NIH Data Management & Sharing Plans (DMSPs)
As of January 2023, the National Institutes of Health will require data management and sharing plans as a part of all research project proposals. The University of Idaho provides the following resources to better understand the requirements and expectations of the agency, and how to develop plans with resources at the university.
General Information
Overview of the NIH Policy - describes the general requirements and expectations of the policy, how it will be reviewed, and how a DMSP will be managed during a funded project
Elements of a Data Management and Sharing Plan - describes the specific components to include in a DMSP, including examples.
DMSP Checklist - lists the required prompts to address in each section of a DMSP
DMPTool - a free online tool for generating a data management plan compliant with funding agency requirements, including NSF and NIH. Use your @uidaho email address when logging in.
Other Resources
- Details about acceptable repositories
- NIH FAQs on the Data Sharing Policy
- NIH Webinar on the new policy, part 1
- NIH Webinar on the new policy, part 2: privacy protections, human participants, and limitations on data sharing
For assistance, contact either:
- Jeremy Kenyon, Library (, or
- Andrew Child, RCDS ( for assistance.
Upcoming Workshops or Presentations
- Spring 2023: Check back soon, events are being planned.