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Nez Perce
Expedition Culture Geography People Maps Nature
  Broken Arm
Old Joseph
Old Looking Glass
Looking Glass
Sam Morris
No Horns on His Head
Peo peo Tholekt
Rabbit Skin Leggings
Tu hul hul'cuut'
Twisted Hair
White Bird
Yellow Wolf

  Nimíipuu Consultants and Interviewees

Broken Arm (Tun-e-mul-tolt)

Broken Arm was the leader of the band which dwelt in the Kamiah area on the main stem of the Clearwater River, during the time of Lewis and Clark. It was from Broken Arm's camp that three young men were sent to acquire firearms from the Hidatsa. This was an essential task, since the hostile Blackfeet already owned firearms, which put the Plateau tribes at a disadvantage. At the same time, Broken Arm sent two men to the south to the Shoshone, to open up peaceful negotiations, so that they may take measures against their common enemy. Instead, the peace envoys were killed by the Shoshones, which required retaliation. Meanwhile, the three men returned from Hidatsa country, having successfully secured six guns, powder, and lead. In addition to this they brought back information about a party of white men who were traveling towards Nez Perce country from the Mandan villages to the east. Nevertheless, Broken Arm organized the warriors and traveled south to confront the enemy. While Broken Arm and the fighting men were still away in the south the Lewis and Clark expedition arrived in Nez Perce country. Despite this, Broken Arm was there to greet the expedition on their return trip, having returned victoriously from fighting the Shoshone, vanquishing 42 of the enemy, while only losing three Nez Perce warriors. Broken Arm played an important role, as a leader, during this critical time period.

© Nez Perce Tribe 2002