Manuscript Group 400
556 14248-14262 Master Library: Items 1-1317, 1981-1982 15 folders 14263 Topic Library: Abortion-Anti, 1981-1982 14264 Academies, 1981-1982 14265 Agriculture, 1981-1982 14266 Art & Humanities, 1981-1982 14267 Article, 1981-1982 14268 Banking and currency, 1981-1982 14269 Civil rights. 1981-1982 14270 Civil Service, 1981-1982 14271 Closings, 1981-1982 14272 Commerce 1981-1982 14273 Communications, 1981-1982 14274 Confirmation, 1981-1982 14275 Department of Interior resource management, 1981-1982 14276 Economic opportunity, 1981-1982 14277 Economics, 1981-1982 14278 Education, 1981-1982 14279 Employment, 1981-1982 14280 Elections, 1981-1982 14281 Energy, 1981-1982 14282 Environment, 1981-1982 14283 Federal government, 1981-1982 14284 Foreign relations, 1981-1982 14285 Health, 1981-1982 14286 Housing, 1981-1982 14287 Immigration & Naturalization, 1981-1982 14288 Indian affairs, 1981-1982 14289 Information (General), 1981-1982 14290 Insurance & Retirement, 1981-1982 14291 Introductions, 1981-1982 14292 Justice, 1981-1982 14293 Labor, 1981-1982 14294 Land & water conservation fund, 1981-1982 14295 Military, 1981-1982 14296 Mining, 1981-1982 14297 Morality, 1981-1982 14298 National Defense, 1981-1982 14299 Parks & forests, 1981-1982 14300 Pending, 1981-1982 14301 Photographs, 1981-1982 14302 Postal Service, 1981-1982 14303 Presidential greetings, 1981-1982 14304 Public relations, 1981-1982 14305 Recreation, 1981-1982 14306 Regulatory reform, 1981-1982 14307 Salaries, 1981-1982 14308 Science, 1981-1982 14309 Selective service, 1981-1982 14310 Social Security, 1981-1982 14311 Speech, 1981-1982 557 14312 State government, 1981-1982 14313 Taxes, 1981-1982 14314 Time, 1981-1982 14315 Tours, 1981-1982 14316 Transportation, 1981-1982 14317 USFS Resource management, 1981-1982 14318 Veterans, 1981-1982 14319 Water resources, 1981-1982 14320 Weekly column, 1981-1982 14321 Welfare, 1981-1982 14322 Wildlife, 1981-1982 14323-14330 Topic index: Academies-Wildlife, 1981 8 folders 14331-14336 Name index: A&R Construction-Zwillman, 1981 6 folders 14337-14340 Topic index: Academies-Foreign relations, 1982 4 folders 558 14341-14345 Foreign relations-Wildlife 5 folders 14346-14354 Name Index: Aaquarel-Zurchor, 1982 9 folders 14355-14360 Master Library: Items 1-400, 1983-1984 6 folders 559 14361-14370 Items 401-1019, 1983-1984 10 folders 14371 Topic Library: Academies, 1983-1984 14372 Agriculture, 1983-1984 14373 Arts & humanities, 1983-1984 14374 Banking, 1983-1984 14375 Biographies, 1983-1984 14376 Civil Rights, 1983-1984 14377 Civil service, 1983-1984 14378 Closings, 1983-1984 14379 Commerce, 1983-1984 14380 Communications, 1983-1984 14381 Consumer, 1983-1984 14382 Department of Interior resource management, 1983-1984 14383 Economics, 1983-1984 14384 Education, 1983-1984 14385 Elections, 1983-1984 14386 Employment, 1983-1984 14387 Energy, 1983-1984 14388 Environment, 1983-1984 14389 Federal government, 1983-1984 14390 Flags 14391 Foreign relations, 1983-1984 14392 Health, 1983-1984 14393 Housing, 1983-1984 14394 Immigration, 1983-1984 14395 Indian affairs, 1983-1984 14396 Insurance, 1983-1984 14397 Introductions, 1983-1984 14398 Justice, 1983-1984 14399 Labor, 1983-1984 14400 Land and water conservation fund, 1983-1984 14401 Mailing list, 1983-1984 14402 Military, 1983-1984 14403 Mining, 1983-1984 14404 Morality, 1983-1984 14405 National Defense, 1983-1984 14406 Parks and forests, 1983-1984 14407 Pending, 1983-1984 14408 Political affairs, 1983-1984 14409 Postal service, 1983-1984 14410 Presidential greetings, 1983-1984 14411 Public relations, 1983-1984 14412 Recreation, 1983-1984 14413 Regulatory reform, 1983-1984 14414 Retirement, 1983-1984 14415 Salaries, 1983-1984 14416 Science, 1983-1984 14417 Selective service, 1983-1984 14418 Social security, 1983-1984 14419 Taxes, 1983-1984 14420 Time, 1983-1984 14421 Tours, 1983-1984 14422 Transportation, 1983-1984 14423 USFS Resurce management, 1983-1984 14424 Veterans, 1983-1984 14425 Water resources, 1983-1984 14426 Welfare, 1983-1984 14427 Wildlife, 1983-1984 560 14428-14438 Topic index: Academies-Wildlife, 1983 11 folders 14439-14445 Name index: A.I.M. Northwest-Shurtz, 1983 7 folders 561 14446-14447 Shute-Zweigart, 1983 2 folders 14448-14454 Topic index: Academies-Wildlife, 1984 7 folders 14455-14461 Name index: Aagaard-Zweigart, 1984 7 folders 14462-14464 Master Library: Items 1-259, 1985-1986 3 folders 562 14465-14477 Items 260-1117, 1985-1986 13 folders 14478 Topic library: Academies, 1985-1986 14479 Agricultural Yearbooks, 1985-1986 14480 Agriculture, 1985-1986 14481 Appropriations, 1985-1986 14482 Banking, 1985-1986 14483 Biographies, 1985-1986 14484 Civil rights, 1985-1986 14485 Civil service, 1985-1986 14486 Closings, 1985-1986 14487 Commerce, 1985-1986 14488 Communications, 1985-1986 14489 Consumer, 1985-1986 14490 Department of Interior, 1985-1986 14491 Economics, 1985-1986 14492 Education, 1985-1986 14493 Elections, 1985-1986 14494 Employment, 1985-1986 14495 Energy, 1985-1986 14496 Environment, 1985-1986 14497 Farm bill of 1985, 1985-1986 14498 Federal government, 1985-1986 14499 Flags, 1985-1986 14500 Foreign relations, 1985-1986 14501 Health, 1985-1986 14502 Housing, 1985-1986 14503 Immigration, 1985-1986 14504 Indian affairs, 1985-1986 14505 Insurance, 1985-1986 14506 Introductions, 1985-1986 14507 Justice, 1985-1986 14508 Labor, 1985-1986 14509 Land and water conservation fund, 1985-1986 14510 Mailing list, 1985-1986 14511 Military, 1985-1986 14512 Mining, 1985-1986 14513 Morality, 1985-1986 14514 Nominations, 1985-1986 14515 Parks, 1985-1986 14516 Political Affairs, 1985-1986 14517 Postal Service, 1985-1986 14518 Presidential greetings, 1985-1986 14519 Public relations, 1985-1986 14520 Recreation, 1985-1986 14521 Regulatory reform, 1985-1986 14522 Retirement, 1985-1986 563 14523 Salaries, 1985-1986 14524 Science, 1985-1986 14525 Social Security, 1985-1986 14526 Taxes, 1985-1986 14527 Timber, 1985-1986 14528 Time, 1985-1986 14529 Tours, 1985-1986 14530 Trade, 1985-1986 14531 Transportation, 1985-1986 14532 USFS, 1985-1986 14533 Veterans, 1985-1986 14534 Water resources, 1985-1986 14535 Welfare, 1985-1986 14536 Wildlife, 1985-1986 14537-14546 Topic index: Academies-Wildlife, 1985 10 folders 14547-14554 Name index: Aardema Dairy-Zywina, 1985 8 folders 564 14555-14563 Topic index: Academies- Wildlife, 1986 9 folders 14564-14572 Name index: Aakhus-Zweiner, 1986 9 folders 14573-14577 Master library: Items 1-458, 1987-1988 5 folders 565 14578-14585 Items 459-987, 1987-1988 8 folders 14586 Topic Library: Academies, 1987-1988 14587 Agriculture, 1987-1988 14588 Ag. Yearbooks, 1987-1988 14589 Banking, 1987-1988 14590 Civil rights, 1987-1988 14591 Civil service, 1987-1988 14592 Closings, 1987-1988 14593 Commerce, 1987-1988 14594 Communications, 1987-1988 14595 Consumer, 1987-1988 14596 Department of Interior, 1987-1988 14597 Economics, 1987-1988 14598 Education, 1987-1988 14599 Elections, 1987-1988 14600 Energy management, 1987-1988 14601 Employment, 1987-1988 14602 Energy, 1987-1988 14603 Environment, 1987-1988 14604 Farm Bill, 1987-1988 14605 Federal Government, 1987-1988 14606 Flags, 1987-1988 14607 Foreign relations, 1987-1988 14608 Health, 1987-1988 14609 Housing, 1987-1988 14610 Immigration, 1987-1988 14611 Indian Affairs, 1987-1988 14612 Insurance, 1987-1988 14613 Introductions, 1987-1988 14614 Justice, 1987-1988 14615 Labor, 1987-1988 14616 Land and Water Conservation Fund, 1987-1988 14617 Mailing list, 1987-1988 14618 Military, 1987-1988 14619 Mining, 1987-1988 14620 Morality, 1987-1988 14621 Nominations, 1987-1988 14622 Parks, 1987-1988 14623 Political Affairs, 1987-1988 14624 Postal service, 1987-1988 14625 Public Relations, 1987-1988 14626 Recreation, 1987-1988 14627 Regulatory reform, 1987-1988 14628 Retirement, 1987-1988 14629 Salaries, 1987-1988 14630 Science, 1987-1988 14631 Social Security, 1987-1988 14632 State government, 1987-1988 14633 Taxes, 1987-1988 14634 Timber, 1987-1988 14635 Time, 1987-1988 14636 Trade, 1987-1988 14637 Transportation, 1987-1988 14638 USFS, 1987-1988 14639 Veterans, 1987-1988 14640 Water resources, 1987-1988 14641 Welfare, 1987-1988 14642 Wildlife, 1987-1988 14643-14648 Topic index: Academies-Taxes, 1987 6 folders 566 14649 Taxes-Wildlife, 1987 1 folder 14650-14656 Name Index: A.H. Bush School-Zwick, 1987 7 folders 14657-14663 Topic index: Academies-Wildlife, 1987 7 folders 14664-14671 Name index: A.G. Edwards & Sons-Zurcher, 1988 8 folders 567 14672-14681 Master library: Items 1-1021, 1989-1990 10 folders 14682 Topic library: Introductions, 1989-1990 14683 Close, 1989-1990 14684 Academies, 1989-1990 14685 Ag. Yearbook, 1989-1990 14686 Agriculture, 1989-1990 14687 Appropriations, 1989-1990 14688 Banking, 1989-1990 14689 Civil Rights, 1989-1990 14690 Civil Service, 1989-1990 14691 Commerce, 1989-1990 14692 Communications, 1989-1990 14693 Congress, 1989-1990 14694 Consumer, 1989-1990 14695 Department of Interior, 1989-1990 14696 Economics, 1989-1990 14697 Education, 1989-1990 14698 Elections, 1989-1990 14699 Emergency management, 1989-1990 14700 Employment, 1989-1990 14701 Energy, 1989-1990 14702 Environment, 1989-1990 14703 Farm Bill, 1989-1990 14704 Federal government, 1989-1990 14705 Flags, 1989-1990 14706 Foreign relations, 1989-1990 14707 Forest Service, 1989-1990 14708 Health, 1989-1990 14709 Housing, 1989-1990 14710 Immigration, 1989-1990 14711 Indian Affairs, 1989-1990 14712 Insurance, 1989-1990 14713 JAM personal, 1989-1990 14714 Justice, 1989-1990 14715 Labor, 1989-1990 14716 Land and Water Conservation Fund, 1989-1990 14717 Mailing list, 1989-1990 14718 Military, 1989-1990 14719 Mining, 1989-1990 14720 Morality, 1989-1990 14721 Nominations, 1989-1990 14722 Parks, 1989-1990 14723 Political affairs, 1989-1990 14724 Postal service, 1989-1990 14725 Public relations, 1989-1990 14726 Recreation, 1989-1990 14727 Regulatory reform, 1989-1990 14728 Retirement, 1989-1990 14729 Salaries, 1989-1990 14730 Science, 1989-1990 14731 Social Security, 1989-1990 14732 State government, 1989-1990 14733 Taxes, 1989-1990 14734 Timber, 1989-1990 14735 Time, 1989-1990 14736 Trade, 1989-1990 14737 Transportation, 1989-1990 14738 USFS, 1989-1990 14739 Veterans, 1989-1990 14740 Water resources, 1989-1990 14741 Welfare, 1989-1990 14742 Wildlife, 1989-1990 568 14743-14752 Topic index: Academies-Wildlife, 1989 10 folders 14753-14761 Name index: A.I.M. Northwest-Zywicki, 1989 9 folders 14762 Topic index: Academies-Communications, 1990 1 folder 569 14763-14767 Communications-Wildlife, 1990 5 folders 14768-14773 Name index: Aagaard-Zwinger, 1990 6 folders
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