To the Presbytery of Walla Walla
Robert Parsons has been my pupil for more than eight years. The most of that time he has lived near me. And I have had every opportunity to learn his true character. He has been a good student, and his life and walk has been that of a consistant Christian. He is a good preacher in the Nez Perce language and very acceptable to the people who have much confidence in him and in his teachings. He has been tested and proved to be so thoroughly reliable, and he has so many of the elements of a true and successful pastor, that I can, unhesitatingly commend him as worthy of ordination, if Presbytery has need of his services as Stated Supply or pastor in any church among the Nez Perce and desires - if God wills - to place him in charge of it
S.L. McBeth
Theo. Training School, Mt. Idaho, March 29th /92
To the Presbytery of Walla Walla
I have know Caleb McAtee for many years. For nearly eight of them he has been my pupil and I have had every opportunity to learn his true character. His life has been that of an exemplary Christian. He is a good preacher in the Nez Perce, and very acceptable to the people. Perhaps none of my pupils have been more successful in winning souls to Christ. I have found him so thoroughly reliable, and he has so many of the elements of a true and successful pastor that I can unhesitatingly commend him to Presbytery as worthy of ordination - if there is need of his services as Pastor over the church among the Spokans, and Presbytery decides to send him there.
S.L. McBeth
Theo Training School Mt. Idaho, March 1892