Argonaut Issues from 1997
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
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The Argonaut - January 14th, 1997 | 1997-01-14 |
Financial aid deadline fast approaching: Forms should be mailed by end of month, director says; Local man leaps to death; Faculty petition against GPA changes; Clinton asks to delay harrassment suit (p8); D'Amato Nazi gold shipped to Spain (p9); Player finds deafness an advantage in b-ball court (p20) Financial aid; Death; Clinton harrassment suit; Nazi; Basketball; Football |
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The Argonaut - January 17th, 1997 | 1997-01-17 |
Council Reconsiders positition on grading policy: UI president calls for general faculty meeting; Students begin MLK celebrations; Two Senate seats, other ASUI positions open for students to get involved; Health center helps students kick the habit (p4); Financial aid and frustration both begin with 'F' (p6); Universities forge students; foundries forge slugs (p6); NCAA vote passes, affects Idaho athletes (p8); Faculty meeting; MLK celebrations; ASUI positions; Health center; Financial aid, University; Idaho athlete; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - January 22nd, 1997 | 1997-01-22 |
Advisor gives tips on financial forms; Governor's new holdback proposal cuts into university; Associate professors' salaries hit bottom; NASA selects UI engineering students: Team to use "Apollo 13" airplanes (p3); Middle-ground options abound in Jones case (p4); Media botches Ebonics debate (p8) Financial Forms, Holdback proposal, Associate professors' salaries; NASA; UI engoneering students; Basketball, Jones case, |
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The Argonaut - January 24th, 1997 | 1997-01-24 |
Ul student seeks state board intervention; Core credits miscalculated on grade mailers; New service fraternity joins campus: Alpha Phi Omega returns to university after seven-year absence; Hebron agreement shows Netanyahu supports peace process (p7); Vandals raked by Aggie scoring machine (p8); Vandal women persevere (p9) State border intervention; Fraternity, flowers; Hebron agreement; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - January 28th, 1997 | 1997-01-28 |
Pullman residents get caution on water: Moscow, Pullman water safe, but can pick up contaminants; Regents approve fee increase for fall: Officials target summer1998 for University Commons groundbreaking; Forum, discusses local flooding, water quality: Panelist predicts more Moscow floods; Nature Conservancy leases Moscow Mountain parcel: Next step: management planning; Clinton, bankers meet with bank regulator (p6); Recruit who brought sex scandal to light leaves Army (p7); Congress remains skeptical on UN reform (p7); South leads UI Tennis into bright future (p13) Water; fee increase; Local flooding; Nature Conservancy; Chipman trail; Clinton; Sex scandal; Basketball; Football |
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The Argonaut - January 31st, 1997 | 1997-01-31 |
Council amends changes to grading system: General faulty to give input next week; Daniels resigns from senate: Student leaders trek to Boise; Yellowstone wolf author to speak in Moscow; Student residents needed at the fire department (p3); Joe comes home to the Dome (p8) Grading system; Senate; Student residents; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - February 4th, 1997 | 1997-02-04 |
Declining elk herds prompt new hunting regulations; Last public hearing is today is Orofino; Speaker to give insight on China's human rights; Dining for scholars program provides ethnic fare; Moscow nursing home gets blue ribbon for idea (p4); UI cadets go All-Pro (p5); Groups prepare for Sexual Assault Awareness Week (p6) ; Marine corps papers back Gulf veterans' claims' of chemical exposure (p6); Idaho women's four game win streak comes to end (p12) Hunting regulations; China's human rights; Nursing home; UI cadets; Sexual awareness weekend; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - February 7th, 1997 | 1997-02-07 |
"The Real World'' Mohammed inspires diversity; Council changes international admission requirements; Micron recruits employees from Ul; Tiananmen Square leader speaks on China (p4); Fund teachers, not prisoners (p6); : NIC: a Vandal satellite for college hoops (p7); Ul men take three-game win streak on road (p9) Diversity; international admission requirements; Tiananmen square; China; teachers; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - February 11th 1997 | 1997-02-11 |
Meeting fails to stir enough faculty: Council's final decision on replacing grades remains unchanged; Video moves students to tears: Black History Month raises awareness of multiculturalism; Forestry students help plan college's future; Lecture features former national science adviser: Renowned physicist to address science, politics (p3); Senate considers funding rape survey: Also takes on alcohol policy, course repeats and Ul license plates (p4); Legislators plan to cut more education funds (p5); Vandal women split at home, beat Cal-Poly (p10) Replacing grades; Black History Month; Forestry students; National science adviser; Rape survey; Education funds; Hello Walk; Basketball |
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The Argonaut - February 14th, 1997 | 1997-02-14 |
Local club has big plans; Interfraternity Council passes alcohol policy; Senate gives money for campus rape study; Heavy traffic moves commons project forward (p4); It's time for the Vandal Indoor Invitational (p8) Alcohol policy; Rape study; Home educators; Commons project; Basketball; Track and Field |
Showing 1 to 10 of 75 entries