4) | Intercollegiate Knights (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Rallies (pg 1, c5) | Slates (pg 1, c8) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 4, c3) Alumni; Blood drive; Intramural track; Dad's day; Scholarships; Debate, Women's Intramural; Election board; Football - Freshman; Tomasson, Tomas; Foreign students; G.I. Bill; Gifts to University of Idaho; Golf; Hell Divers; Hockey; Intercollegiate Knights; Lattig, H.E. (Dean); Riggers, Stanley; Rallies; Class officers; Football; |
The Argonaut - October 31st, 1950 | 1950-10-31 |
Arnold Air Society (pg 3, c5) | Campus chest (pg 1, c3) | Cannon (pg 1, c3) | Cross-country (pg 4, c7) | Dad's day (pg 1, c8) | Faculty. Department of Geology. University of Idaho (pg 2, c6) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c4) | Gem of the Mountains (pg 1, c4) | Idaho and U.S. (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Slates (pg 1, c2) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 2, c4) | University of Idaho vs. WSC (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Wyoming University (pg 4, c3) Arnold Air Society; Campus chest; Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE); Intramural track; Dad's day; Scheid, Vernon E.; Football - Freshman; Gem of the Mountains; Distribution of student; Morgan, Janice; Taylor, Jackie; Class officers; Football; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 3rd, 1950 | 1950-11-03 |
Buildings and grounds (pg 3, c6) | Campus chest (pg 1, c7) | Composed of Greek and Independent Caucus members (pg 2, c3) | Dad's day (pg 1, c8) | Debate, Men's Intramural (pg 1, c6) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c5) | Government (pg 3, c4) | Livestock judging team (pg 1, c6) | Phi Mu Alpha (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | Rallies (pg 1, c3) | Sigma Alpha Iota (pg 3, c3) | Slates (pg 1, c4) | Statistics (pg 4, c3) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 3, c6) | University of Idaho vs. Wyoming University (pg 4, c2) Buildings and grounds; Campus chest; Coalition Board; Dad's day; Debate, Men's Intramural; Football - Freshman; Student union building; Livestock judging team; Phi Mu Alpha; Baxter, Vern; Mays, Bob; Morgan, Janice; Rowberry, Joan; Taylor, Jackie; Brown, John; Mullins, Bill; Jayne, Ben; LeDuc, Rich; Tallant, Jim; Agricultural Science building; Fray, Bill; Beguhl, Marvin; Colquitt, Ray; Block, King; Chadband, Jim; Rallies; Sigma Alpha Iota; Class officers; Football; University of Idaho - Expansion; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 7th, 1950 | 1950-11-07 |
Agricultural Science building (pg 1, c6) | Air Force ROTC (pg 3, c4) | Alumni (pg 1, c5) | ASUI-Budget (pg 1, c4) | Campus chest (pg 1, c8) | City of Moscow - prices (pg 1, c1) | Dad's day (pg 1, c4) | Debate, Women's Intramural (pg 1, c3) | Rallies (pg 1, c6) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 2, c5) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c6) | University of Idaho vs. Wyoming University (pg 4, c1) Agricultural Science building; Air Force ROTC; Alumni; ASUI-Budget; Campus chest; City of Moscow - prices; Dad's day; Debate, Women's Intramural; Rallies; University of Idaho - Expansion; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 10th, 1950 | 1950-11-10 |
Ag Bawl (pg 1, c3) | Arnold Air Society (pg 3, c3) | Campus chest (pg 1, c5) | Debate team (pg 1, c2) | Debate, Men's Intramural (pg 1, c2) | Debate, Women's Intramural (pg 1, c3) | Football - Freshman (pg 4, c2) | Fullbright (pg 2, c3) | Intramural Swimming (pg 4, c5) | Junior varsity games (pg 4, c3) | Phi Mu Alpha (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Rodeo (Vandal riders) (pg 1, c7) | Statistics (pg 4, c2) | Student directory (pg 1, c3) | U of I president, 1946-1954. Photo (pg 3, c3) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c4) Ag Bawl; Arnold Air Society; Campus chest; Debate team; Debate, Men's Intramural; Debate, Women's Intramural; Football - Freshman; Scholarships; Intramural Swimming; Basketball; Phi Mu Alpha; McDevitt, Herman; Taylor, Jackie; Rodeo (Vandal riders); Football; Student directory; Buchanan, Jesse E.; Football; |
The Argonaut - November 14th, 1950 | 1950-11-14 |
Ag Bawl (pg 1, c4) | Art student's club (pg 3, c7) | Bench and Bar (pg 3, c3) | Campus chest (pg 1, c3) | Dancing honorary (pg 3, c2) | Debate team (pg 1, c7) | Department of Social Science (pg 1, c5) | Foreign student (pg 3, c2) | Hockey (pg 2, c3) | Library displays (pg 2, c3) | Navy ROTC (pg 3, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 2, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c3) | Student directory (pg 1, c6) | Student representation on university committees (pg 1, c2) | UI vs. Boston University (pg 4, c2) | University band (pg 3, c4) | University of Idaho vs. Oregon State College (pg 4, c1) | Vandaleers (pg 3, c5) Ag Bawl; Attic club; Bench and Bar; Campus chest; Orchesis; Debate team; Department of Social Science; Lange, Willi-Karl; Hockey; Library displays; Navy ROTC; Sigma Alpha Iota; Choules, Bill; Clauser, Barbara; Colquitt, Ray; Student directory; Student representation on university committees; Football; University band; Football; Vandaleers; |
The Argonaut - November 17th, 1950 | 1950-11-17 |
Ag Bawl (pg 1, c3) | Air Force ROTC (pg 2, c4) | Boy Scouts of America service fraternity (pg 1, c8) | Forester's club (pg 3, c6) | Hockey (pg 3, c4) | Home Economic club (pg 2, c8) | Madrigal singers (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | Sigma Delta Chi (pg 2, c3) | Sigma Gamma Epsilon (pg 1, c6) | Sigma Tau (pg 1, c3) | Student recruitment (pg 1, c2) | Theta Sigma (pg 1, c6) | UI vs. Boston University (pg 4, c4) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c7) | Varsity team (pg 4, c3) Ag Bawl; Air Force ROTC; Alpha Phi Omega; Forester's club; Hockey; Home Economic club; Madrigal singers; Ogle, Jerry; Sigma Delta Chi; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Sigma Tau; Student recruitment; Theta Sigma; Football; Vandaleers; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - November 21st, 1950 | 1950-11-21 |
Chess tournament (pg 1, c7) | Civil engineering (pg 3, c2) | Debate, Men's Intramural (pg 1, c2) | Faculty housing project (pg 1, c4) | Hockey (pg 3, c4) | Idaho Institute of Christian Education (pg 1, c3) | Personnel (pg 4, c2) | UI vs. Boston University (pg 4, c1) | University of Idaho (pg 4, c2) | Vandal Ski club (pg 3, c7) Alpha Phi Omega; Civil engineering; Debate, Men's Intramural; Faculty housing project; Hockey; Idaho Institute of Christian Education; Swimming team; Football; Track; Vandal Ski club; |
The Argonaut - November 28th, 1950 | 1950-11-28 |
Bridge tournament (pg 3, c4) | Buildings and grounds (pg 1, c4) | Buildings and grounds (pg 2, c5) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 2, c6) | Director's clinic (pg 1, c8) | Leadership training conference (pg 1, c6) | Peterson, Jacob M. (pg 1, c4) | Phi Alpha Kappa (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c4) | Photo (pg 4, c5) | U of I vs. Arizona State (pg 4, c2) | University of Idaho - Expansion (pg 1, c4) | Vandal Ski club (pg 1, c3) Bridge tournament; Buildings and grounds; Buildings and grounds; Cosmopolitan Club; University band; Leadership training conference; Peterson, Jacob M.; Phi Alpha Kappa; Jenkins, Sam; Chadband, Jim; Wheeler, Bob; Football; University of Idaho - Expansion; Vandal Ski club; |
The Argonaut - December 1st, 1950 | 1950-12-01 |
Alpha Zeta (pg 3, c6) | Army ROTC (pg 1, c4) | Coaching staff, U of I. Photo (pg 1, c2) | Debate, Men's Intramural (pg 1, c7) | Delta Mu (pg 3, c3) | Enrollment - University of Idaho (pg 1, c6) | Freshman team (pg 4, c3) | Golf course (pg 1, c8) | Holly Week (pg 1, c5) | National Home Economic honorary (pg 1, c4) | Navy ROTC (pg 2, c2) | Opera - Cavalleria Rusticana (pg 1, c7) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | Statistics (pg 4, c1) | Vandal Ski club (pg 3, c7) | Varsity team (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 4, c2) Alpha Zeta; Army ROTC; Howell, Dixie; Debate, Men's Intramural; Delta Mu; Enrollment - University of Idaho; Basketball; Golf course; Holly Week; Phi Upsilon Omicron; Navy ROTC; Opera - Cavalleria Rusticana; Fray, Bill; Ringe, Don; Reed, Dick; Football; Vandal Ski club; Basketball; Boxing; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 5th, 1950 | 1950-12-05 |
Art student's club (pg 1, c8) | Bench and Bar (pg 1, c7) | Benefit basketball game helps to pay for hospital bills (pg 1, c1) | Cosmopolitan Club (pg 2, c4) | Debate team (pg 1, c5) | Faculty, School of Forestry, U of I (pg 2, c6) | Faculty. Coach staff. University of Idaho (pg 4, c4) | Faculty. Department of Home economics. U of I (pg 3, c4) | Faculty. Department of Music. U of I (pg 2, c2) | Faculty. Department of Social Science . Dean of Letters and Sciences (pg 1, c4) | Freshman team (pg 4, c2) | Goulder, Clarice (pg 1, c7) | Gymnastics - meets (pg 4, c8) | Holly Week (pg 1, c2) | Leadership training conference (pg 1, c2) | Opera - Cavalleria Rusticana (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 4, c5) | Photo (pg 4, c6) | Religions emphasis week (pg 1, c7) | Ski team (pg 4, c3) | Vandal flying club (pg 1, c6) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 4, c1) Attic club; Bench and Bar; Choules, Bill; Cosmopolitan Club; Debate team; Jeffers, D.S.; Ramsey, Herschel (Red); Magruder, Lucille; Lockery, Glen R.; Martin, Boyd A.; Basketball; Goulder, Clarice; Gymnastics - meets; Holly Week; Leadership training conference; Opera - Cavalleria Rusticana; Tallant, Jim; Mead, Herbert; Religions emphasis week; Ski team; Vandal flying club; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 8th, 1950 | 1950-12-08 |
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (pg 2, c5) | Benefit basketball game helps to pay for hospital bills (pg 1, c4) | Education honorary (pg 3, c6) | Football team (pg 4, c5) | Freshman team (pg 4, c1) | Future teacher of America (pg 1, c3) | Leadership training conference (pg 1, c8) | Lutheran Student's Association (pg 3, c6) | Photo (pg 1, c2) | Photo (pg 1, c3) | Photo (pg 1, c4) | Photo (pg 1, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c6) | Photo (pg 4, c2) | Practice court (pg 1, c5) | Record broken (pg 4, c3) | Ski school (pg 3, c4) | Student recruitment (pg 1, c6) | Student's chamber of commerce (pg 1, c5) | Vandal flying club (pg 1, c5) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman (pg 4, c3) American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Choules, Bill; Kappa Delta Pi; Football team; Basketball; Future teacher of America; Leadership training conference; Lutheran Student's Association; Erickson, Carol; Weitz, Nancy; Schumann, Willa; Tate, Suzanne; Bertrand, Genette; Mather, Bill; College of Law; Swimming team; Women's recreational Association (WRA); Student recruitment; Business Administration, College of; Vandal flying club; Vandaleers; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 12th, 1950 | 1950-12-12 |
Associated Women Students (pg 3, c3) | Benefit basketball game helps to pay for hospital bills (pg 1, c1) | Board bill (pg 2, c6) | Bridge tournament (pg 3, c5) | Dancing honorary (pg 1, c3) | Delta Mu (pg 3, c3) | Freshman team (pg 4, c5) | Holly Week (pg 1, c8) | Leadership training conference (pg 1, c4) | Navy ROTC - Rifle team (pg 1, c1) | Photo (pg 1, c7) | Spurs (pg 3, c3) | Student recruitment (pg 1, c4) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c7) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga University (pg 4, c5) | Varsity team vs. Montana State University, Bozeman (pg 4, c4) | Varsity team vs. Phillips 66 (pg 4, c1) Associated Women Students; Choules, Bill; Dormitories; Bridge tournament; Orchesis; Delta Mu; Basketball; Holly Week; Leadership training conference; Navy ROTC - Rifle team; Opera - Cavalleria Rusticana; Spurs; Student recruitment; Vandaleers; Basketball; |
The Argonaut - December 15th, 1950 | 1950-12-15 |
Alumni - Sons and daughters who come to Idaho (pg 5, c2) | Atomic Energy Conference (pg 3, c6) | Benefit basketball game helps to pay for hospital bills. Photos (pg 1, c6) | Bridge tournament (pg 4, c2) | Butler, John L. (pg 5, c3) | Campus Humor magazine (pg 1, c1) | City of Moscow - weather (pg 5, c8) | Dancing honorary (pg 1, c5) | Freshman team (pg 6, c2) | Gifts to University of Idaho (pg 1, c7) | Holly Week (pg 1, c8) | Idaho Institute of Christian Education (pg 3, c3) | KUOI (pg 3, c2) | Navy ROTC (pg 4, c1) | Phi Gamma Mu (pg 3, c5) | Photo (pg 1, c8) | Photo (pg 5, c2) | Rodeo club (pg 5, c2) | Ski school (pg 5, c2) | Travel service (pg 1, c2) | Vandaleers (pg 1, c3) | Varsity team vs. Colorado A and M (pg 6, c4) | Varsity team vs. Denver Chevrolet (pg 6, c2) | Varsity team. Photo (pg 6, c4) Alumni - Sons and daughters who come to Idaho; Atomic Energy Conference; Choules, Bill; Bridge tournament; Butler, John L.; BLOT; City of Moscow - weather; Orchesis; Basketball; Gifts to University of Idaho; Holly Week; Idaho Institute of Christian Education; KUOI; Navy ROTC; Phi Gamma Mu; Schumann, Willa; Greene, George; Vandal riders; Women's recreational Association (WRA); Travel service; Vandaleers; Basketball; Boxing; |