Selections from Annual Reports of Rev. G.L. Deffenbaugh 1880


January 15, 1880

…A propitious event both for the Mission and the people was the arrival of Miss Kate McBeth to take charge of the work among the women. By her interest ad devotion manifested and the good work she has already done she has proven herself a valuable addition to our working force.

Miss S.L. McBeth has been at her post working in her usually quiet thoughtful, earnest and efficient way. Her scholars have been of great service to me in several ways, and through them she has been and is doing a good work. She wrote me a short time ago about having some more of her scholars licensed at the Spring meeting of Presbytery. I answered that I should like to advise with persons who have been in the mission service longer.

…At Kamiah Miss McBeth, the teacher and Robert and the Chief did what they could to break the power of the unruly faction. So in the council the opposition did not dare to raise its head. There was not a dissenting word or voice.

November 1880

…The Misses McBeth have been doing work that will doubtless be far reaching in its good results. After some weeks preparations they both opened school under flattering prospects with a good winter’s work. Miss Sue began with six men and Miss Kate with eight women. There have probably been additions since then. Miss Kate employed a part of her vacation to a good purpose in going from house to house imparting secular and spiritual knowledge and using every opportunity to gain a point for Christian civilization. In this work she was ably seconded by Mrs. Campbell, the good matron of the Indian Boarding School.

Three of Miss Sue’s pupils won licensure at the last meeting of Idaho Presbytery at Weston, Oregon. They passed a very satisfactory examination in the Bible, Theology, Church Government and Discipline and before an interested audience was [illegible] as probationers to preach the Gospel of Christ.

I am glad to report the organization of a Sabbath School at Kamiah with Robert as Superintendent and Miss Kate as assistant. Twenty-six children were enrolled and six teachers and a Bible class was provided for, to be conducted by Archie. Following up the custom of our own people, they had a Christmas Tree for the children. It was under Miss Kate’s management; her friends in the East furnishing decorations as well as substantial gifts to be hung on the tree.