Argonaut Issues from 1992
Cover | Title | Date | Subjects |
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The Argonaut - January 14th, 1992 | 1992-01-14 |
(Educational Plan) (pg 1, c1) | Al Jarreau to perform (pg 13, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 9, c1) | Basketball, Women's games (pg 10, c1) | College Bowl Tournament, UI (pg 5, c1) | Douglas O. Adams appointed (pg 2, c4) | Kappa Kappa Gamma (pg 1, c1) | Named faculty secretary (pg 2, c4) | Non-Credit classes (pg 4, c1) | Return policy (pg 4, c4) | Student alumni relation board (pg 13, c4) | Student. SARB president (pg 13, c4) | University of Idaho research funding (pg 2, c4) | Vandalized (pg 1, c1) | Varsity team vs. Boise State University (pg 9, c1) | Women's track team (pg 11, c1) The 5 Keys to Excellence; Lionel Hampton/Chevron Jazz festival; Ricks, Marvin; Basketball, Women's games; College Bowl Tournament, UI; Faculty secretary; Vandalism; Adams, Douglas Q; Non-Credit classes; Bookstore, Student; Student alumni relation board; Kelly, Gretchen; University of Idaho research funding; Kappa Kappa Gamma; Basketball; Women's track team; |
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The Argonaut - January 17th, 1992 | 1992-01-17 |
Basketball player (pg 9, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 8, c1) | Celebration (pg 3, c4) | Contaminated land (pg 1, c1) | Historian. Presentation (pg 1, c4) | More on ban (pg 2, c4) | Multicultural workshop (pg 11, c1) | Professor. Visits Japan (pg 2, c4) | Varsity team vs. Idaho State College (pg 8, c1) Whitney, Andre; Watson, Deon; King, Martin Luther, Jr.; UI Land Purchase; Schwantes, Carlos; Smoking; Multicultural workshop; Moslemi, Ali; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 21st, 1992 | 1992-01-21 |
Graduate and Professional students Association (pg 1, c1) | Graduate students (pg 1, c1) | Healthy snacks (pg 3, c1) | New York city tour (pg 9, c1) | Shared leave policy (pg 2, c1) | Smoking banned in all buildings (pg 1, c0) | U of I vs. Weber State (pg 6, c0) | UI vs. Weber State (pg 6, c1) | Weight room (pg 7, c1) Graduate and Professional students Association; Social security taxes; Student health center; New York city tour; Shared leave policy; Smoking; Basketball; Basketball, Women's; Weight room; |
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The Argonaut - January 24th, 1992 | 1992-01-24 |
Basketball player (pg 8, c1) | Budget - U of I (pg 2, c4) | Irene Ryan scholarship competition (pg 12, c4) | Panel discussion (pg 1, c1) | Panel discussion (pg 3, c1) | Snow ball fights causing trouble (pg 1, c1) | Speaker (pg 3, c3) | Student. Photo (pg 12, c4) | Tennis (pg 10, c4) | UI vs. University of Montana. (pg 8, c4) | University of Idaho vs. University of Montana (pg 9, c0) Smith, Krista; Budget - ; Irene Ryan scholarship competition; 'We The People: The Politics of Oppression'; Racism; Snow ball fights causing trouble; Womack, Carter; Simmons, Rozlyn; Tennis; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 28th, 1992 | 1992-01-28 |
Faculty (pg 16, c4) | Fees (pg 7, c1) | Leaves team. Photo (pg 11, c4) | Poetry workshop (pg 7, c3) | R.O.T.C. - ceremonies (pg 2, c4) | Snowball fight (pg 3, c1) | Team (pg 11, c4) | UI vs. Montana State University (pg 9, c1) | Varsity team vs. Montana State College (pg 9, c1) Art exhibit; Fees; Orrod, Magnus; Poetry workshop; R.O.T.C. - ceremonies; Snowball fight; Tennis; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - January 31st, 1992 | 1992-01-31 |
Basketball player (pg 9, c1) | Career fair (pg 2, c1) | Condoms on campus (pg 3, c1) | Indoor (pg 11, c1) | Irene Ryan scholarship competition (pg 14, c4) | Music festival (pg 14, c3) | Named associate director of Honors Programs (pg 3, c2) | Performing musician. Photo (pg 13, c1) | Pre-paid tuition (pg 1, c1) | Student. Phi Kappa Phi award (pg 3, c1) | UI vs. Eastern Washington State (pg 10, c1) | University of Idaho vs. Eastern Washington University (pg 9, c3) Malone, Terrell; Career fair; Condoms on campus; Track; Irene Ryan scholarship competition; Music festival; Zirker, Daniel; Kole, Andre; Pre-paid tuition; Gustavel, Michael; Moregan, Antoinete; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - February 4th, 1992 | 1992-02-04 |
American with disabilities act (ADA) (pg 1, c1) | Basketball player. Photo (pg 11, c1) | Electrical improvement (pg 2, c4) | Escort service (pg 9, c1) | Matches (pg 13, c1) | Meets (pg 11, c1) | Northwest drama conference (pg 15, c1) | Sanctions lifted (pg 3, c4) | Small business offerings (pg 3, c3) | Telecommunications program (pg 8, c4) | UI vs. Northern Arizona (pg 12, c1) | Varsity team vs. Northern Arizona University. Pre-Game (pg 12, c1) | Varsity team vs. Southern Utah State. Pre-game (pg 12, c3) | Water - improvements (pg 2, c4) American with disabilities act (ADA); Whitney, Andre; Electrical improvement; Escort service; Tennis; Track; Northwest drama conference; Kappa Sigma; UI Enrichment program; Telecommunications program; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; Water - improvements; |
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The Argonaut - February 7th, 1992 | 1992-02-07 |
Competition (pg 11, c1) | Dance and fashion show (pg 14, c4) | Northwest drama conference (pg 12, c1) | Panel discussion (pg 2, c1) | UI senate reaction (pg 3, c1) | UI vs. Northern Arizona (pg 9, c1) | Varsity team vs. Northern Arizona University (pg 8, c5) | Varsity team vs. Southern Utah State (pg 8, c1) Navy ROTC; Students international association; Northwest drama conference; American Civil Liberty Union (ACLU); Pre-paid tuition; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - February 11th, 1992 | 1992-02-11 |
'The Hate Puzzle' (pg 1, c4) | Competition (pg 2, c4) | Idaho state (pg 1, c1) | Matches (pg 9, c1) | Meets (pg 10, c4) | Northwest drama conference (pg 12, c1) | Professor of Music. University of Idaho. Photo (pg 14, c1) | Re-opens (pg 12, c1) | UI vs. University of Nevada, Reno (pg 10, c1) | Varsity team vs. University of Nevada at Reno (pg 9, c1) Borah Symposium; Navy ROTC; Residence requirement; Tennis; Track; Northwest drama conference; Skinner, Lynn; The Perch; Basketball, Women's; Basketball; |
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The Argonaut - February 14th, 1992 | 1992-02-14 |
Bike (S. Mullian) (pg 18, c1) | Engineering building addition (pg 1, c4) | Forms (pg 1, c4) | New building (pg 1, c4) | Services (pg 3, c1) | Tennis player. Photo (pg 10, c4) | UI vs. Boise State University. Pre-game (pg 9, c3) | Vandal international. Photo - Dan O'Brien (pg 8, c1) | Varsity team vs. Boise State University. Pre-game (pg 8, c3) | Women's center programs (pg 2, c4) Accidents; Engineering building addition; Teacher evaluation; College of Mines and Earth Resources; Career Service center; Hadley, Mark; Basketball, Women's; Track; Basketball; Women's center programs; |
Showing 1 to 10 of 63 entries