Mt. Idaho March 25th 1891
Kate dear Sister
I do not know how much the expenses of my pupils will be at Presbytery and I do not yet
exactly know how many will go. And I want Solomon too, to go. I send $30.00 to Robert for
expenses of my pupils and for one Elder. If two K. Elders go as I want them the K. church
pays the expenses of one Elder. I will pay that of the other Elder. The expenses of
ministers & licentiates are paid from the Expense fund from the Board and by
Presbytery. If $30.00 is not enough to pay the expenses of the unliscenced pupils and one
Elder please pay the balance and I will send the money to repay you, at once.
If I knew there would be a balance, and how much I would send you a check on Lewiston Bank (or could send the money from here). Please do me this favor and see that our Kamians are attended to well, and I will refund you at once any balance you pay for them.
I am writing in great haste while Caleb waits. Please attend well to Our Kamians, and help them all you can. May God help you and them all in everything and guide you by His Spirit. Always prays
Sister Sue