Mt. Idaho Jan 5th 1891
Kate – dear Sister
Robert has been here this afternoon, and made out the Report of his church, and I will
send it to you to go in with your other Repots. There is no use in sending it in
separatly. I have added all I know about the other ministers. You will have to get the
rest from themselves and from Mr D. I have also reported all that is needed about my
school, for you to send in with the rest of your reports. It is more convenient to the
Board probably to have the Reports all on the one sheet. Dr E understands the details of
my school.
Roberts promised salary for 1890 was $450.00. He actually recieved for 1890 $117.00 from the Board and $125.00 from his congregation - $242.50 in all. If you put in the Report the promised $450.00 as his salary make a separate statement to Dr E of the money he actually recieved from the Board, and from his congregation.
I send this at once so that you can have it in time. I will D.V. help with Estimates shortly. But, you must get last years Estimates from Mr D. The Estimates are only for moneys drawn from the Board, or the estimated Expenses to the Board of the Nez Perce Mission for the coming year D.V.
Robert is to be back this P.M. and I want to send this in the mornings mail – so write hastily.
They had a good time at Kamiah. The church New Years almost as crowded as ever. Help us to thank God.
Write soon & often. Good night. God bless & guide you in everything prays
Sister Sue