Mt. Idaho July 10th 1889
Kate dear Sister
Certainly you can use one of the new houses if any of them are habitable when you come.
They are all to be finished papered, ceilings, doors &c painted. All ready to
be occupied by the 1st of Sept. The frames are up but no floors, ceilings
&c. The lumber was so wet Mr Dorman is leaving the floors & ceilings of all to be
put in the last thing to let them be as dry as possible so that I cannot tell just when
any one could live in them. But you can see and you are perfectly welcome of course to any
of them until we need them. I will try to see Mr Dorman and learn how soon you could live
in one of them, and write you (D.V.) but I am pretty sure you could not live in one until
in August. He had to wait so long for the lumber before he could begin any of them. But I
will, (D.V.) write again & only send this now so that you can know you can use one of
course, until we need it & not worry & I want you to write as soon as you
recieve this and tell me all about "July." They had a good one at Kamiah Robert
was here this week. Miss Fletcher was at Cottonwood Sabbath Jimmy L said
Kate, help and strengthen Peter all you can. He has a hard time with such a parish & fierce temptations. Dont boss him. He never would stand that. It only made him restless and did no good. You can lead him best through Eddie. Some of the Spokan Stated Supplies told that Mr D was coming and changes of pastors would or could be made was why Peter thought he was not tiyawits at Lapwai I suppose. Did Mr D say anything to you about coming? I wish he was not in the same Presbytery with them, keeping them unsettled (some of them) thinking they can work their will through him yet.
I forwarded C.E. M.s Statement" to Inspector to Dr E surprising Dr E as much as it did me. I had a good letter from Dr. E this week. The "statement" relating to Dr E. and "Miss S. L McBeth is entirely untrue he says. But you can see the letter when you come. (D.V.) I have so much writing to do, and so many cares. Write as soon as you recieve this. Tell me everything. God keep and guide you always prays
Sister Sue