Argonaut Issues from 1993
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
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The Argonaut - January 12th, 1993 | 1993-01-12 |
Assistant professor. Research grants (pg 2, c0) | ASUI president. Attorney general position vacancy (pg 1, c0) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 4, c0) | Coffeehouse (pg 18, c0) | Coffeehouse. Photo (pg 18, c0) | Former attorney general (pg 1, c0) | Lady Vandals (pg 11, c0) | Lady Vandals (pg 13, c0) | Poetry book (pg 16, c0) | Ricks, Marvin (pg 4, c0) | Survey (pg 1, c0) | UI vs. Central Washington (pg 11, c0) | UI vs. Whitman (pg 11, c0) | University of Idaho vs. Sacramento State. Photo (pg 11, c0) | Vacancy (pg 1, c0) | Varsity team - Big Island invitational (pg 12, c0) | Varsity team - Real Dairy classic (pg 15, c0) | Varsity team vs. Gonzaga University (pg 14, c0) | Varsity team vs. Seattle University (pg 14, c0) Wichman, Holly; Rock, J. Richard; Lightfoot, Orlando; ASUI-Productions; Dozier-Jarvis-Jensen quartet; Talboy, Thomas; Lady Vandals; Lady Vandals; 'Natural Selections'; Ricks, Marvin; Non-Traditional student programs; Basketball; Attorney general position; Baseball; Basketball; Baseball; |
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The Argonaut - January 15th, 1993 | 1993-01-15 |
'Let Freedom Ring Free' speech forum (pg 1, c0) | Basketball coach (pg 7, c0) | Campus Police center (pg 2, c0) | Campus police officer (pg 2, c0) | Exhibit (pg 11, c0) | Football player. To play in senior bowl (pg 9, c0) | From Sub to Silver Mountain, Schweitzer (pg 10, c0) | Photo (pg 1, c0) | Professor (pg 1, c0) | Women's track team (pg 9, c0) Let Freedom Ring Free' speech forum; Eustachy, Larry; Campus Police center; Kershisnik, David; 'Prayer Drums and First Canvases'; Robinson, Jeff; Ski bus; Idaho Institute for Materials and Advanced processes (IMAP); Froes, Sam; Woodall, Dave; Women's track team; |
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The Argonaut - January 19th, 1993 | 1993-01-19 |
UI football player arrested in melee at night club Xenon; Problems with purging plagues some students; University cuts back due to cut in budget; Pro-lifers march for human rights and peace (p2); Day in the life of law student gives insight (p3); Asian donor needed for Adam Hamman (p6); Native Americans perform historic dances (p10); Jazz greats toot trumpets at Feb. festival (p10) Crime; Xenon; Budget; Pro-life; Law student; Organ donation; Native American culture; Jazz |
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The Argonaut - January 22nd, 1993 | 1993-01-22 |
Student reports she was sexually assaulted at UI fraternity party; Committee seeks protection from discrimination for sexual preference: ASUI President and former Attorney General come head to head again; No gun found in football player’s car after incident at Xenon (p2); Greeks honored with awards for leadership development (p3); UI tennis ready to swing into action (p11); Controversial artist performs about masculine, feminine identity (p13); Key-note speaker addresses problems of humanity (p15) Sexual Assault; Greek life; Xenon; Tennis; Performance; Health; Humanity |
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The Argonaut - January 26th, 1993 | 1993-01-26 |
Students circulate petition for recall election of Rock; After a month of conflict attorney general set filled; Researchers look user friendly equipment; Mock interviews prepare students for real thing (p2); Economic reform for Russia not in immediate future (p3); Rock climbing wall and other facilities to open soon (p7); Hot springs melt down winter stress (p10); Vandals make it seven straight on the run: Explosive first half does away with EWU (p11); Lady Vandals put the sting on Hornets (p12); Comedians cause cramps with crazy comedy (p13); Dancers skip Sunday pigskin to show skin (p14); Black History Month celebrated (p14) Preparation for real world; Rock climbing; Winter; Sports; Laughter; Black History Month |
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The Argonaut - January 29th, 1993 | 1993-01-29 |
Committee hearings in ballroom (pg 1, c0) | Hispanic students discuss rights (pg 3, c0) | Jennifer Clary seeks perfect game. Photo (pg 10, c0) | New officers take over (pg 4, c0) | U of I hosts weekend meet. Photo (pg 11, c0) | Violence on Palouse (pg 1, c0) Discrimination; Minorities; Basketball, Women's; Interfraternity council; Women's track; Crime; |
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The Argonaut - February 2nd, 1993 | 1993-02-02 |
Beat Sacramento, Weber, Northern Arizona. Photo (pg 9, c0) | Fund conservative group? (pg 1, c0) | Idaho ends 3-1in home meet (pg 11, c0) | Idaho law review published since 1931 (pg 4, c0) | Show slides from India (pg 13, c0) | Various exercises available (pg 14, c0) Basketball, Women's; ASUI; KUOI; Women's track; College of Law; International Friendship Association; Kibbie Dome; Memorial gymnasium; |
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The Argonaut - February 5th, 1993 | 1993-02-05 |
$11.240 from NCAA Alcohol Awareness (pg 1, c0) | Artist DJ dies of AIDS (pg 1, c0) | Fire in recycling room. Photo (pg 1, c0) | Greeks and alcohol (pg 4, c0) | Kibbie Dome games begin (pg 11, c0) | Malicious damage to vehicles (pg 2, c0) | New officers for 1993 (pg 3, c0) | Rick Wilson, Point guard. Photo (pg 9, c0) | Vandals at home with state rivals (pg 9, c0) Alcohol; KUOI; Wallace complex; Alcohol; Tennis; Crime; Pan-Hellenic council; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - February 9th, 1993 | 1993-02-09 |
Bengals, Broncos rout Idaho. Photo (pg 13, c0) | Both men and women do well in dome (pg 12, c0) | Home brew easy to make and drink (pg 15, c0) | Mainframe 5 years behind, may crash (pg 1, c0) | Need safe routes through Moscow (pg 2, c0) | Removes student from Dome board (pg 1, c0) | Right to privacy this year's issue (pg 5, c0) | Vandals do well at EWU meet (pg 14, c0) Basketball, Women's; Tennis; Alcohol; Computers; Bicycles; Faculty council; Moot court; Women's track; |
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The Argonaut - February 12th, 1993 | 1993-02-12 |
Begin critical series tonight. Photo (pg 11, c0) | Begin Montana road trip. Photo (pg 10, c0) | Chauncey McBride, forward. Photo (pg 9, c0) | Dizzie Gillespie will be missed (pg 4, c0) | Lack of evidence in rape case (pg 1, c0) | Orlando Lightfoot in Sports Illus. (pg 11, c0) | Roses and restaurants. Photo (pg 12, c0) Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Jazz festival; Crime; Basketball; City of Moscow businesses; |
Showing 1 to 10 of 64 entries