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The Start of Something Big
Meriwether Lewis had worked his whole life for a journey like the one Jefferson had charged him with. Philadelphia was his starting point. Image © 2002 www.clipart.com.

By the spring of 1803, President Jefferson's longtime dream was about to become a reality: The United States was going to explore an all-water route to the Pacific.

In early 1803 in a series of secret notes to Congress, Jefferson obtained approval to send an intelligence officer with 10-12 men to explore the Trans-Mississippi West. Jefferson had spent months at Monticello pondering this momentous expedition. During that time the biggest decision the president made was in assigning his secretary, Meriwether Lewis, this daunting task.

Lewis was a good candidate, but he wasn't perfect. A Virginia woodsman, Lewis knew his way around the wilderness as well as how to lead a military unit. What he lacked, though, was the scientific training vital to the success of this expedition. He would be called upon to navigate and map new lands, to chronicle new flora and fauna, to note mineral deposits and agriculture potential, and to report scientifically on all the natives the expedition encountered. In addition, Lewis would be responsible for the health and safety of his men along with having to spread a welcoming message on behalf of President Jefferson and the United States. And beneath all of it was the chance to open trade and find a route to the Pacific.

Now it was time to gear up. Two priorities were clear: Jefferson needed to ramp up Lewis' scientific skills, and Lewis needed to supply the expedition. The solution to both lay on the road to and in Philadelphia. Why Philadelphia? The city had become home to the nation's brightest minds. It was there that Lewis would build the foundation he would need to carry out his mission.

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