Argonaut Issues from 1998
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
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The Argonaut - January 13rd, 1998 | 1998-01-13 |
Parking Committee provides top 10 for tickets: Ignorance of rules no excuse for fine; Service group succeeds with Giving Tree: Three families, 14 children have merrier Christmas; Say yes to more money: Act fast to meet federal deadlines; Head butting trees does not make you “cool” (p7) Parking regulations; Christmas; Taxes; Skiing |
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The Argonaut - January 16th, 1998 | 1998-01-16 |
Borah Hall takes another dive; Candlelight march set for Tuesday; Website takes crack at campus waste, fraud; Fatal shooting declared justifiable homicide (p2); Kennewick man dies mysteriously in WSU Dormitory (p2); Bits of culture needed for educational kits (p3); University to honor Martin Luther King today (p4); Ten compete Wednesday for Miss U of I title (p5); SUB Art gallery unveils nightmarish exhibit (p8) Water leak; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; Auditing services; Shooting; Crime; International travels; Greek life; Miss U of I; Archives; Art |
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The Argonaut - January 21st, 1998 | 1998-01-21 |
Fire causes minimal damage to Moscow home: Residents praise fire department for avoiding water damage; Student Health helps smokers quit; Housing list goes online; War hero tells his tale (p3); Poets from Prague visit the Vox (p8) Fire department; Smoking; Martin Luther King Jr.; Vernon Baker; Poetry |
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The Argonaut - January 23rd, 1998 | 1998-01-23 |
Students march in honor of King; Does college living mean unhealthy living?: Student Health provides nutrition program; Man faces trial on federal murder charge (p2); UI welcomes new director of Multicultural Affairs: Small office has big plans, Walker say (p3); Fight insomnia with net games: A web review by Amy Sanderson (p10) Martin Luther King Jr.; Nutrition program; Crime; Multicultural affairs; Internet |
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The Argonaut - January 27th, 1998 | 1998-01-27 |
Involvement Fair brings students, clubs together; Representation wanted: Senate grapples with reaching off-campus students; A safe choice full of sadness: Humane Society euthanizes wolf hybrid (p3); Idaho fighting court system prejudiced against women (p4); Conservationist say proposal undermines water quality (p5); Great nature photos are a snap: Bird photography in Idaho (p8) Involvement fair; ASUI Senate; Humane Society; Women’s rights; Water quality; Nature |
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The Argonaut - January 30th, 1998 | 1998-01-30 |
Students may lose federal loan money: Proposed elimination of Perkins loans could cost UI students up to $2 million; Location hurts Student Involvement Fair; E-mail afoul: Eagle server goes down, gets back up; Alumni raise funds to resurrect tradition: $40,000 needed to bring chimes back (p3); UI film club to host festival this April (p8); Good movies you shouldn’t watch with your parents (p9) Financial aid; Involvement fair; Internet server; Film club; Movies |
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The Argonaut - February 3rd, 1998 | 1998-02-03 |
Pedestrians, drivers confused over crosswalk laws; Recycling outreach needs volunteers, donations; Residence Hall Association retreats for new ideas: Hall presidents, Executive Board take time to discuss improving programs (p3); Students in Idaho facing more debt: Fees eight times higher today than 20 years ago (p5); Violent Femmes Hit Walla Walla (p8); Warhol works join Prichard exhibit (p11) Road laws; Recycling; RHA; Tuition |
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The Argonaut - February 6th, 1998 | 1998-02-06 |
Supreme Court Justice to speak at UI Tuesday: O’Connor expected to pack the house; Plagiarism policy gives teachers more teeth; UI still working to keep freshmen in school; ASUI agrees to buy outdoor campus phones (p3); Cruise the world at the IFA International Afternoon (p8) Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; Plagiarism; International celebrations |
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The Argonaut - February 10th, 1998 | 1998-02-10 |
Idaho wants spirit banners, too: Banners are subject of debate under Idaho law; UI, WSU celebrate Black History Month: African-American culture honored throughout February; O’Connor speak today (p3); Former instructor, WSU settle discrimination lawsuit (p3); UI student receives education of a lifetime (p4); Committee axes bill setting aside funds for talented students (p7) Team spirit; Black History Month; Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; Discrimination; Paramilitary crisis; Gifted-and-talented student program funding |
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The Argonaut - February 13rd, 1998 | 1998-02-13 |
O’Connor brings a bit of D.C. to Moscow: Supreme Court Justice speaks on the role of federalism; GSA takes nominations for executive board; Feds seeks dismissal of manslaughter charge against FBI sniper (p2); Make sure Cupid’s got condoms, not just chocolates: American Social Health Association urges protected sex this Valentine’s Day (p3); Judd jumps to high success, bar none (p12) Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; FBI sniper; Valentine’s Day; Track and Field; Hockey |
Showing 1 to 10 of 68 entries