Mt Idaho March 16th 1892
Kate dear sister
Trescott brought me over your letter a little while ago, and you may know what a troubled
heart I have. I wrote you a long letter last week, and as so long a time passed without
your writing again. I hoped that what you wrote me about the ‘tukin’ Norman
started had passed over. Dick was here today and I asked him repeatedly, if there was
anything ‘tahtakatits’ at Kamiah? And he told me there was not I did not
want to tell him or anyone what you wrote in your other letter because if Kamiah was quiet
I did not want to start the story there. I do not know when I can see any one from Kamiah
again. They trade mostly in Grangeville now, since there is only one store here. And I
only know of the story the little you told me. I have not heard a word from
any one else and I do not know what it is but, suppose, of course, it is
‘pahwit’ as usual. I wrote you that Archie (or Elders) said that a Presbyter (Charlie?
Mr. Woods? Whitmans?) told Archie that if only one
more woman would tarmapaik it would kill Robert dead’ I was looking for something
before Presbytery.
Did Felix examine the woman? What did she say? What has Harry Hayes wife to do with it? I do not understand at all. If Felix has investigated the story and found it not true his "Statement" would be the very best thing could be done. Of course every influence of Archie & Co will be brought to bear upon Felix to hinder his giving it or to charge him. Even if I could have an opportunity to send for him in time to get his Statement & send it to you before Presbytery which I think is not possible [illegible] he would come to Mt Idaho and bring down the vengeance of A & Co. upon himself. He comes here so seldom they would know his errand. Get him quietly to come down to Lapwai and take his ‘statement’ there for Presbytery. Thank God you will be at Presbytery D.V. You may be very sure I am praying for you and will be.
Dick said Robert and all my scholars are still of the same mind about going to Presbytery. Kate, four of my scholars want to go who are not licentiates, and so cannot claim half fare. But the $10.00 each I have sent Robert for their travelling expenses will still pay their fare by boat and cars, according to Mr Cook. They cannot travel alone without Robert. I probably will not see them before they start, but they expect to spend the Sabbath, April 3rd at Lapwai on their way to Presbytery and you can make whatever changes in arrangements you see best when they come to Lapwai D.V. Mark is a ‘Candidate’ you know and perhaps can go at the same rate as a licentiate. Try it - please.
I enclose in this a check on the 1st Nat. Bk of Portland for $20.00 for expenses at Waitsburg for my scholars who are not licentiates – an abundance I think, even if they can go on horseback Please get their expenses as reduced as you possibly can and save the money for me and return what is over. Please write me as soon as the check reaches you. I will be anxious until I know it has reached you.
It is growing dark and I want to send this in the next mail. It is Woods doubtless who
is ‘besetting’ the Board for Archie (to please Charlie &c) Write very
plainly to Dr E of Woods relation to Charlie, the Clique &c and the true
character of that 2nd ch nearly every member of which has resumed the blan
paint, dress &c of the old heather days. They could no that as well without a church
and the expense of a salary to the Board. Tell Dr E that if the Board throws its weight
with that 2nd church we may as well give up. But you know and of
Archies doings. Speak plainly. May God give you wisdom and grace &
strength. And guide you by His spirit in all things prays
Sister Sue
Write as soon as you receive this remember - Tell me everything