University of Idaho

University Group 42

WAMI (Medical Extension Program)

Records, 1972-1987

23 cubic feet

The records of the WAMI medical program were transferred to the University of Idaho Library between May 1988 and August 1991. They were processed by Judith Nielsen between May and August 1993


The WAMI (Washington, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) Medical Extension Program is a unique program for decentralizing certain portions of the educational and training program of the University of Washington School of Medicine by allowing students to take their first year of medical school at selected universities in the four states; they then join their colleagues in Seattle for the remainder of the basic curriculum. At the conclusion of the first two years, the students enter the elective phase of their education which is predominantly clinical in nature. During this elective period the WAMI plan allows undergraduate medical students to receive a portion of their training at the University of Washington School of Medicine and a portion of their clinical education from physicians in the communities where the physicians live and practice, called Community Clinical Units.

A most important part of the University of Idaho-Washington State University medical education program is the preceptorship. In this program, beginning medical students spend 4 to 8 hours a week with local physicians, thus becoming acquainted with medical practice and procedures from the very beginning of their medical studies. As indicated by student evaluations, this is one of the most interesting and valuable parts of their first year of medical education.

Among the benefits of the program are providing greater opportunities for area residents to enter medical school by increasing the number of residents who are admitted to the University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSM), increasing the number of primary care physicians trained at UWSM, redressing the maldistribution of physicians in the WAMI territory by attracting more physicians to areas of need, and bringing resources of the Medical Center in Seattle to communities in the WAMI states to be used for, among other things, the continuing education of physicians.

The University of Idaho and Washington State University program began in 1972 under the direction of Dr. Guy R. Anderson and Dr. Ronald J. Adkins as a cooperative effort. Ten medical students were enrolled at WSU and nine at the U of I for one semester. Students and faculty commuted the eight miles between campuses, classes being held on the Pullman campus in the morning and on the Moscow campus in the afternoon. The curriculum was tailored specifically to parallel that at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Operating costs were supported by subcontracts let to each school by the University of Washington under a major contract with the Bureau of Health Resources Development. Essential equipment items were provided through a grant from the Commonwealth Fund to the University of Washington.

Since 1972 the cooperative effort has continued to be successful, and special WAMI courses have been developed to cover the entire first year of medical education.


The papers of the WAMI Medical Extension Program span the years 1972 to 1987, with other papers in the collection dating back to 1954.

The material includes office files, course files, quarterly reports and other publications of the WAMI Program, office files concerning the undergraduate pre-medical, pre-dental program at the University of Idaho, and personal and research material of WAMI director Guy Anderson.


The majority of the material in this archival group was in labeled folders in record storage boxes when received; the original headings and order were therefore retained during processing. No attempt was made to regularize filing anomalies, e.g., in someyears meetings are filed alphabetically by the name of the meeting or conference, and in other years the folders were grouped together under the heading "Meetings". Also the ATS-F satellite is filed under both A and S.

The Office Files are arranged chronologically by academic year, then alphabetically by subject within each year. Included in these files are office correspondence and memos, correspondence of individual faculty in the program, budgets, minutes of meetings, reports, class schedules, and other material concerning the WAMI program. Some years include photographs of class members and social activities.

The second series, Courses, contains class lists, course outlines, correspondence, evaluations, examinations, and handouts for courses taught as part of the WAMI curriculum. These materials are also arranged first by academic year, then by course number.

Series three contains quarterly reports and publications. The first seven folders contain only Idaho's portion of the reports; the next folders contain the entire reports including reports from the four extension universities, and copies of WAMI News. Also included in this series are reports on WAMI contracts III and IV, and scattered issues of WAMI News.

Material relating to the undergraduate pre-medical and pre-dental program is contained in the fourth series. Included are correspondence, minutes and reports of meetings, exams and handouts for Bacteriology 254, and information on medical colleges.

The final series contains personal papers of Dr. Guy Anderson, WAMI coordinator at the University of Idaho, including his research notes on snow molds dating from 1954-1971.

Requisitions and other financial transaction reports, routine requests for information on the WAMI program, duplicate material, and non-WAMI published items were removed from the collection, thus reducing the bulk of the collection by 9 cubic feet.


I. Office Files, 1972-1987. Box 1-13

II. Courses, 1974-1987. Box 13-17

III. Quarterly Reports and Publications, 1972-1978. Box 17-20

IV. Pre-med/Pre-dent, 1970-1983. Box 21-23

V. Other, 1954-1974. Box 23



Box Folder Description Items

I. Office Files, 1972-1987

Box 1 1. Advisory Committee - WAMI,
1973-1974. 1 items.
2. Applications: Micro & gross anatomy position, 1973. 5 items.
3. Asilomar meeting, 1973. 2 items.
4. ATS-F satellite, 1973-1973. 11 items.
5. Audio-visual, 1973-1974. 10 items.
6. Bodies, 1972-1973. 15 items.
7. Books, 1973-1974. 20 items.
8. Budgets, 1972-1974. 38 items.
9. Class rosters, 1972-1973. 19 items.
10. Class schedules, 1972-1974. 12 items.
11. Common questions, 1972-1974. 7 items.
12-13. Conferences and meetings, 1972-1974. 30 items.
14. Contract and costs, 1972-1973. 35 items.
15-16. Correspondence: From Dr. Guy Anderson, 1972-1974. 151 items.
17-18. To Dr. Guy Anderson, 1972-1974. 128 items.
19-20. From Dr. Roy Schwarz, 1972-1974. 113 items.
21-22. To Dr. Roy Schwarz, 1972-1974. 75 items.
23-24. Other, 1972-1974. 68 items.
25-26. Course outlines, 1972-1973. 27 items.
27-28. Equipment, 1972-1974. 38 items.
29. Evaluation: Of WAMI program by faculty, 1972-1974. 18 items.
30. ORME, 1973. 1 items.
31. Preceptorship, 1973. 16 items.
32. Student evaluation of courses, 1973. 24 items.
33. Forms, Preceptorship, 1972. 4 items.
34. Grade reports to UWSM, 1973. 7 items.
35. Housing, transportation, parking, 1972-1974. 19 items.
36-37. Informational materials, 1972-1974. 49 items.
38-39. Inter-office memos: From Dr. Anderson, 1972-1974. 160 items.
40-41. To Dr. Anderson, 1972-1974. 76 items.
42. Other than WAMI, 1972-1974. 36 items.
43. Memos: WSU, UW, 1972-1973. 19 items.
44. Weekly memos from M. Roy Schwarz, 1973. 12 items.
45. Miscellaneous, 1972-1973. 8 items.
46. News releases, 1972-1974. 20 items.
47. NICHE, 1974. 7 items.
48. Orcas Island meeting, 1972. 13 items.
49. Orcas Island faculty retreat, 1973. 22 items.
50-51. Personnel, 1972-1974. 37 items.
52. Preceptorships, 1972. 4 items.
53. Preceptorship correspondence, 1973-1974. 9 items.
54. Reports, 1972. 2 items.
55. Space, 1974. 10 items.
56-57. Students, Individual, 1972-1973. 54 items.
58. Van, 1972-1973. 22 items.
59. WAMI faculty retreat, Seattle, 1973. 10 items.
60. WAMI film, 1974. 14 items.
61. WAMI information, 1972-1974. 16 items.

Box 2 	62-63. Accreditation, 1975. 20 items.
64. Admissions and registration, 1974. 3 items.
65. Anderson, Guy R., Personal, 1974-1975. 8 items.
66. ATS-F satellite, 1974-1975. 2 items.
67. Audio-visual, 1974-1975. 8 items.
68. Bodies, 1974. 5 items.
69. Books, 1974-1975. 9 items.
70. Budget, Federal (46-600), 1974-1975. 10 items.
71. Budget, State (54-001), 1974-1975. 32 items.
72. Class rosters, 1974. 6 items.
73. Class schedules, 1974-1975. 14 items.
74. Committees: Admissions, 1975. 4 items.
75. Annual WAMI meeting, Seattle, 1975. 22 items.
76. Asilomar, 1975. 11 items.
77-81. Coordinators, 1974-1975. 77 items.
82. Curriculum, 1975. 8 items.
83. One year planning conference, 1974. 1 items.
84. Student progress committee, 1974. 5 items.
85. Conferences, 1974-1975. 29 items.
86. Correspondence: From Dr. Anderson, 1974-1975. 17 items.
87. To Dr. Anderson, 1974-1975. 19 items.
88. Curricular Support Center, 1974. 2 items.
89. Equipment, 1973-1975. 17 items.
90. Evaluations: By faculty, 1974. 1 items.
91. By students, 1974. 30 items.
92. Of medical preceptors, 1974. 15 items.
93. Faculty development, 1974-1975. 18 items.
94. Faculty positions, 1973-1975. 24 items.
95. Informational materials, 1974-1975. 22 items.
96. Inter-office memos: From WAMI office, 1974-1975. 138 items.
97. To WAMI office, 1974-1975. 62 items.
98. Legislative information, 1974-1975. 20 items.
99. Memorandum of understanding, 1974. 8 items.
100. Miscellaneous, 1974. 6 items.
101. Montana State University, 1974-1975. 4 items.
102. News releases, 1974-1975. 5 items.
103. Outside funding, 1974-1975. 34 items.
104. Personnel, 1974-1975. 45 items.
105. Preceptorships, 1972-1975. 16 items.
106. Research coordination, 1974. 15 items.
107. Rosario retreat, June 16-19, 1974. 15 items.
108. Schwarz, Dr. Roy: Correspondence from, 1974-1975. 19 items.
109. Correspondence to, 1974-1975. 19 items.
110. Student information: Housing, transportation, insurance, 1974. 4 items.
111. Students, 1974. 44 items.
112. Travel and field trips by students, 1974. 5 items.
113. University of Alaska, 1974-1975. 12 items.
114. UWSM: Correspondence from, 1974-1975. 46 items.
115. Correspondence to, 1974-1975. 40 items.
116. Grade reports, 1974. 15 items.
117. Van, 1974. 24 items.
118. Vitae, 1974. 14 items.
119. WAMI administrative structure, 1974. 6 items.
120. WAMI cost finding study, 1974. 3 items.
121. WAMI faculty meetings, 1975. 18 items.

Box 3 	122. WAMI information requests, 1974-1975. 26 items.
123. Washington State University, 1974-1975. 33 items.
124. WICHE, 1974. 4 items.
125. Administrative structure, 1975. 1 items.
126. American Medical Student Association, 1975. 2 items.
127. Anderson, Guy, Personal, 1975-1976. 11 items.
128. Bodies, 1975-1976. 18 items.
129. Books, 1975-1976. 27 items.
130. Budget information, 1975-1976. 19 items.
131. Budget, State (54-001), 1975-1976. 24 items.
132. Buses, 1975. 58 items.
133. Class schedules, 1975-1976. 36 items.
134. Community Clinical Unit, 1975. 8 items.
135. Conferences, 1975-1976. 18 items.
136. Continuing medical education program, 1975. 8 items.
137. Correspondence: From WAMI office, 1975-1976. 45 items.
138. To WAMI office, 1975-1976. 35 items.
139. Other than WAMI, 1975-1976. 21 items.
140. Courses, 1975-1976. 32 items.
141. Curriculum Committee minutes, 1975-1976. 5 items.
142. Electives, 1975. 3 items.
143. Equipment, 1975-1976. 35 items.
144. Eroschenko, Victor P., 1975-1976. 21 items.
145. Evaluations: Preceptors by students, 1975-1976. 30 items.
146. Preceptors of students, 1975. 18 items.
147. Students of courses and faculty, 1976. 38 items.
148. Faculty Development, 1975-1976. 12 items.
149. Faculty meetings, 1975-1976. 14 items.
150. Gaunt, George, 1975. 19 items.
151. Grades, 1975-1976. 25 items.
152. Idaho resident status, 1975-1976. 24 items.
153. Information requests, 1975-1976. 54 items.
154. Informational materials, 1974-1975. 5 items.
155. Inter-office memos: From WAMI, 1975-1976. 164 items.
156. To WAMI, 1975-1976. 59 items.
157. Other than WAMI, 1975-1976. 34 items.
158. Interviews with students, 1975-1976. 17 items.
159. Itinerary for Dr. Anderson, 1975-1976. 7 items.
160. Memorandum of understanding, 1975-1976. 11 items.
161. Montana State University, 1976. 2 items.
162. McKean, Thomas A., 1975-1976. 35 items.
163. Miscellaneous, 1975. 5 items.
164. National Science Foundation, 1975. 5 items.
165. News releases, 1975-1976. 4 items.
166. Outside funding, 1975-1976. 9 items.
167. Personnel, 1975-1976. 87 items.
168. Preceptorships, 1975-1976. 39 items.
169. Release time, 1975. 6 items.
170. Research coordination, 1975-1976. 9 items.
171. Schwarz, Dr. Roy: From, 1975-1976. 20 items.
172. To, 1975-1976. 13 items.
173. Student Medical Society (UWSM), 1976. 5 items.
174. Students (Correspondence and miscellaneous), 1974-1976. 94 items.
175. Travel and field trips by students, 1975-1976. 12 items.
176. U of I WAMI space, 1976. 4 items.
177. University of Alaska, 1975. 7 items.
178. UWSM forms, 1974-1976. 5 items.
179-180. UWSM: From, 1975-1976. 93 items.
181. To, 1975-1976. 65 items.

Box 4 	182. WAMI duplication questionnaire, 1976. 114 items.
183. Washington State University, 1975-1976. 47 items.
184. American Medical Student Association, 1976. 6 items.
185. Anderson, Guy: Sabbatical, 1977. 5 items.
186. Personal, 1976-1977. 39 items.
187. Bills: Payroll, 1976-1977. 14 items.
188. Biological sciences, 1976. 12 items.
189. Books: Faculty and CSC, 1976. 9 items.
190. Textbooks, 1976. 17 items.
191. Budget: 186-K601, Capitation, 1975-1977. 12 items.
192. Dr. Anderson's legislative presentation, January 14, 1977, 1976-1977. 6 items.
193. Budget, State: Correspondence, 1976-1977. 13 items.
194. Planning and guidelines, 1977. 3 items.
195. Problems, 1977. 6 items.
196. Present year (1976-1977), 1976-1977. 16 items.
197. Future years, planning, 1976-1977. 4 items.
198. UWSM information, 1976. 5 items.
199. Class schedules, 1976-1977. 23 items.
200. Conferences: Coordinators' meetings, 1976-1977. 14 items.
201. WAMI budget meeting, 1976. 1 items.
202. Rosario, 1977. 13 items.
203. "Management of pain", 1976. 11 items.
204. Correspondence: Screening committee, 1976. 10 items.
205. From, 1976-1977. 84 items.
206. To, 1976-1977. 56 items.
207. Courses, 1976-1977. 22 items.
208. Equipment, 1976-1977. 26 items.
209. Eroschenko, Victor, 1976-1977. 6 items.
210. Evaluations: Preceptors by students, 1976-1977. 4 items.
211. Preceptors of students, 1976-1977. 22 items.
212. Student interviews, 1977. 2 items.
213. Students of courses and faculty, 1976-1977. 17 items.
214. WAMI program, 1977. 1 items.
215. Faculty development, 1976-1977. 9 items.
216. Financial aid - University of Washington, 1977. 6 items.
217. Gaunt, George L, 1976-1977. 16 items.
218. Information requests, 1976-1977. 9 items.
219. Informational material: Legislators, 1976. 4 items.
220. Physicians at Gritman, 1976. 1 items.
221. Inter-office memos: From, 1976-1977. 95 items.
222. To, 1976-1977. 64 items.
223. McKean, Thomas A., 1977. 5 items.
224. Medical preceptorships, 1976-1977. 16 items.
225. Medical related research, 1976-1977. 15 items.
226. Medical research, 1976-1977. 11 items.
227. Meetings: WAMI faculty, 1976-1977. 21 items.
228. WAMI curriculum committee, 1976. 3 items.
229. Miscellaneous, 1976-1977. 11 items.
230. Montana State University, 1976-1977. 6 items.
231. Outside funding, 1976-1977. 8 items.
232. Personnel: Affiliate faculty, 1976-1976. 31 items.
233. Forms, 1975-1977. 20 items.
234. Information, 1976-1977. 45 items.
235. Microbiologist search, 1976. 13 items.
236. Reports, 1976-1977. 3 items.
237. Satellite, 1976. 7 items.
238. Schwarz, Roy: From, 1976-1977. 46 items.
239. To, 1976-1977. 24 items.
240. Students: Correspondence from, 1976-1977. 27 items.
241. Information on, 1976-1977. 30 items.
242. UW correspondence to, 1976-1977. 16 items.

Box 5 	243. Travel and field trips, 1976-1977. 35 items.
244. University of Alaska, 1975-1976. 8 items.
245. University of Utah, 1977. 10 items.
246. UW - WAMI-like programs, 1977. 6 items.
247. UWSM: Academic Affairs and Curriculum Committees, 1976-1977. 11 items.
248-249. Correspondence from, 1976-1977. 83 items.
250. Correspondence to, 1976-1977. 38 items.
251. Preceptorships, 1975. 2 items.
252. Student Progress Committee, 1976-1977. 11 items.
253. WAMI News, Correspondence, etc., 1976-1977. 22 items.
254. WSU: Correspondence from/to, 1976-1977. 32 items.
255. Academic Affairs Committee (UWSM), 1977-1978. 9 items.
256. Anderson, Guy: Personal, 1977-1978. 9 items.
257. Biomedical Research Support Grant Committee, 1977. 5 items.
258. Budget, State: Actual costs, 1976. 3 items.
259. Past year, 1976-1977. 10 items.
260. Present year, 1977-1978. 27 items.
261. Budget request, 1977-1978. 1 items.
262. Next year (1978-1979), 1977-1978. 24 items.
263. Future years, 1978. 9 items.
264. 186-K601, Capitation, 1977. 8 items.
265. Correspondence: From, 1977-1978. 41 items.
266. To, 1977-1978. 28 items.
267. U of I to students, 1976-1978. 74 items.
268. UWSM, 1976-1978. 28 items.
269. WSU, 1977-1978. 3 items.
270. Courses, 1977. 7 items.
271. Demonstration Center, 1977. 2 items.
272. DeSantis, Mark, 1977-1978. 26 items.
273. Eroschenko, Victor, 1977. 5 items.
274. Evaluations: Students of courses and faculty, 1977-1978. 32 items.
275. Faculty development, 1977. 1 items.
276. Forms and information, 1977-1978. 15 items.
277. Inter-office correspondence: From, 1977-1978. 118 items.
278. To, 1977-1978. 45 items.
279. Irregular help, 1977. 18 items.
280. McKean, Thomas, 1977-1978. 38 items.
281. Montana State University, 1977-1978. 7 items.
282. Neuroanatomy position, 1977-1978. 17 items.
283. News releases, 1977. 6 items.
284. Outside support funds, 1976-1978. 3 items.
285. Photographs, 1977-1978. 28 items.
286. Preceptorships, 1977-1978. 16 items.
287. Release time, 1977. 5 items.
288. Reports, Quarterly, 1977. 13 items.
289. Reports, Other, 1977-1978. 2 items.
290. Research, 1977-1978. 43 items.
291. Rosario, 1977-1978. 20 items.
292. Satellite (CTS), 1978. 7 items.
293. Schedules, yearly, 1977-1978. 9 items.
294. Schwarz, Roy: From, 1977-1978. 49 items.
295. To, 1977-1978. 14 items.
296. Student Progress Committee (UWSM), 1977-1978. 11 items.

Box 6 	297. Textbooks, 1978. 1 items.
298. UWSM information, 1977. 2 items.
299. WAMI faculty meetings, 1977. 2 items.
300. WAMI pre-med conference, 1978. 27 items.
301. Anderson, Guy: Personal, 1978-1979. 29 items.
302. Sabbatical items, 1976-1978. 17 items.
303. Books: Textbooks, 1978-1979. 16 items.
304. Budget: Planning and guidelines, 1978-1979. 39 items.
305. Budget, State: Past year, 1977-1978. 2 items.
306. Present year, 1977-1978. 22 items.
307. 186-K601 Capitation, 1978. 11 items.
308. Special, 1978-1979. 21 items.
309. Next year, 1978-1979. 13 items.
310. Correspondence: From, 1978-1979. 23 items.
311. To, 1978-1979. 25 items.
312. Courses: Semester, 1978-1979. 26 items.
313. Yearly, 1978-1979. 16 items.
314. DeSantis, Mark, 1978-1979. 11 items.
315. Equipment, 1978-1979. 25 items.
316. Eroschenko, Victor, 1978-1979. 9 items.
317. Evaluations: Students of courses and faculty, 1978-1979. 3 items.
318. Inter-office correspondence: From, 1978-1979. 62 items.
319. To, 1978-1979. 51 items.
320. Inventory, 1978. 5 items.
321. Legislative conference, December 1-2, 1978. 17 items.
322. Outside support funds, 1978. 2 items.
323. Personnel, 1978-1979. 27 items.
324. Photographs, 1975-1979. 63 items.
325. Preceptors, 1978-1979. 9 items.
326. Reports: Annual, 1978. 1 items.
327. Interim, 1978. 2 items.
328. Thirdly, 1978-1979. 7 items.
329. Other, 1978. 1 items.
330-331. Rosario, 1978-1979. 23 items.
332. Satellite (CTS), 1978-1979. 17 items.
333. Schwarz, Roy: From, 1978-1979. 61 items.
334. To, 1978-1979. 11 items.
335. UI Correspondence: From, 1978-1979. 21 items.
336. To, 1978-1979. 37 items.
337. UWSM: From, 1978-1979. 58 items.
338. To, 1978-1979. 26 items.
339. WAMI faculty meetings, 1978-1979. 6 items.
340. WSU: From/To, 1978-1979. 39 items.
341. Other, 1978-1979. 10  items.
342. Anderson, Guy: From, 1980. 11 items.
343. To, 1979-1980. 22 items.
344. Personal, 1979-1980. 7 items.
345. Books: Textbooks, 1979-1980. 19 items.
346. Broadcasts, ca.1979. 1 items.
347. Budget: Correspondence, 1979-1980. 22 items.
348. Past year, 1978-1979. 2 items.
349. Present year, 1979-1980. 14 items.
350. Next year (1980-1981), 1979-1980. 10 items.
351. Fiscal impact, 1979-1980. 1 items.
352. Class schedules, 1979-1980. 17 items.
353. Course summaries, 1979-1980. 8 items.
354. DeSantis, Mark, 1979-1980. 7 items.
355. Eroschenko, Victor, 1979-1980. 11 items.
356. Evaluations: Of students, 1979-1980. 3 items.
357. Students of courses and faculty, 1979-1980. 4 items.
358. Examinations, First year comprehensive, 1980. 5 items.
359. Faculty information, 1979. 5 items.

Box 7 	360. Interoffice memos: From, 1979-1980. 68 items.
361. To, 1979-1980. 63 items.
362. Inventory, 1978-1979. 5 items.
363. Legislative conference, 1979. 19 items.
364. McKean, Thomas, 1979-1980. 10 items.
365. Personnel, 1979-1980. 10 items.
366. Photographs, 1979-1980. 39 items.
367. Preceptors, 1979-1980. 13 items.
368. Regional dental program, 1979. 3 items.
369. Reports: Interim accreditation, 1979. 1 items.
370. Rosario, 1979-1980. 7 items.
371. Schwarz, Roy: From/To, 1979-1980. 15 items.
372. Student medical society (AMSA), 1979-1980. 10 items.
373. Students: Acceptance/Agreement, 1979. 21 items.
374. Field trips, 1979. 2 items.
375. Former students, 1979. 13 items.
376. Information, 1979. 9 items.
377. Information on $500 payment by students, 1979. 17 items.
378. UI correspondence to, 1979-1980. 29 items.
379-380. UWSM: Correspondence from: 1979-1980. 70 items.
381. Correspondence to: 1979-1980. 13 items.
382. Curriculum committee, 1979-1980. 10 items.
383. Graduates, n.d. 2 items.
384. MEDCOM, 1976-1979. 2 items.
385. Self-paced curriculum track, 1980. 3 items.
386. Student progress committee, 1979-1980. 15 items.
387. Visits to Idaho, 1978. 1 items.
388. WAMI faculty meetings, 1979-1980. 9 items.
389. WAMI Papers/joint authors, 1979-1980. 6 items.
390. WAMI PT/OT projects, 1979-1980. 2 items.
391. WAMI van, 1979. 9 items.
392. WSU: Correspondence from/to, 1979-1980. 30 items.
393. Other, 1979-1980. 9 items.
394. AAMC, 1981. 5 items.
395. Anderson, Guy R., 1980-1981. 9 items.
396. Bodies, 1974-1981. 44 items.
397. Books: Textbooks, 1980. 15 items.
398. Budget, 1980-1981. 8 items.
399. Budget, State: Correspondence, 1980-1981. 32 items.
400. Information on $500 payment, 1981. 20 items.
401. Past year (1979-1980), 1980. 2 items.
402. Present year (1980-1981), 1980. 2 items.
403. Next year (1981-1982), 1980-1981. 7 items.
404. Individual budgets, 1980-1981. 25 items.
405. Class schedules: Weekly, 1980-1981. 28 items.
406. Semester, 1980-1981. 12 items.
407. Yearly, 1980-1981. 6 items.
408. Correspondence: From, 1980-1981. 22 items.
409. To, 1980-1981. 40 items.
410. Courses: Challenge exams; Common exams, 1980-1981. 5 items.
411. Grades, 1980-1981. 7 items.
412. Cullen, Thomas: Correspondence from, 1980-1981. 17 items.
413. Correspondence to, 1980-1981. 18 items.
414. DeSantis, Mark, 1980-1981. 14 items.
415. Eroschenko, Victor, 1980-1981. 11 items.
416. Evaluations: Students of courses, 1980-1981. 10 items.
417. Financial aid: Loan information, 1981. 9 items.
418. UWSM, 1980-1981. 14 items.
419. Interoffice correspondence: From, 1980-1981. 71 items.
420. To, 1980-1981. 46 items.
421. Irregular help, 1980-1981. 24 items.
422. Legislators, 1980-1981. 7 items.
423. McKean, Thomas, 1980-1981. 12 items.
424. Medical preceptors, 1980-1981. 14 items.
425. Meetings: Coordinators, 1980-1981. 17 items.
426. Legislative conference, 1980. 8 items.
427. Rosario, 1981. 19 items.
428. WAMI faculty, 1980. 2 items.
429. WAMI retreat, 1981. 4 items.
430. Personnel, 1980. 17 items.

Box 8 	431. Phillips, Theodore: From, 1980. 6 items.
432. State Board of Education, 1980-1981. 4 items.
433. Student medical society (AMSA), 1980-1981. 9 items.
434. Students: Correspondence from, 1980-1981. 5 items.
435. Correspondence to, 1980-1981. 29 items.
436. New (1981-1982), 1981. 11 items.
437. Travel & field trips, 1980. 4 items.
438. UW programs affecting Idaho: Self-paced curriculum, 1978-1981. 3 items.
439. UWSM: Correspondence from, 1980-1981. 46 items.
440. Curriculum committee, 1981. 1 items.
441. WAMI PT/OT project, 1981. 4 items.
442. WSU: Correspondence from, 1980-1981. 19 items.
443. Other, 1980. 4 items.
444. Association of American Medical Colleges, 1981. 5 items.
445-446. Accreditation: Data, 1981. 19 items.
447. Information, 1981. 15 items.
448-449. Self-study committee, 1982. 10 items.
450. Bodies, 1981-1982. 7 items.
451. Books: Textbooks, 1981. 22 items.
452. Budget: Information on $500 payment, 1981-1982. 66 items.
453. Next year (1982-1983), 1981-1982. 7 items.
454. Present year, 1981. 4 items.
455. Budget, State: Correspondence, 1981-1982. 32 items.
456. Miscellaneous, 1981-1982. 12 items.
457. Cell biology (M.S. 516), 1982. 7 items.
458. Class schedules, 1981-1982. 47 items.
459. Community clinical units, 1981. 1 items.
460. Correspondence: From, 1981-1982. 21 items.
461. To, 1981-1982. 23 items.
462. Courses: Challenge exam; Common exams, 1981. 10 items.
463. Courses: Grades, 1981-1982. 4 items.
464. NBME - J.D. Carline, 1981. 9 items.
465. Cullen, Tom: Correspondence from, 1981-1982. 26 items.
466. Correspondence to, 1981-1982. 6 items.
467. DeSantis, Mark, 1981-1982. 10 items.
468. Eroschenko, Victor, 1981-1982. 6 items.
469. Evaluations: Students of courses: Fall, 1981. 79 items.
470. Students of courses: Intersession, 1981-1982. 33 items.
471. Students of courses: Spring, 1982. 58 items.
472. Faculty information, 1981-1982. 5 items.
473. Interoffice correspondence: From, 1981-1982. 58 items.
474. To, 1981-1982. 46 items.
475. Irregular help information, 1981-1982. 38 items.
476. McKean, Thomas, 1981-1982. 5 items.
477. Medical preceptors, 1980-1981. 13 items.
478. Meetings: Coordinators, 1981-1982. 10 items.
479. Legislative conference, 1981. 6 items.
480. Rosario, 1982. 10 items.
481. WAMI faculty, 1981-1982. 6 items.
482. WAMI research retreat, 1981. 7 items.
483. Miscellaneous, 1980-1982. 5 items.
484. Montana State University, 1981-1982. 5 items.
485. Personnel, 1981-1982. 19 items.
486. Phillips, Theodore: Correspondence from/to, 1981-1982. 13 items.

Box 9 	487. State Board of Education, 1981-1982. 20 items.
488. Students: Correspondence from, 1981-1982. 11 items.
489. New (1982-1983), 1982. 11 items.
490. Orientation information, 1981. 10 items.
491. UWSM: Correspondence from, 1981-1982. 33 items.
492. Correspondence to, 1981-1982. 13 items.
493. Correspondence to students, 1981-1982. 29 items.
494. Matching/Clerkship results, 1981. 10 items.
495. WAMI: PT/OT project, 1981. 2 items.
496. WSU: Correspondence from/to, 1981-1982. 32 items.
497. AAMC, 1982-1983. 3 items.
498. Accreditation: Information, 1982-1982. 18 items.
499. Self-study committee - Finances, 1982-1983. 2 items.
500. Self-study project (UWSM), 1982. 14 items.
501. Anderson, Guy, 1982-1983. 6 items.
502. Bills: Payroll, 1982-1983. 24 items.
503. Bodies, 1982. 4 items.
504. Books: Textbooks, 1982. 26 items.
505. Budget: Correspondence, 1982-1983. 26 items.
506. Information on tuition payment, 1982. 7 items.
507. Next year (1983-1984), 1982-1983. 9 items.
508. Present year (1982-1983), 1982. 8 items.
509. State, 1982-1983. 19 items.
510. Class schedules, 1982-1983. 38 items.
511. Correspondence: From, 1982-1983. 10 items.
512. To, 1982-1983. 25 items.
513. Courses: Correspondence, 1982-1983. 7 items.
514. Grades, 1982-1983. 51 items.
515. Common exams, 1983. 4 items.
516. Cullen, Thomas: Correspondence from/to, 1982-1983. 23 items.
517. DeSantis, Mark, 1982-1983. 8 items.
518. Eroschenko, Victor, 1982-1983. 6 items.
519. Evaluations: Students of courses, Fall, 1982. 43 items.
519. Students of courses, Intersession, 1982-1983. 5 items.
520. Students of courses, Spring, 1983. 48 items.
521. Faculty information, 1982-1983. 20 items.
522. Interoffice correspondence: From, 1982-1983. 42 items.
523. To, 1982-1983. 52 items.
524. Irregular help information, 1982-1983. 28 items.
525. Legislators, 1982. 9 items.
526. McKean, Thomas, 1982-1983. 4 items.
527. Medical preceptors, 1982-1983. 16 items.
528. Meetings: Coordinators, 1983. 3 items.
529. UWSM conference, June 16-17, 1983. 5 items.
530. WAMI faculty, 1982. 1 items.
531. Miscellaneous, 1982-1983. 12 items.
532. Personnel, 1982-1983. 18 items.
533. Photographs, 1982-1983. 15 items.
534. State Board of Education, 1982-1983. 12 items.
535. Students: Correspondence from/to, 1982-1983. 35 items.
536. Mailings from UW, 1982-1983. 20 items.
537. Miscellaneous, 1982-1983. 17 items.
538. New, 1983. 27 items.
539. Orientation information, 1982-1983. 37 items.
540. Residency and training programs, 1982-1983. 2 items.
541. Second semester registration, 1983. 6 items.
542. UWSM: Policies, requirements, procedures, 1982. 5 items.
543. Correspondence from, 1982-1983. 45 items.
544. Correspondence to, 1982-1983. 7 items.
545. Health insurance forms, 1982. 5 items.
546. Independent study, 1982. 2 items.
547. Map, 1982. 3 items.
548. WSU: Correspondence, 1983. 6 items.
549. Other, 1982-1983. 4 items.

Box 10 	550. Accreditation report, 1983-1984. 2 items.
551. Anderson, Guy R., 1983-1984. 15 items.
552. Books: Textbooks, 1983-1984. 18 items.
553. Budget: Correspondence, 1983-1984. 29 items.
554. Next year (1984-1985), 1984. 5 items.
555. Present year (1983-1984), 1982. 1 items.
556. State, 1983-1984. 8 items.
557. Class schedules, 1983-1984. 61 items.
558. Community Clinical Units, 1983. 1 items.
559. Correspondence: From, 1983-1984. 16 items.
560. To, 1983-1984. 20 items.
561. Courses: Grades, 1983-1984. 3 items.
562. WAMI & UWSM curriculum schedules and hours, 1982-1983. 5 items.
563. Common exams, 1983. 2 items.
564. Cullen, Thomas: Correspondence from/to, 1983-1984. 14 items.
565. Dale, David C., 1983-1984. 9 items.
566. DeSantis, Mark, 1983-1984. 10 items.
567. Eroschenko, Victor, 1983-1984. 12 items.
568. Evaluations: Students of courses, Fall 1983. 61 items.
569. Students of courses, Spring 1984. 122 items.
570. Faculty: Correspondence, 1983-1984. 20 items.
571. Information, 1983. 23 items.
572. Financial aid, 1983. 16 items.
573. House Bill #267 (Geddes bill), 1983-1984. 2 items.
574. Information release forms, 1983. 20 items.
575. Interoffice correspondence: From, 1983-1984. 46 items.
576. To, 1983-1984. 66 items.
577. Legislators, 1983-1984. 2 items.
578. McKean, Tom, 1983-1984. 11 items.
579. Medical preceptors, 1983-1984. 12 items.
580. Meetings: Budget, 1983-1984. 7 items.
581. Coordinators, 1983-1984. 9 items.
582. Legislative conference, 1983. 12 items.
583. Rosario, 1984. 1 items.
584. UWSM advisors, 1983-1984.  14 items.
585. UWSM conference, June 1984. 11 items.
586. WAMI faculty, 1983-1984. 12 items.
587. Miscellaneous, 1983. 2 items.
588. Montana State University, 1984. 1 items.
589. Personnel: Information, 1983-1984. 14 items.
590. Payroll, 1983-1984. 20 items.
591. Phillips, Theodore: Correspondence from/to, 1983-1984. 7 items.
592. Photographs, 1983. 51 items.
593. State Board of Education, 1983-1984. 24 items.
594. Student medical society (AMSA), 1983. 2 items.
595. Students: Addresses, 1983. 6 items.
596. Correspondence to, 1983-1984. 7 items.
597. New (1984-1985), 1984. 14 items.
598. Orientation, 1983. 29 items.
599. Second semester registration, 1984. 6 items.
600. UWSM mailings to, 1983-1984. 21 items.
601. University of Alaska, 1983-1984. 10 items.
602. UW programs affecting Idaho, 1983-1984. 10 items.
603. UWSM: Correspondence from, 1983-1984. 42 items.
604. Correspondence to, 1983-1984. 13 items.
605. Matching/Clerkship results, 1983-1984. 2 items.
606. WSU: Correspondence from/to, 1983-1984. 29 items.
607. Other, 1983-1984. 2 items.

Box 11 	608. AAMC, 1984. 1 items.
609. Accreditation report, 1984. 4 items.
610. Books: From Dr. David Valder, 1984. 1 items.
611. Ordered through bookstore, 1984-1985. 7 items.
612. Textbooks, 1984-1985. 9 items.
613. Bell, Thomas O: Correspondence from/to, 1984-1985. 21 items.
614. Budget: General information, 1984-1985. 12 items.
615. Correspondence, 1984. 4 items.
616. Challenge exams; Common exams, 1984-1985. 5 items.
617. Class schedules, 1984-1985. 31 items.
618. Cullen, Thomas J.: Correspondence from, 1984. 8 items.
619. Dale, David C: Correspondence from/to, 1984. 7 items.
620-622. DeSantis, Mark, 1984-1985. 138 items.
623. Eroschenko, Victor, 1984-1985. 32 items.
624. Evaluations: Students of courses, Fall 1984. 35 items.
625. Students of courses, Spring 1985. 20 items.
626. Students of courses and instructors, summary 1978-1985, 1985. 21 items.
627. Faculty (WAMI), 1984-1985. 13 items.
628. Interoffice correspondence: From, 1984-1985. 26 items.
629. To, 1984-1985. 36 items.
630. McKean, Thomas, 1984-1985. 13 items.
631. Miscellaneous, 1984-1985. 5 items.
632. Payroll, 1984-1985. 20 items.
633. Students: Information notebook, 1984. 1 items.
634. Orientation, 1985. 2 items.
635. U of I: Information for students, 1984. 18 items.
636. UWSM: Correspondence from, 1985. 2 items.
637. UWSM: Information for students, 1984-1985. 11 items.
638. WAMI state report, 1984-1985. 1 items.
639. Admissions information, 1984. 3 items.
640. Bell, Thomas O: Correspondence from/to, 1985-1986. 28 items.
641. Bills: Payroll, 1985-1986. 15 items.
642. Books: Textbooks, 1985-1986. 13 items.
643. Budget: General information, 1985. 16 items.
644. Space usage, 1985-1986. 4 items.
645. Correspondence, 1985-1986. 23 items.
646. State, 1985. 3 items.
647. FY 86, miscellaneous, 1985. 9 items.
648. Class schedules, 1985-1986. 31 items.
649. Community Clinical Unit, 1985. 4 items.
650. Continuing medical education, 1986. 3 items.
651. Course summary, 1985. 1 items.
652. Courses: Class lists, 1985-1986. 5 items.
653. Common exams, 1985-1986. 9 items.
654. WAMI & UWSM curriculum schedule and hours, 1985-1986. 5 items.
655-656. DeSantis, Mark, 1985-1986. 171 items.
657. Donations, 1985-1986. 10 items.
658. Equipment, 1985-1986. 12 items.
659. Eroschenko, Victor, 1985-1986. 21 items.
660. Evaluations: Students of courses: Fall, 1985. 16 items.
661. Students of courses: Spring, 1986. 37 items.
662. Summary for years 1979-1985. 1 items.
663. Faculty information, 1985-1986. 10 items.
664. Financial aid: General information, 1985-1986. 10 items.
665. UWSM, 1986. 22 items.
666. Miscellaneous, 1985-1986. 18 items.
667. Geddes bill #267, 1983-1984. 24 items.
668. Guest faculty, 1985. 4 items.
669. Interoffice correspondence: From, 1985-1986. 487 items.
670. To, 1985-1986. 26 items.
671. Irregular help, 1985. 12 items.
672. Legislative conference, 1985. 31 items.
673. McKean, Thomas, 1985-1986. 15 items.
674. Medical preceptorships, 1985-1986. 33 items.

Box 12 	675. Meetings: Deans council, 1985-1986. 13 items.
676. Rosario, 1986. 7 items.
677. UWSM conference, June 1986. 3 items.
678. WAMI coordinators meetings, 1985-1986. 22 items.
679. WAMI faculty, 1985-1986. 6 items.
680. Mohan, P.J., 1985. 3 items.
681. Personnel, 1985-1986. 7 items.
682. Photographs, 1976-1985. 8 items.
683. Rourke, A.W., 1985. 2 items.
684. Student Medical Society (AMSA), 1985-1986. 7 items.
685. Student notebook, E-85, 1985. 1 items.
686. Students: Addresses, 1985-1986. 6 items.
687. Awards and honors, 1984. 1 items.
688. Orientation, 1985-1986. 22 items.
689. UW mailings to, 1985. 2 items.
690. University of Alaska, 1985. 1 items.
691. UW programs affecting Idaho, 1985-1986. 10 items.
692. Area Health Education Center program, 1984-1985. 2 items.
693. UWSM: Community clinical units, 1985. 1 items.
694. Comparative analysis, 1985. 1 items.
695. Correspondence from/to, 1985-1986. 31 items.
696. WAMI director search, 1985. 17 items.
697. WAMI program review, 1985. 4 items.
698. WSU: Correspondence from/to, 1985-1986. 21 items.
699. Other, 1985. 2 items.
700-701. Accreditation report, 1986-1987. 12 items.
702. Affiliate/visiting faculty, UI, 1986-1987. 56 items.
703. Annual report and information, 1986. 5 items.
704. Area Health Education Center program, 1984-1986. 3 items.
705. Bell, Thomas O.: Correspondence from/to, 1986-1987. 23 items.
706. Bills: Miscellaneous, 1987. 2 items.
707. Payroll, 1986-1987. 23 items.
708. Books: Ordered through bookstore, 1986. 4 items.
709. Textbooks, 1986. 9 items.
710. Budget, General: Information on tuition payment, 1986. 17 items.
711. Budget: Correspondence, 1985-1987. 30 items.
712. Budget, State, 1986-1987. 5 items.
713. Class schedules, 1986-1987. 39 items.
714. Community Clinical Unit, 1987. 7 items.
715. Coordinators meetings and conference calls, 1986-1987. 17 items.
716. Courses: Class lists, 1986-1987. 2 items.
717. Common exams, 1986-1987. 17 items.
718. Honors policy, 1987. 12 items.
719. DeSantis, Mark: Sabbatical replacement, 1986. 30 items.
720. WAMI, 1986-1987. 13 items.
721. Correspondence from/to, 1986-1987. 78 items.
722. Director search committee, 1986-1987. 10 items.
723. Eroschenko, Victor, 1986-1987. 28 items.
724. Evaluations: Students of courses, Fall, 1986. 31 items.
725. Spring 1987. 31 items.
726. Faculty information, 1985-1986. 16 items.
727. Financial aid: Medical student research training program, 1987. 1 items.
728. Payback, 1987. 5 items.
729. U of I, 1986-1987. 6 items.

Box 13 	730. UWSM, 1986-1987. 10 items.
731. WAMI student research fund (ISMS), 1985-1986. 33 items.
732. Miscellaneous, 1985-1986. 13 items.
733. GPED report, 1984-1986. 3 items.
734. Information on WAMI, 1986. 4 items.
735. Interoffice correspondence: From, 1986-1987. 64 items.
736. To, 1986-1987. 42 items.
737. WAMI faculty memos, 1986-1987. 31 items.
738. Legislators, 1986-1987. 18 items.
739. Legislative conference, 1986. 48 items.
740. Long range plan, ca.1985. 1 items.
741. McKean, Thomas, 1986-1987. 74 items.
742. Medical preceptorships, 1986. 10 items.
743. Meetings: Deans council, 1986-1987. 6 items.
744. UWSM conference, June 1987. 5 items.
745. WAMI faculty, 1986. 3 items.
746. Memorial trust funds/Scholarships, 1986-1987. 12 items.
747. Montana State University, 1986-1987. 5 items.
748. Organizational chart, 1985-1986. 3 items.
749. Personnel, 1985-1987. 24 items.
750. Photographs, 1976-1986. 16 items.
751. Program review, 1985-1987. 9 items.
752. State Board of Education, 1986. 2 items.
753. Student Medical Society (AMSA), 1986. 6 items.
754. Student notebook, 1986. 1 items.
755. Students: Correspondence to, 1986-1987. 32 items.
756. Former, 1984-1986. 33 items.
757. New, 1986-1987. 29 items.
758. Orientation, 1984-1986. 20 items.
759. UI information, 1986-1987. 24 items.
760. UWSM: Correspondence from, 1986-1987. 27 items.
761. Correspondence to, 1986-1987. 19 items.
762. Correspondence from/to individuals, 1986-1987. 18 items.
763. General information, 1986-1987. 9 items.
764. Mailings to students, 1987. 4 items.
765. WICHE, 1985. 2 items.
766. WSU: Correspondence from/to, 1986-1987. 7 items.

II. Courses, 1974-1987

767-768. UWSM Basic curriculum and course outline, 1974-1975. 1 items.
769-770. Course outlines, HB 421-HB 435, 1974-1975. 1 items.

Box 14 	771-772. Course outlines, HB 511-HB 563, 1974-1975. 1 items.
773. Course outlines, 1974-1975. 4 items.
774. HuBio 411, Anatomy, 1974-1975. 7 items.
775. HuBio 412, Mechanisms in physiology and pharmacology, 1974-1975. 5 items.
776. HuBio 413, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1974-1975. 4 items.
777. HuBio 414, Molecular and cellular biology I, 1974. 5 items.
778. HuBio 415, The ages of man, 1974. 4 items.
779. HuBio 420, Cell and tissue response to injury, 1975. 5 items.
780. HuBio 421, Natural history of infectious diseases and chemotherapy, 1974. 3 items.
781. HuBio 442, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1974. 2 items.
782. HuBio 423, System of human behavior I, 1974-1975. 3 items.
783. HuBio 424, Molecular and cellular biology II, 1974. 2 items.
784. HuBio 431 Head, neck, ear, nose, throat, 1974. 4 items.
785. HuBio 432, Nervous system, 1973. 3 items.
786. HuBio 433, Medicine, health and society, 1974-1975. 3 items.
787. HuBio 434, Endocrine system, 1974-1975. 6 items.
788. HuBio 435, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1974. 1 items.
789. MedSci 505, Preceptor program, 1976. 4 items.
790. MedSci 510, Histology, 1975. 7 items.
791. MedSci 511, Anatomy of the trunk, 1975-1976. 6 items.
792. MedSci 512, Mechanisms in physiology and pharmacology, 1975-1976. 6 items.
793. MedSci 513, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1975. 11 items.
794. MedSci 514, Molecular and cellular biology, 1975-1976. 9 items.
795. MedSci 515, The ages of man, 1975. 37 items.
796. MedSci 520, Cell and tissue response to injury, 1975-1976. 9 items.
797. MedSci 521, Natural history of infectious diseases and chemotherapy, 1976. 10 items.
798. MedSci 522, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1975-1976. 7 items.
799. MedSci 523, Systems of human behavior, 1975-1976. 8 items.
800. MedSci 524, Molecular and cellular biology II, 1976. 5 items.
801. MedSci 530, Epidemiology, 1975. 19 items.
802. MedSci 531, Head, neck, ear nose throat, 1975-1976. 7 items.
803. MedSci 532, Nervous system, 1976. 11 items.
804. MedSci 533, Medicine, health and society, 1975-1976. 11 items.
805. MedSci 534, Endocrine system, 1975. 20 items.
806. MedSci 535, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1976. 3 items.
807. MedSci 505, Preceptorship, 1977. 14 items.
808. MedSci 510, Histology, 1976. 8 items.
809. MedSci 511, Trunk anatomy, 1976-1977. 12 items.
810. MedSci 512, Mechanisms in physiology and pharmacology, 1976-1977. 12 items.
811. MedSci 513, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1976. 8 items.
812. MedSci 514, Molecular and cellular biology, 1976. 13 items.
813. MedSci 515, Ages of man, 1976. 24 items.
814. MedSci 520, Cell and tissue response to injury, 1977. 13 items.
815. MedSci 521, Natural history of infectious disease, 1976-1977. 13 items.
816. MedSci 522, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1976-1977. 11 items.
817. MedSci 523, Systems of human behavior, 1976-1977. 9 items.
818. MedSci 524, Molecular and cellular biology, 1976-1977. 8 items.
819. MedSci 530, Epidemiology, 1976-1977. 9 items.
820. MedSci 531, Head, neck, ear, nose, throat, 1977. 5 items.
821. MedSci 532, Nervous system, 1976-1977. 13 items.
822. MedSci 533, Medicine, health, and society, 1976-1977. 7 items.
823. MedSci 534, Endocrine system, 1976-1977. 11 items.
824. MedSci 535, Introduction to clinical medicine III, 1976-1977. 8 items.
825. MedSci 502, Directed study, 1978. 3 items.
826. MedSci 504, Nutrition for the health professional, 1977-1978. 13 items.
827. MedSci 505, Preceptorship, 1977-1978. 44 items.
828. MedSci 510, 511, 1977-1978. 14 items.
829. MedSci, 512, 513, 1977. 13 items.
830. MedSci, 514, 515, 1977. 30 items.
831. MedSci 520, Tissue response to injury, 1977. 25 items.
832. MedSci 521, 522, 1978. 9 items.
833. MedSci 523, 524, 1978. 10 items.
834. MedSci 530, 531, 1978. 11 items.
835. MedSci 532, Nervous system, 1978. 12 items.
836. MedSci 533, Medicine, health and society, 1978. 11 items.
837. MedSci 534, Endocrine system, 1978. 14 items.
838. MedSci 535, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1977. 4 items.
839. MedSci 502, 504, 404, 510, 1978-1979. 21 items.
840. MedSci 511,512, 1978. 18 items.
841. MedSci 513, 514, 1978-1979. 21 items.
842. MedSci 515, Ages of man, 1978-1979. 21 items.
843. MedSci 520, Tissue response to injury, 1979. 27 items.
844. MedSci 521, 522, 1978-1979. 23 items.
845. MedSci 523, 524, 1978-1979. 28 items.
846. MedSci 530, 531, 1978-1979. 19 items.
847. MedSci 532, 533, 1978-1979. 24 items.
848. MedSci 534, 535, 1978-1979. 19 items.
849. MedSci 502, 504, 505, 1980. 15 items.
850. MedSci 510, Histology, 1979. 11 items.

Box 15 	851. MedSci 511, 512, 1979. 16 items.
852. MedSci 513, 514, 515, 1979. 28 items.
853. MedSci 520, Cell and tissue response to injury, 1980. 16 items.
854. MedSci 521, 522, 1980. 15 items.
855. MedSci 523, 524, 1979-1980. 18 items.
856. MedSci 530, 531, 1979-1980. 15 items.
857. MedSci 532, Nervous system, 1979-1980. 13 items.
858. MedSci 534, 535, 1979-1980. 10 items.
859. MedSci 504, 505, 1980-1981. 18 items.
860. MedSci 510, Histology, 1980-1981. 15 items.
861. MedSci 511, Anatomy of the trunk, 1980. 7 items.
862. MedSci 512, 513, 1980. 11 items.
863. MedSci 514, Molecular and cellular biology, 1980-1981. 21 items.
864. MedSci 520, Tissue response to injury, 1980-1981. 20 items.
865. MedSci 515, 521, 1980-1981. 28 items.
866. MedSci 522-523, 1981. 12 items.
867. MedSci 524, 530, 1980-1981. 13 items.
868. MedSci 531, 532, 1981. 13 items.
869. MedSci 534, 535, 1980-1981. 11 items.
870. MedSci 502-504, 1982. 5 items.
871. MedSci 504, Variations in human sexuality, 1981-1982. 46 items.
872. MedSci 505, 510, 1981-1982. 25 items.
873. MedSci 511, Trunk anatomy, 1981. 8 items.
874. MedSci 512 Cellular physiology, 1981-1982. 14 items.
875. MedSci 512, Transcription of videotapes and feedback questions, 1981. 2 items.
876. MedSci 513, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1981-1982. 10 items.
877. MedSci 514, Molecular and cellular biology, 1981-1982. 34 items.
878. MedSci 515, Ages of man, 1981. 9 items.
879. MedSci 520, Tissue response to injury, 1981-1982. 22 items.
880. MedSci 521, 522, 1982. 20 items.
881. MedSci 523-524, 1981-1982. 9 items.
882. MedSci 530, 531, 1982. 11 items.
883. MedSci 532, Nervous system, 1982. 13 items.
884. MedSci 534, 535, 1981-1982. 21 items.
885. MedSci 504, Special topics in family medicine, 1983. 4 items.
886. MedSci 504, Human sexuality and the physician, 1983. 28 items.
887. MedSci 505, Preceptorship, 1983. 1 items.
888. MedSci 510, Histology, 1982. 5 items.
889. MedSci 511, Anatomy of the trunk, 1982. 5 items.
890. MedSci, 512, Cellular physiology, 1982-1983. 10 items.
891. MedSci, 513, 514, 1982-1983. 8 items.
892. MedSci 515, 516, 1982-1983. 15 items.
893. MedSci 520, Tissue response to injury, 1983. 12 items.
894. MedSci 521, Natural history of infectious disease. 10 items.
895. MedSci 522, 523, 1982-1983. 19 items.
896. MedSci 530, 531, 1983. 7 items.
897. MedSci 532, Nervous system, 1983. 13 items.
898. MedSci 535, Introduction to clinical medicine III, 1982-1983. 4 items.
899. MedSci 502, 504, 505, 1983-1984. 11 items.
900. MedSci 510, 511, 1983-1984. 12 items.
901. MedSci 512, Physiology, 1983-1984. 9 items.
902. MedSci 513, 514, 1983-1984. 10 items.
903. MedSci 515 Ages of man, 1983. 14 items.

Box 16 	904. MedSci 516, Cell biology, 1983-1984. 8 items.
905. MedSci 520, 521, 1983-1984. 14 items.
906. MedSci 522, 523, 1983-1984. 11 items.
907. MedSci 530, 531, 1984. 8 items.
908. MedSci 532, 535, 1984. 23 items.
909. MedSci 510-516, 1984-1985. 14 items.
910. MedSci 522, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1984-1985. 7 items.
911. MedSci 521, Natural history of infectious disease, 1984-1985. 5 items.
912. MedSci 523, 530, 1984-1985. 13 items.
913. MedSci 531, Head, neck, ear, nose, throat, 1985. 5 items.
914. MedSci 532, Nervous system, 1984-1985. 16 items.
915. MedSci 533, 535, 1985. 8 items.
916. MedSci 502, Directed studies, 1985-1988. 19 items.
917. MedSci 504, 505, 1985-1986. 4 items.
918. MedSci 510, Histology, 1985. 9 items.
919. MedSci 511, 512, 1985-1986. 11 items.
920. MedSci 513, Intro to clinical medicine, 1985-1986. 5 items.
921. MedSci 514, Molecular and cellular biology, 1985-1986. 12 items.
922. MedSci 515, 516, 1985-1986. 21 items.
923. MedSci 520, Cell and tissue response to injury, 1985-1986. 15 items.
924. MedSci 521, Natural history of infectious disease, 1986. 12 items.
925. MedSci 522, Introduction to clinical medicine II, 1985. 8 items.
926. MedSci 523, Systems of human behavior, 1985-1986. 9 items.
927. MedSci, 530, 531, 1985-1986. 8 items.
928. MedSci 532, Nervous system, 1985-1986. 25 items.
929. MedSci 535, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1985-1986. 11 items.
930. MedSci 502, 504, 505, 1986-1987. 7 items.
931. MedSci 510, Histology, 1985-1987. 16 items.
932. MedSci 511, Anatomy of the trunk, 1985-1987. 11 items.
933. MedSci 512, Mechanisms in physiology and pharmacology, 1986. 10 items.
934. MedSci 513, Introduction to clinical medicine, 1986. 8 items.
935. MedSci 514, 515, 1986-1987. 14 items.
936. MedSci 520, Cell and tissue response to injury, 1986-1987. 27 items.
937. MedSci 521, 522, 1986. 15 items.
938. MedSci 532, Systems of human behavior, 1986-1987. 8 items.
939. MedSci, 530, 531, 532, 1986-1987. 9 items.
940. MedSci 535, Introduction to clinical medicine III, 1985-1987. 23 items.
941. Endocrinology narratives, n.d. 2 items.
942. Endocrinology: "Diseases of the adrenal gland" slides and audio tape, 1977. 1 items.

Box 17 	943-945. Endocrinology slides, 1977. 223 items.
946. UWSM microfiches of endocrinology slides, 1974. 12 items.
947. Endocrinology text (HuBio 534), 1981-1982. 1 items.
948. Management of pain (Circuit course), 1976. 1 items.

III. Quarterly Reports and Publications, 1972-1978

949-954. Quarterly reports, Idaho only, 1972-1978. 6 items.
955. Thirdly report, Idaho only, April 1979. 1 items.
956-958. Quarterly reports, January 1973-June 1973. 3 items.

Box 18 	959-965. Quarterly reports, July-Sept. 1973 - Oct.-Dec. 1974. 7 items.

Box 19 	966-971. Quarterly reports, Jan.-March 1975 - April-June 1976. 6 items.
972. Final report, August 1976. 1 items.

Box 20 	973-974. WAMI III contract, quarterly reports, June 1976-March .1977  2 items.
975. WAMI III contract, final report, July 1977. 1 items.
976-978. WAMI IV contract, quarterly reports, August 1977-April 1978. 3 items.
979. WAMI IV contract, final report, July 1978. 1 items.
980. WAMI News (scattered issues), 1974-1982. 13 items.

IV. Pre-med/Pre-dent, 1970-1983

Box 21 	981. Advisees, 1972-1973. 17 items.
982-985. Advisory Board for Medical Education, 1972-1973. 4 items.
986-987. Allied health, 1971-1973. 24 items.
988. Bacteriology 254, 1972-1973. 7 items.
989. Correspondence, 1972-1973. 26 items.
990. Course outlines, 1972-1973. 16 items.
991. Bacteriology C254 (Correspondence study), 1972. 13 items.
992. Consortium for Health Education in the West, 1972. 8 items.
993. Correspondence, 1971-1973. 18 items.
994. Jolley, J.I., 1970-1971. 1 items.
995. Library journals, 1972. 2 items.
996. Medical Advisory Board, 1972-1973. 23 items.
997. Memos, 1972-1973. 16 items.
998. State Board of Education, 1972-1973. 6 items.
999. WICHE, 1972-1973. 13 items.
1000. WRAAHP, 1971-1972. 8 items.
1001. Advisees, 1973-1974. 24 items.
1002-1007. Advisory Board for Health Education, 1972-1973. 57 items.
1008-1009. Allied Health; Allied Health Studies Committee, 1973-1974. 46 items.
1010. AMCAS, 1973-1974. 12 items.
1011. Bacteriology 254, 1973-1974. 46 items.
1012. Correspondence, 1973-1974. 54 items.
1013. Guest lecturers, 1974. 6 items.
1014. Bacteriology C254, 1973-1974. 7 items.
1015. Budget, 1973-1974. 19 items.
1016. CEEB (SAT), 1973. 2 items.
1017. Concepts and costs - Medical schools, 1974. 5 items.
1018. Correspondence, 1973-1974. 25 items.
1019. Correspondence with former students, 1972-1974. 3 items.
1020. Correspondence with medical and dental schools, 1972-1973. 6 items.
1021. Idaho report, 1973. 1 items.
1022. Medical College Admissions Test, 1974. 1 items.
1023. Memos, 1973-1974. 30 items.
1024. State Board of Education, 1973-1974. 9 items.
1025. WICHE, 1970-1973. 15 items.
1026. WRAAHP, 1972-1974. 19 items.
1027. Advising plans, 1974-1975. 30 items.
1028. AMCAS, 1974-1975. 2 items.
1029-1032. ABHE, 1974-1975. 29 items.
1033-1034. Allied health; Allied Health Studies Committee, 1974. 6 items.
1035. Association of American Medical Colleges, 1973-1974. 7 items.
1036. Bacteriology 254, 1974-1975. 46 items.
1037. Bacteriology C254, 1974-1975. 13 items.

Box 22 	1038. Budget, 1974-1975. 6 items.
1039. Concepts and costs, 1974-1975. 13 items.
1040. Correspondence, 1974-1975. 31 items.
1041. Inter-office memos, 1974-1975. 35 items.
1042. MCAT - DAT, 1973-1975. 6 items.
1043. Miscellaneous, 1974-1975. 29 items.
1044. National Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974. 5 items.
1045. Pre-med committee, 1975. 11 items.
1046. Scholarship programs, 1974. 8 items.
1047. State Board of Education, 1974-1975. 17 items.
1048. Students, 1974-1975. 23 items.
1049. WICHE, 1974-1975. 4 items.
1050. WRAAHP, 1974-1975. 4 items.
1051. Advising plans, 1975-1976. 12 items.
1052. Advisory Board for Health Education, 1975-1976. 12 items.
1053. Allied Health Studies Committee, 1975. 1 items.
1054. AMCAS, 1975-1976. 4 items.
1055. Area Health Education Consortium, 1975. 1 items.
1056. Bacteriology, 1975. 4 items.
1057. Bacteriology C254, 1975-1976. 11 items.
1058. Books, 1975-1976. 5 items.
1059. Budget, 1975-1976. 9 items.
1060. Correspondence, 1975-1976. 36 items.
1061. Curricular Support Center, 1975-1976. 52 items.
1062. Interoffice memos, 1975-1976. 35 items.
1063. Medical College Admissions Test, 1975-1976. 8 items.
1064. Miscellaneous, 1975-1976. 10 items.
1065. Other medical schools, 1975. 3 items.
1066. Placement committee, 1975-1976. 9 items.
1067. Scholarship programs, 1975-1976. 2 items.
1068. State Board of Education, 1975-1976. 14 items.
1069. UWSM Learning Resources, 1975-1976. 13 items.
1070. WICHE, 1975-1976. 8 items.
1071. ABHE, 1976. 9 items.
1072. Advising plans, 1976-1977. 11 items.
1073. Allied Health Committee, 1976-1977. 5 items.
1074. AMCAS, 1976-1977. 3 items.
1075. Association of American Medical Colleges, 1976-1977. 8 items.
1076. Budget, 1976-1977. 1 items.
1077. Correspondence, 1976-1977. 37 items.
1078. Dental Aptitude Test, 1976-1977. 5 items.
1079. Inter-office memos, 1976-1977. 38 items.
1080. Medical College Admissions test, 1976-1977. 8 items.
1081. Miscellaneous, 1976. 6 items.
1082. Osteopathic medical schools, 1976. 3 items.
1083. Other medical schools, 1976. 5 items.
1084. Placement committee, 1976. 2 items.
1085. Post-rejection counseling, 1976. 1 items.
1086. State Board of Education, 1976-1977. 13 items.
1087. WICHE, 1975-1977. 7 items.
1088. Advising plans, 1977-1978. 10 items.
1089. Advisory Board for Health Education, 1978. 1 items.
1090. Bacteriology C254, 1977-1978. 4 items.
1091. Budget, 1977-1978. 1 items.
1092-1093. Correspondence, 1977-1978. 42 items.
1094. Inter-office memos, 1977-1978. 13 items.
1095. State Board of Education, 1977. 2 items.
1096. WAMI Learning Resources, 1977-1978. 40 items.
1097. AAMC, 1978-1979. 8 items.
1098. AMCAS, 1978-1979. 13 items.
1099. Asilomar meeting, April 1979. 11 items.
1100. Bacteriology C254, 1978-1979. 4 items.
1101. Budget, 1978/79 - 1979/80. 1 items.
1102. Correspondence, 1978-1979. 2 items.
1103. Form letters with enclosures, 1978-1979. 3 items.
1104. Inter-office correspondence, 1978-1979. 31 items.
1105. Budget, 1981-1982. 1 items.
1106. Curricular Support Center, 1978-1980. 22 items.

Box 23 	1107. Advising, 1979-1980. 4 items.
1108. Asilomar conference, 1979-1980. 9 items.
1109. Bacteriology C254, 1979-1980. 8 items.
1110. Correspondence, 1979-1981. 31 items.
1111. Inter-office correspondence, 1979-1981. 54 items.
1112. Pre-med/Pre-dent committee, 1980. 19 items.
1113. Allied Health Studies Committee, 1980-1981. 3 items.
1114. Anderson, Guy, 1980-1981. 37 items.
1115. Budget, 1980-1981. 1 items.
1116. DeSantis, Mark, 1980-1981. 6 items.
1117. Eroschenko, Victor, 1980-1981. 21 items.
1118. McKean, Thomas, 1980. 7 items.
1119. Inter-office correspondence, 1981-1982. 27 items.
1120. Miscellaneous, 1981. 2 items.
1121. UW Committee on Admissions, 1980-1981. 2 items.
1122. Asilomar conference, 1982. 13 items.
1123. Correspondence, 1981-1982. 39 items.
1124. UI General News, 1981-1982. 21 items.
1125. WAMI form letter, 1981. 1 items.
1126. Pre-med/Pre-dent committee, 1981-1983. 4 items.

V. Other, 1954-1974

1127. Anderson, Guy, Personal, 1973-1974. 10 items.
1128. Anderson, Guy, Publications, 1955-1966. 3 items.
1129. Faculty Marshall, 1973-1975. 16 items.
1130. Museum Committee, 1971-1974. 21 items.
1131. Student Health Services Committee, 1970-1972. 15 items.
1132. Student research papers, 1970-1971. 3 items.
1133. WAMI, 1971-1972. 40 items.
1134. Wheat diseases, 1962. 1 items.
1135. Azotobacter research, 1965-1969. 19 items.
1136-1139. Beijerinckia research, 1954-1971. 36 items.
1140. Cultures, 1963-1968. 19 items.
1141. Food safety, 1968-1977. 17 items.
1142. Nitrogen fixation studies, 1971. 14 items.
1143. References on typhula, ca.1965. 1 items.
1144-1153. Snow mold research notes, charts, and slides, 1954-1971. 139 items.

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