Nez Perce Idaho Agency
Aug 24, 1886
Revd F.F. Ellinwood, D.D.
Secty &c
New York City
Revs and Dear Sir;
I am in receipt of your kind favor of the 5th inst. My successor was confirmed
July 27th 86. The dispatcher gave his name as M.M. Norris of Wooborn
Mass. I have been patiently awaiting his arrival and be relieved of the responsibility of
the position. "Dame" rumor has it that he is a man of unenviable character. Of
course I know nothing of him. I telegraphed the Indian Com last week to instruct him to
relieve me as soon as possible. I feel grateful to all friends who have endeavored to
secure my reappointment, but all is for the best. My friends in Lewiston are pushing me
for auditor and recorder of Nez Perce Co which office is worth at least $3000.00 per
annum. If nominated I am reasonably sure of election as the County is about one hundred
republican majority. In accordance with instructions from the Dept the school was moved
from Lapwai to the Garrison. At no time have I felt like heartily endorcing the building
up of a mission boarding school at Kamiah. The McBeth influence would meet such a move,
and oppose it in an under handed cowardly way. I think Pendleton much the better place for
several reasons
Referring to Miss Kate C. McBeth I will say had I been re-appointed, I would have given
her twenty four hours to leave the reserve and upon refusal, would have instructed the
police to remove her. It is impossible for her to attend to her own business. I have
concluded to say nothing, and let my successor have done
[letter continues with material not related to the McBeth sisters]
...I remain my dear Sir
Very respectfully
C.E. Montieth