Mt. Idaho Aug 22th 1892

Kate – dear Sister
Only a tiny little bit of a note tonight about Enoch. I had a letter from him dated Aug 17th. He did not know where Miss Kate was to write to her so he wrote to me. Bartholomew had been to Kamiah, and when he came back went that to Enoch. And with ‘himckash talauzahtimt’ got the church key from Enoch to get his Mathew out of the church to take on the hunt with him to study he said. When he got the key safely in his hand he told Enoch "the church would be locked always now" that it "should be locked until Synod." That now they had sent a letter to Synod and he pocketed the Church key and took it with him on the long hunt & so Enoch or no one at Meadow Creek can get into the church. Write to [him] Enoch to stay at Meadow Creek, & preach in his own house.

They (A & Co.) will want to have him stop preaching himself, and leave his charge. Try & head off their paper to Synod. Perhaps Archie will go to Seattle to push matters or see or send the paper too Woods, at least. Do all that you can, Woods ought to know at least this last act of Bar-s & what Enoch wrote you about Archie who Enoch thinks & says is the mover of this key. Why don’t you write me? There has been time enough for a letter, and none has come. Tell me everything. Do all you possibly can to help Enoch & Meadow Creek.

May God give you wisdom & grace & strength sufficient & guide you by His Spirit prays

Sister Sue
Have who you write to understand clearly that all the Indians say only two elders are against Enoch – all the church members for him. Luke Williams said Miss Fletcher was coming to Mt. Idaho soon. Is she? Tell me when if you know. Give her and Miss Gay my best love. Write soon
